Vitamin B6 - Lengthen luteal phase or increase progesterone

Fantastic number Gill! :happydance: anything above 30 is good so 45 is a wonderous result! So B6 did work for you! How long is your LP on B6? :thumbup::thumbup:
Just had my 21 day test results and my level was 20.5 - GP said that anything over 18 is considered good for ovulation; he said whilst it's low(ish) I def ovulated and we should maybe have tested at 5dpo instead of 7 as my cycle's only 22/23 days.
The B6 brought my ov back from CD14 last month to CD11/12 this month and although my cycle was 1 day shorter I still had a LP of 11 days instead of 9......
Interesting times eh?! x
Just had my 21 day test results and my level was 20.5 - GP said that anything over 18 is considered good for ovulation; he said whilst it's low(ish) I def ovulated and we should maybe have tested at 5dpo instead of 7 as my cycle's only 22/23 days.
The B6 brought my ov back from CD14 last month to CD11/12 this month and although my cycle was 1 day shorter I still had a LP of 11 days instead of 9......
Interesting times eh?! x

Fabby news elnmummy. Yes I would think your 'Day 21' would be different too if you have a shorter cycle. Best of luck x
Fantastic number Gill! :happydance: anything above 30 is good so 45 is a wonderous result! So B6 did work for you! How long is your LP on B6? :thumbup::thumbup:

Thanks Roopachoo. I won't be able to have a long chat with doc about it until Tuesday morning, after the Bank Holiday here. Don't know what the figures were before but Im pretty sure I had a progesterone prob. Too many things were a mess. 1st half of cycle was getting longer and longer, very short almost non-existant periods, killer period pains, bad ovulation pains, terrible mood dips....NOW :witch:is still visiting, 4 whole days now, which hasn't happened me since before bcp (16 yrs ago!). I've had no headaches the last 2 periods, much milder cramping, no ovulation pain and more important than anything, I haven't felt like the 'end is nigh'. Don't get me wrong, Im still feeling sad and anxious but the B6 has stopped me getting low to a certain point of not wanting to get out of bed. Before I started it, straight after ovulation I was very low in myself for at least a week, for months. It's only in hindsight that I've noticed these things so don't think it's wishful thinking. Even my dh noticed!

My luteal phase does seem to have decreased a day to 11 days and I did spot the last 2 periods the last one of those was day 7/8 and very brief. My temperatures looked much better the last period too. More stable coming down and not yo-yoing way up and down. Gonna keep it up for a while and see how it goes.

I really wish somebody would have told us about this when we were teenagers will killer periods, skin and moods. There might have been less :sleep: and more :happydance:

There doesn't seem to be much on the web about progesterone numbers. Anyone find anything?
what do you want to know about progesterone numbers?
First off it depends on which country you are in. The US and Canada seem to use one measurement method and the UK seems to use another.

In the UK.. they like to see at least a 30... so 45 is GREAT

In the US they like to see at least a 10... 15 on medicated cycles. With US figures anything above a 3 indicates ovulation.

In the UK, I've seen some doctors look at a 28 and say you 'didn't ovulate' or at least say its 'borderline for ovulation'... umm, lol... ovulation HAPPENED... the progesterone was just low... if its not drawn 7 days after actual ovulation, the figure may be off simply because of that.
Wow Gill, it's amazing what an effect the B6 has had on your cycle. B vits apparently help release energy from food more efficiently so it must be that which is giving you a real boost post ov when you really need it. Fascinating.

It's strange getting to know your natural 'rhythms' after being on birth control for so long. I'm only just starting noticing changes in how I feel throughout the month. I have shunned the monthly cycle for all of post-puberty life and was so glad to be shot of it once I got on BC- only wish I was more in tune with it now that I'm trying to figure out what my bod is doing!
what do you want to know about progesterone numbers?
First off it depends on which country you are in. The US and Canada seem to use one measurement method and the UK seems to use another.

In the UK.. they like to see at least a 30... so 45 is GREAT

In the US they like to see at least a 10... 15 on medicated cycles. With US figures anything above a 3 indicates ovulation.

In the UK, I've seen some doctors look at a 28 and say you 'didn't ovulate' or at least say its 'borderline for ovulation'... umm, lol... ovulation HAPPENED... the progesterone was just low... if its not drawn 7 days after actual ovulation, the figure may be off simply because of that.

