Vitamin B6 - Lengthen luteal phase or increase progesterone

A friend of mine used acupuncture after a mc and she swears by it. She is now 15 weeks pregnant. Whether it would have happened anyway, who knows? But I do know that she loves it and is far more chilled out (which can only be good) x

Hey struth, sorry to see you back on here... if that doesn't sound too mean! But I saw about your mc - I'm so sorry :nope: hope you're doing ok :hugs:

Thanks honey - I'm sorry to be back here too (if you know what I mean!!). Not sorry to see you lovely ladies again though :flower: I'm okay - just waiting until we can TTC again - hopefully soon x
A friend of mine used acupuncture after a mc and she swears by it. She is now 15 weeks pregnant. Whether it would have happened anyway, who knows? But I do know that she loves it and is far more chilled out (which can only be good) x

Hey struth, sorry to see you back on here... if that doesn't sound too mean! But I saw about your mc - I'm so sorry :nope: hope you're doing ok :hugs:

Thanks honey - I'm sorry to be back here too (if you know what I mean!!). Not sorry to see you lovely ladies again though :flower: I'm okay - just waiting until we can TTC again - hopefully soon x

A friend of mine used acupuncture after a mc and she swears by it. She is now 15 weeks pregnant. Whether it would have happened anyway, who knows? But I do know that she loves it and is far more chilled out (which can only be good) x

Hey struth, sorry to see you back on here... if that doesn't sound too mean! But I saw about your mc - I'm so sorry :nope: hope you're doing ok :hugs:

Thanks honey - I'm sorry to be back here too (if you know what I mean!!). Not sorry to see you lovely ladies again though :flower: I'm okay - just waiting until we can TTC again - hopefully soon x


Looks like you may have just entered the TWW! :dust: to you x
Looks like you may have just entered the TWW! :dust: to you x

Well I've had a bit of kicker today - yeah I *thought* I ov'd 2 days ago with that good rise, but today, a low low temp, full-on EWCM, high CP, AND some twingey feeling 'down there' :wacko: So now I'm thinking those two high temps might have been due to the stinky cold I have, and actually today is ov.... problem with that is that both DH and I now have this yuk cold - I mean full-on snotty, sneezy, coughing unpleasantness, and I promise you, there is no BD-ing for us!! To make matters worse, the BD we did two days ago - to be a bit TMI - is probably a throw out (uhh, little accident :haha: ) so basically this cycle I am going to be relying on 3-4 day old spermies hanging in there... :nope:

Ah well. I know there's still a chance in that, but if not, no biggie. Have recently started taking Royal Jelly and I believe it's good for that to build up in your system a bit. Have also ordered soft cups (gaahhhh) for next cycle... so - it's on for September!! :thumbup:

Think you'll be in for Sept too? How are you feeling?
Hmmmm.... you never know. FF has still put your crosshairs in (even though they are dashed) so it could have been then? I guess only time will tell! Either way - I hope that you and DH are feeling better soon.

I'm really hoping to be in for September. I've joined the over 35 ladies Sept thread already - but of course haven't been able to give a date yet. I've just done a hpt and it is a squinter - so still positive but only just. Am hoping it will be negative by the weekend. So I'm starting opks to see how things are going. It just depends how my cycle is after the mc - before the mc it was all over the place (55, 29, 89, and then it would have been 29 but I got my bfp). I just hope that all the BCP is out of my system now and that I get lovely 28 day cycles x
Hmmmm.... you never know. FF has still put your crosshairs in (even though they are dashed) so it could have been then? I guess only time will tell! Either way - I hope that you and DH are feeling better soon.

I'm really hoping to be in for September. I've joined the over 35 ladies Sept thread already - but of course haven't been able to give a date yet. I've just done a hpt and it is a squinter - so still positive but only just. Am hoping it will be negative by the weekend. So I'm starting opks to see how things are going. It just depends how my cycle is after the mc - before the mc it was all over the place (55, 29, 89, and then it would have been 29 but I got my bfp). I just hope that all the BCP is out of my system now and that I get lovely 28 day cycles x
That would be good! FX for you struth, you deserve it...:flower:

AFM, yeah well I fiddled with my chart a bit - dropped my cd15 temp by 0.05 to see if it would make a difference, and it did... But... Truthfully I think ov could have been either then or today, probably more likely today. Anyway DH and I did manage to get a bit of sicky BD in after all - not our best effort I have to say! - but hopefully it counts. I came clean with him that this might be our only chance this cycle...
Excellent - so you have covered it either way(even if it was sticky! Lol!).

