Vitamin B6 - Lengthen luteal phase or increase progesterone

Can Vitamin B50 (combo of B6 & B12) cause me to ovulate later as well as extend the LP? I am wondering if I totally messed up my system & wonder if i'll ever ovulate! Help!

Yes it can and it is nothing to worry about, The egg should release when it is ripe and healthy, not before. With this pregnancy, I O'ed later than I had ever before actually and was worried about it for awhile. But you don't need early Ov to get pregnant. I know waiting can be frustrating though!

There are other stories of late OV but extended LP in this thread if you read back. Just trust that everything is working at it is supposed to. You are technically not late for Ov yet even. Women can get a positive the same day they ovulate - I usually do.
the ones i have are the generic pharmacy brand OPK's. They aren't cheap by any means, I think I paid $15 for 7 tests.

I have been temping the past 4 months, but since I started on B vitamins I am thinking this is what has confused my system since according to my temp I haven't yet ovulated.

Also, how do I add my fertilityfriend chart to this site? I'm new at this so bear with me!

just found this thread and read some of the comments to understand some of the ideas and actual evidence going around. I've been taking the holland and barrett B100s since last November/December. But I started taking them because of the folic acid, without knowing what you all knew!!! :thumbup:

And now, I can understand how is that my cycle has regulated. Before I'm sure I didn't ovulate every month. It was a total mess since I left the pills two years ago. I O'ed sporadically. Basically since January I've been O'ing every month on my 18th day. I've got long cycles of 30-31 days.

Hopefully, one of these months it will stick around!
thanks vestirse-- that makes me feel better! my dh was like "well you've been stressed so maybe its no meant to be this month"... and the poor guy has been going commando because I told him his boxer briefs were too tight! lol! any advice on how to post my fertility friend chart in here?
I am so glad to find this thread. I have been confused on exactly how the B vit worked (whether it made you o earlier or start later) - I normally have a 28 day cycle, and 10-12 (12 only on good months) LP, usually 10 or 11. I thought I would try taking Vit B6 (though from what I've been reading on here maybe I should be taking a complex?)

I just started taking B6 this cycle, and I o'd on day 18 (which is a little later for me), and now I'm 13 DPO (on Day 31 when I normally have a 28 day cycle), my temps are still high. Of course before reading this thread I was very excited because I've never been late before, even though both test I've taken have been BPN. I am going to test in the morning 14 DPO, but it sounds like maybe its just the B vitamin that has delayed AF....
thanks vestirse-- that makes me feel better! my dh was like "well you've been stressed so maybe its no meant to be this month"... and the poor guy has been going commando because I told him his boxer briefs were too tight! lol! any advice on how to post my fertility friend chart in here?

There's an option on Fertility Friend to make a homepage. On top of your chart on the homepage will be an https address. Copy and paste this into your signature (under User CP) and you should be set.
Here is the link to my ff charts--
The egg should release when it is ripe and healthy, not before.

There's no way it can be over-mature if it releases really late? Sorry to belabour the point; just trying to fit what I've read together...
just wanted to let you guys know my opk is + today! now we just have to see if the b50 extends my luteal phase! exciting!
Hi ladies,

Phew, I have just read this thread from start to finish. I have a 10 LP so I want to extend it as much as I can. I am going into Holland and Barrett tomorrow to get B-50 complex as it sounds great.

Have subscribed to this thread so will keep you all updated on my cycle!
The egg should release when it is ripe and healthy, not before.

There's no way it can be over-mature if it releases really late? Sorry to belabour the point; just trying to fit what I've read together...

Of course it can and some woman have that problem. But the B Vits are supposed to regulate that, help the egg health so that it does pop off too early or too late either way. So no, while on B Vits, it should not happen. Off B Vits though, there is always a chance!

It is not weird to ovulate at different times each month. Sometimes the egg race (as there are many follicles competing) just takes a bit longer than at other times. It can be frustrating to have experienced an earlier ovulation then a really late one, but you have to trust that everything is doing its job the way it's supposed to and the B Vits are working.

I expected to ovulate around CD13 the month I got pregnant, yet did not ovulate until at least CD19. The egg was obviously healthy as I got preg (you'd be surprised at just how right the conditions have to be - or maybe not if you've been researching this ;)) and had it popped off earlier when I wanted it to (I was so so so frustrated) it would have been immature and I probably would be preg right now.
The egg should release when it is ripe and healthy, not before.

There's no way it can be over-mature if it releases really late? Sorry to belabour the point; just trying to fit what I've read together...

