Virgin Media


Aug 31, 2006
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Think ive jinxed us now with all the times ive said weve not had any probs.
Had an engineer come out to fix a part on our box that snapped off, he came late for starters.

He said there would be a few error messages but they would dissapear after a few mins. Half an hour later the messgaes are still there and most of the channels are missing. Robs called up and selected the option for them to call back when someone is free. No call yet and hes had to go off to work, i dont know any details about the account or what to tell them.
Im telling you they are a nightare!!!

Hence why i told em to shove off!!

Can you switch to sky?
Thinking of the possibility but it would cost us more to go with them as we'd need the BT line rental too
Hun belive me it caosts less in the long run and line rental with bt dirt cheep!

£11 for line rental, and £26 for the basic pack with sky.
Already £7 more....

Would i need to get the BT line seperate or do sky sort all that out?

Sky, BB & cheaper calls through SKY £26 = £11 is £38 ...

When they call AG let them know yoru partner has now gone to work - your his wife ;) & you need this sorted. If you can't find a letter with the account number on the telephone number is enough.
We currently pay £30 for the package with VM.
The only problem im finding atm is i dont have a BT line, so how would i go about that? Would Sky do that for me too? Shopping online i can only get tv and phone, it wont let me add the BB unless i already have a bt line.
And VM still havent called back. its been an hour now since Rob called them...
arent VM taking sky to court anyways cos sky are refusing to give VM sky 1 channels or something?
Well they were keeping customers updated on that untill the deadline on March 31st. that passed and no news...
Think ive jinxed us now with all the times ive said weve not had any probs.
Had an engineer come out to fix a part on our box that snapped off, he came late for starters.

He said there would be a few error messages but they would dissapear after a few mins. Half an hour later the messgaes are still there and most of the channels are missing. Robs called up and selected the option for them to call back when someone is free. No call yet and hes had to go off to work, i dont know any details about the account or what to tell them.
Please dont start me off with the whole virgin media debate.
They really are the worst company we have ever dealt with.
They cut our services off last month because of some weird outstanding debt that we wasnt aware we had, then we had to ring the 0870 number from my mobile phone, which cost £10 because I was on hold for 20 minutes, and may I add passed on to the wrong department several times, simply because we wanted to inform them that we had paid the outstanding debt even though we didnt agree we owed it, and to turn us back on.
It took them 2 days to switch us back on, and that was after I rung them up AGAIN, costing me yet another fortune, to be informed that the billing dept could of switched us back on instantly when we paid the outstanding amount.
They are a pile of shit and I cant stand them- plus they charge too much for the TV. We pay £35 and dont get ANY sports of movie channels, and to subscribe, its and extra £5 a month per extra channel, so if we wanted the sports channels, and the movie channels, it would total up to £55 JUST for the TV. Then we have broadband on top. OUTRAGOUS if you ask me- NO THANKS.
i dont have a prob with Virgin Media, Sky came knocking eariler and tryed to get me to switch back but i told them no, there customer servis i found really crap and coz we are on the coast, if we get heavy rain or winds the signal goes and we have no tv for a while, but they wouldnt belive me!

Virgin seem to work out cheaper for me plus we dont lose signal if the weather is bad. now and again teh box freezes, but resetting it sorts that out.

We don't have a choice its Sky or Sky. Bad weather is a pain but in hot weather our terrestrial is unwatchable, its pretty bad generally.

Our sky box crashes sometmes too, real pain resetting
i dont have a prob with Virgin Media, Sky came knocking eariler and tryed to get me to switch back but i told them no, there customer servis i found really crap and coz we are on the coast, if we get heavy rain or winds the signal goes and we have no tv for a while, but they wouldnt belive me!

Virgin seem to work out cheaper for me plus we dont lose signal if the weather is bad. now and again teh box freezes, but resetting it sorts that out.

I have been on sky before, too- I didnt like them either and like you, found the customer service atrocious.
At one time NTL (Or should we say "virgin media"), we're a free phone number to call, and the reason they made it a free phone number was because of the lengthy waiting times.
I have had some really snotty customer service reps when calling VM/NTL. I once complained about the length of time I had been on the phone, and the snotty cow said 'Actually, I think you'll find it was only 5 minutes'- I dont know who they think they're talking to but it's a wonder half of them still have jobs!
its a freephone number 4 me 2 phone their customer services on vm??!!
its a freephone number 4 me 2 phone their customer services on vm??!!
It's bloody 0845 or 0870 for us lol.
What on earth??? COst me, like I said, a bloody tenner because the sneaky so and so's stuck me on hold.
Isn't it just 150 from your phone?
Isn't it just 150 from your phone?
Thats if you're daft enough to subscribe to the phone line too.

Possibly cheaper to do that actually, than it would be to keep ringing them up.
0845 is local call charges :D
Not when you're on "3"- NOTHING on that network is local. Thats why they connect you to fucking call centres in asia half the time.

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