Vitamin B6 - Lengthen luteal phase or increase progesterone

I haven't read every page in this thread so I'm sure this has been covered but just thought I'd throw in what I know in case it helps someone.

As far as I've been told, you need to take a B complex with B6 as it needs B12 to help with absorption (and B12 is good in terms of fertility too). However, the level of B6 you get in a complex is very low, and optimum (that I read based on breastfeeding, so probably different for non-breastfeeders!) is 63mg. So I am currently take a B complex, and 50mg B6.

B6 can cause problems like numbness in the hands and things and it is advised you take a weeks break for every month you take it. Therefore, I am taking it from the day my period ends, until the day my next period starts, as my periods last 5-8 days this gives me the break needed without worrying about undoing the effect.

Just thinking that those of you who have had problems/side effects like spotting, maybe this has been cause if you haven't had a break?
I haven't read every page in this thread so I'm sure this has been covered but just thought I'd throw in what I know in case it helps someone.

As far as I've been told, you need to take a B complex with B6 as it needs B12 to help with absorption (and B12 is good in terms of fertility too). However, the level of B6 you get in a complex is very low, and optimum (that I read based on breastfeeding, so probably different for non-breastfeeders!) is 63mg. So I am currently take a B complex, and 50mg B6.

B6 can cause problems like numbness in the hands and things and it is advised you take a weeks break for every month you take it. Therefore, I am taking it from the day my period ends, until the day my next period starts, as my periods last 5-8 days this gives me the break needed without worrying about undoing the effect.

Just thinking that those of you who have had problems/side effects like spotting, maybe this has been cause if you haven't had a break?

:thumbup: Kitten, thank you for the info. I wonder have we hit on something here. Im on cd6 so have another week or so to be thinking on this. Maybe I should take a break after ovulation this cycle? Hmmmm. Was it trial and erro that took you to this conclusion, something you read or something advised? If Im reading as much a I can on this subject but it's a minefield. It sounds like the VB is like the bcp. Take it for three weeks and then off it for a week. :dohh: And just when I thought we were done with that!! Have you had any side effects from taking VB6 or good effects? Im eager to hear everyone's experience with it.
I've been on a B-100 complex for months now... I think I was on it for 4 months before my BFP (incidentally it didn't have much of an effect on my progesterone levels... my LP was 12 with a few days of spotting but my progesterone levels were below the normal level they like to see, but clearly ovulatory.. I charted my BBT too so I know I was close enough to 7dpo that I should have seen better numbers). My spotting did stop after a few cycles, but I also was doing acupuncture and suspected a chemical pregnancy or two.

I've never taken a break from the Vit B... I did switch to a slow release formula at one point. I've stayed on it with my pregnancy and everything has been fine for me.. never had a side effect from the vitamins either.
I know everyone reacts differently, I just wanted to share that it was ok for me to stay on them.
Ta LisaF and Kitten for sharing that. So maybe a break might be needed if the spotting doesn't subside?
Medicine, Roopachoo,
Thanks for all the info. Think the old head is going to explode.Just heard today another one of my friends is now expecting. She only got married 2 mths ago. Happy for her but it so hard to talk endlessly about pregnancy when you want to run away. Think will keep up the B6 for this cycle and see what it does. Maybe you are right Roopachoo and reducing might be better than upping the dose. It's such guess work!! Will ask the doc for a Day 3 test to see if the other hormones are at a good level. Going now to spend evening with my bestest friend. She is due in 10 weeks. I know you know what I mean when I say it's going to be difficult. I dont want to put a downer on her so I've kept mum about all my problems. She has stillborn almost 12 mths ago. Minkysouth1 you have all our best wishes and prayers.