Just that TWW to go now....!
Does anyone here have experience of going to the doctors for fertility issues? What sort of things did they ask you? Did you take charts with you? I know that they'll probably do blood tests to check for ovulation (chatted to the registrar I saw for my regular ovarian cyst checkup last month), although I know I'm definitely ovulating already... but I also know that the guidelines say GPs should recommend against charting, so am worried my years worth of charts (and knowledge from charting for over a year before I was pregnant with L) will be dismissed, even though they clearly show that I have a very short LP.

I had a 7 day luteal phase before my MMC which vit b complex sorted out for me but when I mentioned it at the doctors or the FS they both looked at me like I was an idiot. I mentioned I charted and they just butted it and told me in no uncertain terms to stop charting and to not do opks either as they classed them as unreliable.

I just wanted to mention as most doctors seem to think your nuts if you think you don't have the perfect 28 day cycle and don't ov on cd14. I hope you have better luck than I did. xxx

I'm still at early days with seeing the GP, but I've had a bit more luck so far. I started out with a doc who didn't have a clue (the same that everyone else has reported: thought LPs were usually 14 days, didn't really know anything else about it.) But it's quite a big GP practice and I asked if there was a doc there that specialised in fertility/family planning issues and they said there was and the first doc also agreed that it would be better to refer my question to her.

I'd only been TTC about 4 months but my charting was showing a short LP and I'm over 35 so the 2nd doc thought it was sensible to do blood tests staight away ("21 day" progesterone and 2-5 day FSH and LH). I'm waiting on the results now. She didn't tell me not to chart and in fact thought it was useful and was interested to know that my temp stays up until my period and thought that was a good sign. She did ask what type of OPK I was using and said to be careful with them as they can be unreliable (and I'm starting to agree with her on that one as I'm having all sorts of trouble with them and think I'm going to give up on them!)

So it's really just down to how lucky you are with your GP. But you have every right to shop around for a GP on the NHS, so if there isn't someone with enough knowledge in your current practice, try to find one where there is!

Good luck!!:thumbup:
Hello everyone,
I found this thread while searching B6 and infertility an am so glad to have found it! I have read the thread from beginning to end all 342 pages lol and found lots of information. I have been trying to conceive since January 2010 with no luck :( previously to this relationship I was married for 15 years and never conceived but was told it was due to male factor. So when I divorced and met my current partner I thought I was easily going to get pg, but it has not been the case. I think my lp is short but haven't really taken my temperature since November last year and even then I took my temp for only 3-4 cycles, which were all varying in length. With my past partner I was always regular with 30 day cycles and had tender breasts before AF, with my current partner all that changed I've had 23-32 day cycles with no breast tenderness. I have started taking the b complex yesterday, currently on cd 19 and have bad ov pain on my right side... On cd 1 I started taking vitex 3 times a day and evening primrose oil 2000mg.

Any suggestions/opinions are welcome :)

Good luck everyone and baby dust to all!!!
Hello everyone,
I found this thread while searching B6 and infertility an am so glad to have found it! I have read the thread from beginning to end all 342 pages lol and found lots of information. I have been trying to conceive since January 2010 with no luck :( previously to this relationship I was married for 15 years and never conceived but was told it was due to male factor. So when I divorced and met my current partner I thought I was easily going to get pg, but it has not been the case. I think my lp is short but haven't really taken my temperature since November last year and even then I took my temp for only 3-4 cycles, which were all varying in length. With my past partner I was always regular with 30 day cycles and had tender breasts before AF, with my current partner all that changed I've had 23-32 day cycles with no breast tenderness. I have started taking the b complex yesterday, currently on cd 19 and have bad ov pain on my right side... On cd 1 I started taking vitex 3 times a day and evening primrose oil 2000mg.

Any suggestions/opinions are welcome :)

Good luck everyone and baby dust to all!!!

Have you still got the records of your temps when you were taking them? Even if your cycle varies your LP should be about the same every month. If not then take your temp for a couple of months to check. Have you been to the docs yet? You've been trying for ages, they should be checking everything by now!

Someone on here had problems with evening primrose, but I can't remember the details - sorry, not very helpful! It might have been on this thread, try searching or reading through it:

Hello everyone,
I found this thread while searching B6 and infertility an am so glad to have found it! I have read the thread from beginning to end all 342 pages lol and found lots of information. I have been trying to conceive since January 2010 with no luck :( previously to this relationship I was married for 15 years and never conceived but was told it was due to male factor. So when I divorced and met my current partner I thought I was easily going to get pg, but it has not been the case. I think my lp is short but haven't really taken my temperature since November last year and even then I took my temp for only 3-4 cycles, which were all varying in length. With my past partner I was always regular with 30 day cycles and had tender breasts before AF, with my current partner all that changed I've had 23-32 day cycles with no breast tenderness. I have started taking the b complex yesterday, currently on cd 19 and have bad ov pain on my right side... On cd 1 I started taking vitex 3 times a day and evening primrose oil 2000mg.

