Vitamin B6 - Lengthen luteal phase or increase progesterone

Hey Chiclady, sorry to hear you are out this month, but glad that your doctor is sending you for the HSG, they are being proactive, yay!

I am in my second week of B complex, nothing to report yet besides the bright neon yellow pee, which makes me think of you girls every day. :)
An HSG is a short procedure that effectively checks for blockages in the tubes. In many cases, women get cleared out of minor blockages and people get pregnant relatively quickly after that. Apparently this is one of the first steps in Fertility workups that my doctor does.

Hmm, interesting... well let us know how it goes!
Short update from me: got my blood test results back and all normal, incl. progesterone (which really surprised me). Half happy half not! Was hoping it would be something obvious I could fix?? Doc couldn't offer me any advice or suggestions why my LP is so short (7-9 days) - anyone else had reasons given to them other than progesterone deficiency?

I guess the next step is to see the FS... which means persuading OH to get the swimmers test! Yikes...

Hope all well with everyone anyway - good luck to all those that are testing!
Well, I'm back in the neon pee gang!

I took a break from all supplements last cycle as I was starting to feel a bit loopy about ttc after 10 months... my luteal phase last cycle was 7-8 days (ovulated overnight... ff picked it up 'officially' as the day before - i.e. 8 day LP - but given period arrived early morning too it's more like 7) which is a one day increase on my previous 6 days, I think because over the last 8 days my 16.5 month old daughter has cut back on her breastfeeding to just a short feed when she wakes and a short one before bed.

I know a lot of people conceive just fine whilst breastfeeding, so although I think it's contributing to my LP defect, I don't think it's a 'total explanation'... and I don't see her reducing her feeds further (and I'm not going to push anything), so I'm going to go back on the B6 and agnus castus and see what happens.

Given that the luteal phase is linked to the corpus luteum producing progesterone... and the corpus luteum originates in the 1st half of the cycle as the follicle/egg... I'm hoping that 2 breastfeeds a day all cycle will also have a positive impact on my next LP.

I'm feeling pretty pants as I was becoming more and more sure I was pregnant. I felt so different to the last 9 cycles. I've been pregnant twice before, and I felt very like I did then. I was pretty damn gutted when my period started this morning.

So, on our 11th cycle of trying for our 2nd child, I'll be taking 50mg B50 (containing 50mg B6) and as well as a 'simple' 50mg B6... fingers crossed!

Anyone else here trying for #2? Have you found your fertility is noticeably different to first time round?
254 - Welcome back although I would be happier for you if AF hadn't arrived and you weren't back in this group at all! We are TTC #2 and it is definitely different. With #1, I was pregnant the first month and with #2, well, I'm working on Cycle 8 (with a M/C at the beginning). I've just gotten my CD3 bloodwork back and it seems that my FSH is slightly elevated (only 8.6 but I'm only 30 so they say that is borderline high). I'm going to start acupuncture this month because I need a way to reduce stress.

Googly - Glad to hear the progesterone levels came back good. It's good to rule something out, but I hear what you're saying about wishing it was something that was a quick (or at least easy) fix.
I'm feeling pretty pants as I was becoming more and more sure I was pregnant. I felt so different to the last 9 cycles. I've been pregnant twice before, and I felt very like I did then. I was pretty damn gutted when my period started this morning.

Hi 254! I hear ya there - the last 2 cycles I've been pretty convinced something was happening... the last one in particular. I feel like maybe fertilisation is taking place, and implantation is maybe TRYING to, but because of some factor - who knows what - causing a short LP, AF is coming too soon and preventing it happening... very frustrating! ](*,)
254 - Welcome back although I would be happier for you if AF hadn't arrived and you weren't back in this group at all! We are TTC #2 and it is definitely different. With #1, I was pregnant the first month and with #2, well, I'm working on Cycle 8 (with a M/C at the beginning). I've just gotten my CD3 bloodwork back and it seems that my FSH is slightly elevated (only 8.6 but I'm only 30 so they say that is borderline high). I'm going to start acupuncture this month because I need a way to reduce stress.

Googly - Glad to hear the progesterone levels came back good. It's good to rule something out, but I hear what you're saying about wishing it was something that was a quick (or at least easy) fix.

Hi chic! Hey good luck with the acupuncture - I just had my first one last week. It was good... I think?! Never had it before so it was an experience! The lady I went to does loads of fertility work, described a whole bunch of stuff that sounded good :haha: She reckons my ov needs to come forward a few days... something about putting my endometrial layer off balance... is going to do stuff to try and make that happen. So - FX.
Hi everyone,

I took my very first Vit B-50 this afternoon. :happydance:

I always spot for about 5-7 days before AF and even that weren't always much heavier than AF. I used to think that I was really weird to be alive because I could bleed for 2weeks+!!! :haha:

Also, I have PCOS so I don't really know when do I ovulate or do I ovulate at all. I've been charting my BBT and according to FF, I only ovulated once in the last 5 months. But I don't think I did because my temp didn't shift much. Due to this, I don't know if I have short LP.