Hope you had a nice evening Gill. :flower: I'm finding this forum indispensable at the moment as am not able to talk freely about TTC outside it. Our best mates are due in a few months, so is SIL who just found out, another one due in 6 weeks, and one just born! Am planning to tell DH tomorrow if FRER is still complying fx. Am apprehensive about continuing my B Vits... not sure what to do now :shrug:

:headspin: What is 'FRER'? Been thinking about Vb6 overnight. When I started taking it first it was the day after ovulation. This caused me very slight spotting 2 days before AF arrived. In that I spotted one day, no period the next and then on third day AF arrived. I hadnt been taking Vb6 since the beginning, so taking it for the 2nd half of cycle must have contributed to this. What if, like the SI's, we were to only take it for the first half of the cycle and stop at ovulation? Anyone out there with any experience of this? Maybe if I spot again this month, this might be something to try, next cycle. Hmmmm. :brat: What do you think?

Roopachoo I totally understand your fears. Going off something is ever more scary that going on it. What is your background. Have you been on this stuff for long?

Yep I think this might be an idea given Kitten's experience. I don't want to just suddenly make my body 'withdraw' from them now I'm so far into my 2WW. I doubt my GP will have anything useful to say on this, maybe I'll slowly lower my dose. I have had two days of faint positives on First Response tests (FRER). I know it's really early days and I shouldn't get my hopes up just yet, am just so scared that the B Vits may mess it all up
Ah Roopachoo, you are in an awful quandary, you poor creature. It's wonderful news of the positive tests. Really, we're keeping all the fingers and toes crossed for you. Here's a real stab in the dark, what about going to your doc asap and getting a progesterone cream or supplement? Then if you wean off the b6 there is something to take over without the risk of spotting. I take it at this stage you want to keep the progesterone level up. Honestly if I were in your shoes, with those concerns, it at least warrants a phone call. Im rooting for you!!
Roopachoo I totally understand your fears. Going off something is ever more scary that going on it. What is your background. Have you been on this stuff for long?

Hey Gill, I've been on the B Vits for about 6 weeks now. I had my Implanon (birth control implant) removed at the beginning of Sept and stupidly started taking the B Vits without tracking a normal cycle first to see how long my LP was. It appears my LP is 12 days long... but I'm not sure what it 'normally' is as I'd already thrown the B Vits into the mix.

After the implanon removal I was doing OPKs everyday but didn't manage to catch my LH surge. I knew in hindsight I had ovulated as I was charting. Scared that my ovaries needed a boost after not ovulating for 8 years on BC, I decided to take a lower dosage of SI to boost O. Worked a treat, O'd on CD14 (down from CD25) and my LH surge was nice and strong. I'm now thinking I was better off without the B Vits as I feel the SI alone got everything up and running very well in the first half. But I'm on the B Vits now and scared that a sudden withdrawal will not do me any favours. :nope:
Ah Roopachoo, you are in an awful quandary, you poor creature. It's wonderful news of the positive tests. Really, we're keeping all the fingers and toes crossed for you. Here's a real stab in the dark, what about going to your doc asap and getting a progesterone cream or supplement? Then if you wean off the b6 there is something to take over without the risk of spotting. I take it at this stage you want to keep the progesterone level up. Honestly if I were in your shoes, with those concerns, it at least warrants a phone call. Im rooting for you!!

Thanks Gill. Yes I definitely want to wean myself off them. I'm hoping I can get my GP to agree to a progesterone test to see if there is a problem here and then, like you say, take the cream in the mean time.
I've just spent all morning reading this interesting thread. Found it after googling short luteal phase and B6 vitamin. It's been so useful reading up on everyone's experiences here.

I have two little children and got pregnant with both of them very easily, so this is a new issue for me. My cycles seemed to change quite a bit when my period came back after I stopped breastfeeding my second son. This is now well over a year ago, but although my O date doesn't seem to have changed significantly (I O around CD17 or 18), the time between O and the start of AF is really short now. It used to be looooong - around 15-18 days. Now it's more like 7-10 days before I start spotting.

Initially I didn't notice this so much, although I had an inkling that it was rather short, but now that I'm TTC again I'm getting a bit worried about it. I'm in the UK and for a month now I've been taking Pregnacare, which has 10mg of B6, but this month if anything the luteal phase was even shorter. I started spotting 8DPO. Not good.

After reading up on this thread I've just ordered B50 from H & B. It didn't say the amount of B6 and B12 on the website, but I gather that this is something quite a few people on this site are taking with good results. Is that right?

