Vitamin B6 - Lengthen luteal phase or increase progesterone

Got my results - so annoyed though because they were supposed to test thyroid and prolactin also, and they didn't. But my FSH was within normal range (5.8).

Next step is the HSG.

Also found out the specifics of DH's SA. Everything is normal, but the count is low normal (2.8 million). The sample was after 2 days of abstinance.

It's so frustrating when doctors don't do what they're supposed to do :growlmad: Are they testing your thyroid and prolactin at a later date?

Good news on the FSH. I'm not exactly sure what an HSG is? Is that the one where they check your tubes are okay? Whatever it is, I hope they do it soon, the waiting is always horrible. :hugs:

As for your DH's sperm count, is he taking anything at the moment? My doctor recommended Zinc and vit C for my DH - he hadn't had a SA prior to taking these vits so I'm not sure if they made any difference but zinc is meant to be really good for sperm health. I also speak to another girl online and her DH had a SA done with a count of 3.5million. Her FS recommended he take Wellman vitamins and after 3 months his count had risen to 35 million. However, I know you can't read certain parts of a SA in isolation, you need to take it all into account (e.g. my DH motility isn't great but his volume is so therefore the motility isn't much of an issue etc. So if everything else in your DH's SA is normal then the count might not be much if an issue - if you know what I mean!). I don't know much more than this :blush: but I'm happy to share anything else I know it it will help :hugs:

Anyway, take it easy and you are welcome to join my 'Down with Rubbish Doctors' club? I'm looking for a vice-president...! :haha:
Happenstance - I have been Oing cd18-20. Since starting vitex and b complex it's got a day earlier each cycle. This cycle, on cd12 had lots of very watery cm so did an OPK and it was nearly positive. Did two the next day and superdrug one was positive (test darker than control) but no smiley. Later in the day still no smiley and IC that night was quite faint. Had some EWCM and cervix is high but not as soft as its been before. Thinking it was a false start except just checked and cervix is still high and maybe softer than yesterday. I've had a false surge before and I usually O the day after + OPK. Time will tell.

When do you next see a doc?

That's great that your o day has being coming a day earlier each cycle. Has your LP been increasing by a day at the other side? How long have you been on B complex for?

I hope it was just a false start and you o soon. But even if you missed your surge at least you were BD-ing at the time so won't make any difference - it'll just be tricky to work out your dpo. I take it you still haven't had a temp shift?

By the way, I'm not sure which OPKs you use. I looked at the digital ones that showed the face and thought they were really expensive. I use the cheap online OPKs that are about £8 for 50 of them and because they are so cheap I can use them as often as I like (e.g. 3 or 4 times a day if I'm getting close). They also detect my peak earlier than my CBFM (which I still love as it shoes me my high days prior to o and also, I just like peeing on sticks! :blush:). Anyway, if you have a few surges throughout the month the cheaper OPKs might be more useful as you can keep using them to see how long the surge lasts without breaking the bank? Fingers crossed you o soon :hugs:

I next see a doc on Tuesday when I go for my scan. I had a telephone chat with my GP yesterday, for something entirely unrelated, but she was really nice and told me that I would be surprised how many women spot in early pregnancy and go on to have healthy babies. I'm really hoping I'm one of them.

Yup, been temping for 4 years - eek! (well, with a gap for pregnancy) I don't totally trust OPKs as I sometimes miss my surge... and in the cycle we got pregnant with L I barely even got a line, let alone a positive!! And the result of that pregnancy is currently napping upstairs, so I definitely ovulated. ;) Actually, though, I got a semi-decent line this morning, which usually means my surge is on the way up or down, plus some good ferning on the microscope yesterday, so I think the odds are ovulation day is today or tomorrow. Recently I have generally had a pretty short 'fertile period' so 3 days of fertile cervix+cm is a bit unusual for me. :D

I hope your spotting eases off soon... maybe you're just a spotter and it won't have any bearing on the outcome of your pregnancy! (which is going to be a wee baby in 8-9 months ;))

Four years! You must be a pro at it! I bet you have a really good idea of what your body's doing each month. I wish I'd started temping a lot earlier as I could've built up a much better pattern by now.

I laughed out loud when I read your post about the result of your faint OPK napping upstairs - that's certainly one way to be sure you've ovulated!!! :haha: Keeping my fingers crossed you get your o and find your temp shift.

Thanks for the spotting reassurance. I too am hoping I'm just a spotter and that it's not going to have an impact on my pregnancy. Just taking one day at a time right now. :hugs:
Thanks happenstance. Actually the 2.8 was the mL, as in the volume of semen, and that was within normal range (2-5 mL). It's a little in the low end, but he only abstained for 2 days, so if he had abstained 3 or 4, there probably would have been more. Everything else was good, count or concentration was 79 million, motility was 76%, but morphology was low, only 6%. I think though that with the high count it might still be ok? Going to talk to the doc. Dh already take a multi with zinc and everything in it, and it's a bit of a mega vitamin ( high doses).
I had originally misunderstood and thought 2.8 was the count, not the volume.