I found this quote "supposedly" from a doctor on a PCOS website. I've been curious about this myself as last cycle I o'd on D21 and this cycle on D25.

Many doctors believe that "late ovulation" -- after cd20 or so -- decreases your chance of conception for several reasons. You (mathematically) ovulate less over [the course of] time. The endometrial lining is, later on, less receptive to receive the egg. And also, the egg is supposedly less receptive to fertilization. Induction of ovulation at an earlier time may improve your chances of getting pregnant.

Your doctor can review ways to manipulate ovulation days in your cycle.

For long cycles the entire process is stretched out and each step takes a longer period of time, so instead of the development starting later for example it takes longer instead.

I found no eveidence that the eggs were damaged or defective genetically. It seems to be more a complicating factor for conceiving, not a danger to a healthy pregnancy.

So what I'm taking from this is that it's just harder for late O'ers to actually get pregnant, but we have lots of proof (V and Amerikiwi are two!) that it happens! Also, you can go on FF and search for pregnancy charts with late ovulation...there are a ton!

There's a lot of information out there (on the web) that states that O'ing late means the egg will be old and faulty, but I had a really hard time finding actual research to back this up. It seems to be just hearsay and word-of-mouth...not actual doctors. Even the quote I posted has to be taken with a grain of salt, as who knows if it's a real doctor? I'm going with the evidence I see on FF and from the girls who've had success here!:)
I think V and Cleo have done an excellent job explaining the delayed ovulation!

The Bs regulate your hormones so that it doesn't release too soon or too late. I know how frustrating it can be when you feel like you're never going to Ov, but like V, I conceived on the cycle that my ovulation was a full week later than previously.
just wanted to let you guys know my opk is + today! now we just have to see if the b50 extends my luteal phase! exciting!

Hi - I've also now got a +OPK (yesterday) so if I ovulate today, I gain a day or tomorrow and it stays the same. Unfortuneately, I missed doing an OPK the day before so I have to wait and see...

kpedtexas - checked your chart out and hopefully you'll get that rise in temp today. Fingers crossed and I'll check it out later!
Thanks V and Cleo!! I had thought that what I was reading implied that late ovulation under any circumstances was not a good thing for the egg, but what you're both saying makes total sense. Part of my frustration this cycle was that we were travelling and couldn't keep up the BDing to coincide with a late ovulation. Grrrr......

Next cycle I will be more patient, in large part b/c we won't be travelling! lol
Hi all again,

I bought my B-50 complex today so I will start taking it today at CD6. Last month I O'd on CD17 and the month before it was CD19, with a 10 day LP for both months. Not sure if it will make much of a difference this month but will let you all know when I O.

This is such a helpful thread!
Hi everyone. This thread has been amazingly informative. Thank you so much.

I've been taking B-100s (1 a day) for quite a while, but just started B6 this cycle. I'm optimistic. I had an awful disappointment earlier this week, but I'm trying not to stress too much. :)

Anyway, one thing that Vestirse said quite a while back in the thread, I'm really curious about: she mentioned that one thing the B-vitamins will not help with was uterine lining. Lining is one of the things I'm concerned about, as I have a very light period, but I was hopeful B6 might improve that. If not, does anyone have any other suggestions?

Thanks for any help, and good luck to you all!
Hi everyone. This thread has been amazingly informative. Thank you so much.

I've been taking B-100s (1 a day) for quite a while, but just started B6 this cycle. I'm optimistic. I had an awful disappointment earlier this week, but I'm trying not to stress too much. :)

Anyway, one thing that Vestirse said quite a while back in the thread, I'm really curious about: she mentioned that one thing the B-vitamins will not help with was uterine lining. Lining is one of the things I'm concerned about, as I have a very light period, but I was hopeful B6 might improve that. If not, does anyone have any other suggestions?

Thanks for any help, and good luck to you all!

My accupunturist recommended taking co enzyme q10 which helps blood flow and as a result increases the endometrium. Not sure if this the same problem you are talking about but af has def got longer and heavier (JOY!!) since taking it.

Good luck!
My accupunturist recommended taking co enzyme q10 which helps blood flow and as a result increases the endometrium. Not sure if this the same problem you are talking about but af has def got longer and heavier (JOY!!) since taking it.

Good luck!

Thank you so much for the suggestion. That's exactly what I was talking about. Do you mind telling me what dosage you take that has helped? And do you take it all through your cycle?
Yes, you can take it the whole time, I take 30mg, its just a supermarket brand. TMI but she also told me to look out for fresh, red blood as a good sign. Anything old or with clots could mean you're not having a good clear out (so to speak!!)

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