I'm really hoping this will make a difference. How long do you think it will be until I might see any results? A few months? Or longer?
I've just spent all morning reading this interesting thread. Found it after googling short luteal phase and B6 vitamin. It's been so useful reading up on everyone's experiences here.

I have two little children and got pregnant with both of them very easily, so this is a new issue for me. My cycles seemed to change quite a bit when my period came back after I stopped breastfeeding my second son. This is now well over a year ago, but although my O date doesn't seem to have changed significantly (I O around CD17 or 18), the time between O and the start of AF is really short now. It used to be looooong - around 15-18 days. Now it's more like 7-10 days before I start spotting.

Initially I didn't notice this so much, although I had an inkling that it was rather short, but now that I'm TTC again I'm getting a bit worried about it. I'm in the UK and for a month now I've been taking Pregnacare, which has 10mg of B6, but this month if anything the luteal phase was even shorter. I started spotting 8DPO. Not good.

After reading up on this thread I've just ordered B50 from H & B. It didn't say the amount of B6 and B12 on the website, but I gather that this is something quite a few people on this site are taking with good results. Is that right?

I'm really hoping this will make a difference. How long do you think it will be until I might see any results? A few months? Or longer?

Hi Iris, a lot of girls have seen results within the first month of taking it- good, bad and a mixture! Good luck with it x
The break advice was off the lady in Holland & Barrett as I got my info about taking it from googling and kellymom etc. and then by chance I asked the lady in H&B where the B6 was and she told me to watch out for numb hands and things and take a weeks break once a month so it just works out nicely that my period lasts a week heh.
My periods are very irregular, averaging at 57 days, longest being 132 days, this month I have been taking 40mg of B6 and B Complex as I've heard it can regulate your periods. Amazingly I'm back on CD1 today which makes my last cycle only 33 days!! Dont know if its a coincidence but my cycle has dramatically shortened this month, which to me is a good thing! Will continue taking it, and hopefully now have regular cycles! :flower:
Roopachoo, I totally get how nervous you are. I have read that if you have a luteal phase defect, by the time you miss your period it's too late for the baby. So given that you don't seem to have a luteal phase defect, if you got to 12 days, it seems like you are out of the woods in that regard. Do let us know what the doc says. Don't beat yourself up for taking the B6. I think you did the right thing. I had early m/c after getting pregnant immediately coming off the pill and wish I had been taking B6.
My periods are very irregular, averaging at 57 days, longest being 132 days, this month I have been taking 40mg of B6 and B Complex as I've heard it can regulate your periods. Amazingly I'm back on CD1 today which makes my last cycle only 33 days!! Dont know if its a coincidence but my cycle has dramatically shortened this month, which to me is a good thing! Will continue taking it, and hopefully now have regular cycles! :flower:

:happydance: That's a great result! and after 40 mgs! Wow. Do let us know what happens to your luteal phase in future - longer, shorter, any spotting? Where did you find a complex with 40mgs? I've looked all over and some b complex are minute measures and then they shoot up to 50mgs. I've had some spotting and if it happens again this month, Id like to reduce the dosage next time.
Where did you find a complex with 40mgs?

I havent, lol. I just take the bog standard B Complex, it does only have minute amounts of B Vits so hard to believe they actually do anything, but didnt really fancy taking the high dosage ones, so will see how these go, But I'm well impressed so far. Like I said, may be just a coincidence but its making me feel better atm, so whats the harm!
Hope it works for you too! x:flower:
Roopachoo, I totally get how nervous you are. I have read that if you have a luteal phase defect, by the time you miss your period it's too late for the baby. So given that you don't seem to have a luteal phase defect, if you got to 12 days, it seems like you are out of the woods in that regard. Do let us know what the doc says. Don't beat yourself up for taking the B6. I think you did the right thing. I had early m/c after getting pregnant immediately coming off the pill and wish I had been taking B6.

You have no idea how much better reading this made me feel! I read that too about if you do have a LPD that it's too late for the baby by the time of the missed period.

