VENT THREAD! Things you wish you could say but can't

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lactually better thought just occurred to me. what if its a sign that you are pregnant and you WONT EVEN need them at the end of the month!!! huh! huh!!!!! MIND BLOWN!!!

*Ish in a oddball mood atm sorry*
I like that thought but my usual spotting before af started yesterday so as much fun to think about as that is....its cycle #9 just about to arrive.

And odd ball moods are always welcome I have them quite frequently too :)
This is a vent. Not meant to offend anyone or to make changes to this website. Just a vent of the bad thoughts that run through my head and I know I shouldn't think them.
That being said....

To me if you are pregnant you should stay off the TTC forums. It is really hard to see posts from someone who has gotten what we all want. I just want to tell all the expecting women still posting to take there happy moment elsewhere. It feels like they are rubbing my nose in their bliss.

I agree to a certain extent. I welcome any pregnant woman to post here just so long as they stay sensitive to the fact that the regulars of the TTC section don't have BFP yet therefore their feelings taking priority over the pregnant woman. They are stepping on our turf, respect our rules and feelings.

vent of the day:

DH's neck is still in pretty bad shape, may have to bring him to the doctors. If I don't get my BFP this month, I can feel next cycle already going to waste. He's had this neck problem before and it doesn't seem to be going away anytime soon.
*creeps out from around the corner where she's been hiding*

Oh good! Things have calmed down on the VENT thread! :thumbup: I was about to start juggling to distract everybody from all the shouting! :haha:

My vent of the day (not TTC related today):

Dear Olympics tourists

Do all of the several million daily London commuters a favour and work out where you're going BEFORE you attempt to change on the underground. Stopping in the middle of a packed concourse, several thousand people deep, to check your tube map while everybody falls over you is NOT helpful! If you think that Londoners don't smile now, just wait until you stop dead in front of them while they're on their way to catch their train with 2 minutes to go before it leaves - it will not be pretty! :nope:

Thank you.

**This rant in no way is meant to offend anybody who lives in, commutes through, has ever thought of going to London. They're very smiley people... honest.**
This is a vent. Not meant to offend anyone or to make changes to this website. Just a vent of the bad thoughts that run through my head and I know I shouldn't think them.
That being said....

To me if you are pregnant you should stay off the TTC forums. It is really hard to see posts from someone who has gotten what we all want. I just want to tell all the expecting women still posting to take there happy moment elsewhere. It feels like they are rubbing my nose in their bliss.

Yeah, I totally get what you're saying. It can be kind of awkward at times especially if it's an ongoing TTC thread. I always hate posting after them when they pop in to check in on us. I don't want to mess up the warm fuzzy mood by posting about my PMS and how depressed I am.

When I was preggo, I totally abandoned all of my TTC friends for my due date club friends. I was sooooo happy not to be TTC anymore.
I totally on the train of must be pregnant...because others im just a bitch....

I dunno whats wrong with me today, but EVERYTHING my husband says and does today...i want to punch him in the face....

And its not like hes doing anything particularly anoying, but my god he just looks at me to long and im irritated....then on top of it, when im usually able to control my inner bitch i come right out and tell him, i must be pregnant because everything you do irritates me atm.

He just sat there staring at me all wtf my feelings are hurt...and im just like....see that right there, you're irritating me RIGHT now....
ARGH DP you are fucking me off!!! Every day this week you have pissed me off!!! GET A GRIP OF YOURSELF!
I really want to tell my step-kids that they should just stay at their mothers and never come back. They're on my last nerves today and I can't take the constant fighting, and their mother trying to control what the hell goes on in our house. 2 weeks out of the month I have to deal with this, and my stress level is through the roof - I never had headaches before them ... this is NOT helping with me trying to get pregnant if I can't stay relaxed for more than 2 weeks out of the month. I love them, but holy hell ... seriously ... I wish theyd just STFU already.
oooooo, that must be so hard taking care of your DH's kids while TTC'ing! I admire those who are able to do that, if I were stuck with step-kids I'd try to show as minimum affection as possible because I'd get too jealous knowing there are kids living in my home that are not mine.

Vent (none TTC related): I don't appreciate cops staking out my home for no good reason, parked in front of my house for 5 minutes with a pen and paper. The reason I know they were staking our house is where I live, each house is about 100 feet apart from each other. I do not trust anyone related to the justice system one bit. Apologies in advance if you are in any way part of the system weather that's lawyer, judge, cops, detectives, crown prosecutor you name it.. it's just my view.
Dear DH:

I'm allowed to be upset. I'm allowed to obsess. This is YOUR fault for making me wait 13 years to "NTNP."

