VENT THREAD! Things you WISH you could say..

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So fed up with people sneering every time I say that I'd love to breastfeed and keep the baby in mine and DH's room until they're atleast 6 months! I always get the same reply which goes along the lines of "Oh haha that will last for about 1 day, with our first we ended up wheeling him out onto the landing because he was making too much noise soo good luck with that!lololol"

Yeah, just because YOU couldn't put up with your newborn disturbing your nights sleep doesn't mean that I'm willing to do the same!

Talk about poo-pooing :(
i hate your face!!!!!!!!!!! go away at once that is all
Well, my latest rant is with my boss.

Usually I have a 9.15 appointment come in at 10 and go home at 4 o clock.. But no today he has told me that i have to work till 5.. really not a good day to be pi**ing me off I have terrible backache and headache.. and just generally not in a good mood!!! Feel like sh*t :(:(:(
To my MIL,

For the last time, I do not want the used car seat from your great grandson! To me it's the equivalent of buying a used bike helmet! I know how both you and your grandson drive and wouldn't trust anything that was ever hooked up in your car.

Also, I am not fat, I am growing a baby. Not all of us can start out at 105 lbs like you. Weight does not equal fitness. At least I don't smoke a pack a day and eat one meal a day or eat in a kitchen that hasn't been cleaned since who knows when. So, don't you dare call me fat again or tell me how huge I am going to be if I don't stop eating. The next time you do I'm afraid I just won't be able to laugh it off again. It hurts.
To the lady of the big arse car parked beside mine this morning,

Just because you have a nice new car that takes up most of the car park space does not mean you can park so close to the car beside you so it give you heaps of room to get out your car. I could only just squeeze between the cars to get to my door and to actually get in my car i had to squash the crap out of my big pregnant belly. what makes it worse is you sat in your drivers seat and watched me the whole time most likely to see if i didn't dent you bloody car. I should have given you the finger but i obvisiously to nice for that............
To the lady of the big arse car parked beside mine this morning,

Just because you have a nice new car that takes up most of the car park space does not mean you can park so close to the car beside you so it give you heaps of room to get out your car. I could only just squeeze between the cars to get to my door and to actually get in my car i had to squash the crap out of my big pregnant belly. what makes it worse is you sat in your drivers seat and watched me the whole time most likely to see if i didn't dent you bloody car. I should have given you the finger but i obvisiously to nice for that............

I would have made a point of opening my car door onto hers leaving a nice scratch....

But then again I have an old banger that I don't mind denting! I turn into such a spiteful cow when confronted with situations like that :blush:
I would have made a point of opening my car door onto hers leaving a nice scratch....

But then again I have an old banger that I don't mind denting! I turn into such a spiteful cow when confronted with situations like that :blush:

Haha me too. I literally become a witch if I feel like anyone is just being selfish or thoughtless.
To my DH:

It hurts me no now it just pisses me off how you can take off your normal job to go do side work with someone. But I have had 5 u/s and you promised to be there for the last 2 and still nothing yet. Something with work always comes up! Fuck work! Work will be there when you get back to the office!!you will never see you child at this stage again!!! I have another scan on august 10th, if you don't go i am going to cuss you out like no damn tomorrow.!!! And FYI just bc you don't like it if I have a male dr and it makes you uncomfy, how do you think i feel???? do you think i like having to go to the dr, ugh NO!!!
Grow the f up, you are 26, I think it's time
To the lady of the big arse car parked beside mine this morning,

Just because you have a nice new car that takes up most of the car park space does not mean you can park so close to the car beside you so it give you heaps of room to get out your car. I could only just squeeze between the cars to get to my door and to actually get in my car i had to squash the crap out of my big pregnant belly. what makes it worse is you sat in your drivers seat and watched me the whole time most likely to see if i didn't dent you bloody car. I should have given you the finger but i obvisiously to nice for that............

I would have made a point of opening my car door onto hers leaving a nice scratch....

But then again I have an old banger that I don't mind denting! I turn into such a spiteful cow when confronted with situations like that :blush:

if i had insurance and could afford to pay for the damage to her stupid car i would have banged it up against hers but really can't afford another bill to be added to the list
To the lady of the big arse car parked beside mine this morning,

Just because you have a nice new car that takes up most of the car park space does not mean you can park so close to the car beside you so it give you heaps of room to get out your car. I could only just squeeze between the cars to get to my door and to actually get in my car i had to squash the crap out of my big pregnant belly. what makes it worse is you sat in your drivers seat and watched me the whole time most likely to see if i didn't dent you bloody car. I should have given you the finger but i obvisiously to nice for that............

I would have made a point of opening my car door onto hers leaving a nice scratch....