A few questions:
1) Is it ok to take B-50 with EPO? (I took my very first EPO tablet this afternoon too)
2) I am taking Metformin 1000mg daily too for PCOS. Will B-50 & EPO clash with Metformin?
3) I'm having a horrible headache and from what I read in this thread, this could be due to B-50? A good suggestion is to take the time release tablet but I just bought a B-50 100tables today :( Any other tips?
Sorry. One more thing.

I took Soy in the last 2 cycles and I was planning to take it one last time this cycle. Is that ok with the rest of the tablets? I think I am becoming a tablet-junkie.

Thanks for reading!!!
Hi and welcome yellowyamyam!

A few questions:
1) Is it ok to take B-50 with EPO? (I took my very first EPO tablet this afternoon too

I did some research on this, and as far as I know it's fine. I take 100mg B12 (B50 and a separate B6 50mg] plus evening primrose (the only supplement I was on when we conceived our daughter... took it then as I had no fertile CM)

2) I am taking Metformin 1000mg daily too for PCOS. Will B-50 & EPO clash with Metformin?

I'm afraid I don't know the answer to this... could be worth asking your doctor?

3) I'm having a horrible headache and from what I read in this thread, this could be due to B-50? A good suggestion is to take the time release tablet but I just bought a B-50 100tables today :( Any other tips?

I haven't heard of time release tablets - sounds a good idea. Mine are just the standard ones. I had a few headaches when I started on the B50 months ago but they didn't happen after a few days. I hope the same happens for you. After a break of one cycle I'm back on the supplements-wagon now, so your post has made me think it's probably a good idea to take my B6 with my '2nd batch' of tablets, so I'm spacing out the 100mg B6. Thanks!

I took Soy in the last 2 cycles and I was planning to take it one last time this cycle. Is that ok with the rest of the tablets? I think I am becoming a tablet-junkie.

I haven't heard anything about soy working against B6, but I do know that it's not recommended to take soy with agnus castus (which I take - a good hormone balancer and commonly used ttc supplement) as apparently they effectively cancel each other out!

It must be so frustrating to have lots of non-ovulatory cycles. Have you been to your GP for any suggestions? How long have you been trying?

Good luck!
I hear ya there - the last 2 cycles I've been pretty convinced something was happening... the last one in particular. I feel like maybe fertilisation is taking place, and implantation is maybe TRYING to, but because of some factor - who knows what - causing a short LP, AF is coming too soon and preventing it happening... very frustrating! ](*,)

I reckon you're right. I'd been wondering that too. 3 cycles ago I had a random 9 day LP (usually 6-7) with a textbook perfect implantation temp dip and cramps... I really think that we did conceive then, but my progesterone dropped too soon and my period started. Similar this time... had a dip, but temp never made it back up... stayed on the 'low end of high' for 2-3 days (which has never happened before) then my period started. This time I was pretty sure I was pregnant and I'm a big believer in 'feelings'. It's frustrating, isn't it? :wacko:

It WILL happen for us... reading back on this thread and the success stories when I first joined gives me lots of hope.
254 - Thanks for answering my questions. I think I will take Vit B50, Metformin and EPO for now. I read that you are to stop EPO once you have ovulated but I don't know when I ovulate!!! OPKs don't work on me and charting ... well, I think I have to just accept the fact that I don't ovulate at all. *sigh*

We have been TTC for almost a year now. Started last August, that was when I was diagnosed with PCOS. I got my 1st FS appointment on 02 Aug so hopefully, I will be prescribed with Clomid but I can't shake the nagging feeling that Clomid might not work on me since NOTHING DOES!!!
254 - Thanks for answering my questions. I think I will take Vit B50, Metformin and EPO for now. I read that you are to stop EPO once you have ovulated but I don't know when I ovulate!!! OPKs don't work on me and charting ... well, I think I have to just accept the fact that I don't ovulate at all. *sigh*

We have been TTC for almost a year now. Started last August, that was when I was diagnosed with PCOS. I got my 1st FS appointment on 02 Aug so hopefully, I will be prescribed with Clomid but I can't shake the nagging feeling that Clomid might not work on me since NOTHING DOES!!!

I'm not a regular poster on this thread although I probably should be as it sounds like a lot of ladies are in the same boat - 'naturally' I O late (cd25+) and have a 7-9 day LP. I have PCOS too.
I starting taking metformin way before we started TTC and that restarted my periods. After a few months of throwing all kinds of things at myself (Omega Oils, Vit D, B complex, Chinese herbs, acupuncture, agnus castus) and not seeing any difference - I was prescribed Clomid.
Last cycle on Clomid 100mg (50mg didn't seem to make any difference) I O-ed on lovely cd17 and got a 12 day LP! My temps were great and my progesterone at 7dpo was great.
Just wanted to share in case that gives you some hope (Fx-ed next cycle for BFPs for the bot of us) xx :flower:
Last cycle on Clomid 100mg (50mg didn't seem to make any difference) I O-ed on lovely cd17 and got a 12 day LP! My temps were great and my progesterone at 7dpo was great.