Lisaf, really thank you for that information. I had no idea that there were different measures in the U.S. and here (Ireland). It wasn't my own doctor that gave me the test results on the phone. He did say that I had a 45 on a scale of 2-90. Whatever that means!! I wasn't sure I ovulated this month at all. Couldnt get a positive OPK but temps looks good. My mind is more at ease now. My doc tells he and his other half were frustrated trying for :baby: and he had some idea of how disheartening it is. I think it really helps to have a sympathetic g.p. I wish he had a magic wand though! or at least a big stork :wacko:
Wow Gill, it's amazing what an effect the B6 has had on your cycle. B vits apparently help release energy from food more efficiently so it must be that which is giving you a real boost post ov when you really need it. Fascinating.

It's strange getting to know your natural 'rhythms' after being on birth control for so long. I'm only just starting noticing changes in how I feel throughout the month. I have shunned the monthly cycle for all of post-puberty life and was so glad to be shot of it once I got on BC- only wish I was more in tune with it now that I'm trying to figure out what my bod is doing!

It's it mad. You spend so many years trying not to get pregnant and then spend years trying to get pregnant. Hopefully the B6 will do the trick for everyone here :happydance:
From reading back on the entire thread, it looks like the advice is that it prob won't do any good for this cycle but it won't do any harm either. The VB6 apparently works way back in your cycle before you ovulate and does something to make the follicular stage work better and that is what makes the whole thing kick in, in turn. (Yes as you can see Im very technical!!)

I have some interesting things going on with it. I started taking VB6 50mg on its own after i ovulated on one cycle. It has the result that I spotted 2 days before my period (never happened before). I continued through the last cycle and my ovulation arrived 3 days earlier than usual! Looking at my temps I ovulated on day 15 instead of usual 18. Now the really weird thing is I usually have three full days of positive OPKs but this time I couldnt find a positive at all. It was either extremely brief or it didnt happen.

I also spoted on this cycle at day 7/8 just for one day. I was travelling for 24 hours at the time so Im not really sure what day it fell on technically. Imagine how joyous i was for all of 2 minutes!! Implantation spotting I hoped!!

The VB6 hasn't do anything for my luteal phase but it did bring ovulation forward.

A wonderful side effect of the VB6 is that I havent had period cramps as bad. I mean they used to knock me out and the last 2 periods have been grand. Pain is there but bearable. Also I havent been as depressed and weepy. I have changed to B Complex 50 mg this cycle Im hoping that will get rid of the spotting. Waiting for the results of the Day 21 test. Also I seem to be having better period this time. More red blood and not just scant liquid. Better baby lining, no?

The reason I started all this is because I got pregnant straight after coming off the pill. Was on pill for 16 years and got pregnant the month after! I think that my hormones were regulated with the pill to some degree and they all went potty after that and progestone dropped and I lost the baby. Been trying now for 5 mths to get pregnant again.

Anyone any thoughts? I went right through this thread and couldnt find anyone who had disappearing ovulation, gotten spotting and a slightly reduced luteal phase from the B6.

I've been taking B50 for about a month but can't tell yet if its helped with LP (of 12 days)- am in my TWW. I O'd on CD14, down from CD25 last cycle, but I think this was thanks to soy isoflavones rather than the b vits.

One concern I have is regarding the inositol in B Vits. Although water soluble, it's been documented to reduce the risk of neural tube defects but also known to cause uterine contractions because of its oxytocin effect (used to induce labour). So should we stop taking them after O??

I liked the fact that the B Vits had choline in them too (good for cognitive function, memory etc, check out: but if they come with inositol along side them, then it's a risk not worth taking? Any thoughts? :shrug:
Based on my personal experience with B vitamins, and everyone is different, B vitamins are a double edge sword for me. One the one hand, I think B vitamins helped with ovulation, but on the other hand, it caused me to spot for about 5 days in the period before last, and I never spotted for that long before. So it may have helped me with ovulation, but it causes early spotting for days and the most I have ever spotted before AF was the same day. Never even one day before AF did I spot until I took B vitamins. So I stopped taking them and I don't take them unless I have to.

So B-vitamins may have helped me with ovulation, it has been a burden in terms of causing spotting for days, that I never got before. So it is a double edge sword and I would not take it unless I have to. I only took B-vitamins for two months, so perhaps my body was still getting used to B-vitamins, and maybe it takes longer to adjust. I'm not really sure, but I don't like five days of spotting before AF. :(
Hi all
I have just seen this thread,not read it all too many posts :) But have a question, I have been taking Vit B6 for last 3 weeks, and this month my af is 4 days early, stared having a slight bleed yesterday, my question is has the vit B6 caused this? I read a few posts where some ladies got spotting early, etc.....should I keep taking them? because im not sure what to do now, on a positive note, my PMS symptoms have been very low, just some slight cramping 2 days before, which I was hoping it was IC, but sadly no, this morning the bleed has turned into a real af, so im out yet again this month:cry:, what am i doing wrong if anything?