But then again I have an old banger that I don't mind denting! I turn into such a spiteful cow when confronted with situations like that :blush:

if i had insurance and could afford to pay for the damage to her stupid car i would have banged it up against hers but really can't afford another bill to be added to the list

Good point, definately should have given her the finger then! :devil:
Dear work colleagues. Pregnancy is not a competition. I am pleased for you that you or your daughter/sister is pregnant but turning everything into a competition is EXHAUSTING!

No my bump is not as big, I didn't get a bargain on my buggy, i havent read bed time stories to my bump yet, I'm not having as long mat leave as you..and on and on and on....

no ones pregnancy is BETTER or WORSE than any one else's just DIFFERENT for pity's sake!...... Parenting, I am told, comes with so much guilt and worry why the hell would you try and stir it amongst ourselves. When I find myself being riled up by you when you suggest my small bump might mean my baby is unwell I don't like myself!

And to the people who treat me like me, cheers!

And breathe....
So fed up with people sneering every time I say that I'd love to breastfeed and keep the baby in mine and DH's room until they're atleast 6 months! I always get the same reply which goes along the lines of "Oh haha that will last for about 1 day, with our first we ended up wheeling him out onto the landing because he was making too much noise soo good luck with that!lololol"

Yeah, just because YOU couldn't put up with your newborn disturbing your nights sleep doesn't mean that I'm willing to do the same!

Talk about poo-pooing :(

Balls to them!! My little one is still in our room at 20 months!! And when this one comes along, unless we move to a 3 bed house soon, we'll be sharing with toddler and new born......i don't think it's fair for my teenager to be made to share with a baby!! He's got exams over next couple of years!! leaving bedroom and disturbing rest of house when they wake at night!! Xx
To Whomever -

I realize that people falsify information on here and at many other website online. However, simply because I have a different user name for this website than I do for other website does not mean I'm lying. Perhaps I have reason for this. Also, the fact that I have pictures of families and children on photo sharing sites does not mean those children are mine. It means I'm a photographer. I would seriously appreciate being asked about things rather than accused.

It's just pretty upsetting considering I come onto this website looking for support and understanding, and now I feel like I have to defend myself.
So fed up with people sneering every time I say that I'd love to breastfeed and keep the baby in mine and DH's room until they're atleast 6 months! I always get the same reply which goes along the lines of "Oh haha that will last for about 1 day, with our first we ended up wheeling him out onto the landing because he was making too much noise soo good luck with that!lololol"

Yeah, just because YOU couldn't put up with your newborn disturbing your nights sleep doesn't mean that I'm willing to do the same!

Talk about poo-pooing :(

Balls to them!! My little one is still in our room at 20 months!! And when this one comes along, unless we move to a 3 bed house soon, we'll be sharing with toddler and new born......i don't think it's fair for my teenager to be made to share with a baby!! He's got exams over next couple of years!! leaving bedroom and disturbing rest of house when they wake at night!! Xx

My three year old is in my room. The room the other two sleep in is too small to even consider trying to put another bed in and there's cabinets on the wall that prevent us from putting bunk beds in. However, we are going to rearrange the basement this weekend and move the boys to where the couch and tv are now and move that stuff into their room. There is room there for all three of them. I wouldn't worry about it, except our bedroom is pretty small as well and I don't see how we could fit our bed, the toddler bed, and the bassinet in there unless I move our dresser out. I can't wait until we can get our own place. However, even if we had a mansion, the new baby would sleep with us at least until he starts sleeping through the night. It makes things easier for me, since I can be lazy and not really have to get up when he wakes during the night.
To men all over-
Every single pregnancy symptom that I am experiencing is REAL!!!! It's not "made up" and it is most certainly not me "blaming things on pregnancy".

Every emotion, back pain, vomit, food aversion, constipation, etc!!! is indeed because of my pregnancy and I'd appreciate it if you stopped telling me to "stop blaming" these things on my pregnancy.
So fed up with people sneering every time I say that I'd love to breastfeed and keep the baby in mine and DH's room until they're atleast 6 months! I always get the same reply which goes along the lines of "Oh haha that will last for about 1 day, with our first we ended up wheeling him out onto the landing because he was making too much noise soo good luck with that!lololol"

Yeah, just because YOU couldn't put up with your newborn disturbing your nights sleep doesn't mean that I'm willing to do the same!