Any suggestions/opinions are welcome :)

Good luck everyone and baby dust to all!!!

Have you still got the records of your temps when you were taking them? Even if your cycle varies your LP should be about the same every month. If not then take your temp for a couple of months to check. Have you been to the docs yet? You've been trying for ages, they should be checking everything by now!

Someone on here had problems with evening primrose, but I can't remember the details - sorry, not very helpful! It might have been on this thread, try searching or reading through it:


Hello Lancylass,
I got checked out when I was married and had given up hope, his SA came back with extremely low count (1 million) and he was (is) an alcoholic so his count never improved, it got worse. With my ex I had the dye test to check my tubes and they were fine, I also got my hormones tested and everything came back normal, that's when they did his SA and told me that was the cause. With my current partner, he has 2 children so I know he is fertile. I got checked out again last year another dye test and it came back fine again, unfortunately I lost my job so don't have health insurance right now to test my hormones. I looked back at my calendars and it's all over the place, I got some LPs from (July 10 - October 10)
July 14lp O'd on 18cd
August none registered (I guess I didn't ovulate?)
September 11lp O'd on cd18
October 14lp O'd on cd17
I stopped taking my temp towards the end of November but seems like I O'd on cd 14 and got my AF 13 days later. Aghhh I'm going to start temping again next cycle, and taking the Bcomplex, I'm going to research the EPO maybe I missed that convo?
Do you think that your LPs have got shorter since these stats then Emmediva? The reason I ask is that 11-14 day LPs are fine - I think they say that anything over 10 days is good.

Mine was short (9 days with spotting from 7dpo) and it gradually increased from that to 11 days. I got my bfp the following month (unfortunately, it didn't stick and I lost it at 9 weeks) but the point is that I was able to implant with an 11 day LP.
Hi ladies :) I cam across this thread after having q chemical pregnancy at 5w4 days on my first cycle of ttc, my se one cycle charting.

While my research showed that chemical pregnancies are sadly very common amd usually down to a bad sperm it egg, I got paranoid when i heard they can akso be caused by a LPD and now progesterone.

My only cycle charting before the chemical pregnancy was 11 days so after reading a lot if thus thread I started taking b100 complex and Angus castus tincture from CD6.

It's great reading all the success stories here, but I have got paranoid over this week that maybe either supplement could be messing things up.

I have had fertile cm (watery) and what I think it fertile cp since CD9 and I srated taking internet cheapy opks from day 9 as I wasn't sure when I would o ulate and they were rekatively dark, though not positive and I e been taking them ever since and they are rely random, sometumes quite faint, sometimes darker, but with ni kind if pattern to it!

In my first cycle I O'd CD25 with 11 day luteal phase, on ny chemical cycle I O'd CD23 with 1day luteal phase, though since I was still testing very faintly positive the day before i started bleeding I'm sure the length was due to the chemical pregnancy.

Apart from the weired opks I have has less cm that usual in terms of the amount i woyld get and no ewcm as of yet which I have don't past cycles.

I'm currently on CD20 so b complex hasn't made me O early, I'm just really worried im going to O later than usual or not at all!

I have been weaning myself off agnus castus as I read about it messing peoples cycles up.

In your experience do you think they could be messing up my cycles?

Sorry for the ling post, I have been wanting to ask this for ages and thought thus was the best place to ask!
Do you think that your LPs have got shorter since these stats then Emmediva? The reason I ask is that 11-14 day LPs are fine - I think they say that anything over 10 days is good.

Mine was short (9 days with spotting from 7dpo) and it gradually increased from that to 11 days. I got my bfp the following month (unfortunately, it didn't stick and I lost it at 9 weeks) but the point is that I was able to implant with an 11 day LP.

I think they have because my cycle now only lasts 27-29 days :-/ and I feel ov pains around day 18 or 19... Well I think ov pains not sure, I need to temp again to be sure...
Ah I see - I guess if you O on cd19 and then get AF on cd27 then that is a bit short, isn't it? I think you are right that to know for sure you would need to temp again.

I started taking b complex (50mg) half way through a very long cycle. That cycle my LP did increase and then the following one I fell pregnant (the mmc). I'm just hoping that it hasn't reverted after the mc and that my cycles aren't stupidly long again.

I hope that it helps for you too and that you get your bfp soon. You will have to stay on here and keep us posted x
Hi Emmediva - I agree with the other girls, I think if you start charting again you will have a clearer picture of exactly what you're dealing with and can plan what to do about it, and/or see a doctor with some good evidence of what's wrong. GL!