Thanks xxx
Based on my personal experience with B vitamins, and everyone is different, B vitamins are a double edge sword for me. One the one hand, I think B vitamins helped with ovulation, but on the other hand, it caused me to spot for about 5 days in the period before last, and I never spotted for that long before. So it may have helped me with ovulation, but it causes early spotting for days and the most I have ever spotted before AF was the same day. Never even one day before AF did I spot until I took B vitamins. So I stopped taking them and I don't take them unless I have to.

So B-vitamins may have helped me with ovulation, it has been a burden in terms of causing spotting for days, that I never got before. So it is a double edge sword and I would not take it unless I have to. I only took B-vitamins for two months, so perhaps my body was still getting used to B-vitamins, and maybe it takes longer to adjust. I'm not really sure, but I don't like five days of spotting before AF. :([/QUOTE]


Medicine, thanks for your info. I have had strange spotting too but last month on day 7 or 8 (was traveling for 24 hrs, time zones etc so not sure of day) and it was very brief. Were you taking B6 on it's own or a B Complex? How much of it were you taking? I changed from B6 on its own last month to B complex this cycle to see if that helps the spotting. 50mg. If I have spotting again this cycle, I will try 100mg next cycle and see what that does. Has your cycle changed at all since you went on/off the B6?
Hi Roopachoo (and all the B vit girls)

I'm not in any rush to test for a BFP after the trauma of the chemical pregnancy last month. :cry: I reckon if I waited for a full 14 or 15 DPO (I'm 9/10 DPO at the moment) and got a strong :bfp: and also still had high temperatures, I could start feeling cautiously optimistic (that was about the point my BFPs starting fading clean away last cycle).

At first, I thought the B vits hadn't improved my luteal phase at all cos my BBT dipped massively on Thursday and Friday, but it shot right back up today. :happydance: That seems to mean that, at the very least, my luteal phase is likely to be about 11 days and at the best, dare I say it...????

It's odd how diverse people's experiences seem to be with the B vits. I guess everybody is different, but it's good to be informed.

Minky xxx

:dust: to all!
Based on my personal experience with B vitamins, and everyone is different, B vitamins are a double edge sword for me. One the one hand, I think B vitamins helped with ovulation, but on the other hand, it caused me to spot for about 5 days in the period before last, and I never spotted for that long before. So it may have helped me with ovulation, but it causes early spotting for days and the most I have ever spotted before AF was the same day. Never even one day before AF did I spot until I took B vitamins. So I stopped taking them and I don't take them unless I have to.

So B-vitamins may have helped me with ovulation, it has been a burden in terms of causing spotting for days, that I never got before. So it is a double edge sword and I would not take it unless I have to. I only took B-vitamins for two months, so perhaps my body was still getting used to B-vitamins, and maybe it takes longer to adjust. I'm not really sure, but I don't like five days of spotting before AF. :(


Medicine, thanks for your info. I have had strange spotting too but last month on day 7 or 8 (was traveling for 24 hrs, time zones etc so not sure of day) and it was very brief. Were you taking B6 on it's own or a B Complex? How much of it were you taking? I changed from B6 on its own last month to B complex this cycle to see if that helps the spotting. 50mg. If I have spotting again this cycle, I will try 100mg next cycle and see what that does. Has your cycle changed at all since you went on/off the B6?
I was taking B50 Complex. I took one per day. I took the B100 complex for a couple of days, but the B100 Complex was too strong for me, so I stayed with the B50 Complex. I took it for two cycles.

For the first cycle, I didn't notice a change when it came to the ovulation day, but I got 5 days of spotting at the end of the cycle before AF actually came. Before that, spotting always happened the day AF started and never started even one day before that.

For the next cycle, I got positive OPK on cycle day 11, which was about one or two days earlier than normal, and I got a BFP 10 days post ovulation. I took B50 Complex vitamins until about one or two weeks after BFP and stopped taking it because I was getting some spotting. So I would not take it unless I really had to. I would not take it just to be taking it because I think the B50 and B100 is some powerful stuff and is a double edge sword. It helped with ovulation, but the spotting is a worry.

That's my personal experience with B complex vitamins.
I'm really confused about it all now. You guys have definitely shown these vits cut both ways for some. And since Gill, you spotted on the B6 it couldn't have been because of the inositol... maybe you should try a lower dosage - 25mg?? These vits do seem to pack a punch.