My doc didn't want to prescribe the progesterone, he said as I've carried a baby to term (she passed sadly in her first year) there should be no problem with my progesterone production so the b vits shouldn't make a difference. He was lovely though and referred me to an Early Pregnancy Unit to have a scan- I think I'll go if I make it to 7 weeks for the reassurance. Think I'll feel better once I'm past 12dpo as you've said.

As I was in such a panic I forgot to ask about why my ovulation microscope was displaying a full ferning pattern- which indicates high levels of oestrogen. I think I may just order the progesterone cream online just for the first 12 weeks until the placenta takes over progesterone production. Do you think this is safe?
roopachoo... just because you didn't have any problems on a previous pregnancy doesn't mean you will never have problems. Lots of women develop fertility issues after a normal pregnancy.
However, that doesn't mean you will have problems either. If you start spotting at all, definitely insist on a progesterone and HCG check from your doctor (with rushed results). I would hesitate to take the prescription cream... I wouldn't want to take anything during pregnancy like that without a doctor's ok... and I'm not sure the cream is made of the same stuff as the prescription progesterone.

I had a 12 day luteal phase with a few days of spotting, but my progesterone was consistently low... so I know that 12 days doesn't mean there is absolutely no problem, just that its less likely (much in the way that an irregular period may be a sign of ovulation issues, but isn't always... and that a regular period is usually a sign that you are ovulating, but not always etc).

Spotting before AF isn't always a sign of progesterone issues, its just one possible cause.

I guess I'm trying to say that we are all very different beings and our bodies respond differently to everything... so what may seem like a problem for one person may turn out to be nothing at all and someone who seems like they shouldn't have issues may have a whole bunch of things going wrong.
roopachoo... just because you didn't have any problems on a previous pregnancy doesn't mean you will never have problems. Lots of women develop fertility issues after a normal pregnancy.
However, that doesn't mean you will have problems either. If you start spotting at all, definitely insist on a progesterone and HCG check from your doctor (with rushed results). I would hesitate to take the prescription cream... I wouldn't want to take anything during pregnancy like that without a doctor's ok... and I'm not sure the cream is made of the same stuff as the prescription progesterone.

I had a 12 day luteal phase with a few days of spotting, but my progesterone was consistently low... so I know that 12 days doesn't mean there is absolutely no problem, just that its less likely (much in the way that an irregular period may be a sign of ovulation issues, but isn't always... and that a regular period is usually a sign that you are ovulating, but not always etc).

Spotting before AF isn't always a sign of progesterone issues, its just one possible cause.

I guess I'm trying to say that we are all very different beings and our bodies respond differently to everything... so what may seem like a problem for one person may turn out to be nothing at all and someone who seems like they shouldn't have issues may have a whole bunch of things going wrong.

Ok so if I start to spot I'll go back for the progesterone and hcg test... do you think I should keep up my B50/reduce it now that I've taken it for this whole cycle? Won't excess amounts not needed be toxic for the foetus? How exactly is the B Vits working once you're pregnant? :shrug::shrug::shrug: I know question overload! Thanks for your advice x
My FS has been fine with me staying on my B-100. He doesn't let you take Advil or Aleve while TTC even so he's up to date on all the stuff that you're not supposed to be on.

... some doctors even suggest B6 to help with morning sickness. B12 is also important for preventing miscarriage etc...
The excess is supposed to come out in your urine.
The main vitamin that is supposed to be dangerous for the fetus is Vit A... I know Vit D is also one that you can OD on if you're taking too much (pregnant or not).

The water soluable ones are supposed to be fine. As long as you're not having any weird reactions like the numbness, you're probably fine. Take it every other day if you're worried?

Maybe wait until you're closer to 5 weeks along before stopping the B vitamins? Just because some early spotting etc can happen then anyway so you don't associate it with the vitamins?
I think I'll do that LisaF, maybe to the end of week 5 when the embryo apparently is strongly implanted beneath the lining of the uterus... and then slowly reduce the dose over the next few weeks. I read about a girl who stopped abruptly after getting her BFP and then miscarried a week later :(

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