Vitamin B6 - Lengthen luteal phase or increase progesterone

If your LP has been 16, and even with 12, the odds are that your progesterone levels are fine... low progesterone and a short luteal phase (<10 days) often go hand in hand. Although it's possible to have low progesterone and a normal LP, it's rare, as it's progesterone which governs the length of the luteal phase.

Some supplements can produce 'negative' changes to people's cycles if they're not necessary (and sometimes even if they appeared to be... it's about weighing up pros and cons)... if B6 has reduced your LP then that could be an indicator the very high dose of that vitamin isn't working well for you? How long have you been taking it?
If your LP has been 16, and even with 12, the odds are that your progesterone levels are fine... low progesterone and a short luteal phase (<10 days) often go hand in hand. Although it's possible to have low progesterone and a normal LP, it's rare, as it's progesterone which governs the length of the luteal phase.

Some supplements can produce 'negative' changes to people's cycles if they're not necessary (and sometimes even if they appeared to be... it's about weighing up pros and cons)... if B6 has reduced your LP then that could be an indicator the very high dose of that vitamin isn't working well for you? How long have you been taking it?

I just started taking it last cycle. 50mg. I dont think they have 25mg, although i could cut one in 1/2.
Just curious - why are you assuming your progesterone is low? Do you have spotting during the LP or any other sign? Low temps?

Just wondering if you are assuming this based on your "many in heaven?" It could be something else entirely - have you seen a doctor about it?
Just curious - why are you assuming your progesterone is low? Do you have spotting during the LP or any other sign? Low temps?

Just wondering if you are assuming this based on your "many in heaven?" It could be something else entirely - have you seen a doctor about it?

I have had bleeding/spotting throughout a whole cycle, before O and after O, just at AF. Theres really no rhyme or reason to when it happens. Sometimes i can tell when it'll be a cycle like that because AF will be heavier than normal. Temps are OK after O most of the time. Sometimes they are ALL over the place. Not low perse? I mean above CL, but not like sky high.

I have had a progesterone check done last year and it came back normal but i dont know what normal is or what mine specifically was. On one way thats why im glad im getting my records for the RE so i can really know whats "normal" for me.

I think ill stay at the 50 and see what happens this cycle and if nothing one way or the other than ill drop it. I have the B vit in my multi vit i take so ill still get some even if i stop.
That sounds like a good plan. Hopefully the RE will be able to sort this out for you. Have you ever considered acupuncture or chinese medicine? I don't know too much about it, but I am giving it a shot - my first acupuncture appointment is on Friday. From what I've read, it can really help regulate cycles and midcycle bleeding. ?? My main issue is spotting before AF, and also this past period was weird - start and stop. Mainly, I'm hoping this will help me with stress and possibly help with supporting luteal phase and implantation. I feel that it can't hurt!
That sounds like a good plan. Hopefully the RE will be able to sort this out for you. Have you ever considered acupuncture or chinese medicine? I don't know too much about it, but I am giving it a shot - my first acupuncture appointment is on Friday. From what I've read, it can really help regulate cycles and midcycle bleeding. ?? My main issue is spotting before AF, and also this past period was weird - start and stop. Mainly, I'm hoping this will help me with stress and possibly help with supporting luteal phase and implantation. I feel that it can't hurt!

I have actually never thought about it. I know the RE's office has someone that offers it. I may ask about it when i go in.
Hiya! I'm 5dpo today expecting my period on Saturday... feeling strangely calm but I'm sure I won't be that way as the weekend approaches!

OnErth&InHvn - it really doesn't sound like you need to extend your LP.. I've rarely heard of anyone with a 16 day LP... that would be unusually long. A 13 day LP is absolutely fab!

I am always like this a few days before, it is so much easier to be calm!! My AF should come yesterday or today and i am now at that constantly checking phase!!

If it comes tommorrow instead my LP will be 8 days, which is the joint longest i have had, same as a couple of cycles ago when i am convinced i had failed implementation as i had so many symptoms etc and it just seemed different to a normal cycle.
OnErth - if the spotting is throughout the cycle is very unlikely to be low progesterone. More likely a fibroid or something. Have you had a smear/pap done? And ask your RE for an ultrasound.

No harm on trying the b6 for a month though.
Hi ladies, how's everyone getting on?

