Vitamin B6 - Lengthen luteal phase or increase progesterone

Congratulations SonnyEm, that's good to hear that taking B50 really helped you get that elusive :bfp:

My cycle this month went to 11DPO, which I am really pleased about. However (TMI alert) I have nothing now since yesterday. So I suppose you would call that spotting?

Do you think I should still be classed on my previous cycle until I get full flow. Once I get full flow then treat as CD1. What do you ladies think/do? I get all confused with this, sorry. It would mean that I don't have such a short LP after all.

You are still on this cycle if you've not had full flow. Isolated spotting may not be related to AF like regular spotting. It could be from an implant bleed or something else. Good to hear though that your LP is lengthening!
Another success for B6! After a much delayed Ov this cycle, I just got my :bfp: on 10DPO. Last cycle, without B50s, my luteal phase was only 8 days.

Congrats to you too amerikiwi!!
Just wondering I'm still taking B50 - kinda scared to stop in case the witch comes and takes my bfp away! As only a vit guess it's ok to continue? When will be a 'safe' time to stop?
Another success for B6! After a much delayed Ov this cycle, I just got my :bfp: on 10DPO. Last cycle, without B50s, my luteal phase was only 8 days.

Congrats to you too amerikiwi!!
Just wondering I'm still taking B50 - kinda scared to stop in case the witch comes and takes my bfp away! As only a vit guess it's ok to continue? When will be a 'safe' time to stop?

I'm still taking it too with the same fear! Have doctor's appointment on Monday so I'll ask then and let you know what she says.
Another success for B6! After a much delayed Ov this cycle, I just got my :bfp: on 10DPO. Last cycle, without B50s, my luteal phase was only 8 days.

Fantastic news Amerikiwi! Congratulations!:hug:

Thanks V for replying about the length of my cycle. I've still not got full flow, so that means today I'm 14 DPO - yippee!!!! :hug:
Well ladies...AF showed but I am not too worried about it.

congrats to all that got their bfp...well done ladies and here is to a sticky bean :dust:

So this is what B100s did for me...

lengthened my cycle to 31 days (it averaged out to 29-30 before but really 29 days)
spotting didn't start until 13dpo when usually it starts at 11 dpo
LP normally 13 (includes 3 days spotting) but was 14 days (includes 2 days spotting)

Now here is my question....

Should I have been worried in the first place to have a 13 day LP which included 3 days of spotting? I was taking B50s and by taking B100s my cycle has lengthened. If there was nothing for me to worry about in the first place then I would consider going back to the B50s because my cycle was only 29 days.
Congrats to both SonnyEm and Amerikiwi. It's really heartening to hear of lots of success stories. You both mentioned you were worried about still taking the B vits. Don't quote me (and check anyway) but I am sure V has said that it's OK and that some ladies are prescribed them anyway to combat MS... check either earlier this thread or the other long LP thread or ask V!

Irish Eyes - I would think that a longer LP phase is better although 13 days is certainly within the limits of being fine. I guess it's up to you but if I were you I'd take the extra 2 days on the cycle to get extra sticky time?

I am still seeing where I am am heading. My AF was shorter which is good but that may not have been the b vits anyway. I'm waiting to see if I ovulate earlier.... will let you all know.

Just wondering I'm still taking B50 - kinda scared to stop in case the witch comes and takes my bfp away! As only a vit guess it's ok to continue? When will be a 'safe' time to stop?

I'm still taking it too with the same fear! Have doctor's appointment on Monday so I'll ask then and let you know what she says.

BVits are very safe in pregnancy so take it if you want. It's what my doctor actually recommends as a first defense against nausea. I did stop mine though about a week and a half after my BFP. I found I could no longer handle the smell and I had to take my prenatals six times a day - and those also made me feel like retching from the smell so I didn't want to add to it as I was already nauseated.

I eventually switched to a coated prenatal I only had to take once a day because the uncoated ones were torture. Anyway, proof that either stopping or continuing will have no effect of the baby.

Congrats to both SonnyEm and Amerikiwi. It's really heartening to hear of lots of success stories. You both mentioned you were worried about still taking the B vits. Don't quote me (and check anyway) but I am sure V has said that it's OK and that some ladies are prescribed them anyway to combat MS... check either earlier this thread or the other long LP thread or ask V!

Yeppers! Thanks!
Irish_eyes - I'd take the longer LP and keep up with the B100s. Some ladies take a few cycles to respond properly so the B100s might still yet stop the spotting and keep your LP long.
is there any side affects of that you notice to having low progesterone other than not getting pregnant?
Hi, this web page ( has a list of symptoms. It was looking at stuff to do with that that brought me to this very page actually!

Also, it's worth looking up oestrogen dominance. Oestrogen and progesterone live in balance - two weeks of one cancelled out by two weeks of the other. If you're deficient in progesterone then not all of your oestrogen is cancelled out which leads to its own problems. A (long) list of symptoms for that can be found here:

Hope that helps.
Hi all, and big congrats to Amerikiwi and SonnyEm!! Fabulous news!!

V - thanks for the input on my cycle (sorry for the delay, but I've been out of town). I hadn't noticed the steady increase from CD17 until you mentioned it. So maybe I ovulated earlier than FF thinks... Although my temp spiked a couple of mornings ago, so who knows! lol

Will re-read on here tomorrow - 12 hours of driving today has melted my brain!
I didn't know this thread existed! I just thought I'd add my story.

I've been taking B100 to help regulate my cycles, the length would vary from 33 to 37 days and Ov would be all over the place (on average CD 20) also I had very little to no EWCM each month. So I thought I'd give b100 a whirl after trying EPO without much success.