The fact that it's causing spotting but helps ovulation doesn't seem like a good deal to me... if it's a strong ovulation you need to produce a healthy corpus luteum which can bang out good amounts of progesterone, I would think isoflavones are a better bet. You only take it only at the beginning of the cycle to ensure a strong follicle and O so the LP more or less seems to take care of its self. I think higher levels of oestrogen produce a stronger LH surge, as well as a more robust uterine lining. The B Vits must be doing something to compromise the lining, or to go further back, may be impeding oestrogen production in some way. But how the fact that you ovulate earlier fits into this picture.... I'm really lost... maybe the follicle at ovulation isn't as mature as it should be thus throwing other things out of whack later on in the cycle?

Medicine, I looked at your chart and noticed that you listed all the constituents of your B Vits- is there no inositol in your B complex? And you've stopped taking it now? And using the progesterone cream instead? You seem to be doing really well thus far. Congratulations! Sit back, relax and enjoy it!! :flower:

Hi Roopachoo (and all the B vit girls)

I'm not in any rush to test for a BFP after the trauma of the chemical pregnancy last month. :cry: I reckon if I waited for a full 14 or 15 DPO (I'm 9/10 DPO at the moment) and got a strong :bfp: and also still had high temperatures, I could start feeling cautiously optimistic (that was about the point my BFPs starting fading clean away last cycle).

At first, I thought the B vits hadn't improved my luteal phase at all cos my BBT dipped massively on Thursday and Friday, but it shot right back up today. :happydance: That seems to mean that, at the very least, my luteal phase is likely to be about 11 days and at the best, dare I say it...????

It's odd how diverse people's experiences seem to be with the B vits. I guess everybody is different, but it's good to be informed.

Minky xxx

:dust: to all!

Oooh Minky, sounds right on time for an implantation dip... great if your temps are back up... how nerve wracking!!! So sorry about your chemical pregnancy last month :(

I haven't been able to resist the urge to POAS. I got the faintest line in the world on my FRER this morning at 8dpo... and I know I can't get excited about it or tell anyone apart from you guys (phew that felt good), but now that I've seen it I can't imagine how devastated I'll be if it disappears. TTC is enough of a roller-coaster without putting yourself through early up-in-the-air testing... it's weird not being able to share it with DH but I don't want to put him through it too :nope:

Lots of sticky bean dust to all of us :dust:
I'm really confused about it all now. You guys have definitely shown these vits cut both ways for some. And since Gill, you spotted on the B6 it couldn't have been because of the inositol... maybe you should try a lower dosage - 25mg?? These vits do seem to pack a punch.

The fact that it's causing spotting but helps ovulation doesn't seem like a good deal to me... if it's a strong ovulation you need to produce a healthy corpus luteum which can bang out good amounts of progesterone, I would think isoflavones are a better bet. You only take it only at the beginning of the cycle to ensure a strong follicle and O so the LP more or less seems to take care of its self. I think higher levels of oestrogen produce a stronger LH surge, as well as a more robust uterine lining. The B Vits must be doing something to compromise the lining, or to go further back, may be impeding oestrogen production in some way. But how the fact that you ovulate earlier fits into this picture.... I'm really lost... maybe the follicle at ovulation isn't as mature as it should be thus throwing other things out of whack later on in the cycle?

Medicine, I looked at your chart and noticed that you listed all the constituents of your B Vits- is there no inositol in your B complex? And you've stopped taking it now? And using the progesterone cream instead? You seem to be doing really well thus far. Congratulations! Sit back, relax and enjoy it!! :flower:


Thanks. :flower:

My understanding is that soy isoflavones are much more powerful than B complex vitamins.

From what I understand, the soy isoflavones were for those who did not ovulate or those who had long cycles or who had problems with their cycle and ovulation, and that B50 was for those who had a normal cycle but wanted an extra boost in helping out ovulation and lengthening the luteal phase. This is why I chose to take B50 complex instead of soy isoflavones.

Also, taking B complex instead of B6 by itself was probably better because if you load up too much on one b vitamin and not any others, then that would cause problems.

I did not see "inositol" in the list of the B50 or B100 complex vitamins I have. Does it have another name?
Medicine, Roopachoo,
Thanks for all the info. Think the old head is going to explode.Just heard today another one of my friends is now expecting. She only got married 2 mths ago. Happy for her but it so hard to talk endlessly about pregnancy when you want to run away. Think will keep up the B6 for this cycle and see what it does. Maybe you are right Roopachoo and reducing might be better than upping the dose. It's such guess work!! Will ask the doc for a Day 3 test to see if the other hormones are at a good level. Going now to spend evening with my bestest friend. She is due in 10 weeks. I know you know what I mean when I say it's going to be difficult. I dont want to put a downer on her so I've kept mum about all my problems. She has stillborn almost 12 mths ago. Minkysouth1 you have all our best wishes and prayers.
Thanks. :flower:

My understanding is that soy isoflavones are much more powerful than B complex vitamins.