OnErth&InHvn sorry to hear your news. Hope you have good luck with the B50 this cycle

DaisyQ glad you've booked your first acupuncture. I hope it goes really well, let me know how you get on - I've always fancied trying it.

254 and Bean66 how are things going this cycle? When are you due for testing?

AFM: 23rd day of spotting :dohh: Had my first scan yesterday (6 weeks) but it was too early to see anything. They saw gestational sac and yolk sac but no baby. Have to wait another two weeks and try and keep positive. Not easy! :wacko:

Sending you all lots of :hugs: and praying for your BFPs
Happenstance :hugs:, stay positive! Like you said, it may be too early! Also, do you have a tilted uterus by any chance? It can make baby much harder to see. They couldn't see anything on happy's scan for the longest time, but they did finally.
Oh and afm, I bleeding. :-(. 2 days after the HSG. It's more like light flow than spotting. I feel like this is going to mess my cycle up.
254 and Bean66 how are things going this cycle? When are you due for testing?

6dpo and happily calm! Unfortunately I never have to decide when I'm testing, as my period arrives before I get to make that decision! :( I barely have an 8 day LP at the moment. If I happen to get to 13dpo (which has always been my 'testing day' as it's when my period would have been a day late on my 'old' pre-baby 11 day LP) I'll test, but otherwise, I guess my period will just start at 9ish dpo... :nope:

AFM: 23rd day of spotting :dohh: Had my first scan yesterday (6 weeks) but it was too early to see anything. They saw gestational sac and yolk sac but no baby. Have to wait another two weeks and try and keep positive. Not easy! :wacko:

Big big hugs... it must be hard, especially when you occasionally hear of people seeing a heartbeat at that stage, but that's the exception... the norm is to see very little at 6 weeks.

And actually, I've just checked your chart and by ovulation (which is the 'proper' way to measure gestation... LMP means diddly squat when you know your ovulation... it's just the way it's done by docs as most people don't know when they ovulated!) you were only 5+4 yesterday so it would be incredibly rare to see a heartbeat then, and unusual even to see more than the yolk sack etc. I hope that in a couple of weeks you have a fab scan... 7+4 is a good time for an early scan as by then the heartbeat should definitely be visible. We had a private early scan with L due to our MMC (picked up at 12 week scan 3 years ago) at 7+5 and she was 9mm long!

Oh and afm, I bleeding. :-(. 2 days after the HSG. It's more like light flow than spotting. I feel like this is going to mess my cycle up.

That doesn't sound much fun :( Was the HSG painful? I hope it doesn't mess things up for you...
Thanks 254. It was painful (terrible cramping) but only lasted a minute or two. Still bleeding but more like spotting than flow now. Hoping this doesn't mess with my cycle.
Daisy - I'm sure the spotting is fine/normal. I often spot after a smear/pap.

Happenstance - :hugs: 254 beat me to it. You're not 6 weeks yet! Don't fret! I think all will be well.

254 - Fingers crossed the witch doesn't show and you get a lovely flashing BFP!

AFM - I'm 4dpo today. trying not to count. Got bloods for progest on Friday (6dpo). Not overly confident about this cycle but at least even if don't get BFP I'll know if my progesterone is low. Like 254 AF often arrives before I have chance to properly test. ALthough last 2 cycles my LP has been longer but I've out this down to the chemical last cycle and progesterone cream the cycle before. If I can I'm not testing until at least 14dpo and only with a digi. I'm hoping my willpower lasts!!
For the last year or so (DS 3 years old) I have had a short luteal phase (8-11 days) which I've tried all manner of treatments for, including 200mg of B6, agnus castus, red raspberry leaf. Nothing worked, and the B6 gave me palpitations.
However, I recently took clomid for two months and though I didn't get pregnant, for those two cycles I had a 14-day luteal phase, and what's more, the first month after clomid I also had a 14-day luteal phase. I'm currently 12dpo of the second month post-Clomid. Also it seems to have made me more regular: day 15 ovulation instead of anything between day 16 and day 26. It has ovbiously rebooted things!
Thanks brownstag - that's good to hear. I've heard similar things RE clomid boosting progesterone and extending LP. I may talk to the RE about it tomorrow...