The first month my cycle length changed to 29 days, I Ov'd on CD15 and I had little more EWCM than usual. The second cycle, omg my hormones went through the roof, DH wondered what had hit him :D I had gallons of EWCM I Ov'd on CD 16 and on CD 29 I got my BFP.

Huge congratulations to all the ladies getting their BFP's :)
Congratulations Jolinar, that's brilliant news. God those B100's really sorted you out!

I started tracking my temps about 4 months ago, and typically ovulate on Day 18-19 and have had a LT 9-10 days max. So after reading about vitamin B and LP defect, I started taking B50 on CD10 of this cycle. I am now on CD17 and started trying OPK's and those OPK's have been - ! What is going on? I figured by today (CD 17) I would have a + OPK since I usually ovulate on day 18-19.

Can Vitamin B50 (combo of B6 & B12) cause me to ovulate later as well as extend the LP? I am wondering if I totally messed up my system & wonder if i'll ever ovulate! Help!
Hi - From what I have read it can take more than one cycle to change for the better. I am in exactly the same position as you - ov CD19 ish and 9 day LP so am also taking B50. I am on CD16 and am also waiting for a +OPK. I'll let you know how I get on via this thread. Pls let me know about yourself but I am sure it will be OK.
Hi Peardrop- Thanks for your reply. It is so frustrating because I figured since I started the B50 AND using the OPK's I would see a positive OPK result as expected (I've never used an OPK before, just relied on my CM and temperature changes!). Now I'm starting to wonder if I actually ovulated before (I assumed I had due to fertility friend stats & my increase in temperature!). I guess now I just wait & see when the OPK goes +! I'm going to have to buy another OPK because I only bought one that had 7 tests in it, and I started testing on CD14.

Keep me updated on you too, especially when you get a +OPK result!

The OPK box says that you get results 24-48 hours before ovulation, so maybe this month is an ovulation on CD19 for me which is why I won't get a +OPK until tomorrow? I'm hoping! The only thing is, my OPKs aren't getting darker, it is still a faint line in the test box.
I think that if you can see a temp shift when using FF then you will have ovulated in previous cycles. Don't disregard that.

Having read quite a few bits on B50 I am working on the assumption that it might lengthen my cycle and change ov day so keep doing the OPK's and keep temping as I am doing as well!

I have to keep telling myself to be patient but it's just so frustrating when you don't know what's going to happen.

If there is little or no difference this month I have decided I am going to double the dose next month to B100 and see what that does. My gut feeling is because my LP is really quite low I will have to do that but was worried about leaping in with 100's just in case they disagreed with me!

Once you've got the right amount of posts to do so will you put up your chart so we can see it? You can look at mine if you want, it's in my signature.

Brand spanking new here. I have been reading this thread for like, 20 pages and decided to jump in. I have a 6 day luteal phase based on charting, but part of me thinks I actually O 3 days sooner and have a delayed rise in temperature due to low progesterone.

A little bit about me that makes my situation unique: I am still nursing my 20 month old son, and hoping to wean soon but he's so darn addicted. I have experienced 2 losses in the past year--the first one at 5 weeks, the 2nd one at 8 weeks (didn't find out until 12 weeks when we couldn't hear a HB--u/s detected loss occurred 4 weeks prior).

I KNOW I have an LP defect, but of course, what do doctors know. When I mentioned it in the past, they look at me like I'm speaking another language.

We are not actively trying right now, but this particular cycle I'm in now, we happened to have good timing, so I guess I'm in the wishful thinking category.

This cycle is the first one I've taken 100mg of B6 plus B12 (don't know the dosage--50mg, maybe?). I stopped taking it yesterday (apparent O day according to chart, although I had no other symptoms) because I was reading about its possible side effects.

My question is, does anyone know how much of it goes into breastmilk? I tried to search for information on this and could not find any. Until I get more info, I won't take it anymore because I'm scared of causing nerve problems or something to my boob addict son.

Today I am going to buy some progesterone cream, and then if I AM KU this cycle, I'll call the doctor right away and have them get me on "real" progesterone supplements immediately (a side note, I demanded prog. supplements my last pg. and she said I didn't need them because my numbers were fine, despite going from 25 to 21 from weeks 4-6... and I fear this was a clue that I would miscarry).

Finally, here is my chart if you want to take a look. Note the jump CD14, then the apparent O-day jump (will get CH in 2 days) today. The last 2 cycles have had a big jump on CD18, with a smaller jump 3 days prior. Sorry I'm not a preferred member so you can only see the 2 most recent charts.

PS, sorry for the long first post! LOL.....
PS, the prior 2 cycles, I took 50mg of B6 and saw no change, so I upped it to 100mg.
I started tracking my temps about 4 months ago, and typically ovulate on Day 18-19 and have had a LT 9-10 days max. So after reading about vitamin B and LP defect, I started taking B50 on CD10 of this cycle. I am now on CD17 and started trying OPK's and those OPK's have been - ! What is going on? I figured by today (CD 17) I would have a + OPK since I usually ovulate on day 18-19.

Can Vitamin B50 (combo of B6 & B12) cause me to ovulate later as well as extend the LP? I am wondering if I totally messed up my system & wonder if i'll ever ovulate! Help!

I wouldn't worry you can get a positive OPK in a range of days. Mine were around CD20 then dropped to CD16 after taking B50. However last cycle it was CD28! WTF! But I didn't mind when my LP increased to 14 days!

I actually took B50 for two months then upped it to B100 for that last cycle. Maybe you just need a little longer or even increase to B100. However having said that if you are unsure exactly when you ovulate, using OPK's or temping will help to determine this. Keep going with OPK's and you should probably invest in Internet Cheapies IC's as I take it you are using Clear Blue OPK's?


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