And yes, they will send my blood from yesterday for thyroid and prolactin. So annoying!
Hi Daisy glad the tests so far have come back good, fingers crossed for the HSG!

I have no idea when I'll even be sent for tests, went to see doc at 8 months and she says I should not come back till at least 1.5 years. Joy!

Both thyroid and prolactin came back as normal.

Mrs. Broody, that's so annoying! How old are you, if you don't mind me asking? The good news is that from what I've read, if you have time on your side (under 35) most people concieve within that time frame - like 90%. So odds are it WILL happen, and won't it be so nice to conceive naturally at home than in a Dr.'s office?? I need to keep telling myself this as well!
Hey ladies.

Happenstance - Thanks. No temp rise yet. Must have been a false start. Showing fertile signs but negative OPK. I use a mixture between normal OPk (superdrug), digital smileys and IC's. I was trying to do a chilled cycle this month like last month. Last cycle I waited until I had fertile signs and only had to test twice. Been a little slack the last few days. My prob with IC's is that you need something to pee into so I can't easily do them at work. I've been on vitex and B complex for 2 months. THis is my 3rd cycle. Haven't a clue when I'll O this cycle now. How are you?

MissBroody - Where in the southeast are you? I've managed to get bloods by not going in for fertility but the spotting. Last cycle I had spotting everyday from O so they've decided to do tests and ultrasound. Maybe an option? But as Daisy said you'll probably be pregnant long before the 18months are up.

Daisy - don't know much about SA but that all sounds fine.

254 - How are you?
ok so if i normally would get a BFP on 11dpo, if taking b6 and lengthening LP- would i then get the BFP later?
ok so if i normally would get a BFP on 11dpo, if taking b6 and lengthening LP- would i then get the BFP later?

Sorry iwas meant to reply to this earlier but BnB been playing up.

No a longer LP shouldn't affect when you get your positive but every lady and every pregnancy is different. Some get faint positives at 9dpi and others not until 13/14 dpo.
Thanks happenstance. Actually the 2.8 was the mL, as in the volume of semen, and that was within normal range (2-5 mL). It's a little in the low end, but he only abstained for 2 days, so if he had abstained 3 or 4, there probably would have been more. Everything else was good, count or concentration was 79 million, motility was 76%, but morphology was low, only 6%. I think though that with the high count it might still be ok? Going to talk to the doc. Dh already take a multi with zinc and everything in it, and it's a bit of a mega vitamin ( high doses).

Sorry Daisy, must've read it wrong. Besides, if anyone talks to me about anything that comes in 'millions' I now feel obliged to launch into a massive discussion about sperm :rofl: I'm glad you're both getting really good results, let's hope your BFP is just around the corner. :hugs:

Bean66, sorry about the false start. I hope your o day isn't too far away. I know what you mean about the hassle of having a cup handy. I bought a hundred little plastic cups that I now keep in my bathroom - I know, I'm a very classy lady!!! I don't think I'd get away with doing that in my work right enough :haha: I know it's frustrating when you POAS and don't get a smiley face, so I'm sending you your very own smiley face O:) and hope that it brings you luck. Come on OPKs, work with me!!! :haha:

AFM: Still spotting. I'm actually thinking of changing my username to Mrs Spotty :blush:
Quick hi! :hi:

Well, I'm having the longest fertile period I've had in ages... 5th day in a row of really HSO cervix and some ewcm, when I normally only have a max of 2 days (recently). Hopefully that means good estrogen levels and a nice healthy egg! I reckon I'm going to ovulate today, so am thinking nice sperm-meets-eggy vibes :)

Miss Broody... yeah, that seems pretty common in the UK. We're seeing a fertility specialist next month when we'll have been trying for 18 months, although not eligible for any sort of assisted conception (as we already have a child) so it'll just be a chat...

OnErth&InHvn... when you get a bfp depends on when the egg+sperm implanted, which varies from person to person and pregnancy to pregnancy. B6 doesn't delay implantation so should have no effect on that, but do remember different pregnancies implant at different times, so there's no 'usual' time for you to get bfps. Good luck :)

Happenstance - sorry you're still spotting :( I know several people with recent bfps who are spotting (mostly B6ers... is it linked?? or would they have spotted anyway and were taking B6 to try to stop it? chicken and egg!) and it's a scary time. But as I've said before, it doesn't automatically mean bad news... fingers crossed!!

Bean66 - false starts are very frustrating! You can see on my chart I've had a few. Hopefully you can chill and it'll come... don't stress too much about OPKs... if you're charting, you'll know when it's happen, so just try to bd every couple of days if you can, and you'll have the bases covered. :)
Oooh GL 245! Hope that sperm meets your egg and it's a done deal.

Happenstance, no worries, I don't think I understood initially that the 2.8 was mL not million either! I love the alias, Mrs. Spotty - me too, me too! :haha:

First acupuncture appointment next week, really exited!
Thanks for the support ladies, I am only 27 so time is on my side which is why they don't take it that seriously - though tell that to dh who wants 3 kids!!

I am in Sussex, sadly having already seen my GP she knows damn well I don't spot so I am not sure I could try this now.... Damn!!

Daisy good luck with the accupuncture!!