From what I understand, the soy isoflavones were for those who did not ovulate or those who had long cycles or who had problems with their cycle and ovulation, and that B50 was for those who had a normal cycle but wanted an extra boost in helping out ovulation and lengthening the luteal phase. This is why I chose to take B50 complex instead of soy isoflavones.

Also, taking B complex instead of B6 by itself was probably better because if you load up too much on one b vitamin and not any others, then that would cause problems.

I did not see "inositol" in the list of the B50 or B100 complex vitamins I have. Does it have another name?

That's the only name I know of?? Have scoured the internet and I think the levels of inositol in the B Complex are too low to be dangerous. It's seems to be prescribed for depression in dosages of 18g plus...and there's only 50mg in the B50.

Oh yep the SI are strong in their effect.. being able to trick your hypothalamus into thinking your oestrogen is low is a party-trick and a half. Your whole menstrual cycle is governed by a hormonal negative feedback loop, so if you can get the right kicker at the beginning, hopefully it starts it all off in the right direction...

It'd be interesting to see if anyone here with a short LP got a BFP solely on SI and not B Vits. I ovulate normally on my own but took the SI for a stronger follie which would hopefully hold up all the following 'systems', as such I didn't take the higher dosage just in case it really messed my cycle.

I'm not sure whether to carry on with my B Vits/B6 now cos worried about spotting... my last LP was 12 days long, do you think this is long enough to stop the B Vits??
Medicine, Roopachoo,
Thanks for all the info. Think the old head is going to explode.Just heard today another one of my friends is now expecting. She only got married 2 mths ago. Happy for her but it so hard to talk endlessly about pregnancy when you want to run away. Think will keep up the B6 for this cycle and see what it does. Maybe you are right Roopachoo and reducing might be better than upping the dose. It's such guess work!! Will ask the doc for a Day 3 test to see if the other hormones are at a good level. Going now to spend evening with my bestest friend. She is due in 10 weeks. I know you know what I mean when I say it's going to be difficult. I dont want to put a downer on her so I've kept mum about all my problems. She has stillborn almost 12 mths ago. Minkysouth1 you have all our best wishes and prayers.

Hope you had a nice evening Gill. :flower: I'm finding this forum indispensable at the moment as am not able to talk freely about TTC outside it. Our best mates are due in a few months, so is SIL who just found out, another one due in 6 weeks, and one just born! Am planning to tell DH tomorrow if FRER is still complying fx. Am apprehensive about continuing my B Vits... not sure what to do now :shrug:
Medicine, Roopachoo,
Thanks for all the info. Think the old head is going to explode.Just heard today another one of my friends is now expecting. She only got married 2 mths ago. Happy for her but it so hard to talk endlessly about pregnancy when you want to run away. Think will keep up the B6 for this cycle and see what it does. Maybe you are right Roopachoo and reducing might be better than upping the dose. It's such guess work!! Will ask the doc for a Day 3 test to see if the other hormones are at a good level. Going now to spend evening with my bestest friend. She is due in 10 weeks. I know you know what I mean when I say it's going to be difficult. I dont want to put a downer on her so I've kept mum about all my problems. She has stillborn almost 12 mths ago. Minkysouth1 you have all our best wishes and prayers.

Hope you had a nice evening Gill. :flower: I'm finding this forum indispensable at the moment as am not able to talk freely about TTC outside it. Our best mates are due in a few months, so is SIL who just found out, another one due in 6 weeks, and one just born! Am planning to tell DH tomorrow if FRER is still complying fx. Am apprehensive about continuing my B Vits... not sure what to do now :shrug:

:headspin: What is 'FRER'? Been thinking about Vb6 overnight. When I started taking it first it was the day after ovulation. This caused me very slight spotting 2 days before AF arrived. In that I spotted one day, no period the next and then on third day AF arrived. I hadnt been taking Vb6 since the beginning, so taking it for the 2nd half of cycle must have contributed to this. What if, like the SI's, we were to only take it for the first half of the cycle and stop at ovulation? Anyone out there with any experience of this? Maybe if I spot again this month, this might be something to try, next cycle. Hmmmm. :brat: What do you think?

Roopachoo I totally understand your fears. Going off something is ever more scary that going on it. What is your background. Have you been on this stuff for long?

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