You are a jerk.


Just saw the sonograms for my cousins baby number four. I am truly happy for her and her husband. They are wonderful parents and have the best kids. But I could just breakdown and cry.
oooooo, that must be so hard taking care of your DH's kids while TTC'ing! I admire those who are able to do that, if I were stuck with step-kids I'd try to show as minimum affection as possible because I'd get too jealous knowing there are kids living in my home that are not mine.

Vent (none TTC related): I don't appreciate cops staking out my home for no good reason, parked in front of my house for 5 minutes with a pen and paper. The reason I know they were staking our house is where I live, each house is about 100 feet apart from each other. I do not trust anyone related to the justice system one bit. Apologies in advance if you are in any way part of the system weather that's lawyer, judge, cops, detectives, crown prosecutor you name it.. it's just my view.

It IS hard ... and since she is the worlds WORST "mother", it makes it even more hard knowing that the most miserable, evil, toxic, worthless, whore of a woman was able to reproduce yet I can't .... and every time I look at them I just think about how I am not able to really be a "part" of him because I can't give him a child :cry: Of course he doesn't see it that way, and he is 150% supportive and is more involved in our baby-making adventure than I am (lol), so I know that's not how it is at all. And the girls are genuinely absolutely the best things to ever happen to me; they're sweet as can be most of the time - but they're 13 and 11 ... so they have their moments for sure. But they love me, and always tell me "we're the only kids you need, so if you don't have any that's ok - we're a family anyway" so I mean it's really just all in my head. The other day they were asking why I want a baby so bad (they're kids, they think babies are annoying ... lol) and I said, "Because I want to be a mommy and have kids of my own" the oldest said, "But we are your kids, too ..." and like said it like I just stabbed her in the heart. They don't understand; but that's OK - they don't have to.

Trust me, it's hard ... it's very, very hard. At first I didn't think I could do it. If the kids weren't so sweet 97% of the time, there's no way I could. Well, that and the fact that his ex-wife cheated on him from the time they started dating when they were 15 up until he found out and divorced her trampy trashy self at 29 so he literally hates her guts and if she was on fire, and he had a glass of water he'd keep drinking it ... if they had a good friendly relationship and I had to deal with her, I wouldn't be able to do it. I couldn't stand seeing her and knowing that she gave him kids and here I am an infertile freak of nature.

Well. Looks like meant-to-be-short-and-sweet reply turned into another rant. LOL
why are all of my friends all of a sudden preggo, when back int eh days when i wasnt ttc they werent? lol awkward and ugh
Thanks J_Lynn. I have 2 step-daughters and sometimes I feel the exact same way as you. Their mother is poison as well and tries to pit the girls against their dad...telling them that we live 15 hours away because he doesn't love the girls, and saying that he NEVER pays child support, etc.

It's rough. I love those girls though... They're 17 and 18 now. The oldest just graduated and has finally realized that things her mother says are NOT true. She's coming to go to college up here, and will be living with us. I can't wait. She's into horses, so i'm the one who taught her how to ride when she was younger.

Her mom always told them that we were rich, and that their dad never pays child support, blah, blah, blah. It took R VISITING us to figure out that we are so NOT rich. We live paycheque to paycheque. She actually commented that her mom has a bigger house/nicer furniature/a newer car, etc.

That's because her mom managed to work the welfare system into somehow buying her TWO houses which she owns free and clear. Her parents live in one, and she lives in the other. Tell me how THAT works....grrrr.
how can mothers be so cruel to their kids is beyond me!!! you would think the bonding during pregnancy would make you over the moon protective of them? Geez...there really should be an exam to know who can and can't reproduce lol
J-Lynn, awwww, your stepdaughters are sooooo sweet...but yeah, I have two stepdaughters that are around that age and it can be a tough job. No matter how much you love them and how much work you put into them, you will never be "mom". My stepdaughters are sweeties too and a lot of fun, but at times it is a thankless job.