AFM, still bleeding and heavier than ever. :-( Really hope it stops. CD 11, expected ovulation on CD 15, and was planning on BDing tonight. We haven't BD'ed in days and days.
Good luck with the bloods and RE visit Bean & Daisy, i hope they go well!

I believe i am now 9DPO :) And even though i am sure the witch is soon to show as i have a bit of cramping starting, i am happy that if she arrives today i will have had a 8 day LP from just half a cycle of b complex. If she doesn't come today then i will be ecstatic tommorrow :)

I hope you are all doing well xx
DaisyQ Thanks! I don't think I have a tilted uterus (or at least, she didn't mention it and I have no idea what one looks like!) I'm keeping fingers and toes crossed that it'll all be where it should be next time. I've also been weaning myself off POAS - day three and I haven't so much as looked at a stick! :haha:

I'm glad you had your HSG but sorry that you're bleeding. It's perhaps just due to a little irritation from the procedure rather than any kind of hormonal upset? I really hope it doesn't mess anything up with your cycle. When should you get your results back? Sending you :hugs:

254 I hate the way our bodies seem to mess up the second we start TTC. I never really monitored my cycles pre-TTC but I never had any pre-AF spotting and I was pretty much a perfect 28 day cycle. Then we start TTC and all of a sudden, pre-AF spotting and a LP of 6-9 days. So I know the frustration of AF arriving before you've even unwrapped the HPT. But remember, the short LP didn't stop me from getting pregnant, so I truly hope this is the same for you. Has anything that you've been trying so far helped to lengthen your LP at all? Are your doctors looking into it? When I mentioned having a short LP to my doctor she told me that wasn't an issue and that I should stop reading too much on the internet! I was like, it's an issue for me so I'd rather you damn well listened to me! Mind you, I've not had the best of luck with doctors! I'm praying :af: and that this is your month! :hugs:

And thanks so much for your reassurance about my scan. I had been reading those posts you mentioned where people had seen everything at 6 weeks, including heart beat! But you're completely right, I ovulated later this cycle and I tested at 9dpo (BFN) and then 12dpo (BFP) so I reckon it took me a while to implant too. And WOW, can't believe at your 7+5 scan you had a 9mm long baby! That's amazing! I bet that was an early sign that she'll grow up nice and tall! :winkwink: Thanks again for being there :flower:

Bean66 hope your blood test goes well tomorrow and that they get the results back to you quickly. 6dpo is a good time to get them done. When I had mine I was only 4dpo (because she counted cd21 rather than letting me base it on dpo). I hope everything is absolutely fine, but if it does show an issue then it's so easily rectified. I know you had such a difficult time last month and I'm really praying that you see those two pink lines in a few days time and get a sticky bean. I've got everything crossed for you :hugs: Oh, and just to let you know, MY willpower won't hold out until your 14dpo so I'm afraid you'll have to test before that :haha:

Brownstag I'm glad clomid is working for you, let's hope you're BFP is just around the corner! :hugs:

Miss Broody I hope the witch stays away completely, but if she does arrive then I'm glad the B50 seems to be helping your LP. :af::af::af: :hugs:
Oh, and I meant to tell you all something else that I found out. Remember my whole saga at A&E when I had pain in my lower left side? Well, apparently I have a corpus luteum cyst on my left ovary. It's apparently been left over from ovulation (I ovulated from my left ovary this cycle) and while it's nothing to worry about, it can cause pain. So, there you have it, that stupid doctor said it was to do with my bowels and I was really concerned that I had a different anatomical make up to everyone else in the world - I mean come on, bowel pains where my ovary is!!! :haha:

Sorry, I know that's not terribly interesting to anyone but I still haven't got over my experience with that horrible doctor. Oh, and I also like being right - mind you, us women always are!!! :rofl:
Thanks for the reassurance happenstance! And gratified that you were right about your own body you should write that nasty doc a letter, or breeze by one day when you are showing, and reenact the scene from pretty woman when she revisits the shop where they didn't take her seriously, and tell him,"big mistake. Huge! Well, off to my Ob appointment!"

Still bleeding over here, and it's heavier than spotting. Im sure bding last night didnt help with the bleeding. Glad I will be seeing the RE today. Hoping he might reassure me about my lining. As for my results, the radiologist verbally told me my tubes are open and uterus looks normal.

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