Wow, that's super!! You must be over the moon to have ovulated early (I'm another CD20s ovulator) and have a lovely long LP.

Hope you get a 39ish week luteal phase very soon! :thumbup:
Last cycle on Clomid 100mg (50mg didn't seem to make any difference) I O-ed on lovely cd17 and got a 12 day LP! My temps were great and my progesterone at 7dpo was great.

Wow, that's super!! You must be over the moon to have ovulated early (I'm another CD20s ovulator) and have a lovely long LP.

Hope you get a 39ish week luteal phase very soon! :thumbup:

Yes I was very happy - if nothing else it just gives me more chances of conceiving each year. I now wonder whether with me, it wasn't so much the LP that was the problem - rather the ovulation itself. When I look back at my temp charts, they are generally (apart from one cycle where I ovulated naturally on day 20) quite flattish - last month with the Clomid there was definitely more of an upwards shift in temps after O.
Fingers crossed for your BFP soon x
254 - Thanks for answering my questions. I think I will take Vit B50, Metformin and EPO for now. I read that you are to stop EPO once you have ovulated but I don't know when I ovulate!!! OPKs don't work on me and charting ... well, I think I have to just accept the fact that I don't ovulate at all. *sigh*

We have been TTC for almost a year now. Started last August, that was when I was diagnosed with PCOS. I got my 1st FS appointment on 02 Aug so hopefully, I will be prescribed with Clomid but I can't shake the nagging feeling that Clomid might not work on me since NOTHING DOES!!!

I'm not a regular poster on this thread although I probably should be as it sounds like a lot of ladies are in the same boat - 'naturally' I O late (cd25+) and have a 7-9 day LP. I have PCOS too.
I starting taking metformin way before we started TTC and that restarted my periods. After a few months of throwing all kinds of things at myself (Omega Oils, Vit D, B complex, Chinese herbs, acupuncture, agnus castus) and not seeing any difference - I was prescribed Clomid.
Last cycle on Clomid 100mg (50mg didn't seem to make any difference) I O-ed on lovely cd17 and got a 12 day LP! My temps were great and my progesterone at 7dpo was great.
Just wanted to share in case that gives you some hope (Fx-ed next cycle for BFPs for the bot of us) xx :flower:

Wow that's quite an advert for Clomid... sounds good! I think i'll be pushing for that with my FS if we don't have any luck in the next 2 or 3 cycles...

Hope that nice early O translates to a BFP soon!
Hi guys! I've been reading back posts from 2009. I have 3 girls age 14, 11 and 8 and have been on various hormonal forms of BC since then. My DH and and I have been actively trying for a month now with opks (i work nights 28 hrs a week so not sure how I'm going to chart yet). So I just found out today my luteal phase is only 10 days long and started researching right away and found this forum. I'm now, starting today cd1, taking 100 mg of b6, a chewable mvi with 2mg of b6 and a b complex pill with 5mg and we'll see how that goes. Any opinions would be greatly appreciated but my main question is, how many people have this problem after long- term BC use and could this resolve on its own?
Hi guys! I've been reading back posts from 2009. I have 3 girls age 14, 11 and 8 and have been on various hormonal forms of BC since then. My DH and and I have been actively trying for a month now with opks (i work nights 28 hrs a week so not sure how I'm going to chart yet). So I just found out today my luteal phase is only 10 days long and started researching right away and found this forum. I'm now, starting today cd1, taking 100 mg of b6, a chewable mvi with 2mg of b6 and a b complex pill with 5mg and we'll see how that goes. Any opinions would be greatly appreciated but my main question is, how many people have this problem after long- term BC use and could this resolve on its own?

Hi Lizzie!

Well, difficult to say exactly of course! (or even INexactly...) But it does appear to be a relatively common post-BCP effect, and IF a short LP is the result of being post-BCP and/or B6 deficiency for some other reason, then it does seem to resolve eventually with some B6/B vitamin complex supplements.

(I'd guess... from reading this thread and others... 1-6 months?)

The short LP can be for other reasons though... in which case it may not resolve so easily. That's probably unlikely to be you with 3 children, but I think mine might be something else as I am now 5-6 months post-BCP, 3 of which I've been taking B100 complex, with no massive improvement really. So I'm looking to try other things. But you sound like you are probably a good candidate for B-complex to work!

Good luck...
Thanks so much googly, I hope the B6 helps! I'll post my results. I'm going to start temping tomorrow but I'm off vaca starting this Sunday 7/31, so back to 11-7. Not sure how that will work out.
Hi Lizzie
I don't know about post-BC, but I went to see my doctor yesterday about my short luteal phase, and she says it's not necessarily a problem. Apparently in clinical trials no more women with a "normal" luteal phase got pregnant than those with a short one. But it can indicate a problem, so if it doesn't sort itself out then best to get the various tests done (I'm having the "21 day" progesterone test next week).
Good luck with the B6. Let us know how you get on. I've bought some 50mg B Complex but am going to wait until next cycle before starting it.

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