Mine are only with us two months out of the year and random holidays because their mom moved across the country soon after dh divorced her.
grrrrr AF where are you? I was SURE you were coming this morning... but you're still not here. When I told you to F off for 9months I meant send the stork... not just disappear!
Parents are coming in for the weekend, joy oh joy. We're gonna be going to an abandoned city for the day, I can hear the babies crying and toddlers running around already UGH. Wish there was somewhere in this world that was cheap and child free, that's excluding bars since I gave up drinking when we started TTC. have nothing to be angry about O.O *touches ground to see if hell froze over*
To my grandparents:

I love you dearly, i really do. So when you guilted me into spending a whole week of my last three weeks home (before i move to germany) staying at your house instead of with my best friend, i respectfully obliged. HOWEVER, this has been one of the worst weeks of my life!! For one thing, im damn near starving to death because i'm too scared to eat or drink anything out of your old kitchen thats crawling with baby roaches!:nope: And then granny you have the nerve to insinsuate that i'm annorexic and trying to lose weight! Umm.. NO- i'd just rather starve to death than accidentally swallow a bug. Second- i'm tired as hell, walking around with dark circles under my eyes because i cant sleep, thanks again to your "little friends" that keep scurrying across the floor and on the table in the den where i have to sleep on a couch thats wayy too small to begin with but then of course the dog has to come and take up a whole cushion! Then the two of you have the audacity to sit me down and tell me that i'm being "innappropriate" by wearing my shorts! In case you havent noticed, Its the year 2012, and not only is it summer, but we're experiencing the hottest drought in over a hundred years with record breaking temperatures and heat index (in America)!! And it doesnt matter whether or not my husband is around- he bought me the shorts so obviously he knows im going to wear them. If he didnt want me wearing them while he was gone, he wouldve packed them into his suitcase and took them with him! But he didnt, so leave me alone and let me wear whatever the hell i want! And last but not least... I'M NOT YOUR F*CKING SLAVE SO STOP TREATING ME LIKE ONE!! I know you're old and you cant get around like you used to and i really am happy to help.. BUT THERES A LIMIT. I am so tired of sweeping and vacuuming the same rooms every day! Stop calling me away from what i'm doing to ask me to bring you a soda- "dont forget the ice!"- and to pick up your dirty plates after youre done eating. And if i have to wash another damn dish i'm going to rip my hair out and scream!!!!!!!! :growlmad: I cant wait to get out of here on saturday! I'll come back to visit you but i'd sleep on the street before i ever consider living here again for any amount of time.

Love Always,

Your Granddaughter
To my grandparents:

I love you dearly, i really do. So when you guilted me into spending a whole week of my last three weeks home (before i move to germany) staying at your house instead of with my best friend, i respectfully obliged. HOWEVER, this has been one of the worst weeks of my life!! For one thing, im damn near starving to death because i'm too scared to eat or drink anything out of your old kitchen thats crawling with baby roaches!:nope: And then granny you have the nerve to insinsuate that i'm annorexic and trying to lose weight! Umm.. NO- i'd just rather starve to death than accidentally swallow a bug. Second- i'm tired as hell, walking around with dark circles under my eyes because i cant sleep, thanks again to your "little friends" that keep scurrying across the floor and on the table in the den where i have to sleep on a couch thats wayy too small to begin with but then of course the dog has to come and take up a whole cushion! Then the two of you have the audacity to sit me down and tell me that i'm being "innappropriate" by wearing my shorts! In case you havent noticed, Its the year 2012, and not only is it summer, but we're experiencing the hottest drought in over a hundred years with record breaking temperatures and heat index (in America)!! And it doesnt matter whether or not my husband is around- he bought me the shorts so obviously he knows im going to wear them. If he didnt want me wearing them while he was gone, he wouldve packed them into his suitcase and took them with him! But he didnt, so leave me alone and let me wear whatever the hell i want! And last but not least... I'M NOT YOUR F*CKING SLAVE SO STOP TREATING ME LIKE ONE!! I know you're old and you cant get around like you used to and i really am happy to help.. BUT THERES A LIMIT. I am so tired of sweeping and vacuuming the same rooms every day! Stop calling me away from what i'm doing to ask me to bring you a soda- "dont forget the ice!"- and to pick up your dirty plates after youre done eating. And if i have to wash another damn dish i'm going to rip my hair out and scream!!!!!!!! :growlmad: I cant wait to get out of here on saturday! I'll come back to visit you but i'd sleep on the street before i ever consider living here again for any amount of time.

Love Always,

Your Granddaughter

ah man your post really had me thinking of the episode of hoarders, I feel like going and kidnapping you just thinking about those roaches, I'd have been all peace out day 1 after the first roach, been like oh I'm just going to sleep over at my friends....oh we are going out...oh I think we are going to be out late soooo I'm just going to sleep over again....and repeat
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