Well, just an update for me. I have posted on this thread before, but not often. Although I do follow along and read what you all are saying. :flower:

I have charted for 5 cycles now, and just started TTC on the the last one. I have had a 9 day LP with AF showing up at 10 DPO every single time. I have taken B vitamins (200mg) for several months and still no change.

AF just showed up this morning so no luck for me on cycle #1...

Not sure what else I can try. I know it is silly and only my first attempt but feeling sad, worried and discouraged nonetheless.
Well, just an update for me. I have posted on this thread before, but not often. Although I do follow along and read what you all are saying. :flower:

I have charted for 5 cycles now, and just started TTC on the the last one. I have had a 9 day LP with AF showing up at 10 DPO every single time. I have taken B vitamins (200mg) for several months and still no change.

AF just showed up this morning so no luck for me on cycle #1...

Not sure what else I can try. I know it is silly and only my first attempt but feeling sad, worried and discouraged nonetheless.

hi gaiagirl, i am just on cycle#6 and not an expert in chart interpretation. but according to SPERM MEETS EGG PLAN you should bd when you get opk+ to 2 days after that in raw. you can search it in BnB. and you should take acid folic as well and that is a good idea DH take it too.
hope these help you.
fingers crossed for your BFP and lots of :dust:
Gaia, you could try progesterone cream. It gave me an extra day of LP, using it my first cycle. Just an idea. I used Emerita Pro-gest cream.

Otherwise, have a talk with your doc about progesterone suppositories. Otherwise, if you get to this point, fertilitly drugs like clomid should help lengthen LP as well (stronger ovulation = more progesterone).
Well, just an update for me. I have posted on this thread before, but not often. Although I do follow along and read what you all are saying. :flower:

I have charted for 5 cycles now, and just started TTC on the the last one. I have had a 9 day LP with AF showing up at 10 DPO every single time. I have taken B vitamins (200mg) for several months and still no change.

AF just showed up this morning so no luck for me on cycle #1...

Not sure what else I can try. I know it is silly and only my first attempt but feeling sad, worried and discouraged nonetheless.

hi gaiagirl, i am just on cycle#6 and not an expert in chart interpretation. but according to SPERM MEETS EGG PLAN you should bd when you get opk+ to 2 days after that in raw. you can search it in BnB. and you should take acid folic as well and that is a good idea DH take it too.
hope these help you.
fingers crossed for your BFP and lots of :dust:

Thanks! I have been taking prenatals for 5 months! LOL, I am all good on the folic acid front...

This cycle we BD'd quite a lot around O...I don't think that was the problem this time, plus we were using PreSeed as well.

Good luck to you too!!!
Gaia, you could try progesterone cream. It gave me an extra day of LP, using it my first cycle. Just an idea. I used Emerita Pro-gest cream.

Otherwise, have a talk with your doc about progesterone suppositories. Otherwise, if you get to this point, fertilitly drugs like clomid should help lengthen LP as well (stronger ovulation = more progesterone).

Thanks for the advice. :flower:

I have been thinking about progesterone cream, but am pretty hesitant to use something like that right away. I think I will give it another cycle without anything and then maybe consider trying it one cycle...did you use it until AF showed up? And it still only lengthened by one day?

I unfortunately don't have a family doctor right now, although I am trying to find one. I will bring it up if I do, but I worry that they won't take me seriously after only TTC for a few months!
Hey there. I stopped using it after 14 DPO, because I had a BFN and my temp had already started to drop on it's own, so I figured I probably wasn't prego.

Just wondering - does anyone know how low your progesterone needs to be post-ovulation before a doc recommends progesterone suppositories? Just curious. This book I'm reading says to ask for them if your level is under 20, and mine is 17.
AF just showed up this morning so no luck for me on cycle #1... Not sure what else I can try. I know it is silly and only my first attempt but feeling sad, worried and discouraged nonetheless.

Hi gaiagirl! Sorry to hear you're feeling down :( I'm a big fan on conceiving naturally if you possibly can, so I'd really say it's worth considering several more cycles naturally before you look into interventions. It is possible to conceive with a 9 day LP... there are quite a few success stories on here. I conceived with a 8 day LP in October... sadly it ended in MC, but I'd thought my LP was too short for implantation to even happen... but it did. Have hope! :thumbup:

I'm another person for whom B6 had no impact on my LP :( It's still stuck at 8 days!

Just wondering - does anyone know how low your progesterone needs to be post-ovulation before a doc recommends progesterone suppositories? Just curious. This book I'm reading says to ask for them if your level is under 20, and mine is 17.

Is that definitely in the US units? Cos I thought 20ng/ml (US) was VERY high and surely wouldn't benefit from even more progesterone?? Whereas 20nmol/L (UK) is pretty low... I've had a look at your chart and it looks like you have a solid 12/13 day LP which tallies with your progesterone being good... I worry, though, that the cycle you first spotted more than just a day before CD1 (normal) was the cycle you started taking B complex... I just worry what if there's something in the B complex that's actually causing your spotting? Sorry... don't want to worry you, but I couldn't help notice that the two things coincided. :hugs:

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