Talk about poo-pooing :(

Balls to them!! My little one is still in our room at 20 months!! And when this one comes along, unless we move to a 3 bed house soon, we'll be sharing with toddler and new born......i don't think it's fair for my teenager to be made to share with a baby!! He's got exams over next couple of years!! leaving bedroom and disturbing rest of house when they wake at night!! Xx

My three year old is in my room. The room the other two sleep in is too small to even consider trying to put another bed in and there's cabinets on the wall that prevent us from putting bunk beds in. However, we are going to rearrange the basement this weekend and move the boys to where the couch and tv are now and move that stuff into their room. There is room there for all three of them. I wouldn't worry about it, except our bedroom is pretty small as well and I don't see how we could fit our bed, the toddler bed, and the bassinet in there unless I move our dresser out. I can't wait until we can get our own place. However, even if we had a mansion, the new baby would sleep with us at least until he starts sleeping through the night. It makes things easier for me, since I can be lazy and not really have to get up when he wakes during the night.

I feel that keeping the baby in with us is an entirely sensible decision, seeing as we have two cats who love to jump into the warm spot in bed as soon as you get out of it. I'm not chasing my cats around the house at 3am all because the family tell me the baby needs it's own room (not having a go at people who DO put baby in the nursery, everyone's different :)) but I'm fed up with people scoffing at me and my ideas because it's my first pregnancy.

The people in question who laughed (although I love them dearly and they have helped me out alot) decided to pop their baby on the landing on it's first night at home because it was making too much noise. Bare in mind that the baby was born with a low birth weight and a few complications :nope: I think I'd want him in with me and I'd be up all night listening to him making sure he's breathing!

Just needed to get it off my chest. phew. feel a bit evil now though. They're great parents, honestly. I just didn't get their logic.
Dear ex husband,

We share kids, and I have not stopped you from seeing them. You don't pay your full child support, you don't pay the other bills you agreed to pay, and I've been decent enough about that. So why do you and your poisonous new wife feel like you have license to harass me? Cut it the hell out! You need to leave me alone. Get on with your lives, and quit focusing on ME and making me the 'reason' for your various difficulties. Grow up already! You sink or swim on your own merits, and you receive the results of the choices you make. I do not need a bunch of bullsh*t from you two. Not under any circumstances, but especially not now while I'm pregnant.

Seriously, I've been as patient as is reasonable and then some. Go play in traffic, the both of you.
So fed up with people sneering every time I say that I'd love to breastfeed and keep the baby in mine and DH's room until they're atleast 6 months! I always get the same reply which goes along the lines of "Oh haha that will last for about 1 day, with our first we ended up wheeling him out onto the landing because he was making too much noise soo good luck with that!lololol"

Yeah, just because YOU couldn't put up with your newborn disturbing your nights sleep doesn't mean that I'm willing to do the same!

Talk about poo-pooing :(

Balls to them!! My little one is still in our room at 20 months!! And when this one comes along, unless we move to a 3 bed house soon, we'll be sharing with toddler and new born......i don't think it's fair for my teenager to be made to share with a baby!! He's got exams over next couple of years!! leaving bedroom and disturbing rest of house when they wake at night!! Xx

My three year old is in my room. The room the other two sleep in is too small to even consider trying to put another bed in and there's cabinets on the wall that prevent us from putting bunk beds in. However, we are going to rearrange the basement this weekend and move the boys to where the couch and tv are now and move that stuff into their room. There is room there for all three of them. I wouldn't worry about it, except our bedroom is pretty small as well and I don't see how we could fit our bed, the toddler bed, and the bassinet in there unless I move our dresser out. I can't wait until we can get our own place. However, even if we had a mansion, the new baby would sleep with us at least until he starts sleeping through the night. It makes things easier for me, since I can be lazy and not really have to get up when he wakes during the night.

I feel that keeping the baby in with us is an entirely sensible decision, seeing as we have two cats who love to jump into the warm spot in bed as soon as you get out of it. I'm not chasing my cats around the house at 3am all because the family tell me the baby needs it's own room (not having a go at people who DO put baby in the nursery, everyone's different :)) but I'm fed up with people scoffing at me and my ideas because it's my first pregnancy.

The people in question who laughed (although I love them dearly and they have helped me out alot) decided to pop their baby on the landing on it's first night at home because it was making too much noise. Bare in mind that the baby was born with a low birth weight and a few complications :nope: I think I'd want him in with me and I'd be up all night listening to him making sure he's breathing!

Just needed to get it off my chest. phew. feel a bit evil now though. They're great parents, honestly. I just didn't get their logic.

Yeah we have two cats too and before toddler was born they were allowed in our room.....well, until we put the cot up month or so before due!! They still try and get in there, but know they'll only get chased out!! Xx
My cats are our substitute babies... They'll be devestated when they won't be allowed in the bed.

However, today when I was lying down my cat was doing his usual cuddles on my shoulder, when he slid down the pillow and left a big old skid mark on my pillow! So I feel someone less guilty about relegating them to the cat beds in the living room :D
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