(and hey, if you do, link it up on your sig so we can stalk you and check out how you're doing :D )

Hi Raven_moon - welcome! - re. your issues, I think it's difficult to say after only a couple of cycles. Agnus castus is usually supposed to 'right' wonky cycles, so I wouldn't immediately jump to that... taking B6 can sometimes lengthen people's follicular phases - from what I've seen on this thread - but that's not necessarily a bad thing if it means a bigger healthier follicle that's more likely to produce a better corpus leteum, which would in turn produce more progesterone and lengthen your LP... I think that's the main theory of B6 - follicle development - and for some people that means a longer FP. So I wouldn't worry about that so much.... only if it's shortening your LP. If your LP is 11 days that's not so bad at all - plenty of people seem to get pregnant on that. I would just recommend (because a doc has recommended to me!) that if you DO get pregnant, to get a blood progesterone test as soon as possible, because if it's low, it might need supplementing to ensure you don't miscarry (only one reason for MC of course, but it's a more avoidable one). But in respect of an 11-day LP, actually you *may* not need anything much supplement wise at all... (B vits can't hurt though)
Ah I see - I guess if you O on cd19 and then get AF on cd27 then that is a bit short, isn't it? I think you are right that to know for sure you would need to temp again.

I started taking b complex (50mg) half way through a very long cycle. That cycle my LP did increase and then the following one I fell pregnant (the mmc). I'm just hoping that it hasn't reverted after the mc and that my cycles aren't stupidly long again.

I hope that it helps for you too and that you get your bfp soon. You will have to stay on here and keep us posted x

I plan on sharing and seeing all of our struggles and happiness, I hope we all get our BFP soon. It's so hard to see others who seem to get pg by drinking water lol or who don't want to get pg and do ughh... I don't know how to share my charts though, I'm goig to have to look at past posts for instructions
Thanks for your reply googly, I guess you're right about longer follicle phase being a good thing if it means a healthier egg! Just fraustrating waiting so long! I swear if I see ewcm or a +opk I will probably run round my bath room and scream for joy!

Sadly in the UK they don't seem very willing to do any kind of blood test once you gsve a bfp. I only git one after I started bleeding and had to have an internal ultra sound which confirmed it negative for pregnancy. It would be a massive relief to be able to get a progesterone test or hcg levels dine if or when I get pg again, ad I know ill be paranoid!

Hope the b vits help and not hinder,I've read so many amazing stories in this thread I've been hoping it will work for me!

Thanks for the support and baby dust to you all :)
Ah I see - I guess if you O on cd19 and then get AF on cd27 then that is a bit short, isn't it? I think you are right that to know for sure you would need to temp again.

I started taking b complex (50mg) half way through a very long cycle. That cycle my LP did increase and then the following one I fell pregnant (the mmc). I'm just hoping that it hasn't reverted after the mc and that my cycles aren't stupidly long again.

I hope that it helps for you too and that you get your bfp soon. You will have to stay on here and keep us posted x

I plan on sharing and seeing all of our struggles and happiness, I hope we all get our BFP soon. It's so hard to see others who seem to get pg by drinking water lol or who don't want to get pg and do ughh... I don't know how to share my charts though, I'm goig to have to look at past posts for instructions

If you use fertilityfriend (which is what most people on here do), then you can click on the 'sharing' link (top of the page) and then choose 'Get code'. You then just copy and paste the 'bbcode' into your signature. You can access your signature in BnB by clicking on 'User CP' and then 'Edit Signature'.

I love stalking charts....:blush:
Thanks for your reply googly, I guess you're right about longer follicle phase being a good thing if it means a healthier egg! Just fraustrating waiting so long! I swear if I see ewcm or a +opk I will probably run round my bath room and scream for joy!

Sadly in the UK they don't seem very willing to do any kind of blood test once you gsve a bfp. I only git one after I started bleeding and had to have an internal ultra sound which confirmed it negative for pregnancy. It would be a massive relief to be able to get a progesterone test or hcg levels dine if or when I get pg again, ad I know ill be paranoid!

Hope the b vits help and not hinder,I've read so many amazing stories in this thread I've been hoping it will work for me!

Thanks for the support and baby dust to you all :)

I empathise with waiting so long for O (my cycles were wonky after the pill and I had cycles where I O'd on cd44 and cd76!) but I think googly is right - if it a better egg for it then you might need fewer cycles in the long run :happydance:

I'm pretty sure the b-vits can't harm. Whatever we don't use/need is passed in our urine so it is just like eating lots of food with vit b in (and that is a good thing - it seems lots of people are deficient in b vits).

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