Vitamin B6 - Lengthen luteal phase or increase progesterone

Hey 254, my period were usually 33 days but I took b6 for 3 months and the cycle lengths were approx 23, 31 and 21 consecutively, bearing in mind the 2nd month I used EPO! I stopped taking B6 Dec 18th when my period came and have not had one since. Seems like the B6 sent my body haywire

Whoops, I'm so sorry - when you said your cycle is usually 33 days I read that as my cycle is now 33 days - missed your previous post. Really sorry for my useless comment!!!

It definitely sounds like B6 didn't agree with you at all... it's useful to have experiences like yours recorded on this thread so people know that B6 isn't a miracle cure... it helps some people, has no effect for some people (me) and can even have a negative effect too. I'm sorry it hasn't helped you. :(

42 days is a long cycle, so hopefully your period will come soon and things will settle down after that. I used to have very irregular cycles... anything from 25 days to 40+ - you don't know whether you're coming or going when they're like that, do you?

Have you taken a pregnancy test to be sure?

I hope things settle down for you soon. :hugs:
Hey 254, my period were usually 33 days but I took b6 for 3 months and the cycle lengths were approx 23, 31 and 21 consecutively, bearing in mind the 2nd month I used EPO! I stopped taking B6 Dec 18th when my period came and have not had one since. Seems like the B6 sent my body haywire

Whoops, I'm so sorry - when you said your cycle is usually 33 days I read that as my cycle is now 33 days - missed your previous post. Really sorry for my useless comment!!!

It definitely sounds like B6 didn't agree with you at all... it's useful to have experiences like yours recorded on this thread so people know that B6 isn't a miracle cure... it helps some people, has no effect for some people (me) and can even have a negative effect too. I'm sorry it hasn't helped you. :(

42 days is a long cycle, so hopefully your period will come soon and things will settle down after that. I used to have very irregular cycles... anything from 25 days to 40+ - you don't know whether you're coming or going when they're like that, do you?

Have you taken a pregnancy test to be sure?

I hope things settle down for you soon. :hugs:

Thanks 254, so do you still take B6 or something else? No I have not taken a HPT, as the likelihood. of me being pregnant is slim!
Thanks 254, so do you still take B6 or something else? No I have not taken a HPT, as the likelihood. of me being pregnant is slim!

I still take B6... with the vain hope that perhaps it takes years to work for me rather than the usual months. ;) Ever hopeful! I have an 8 day LP... it has gone up from 6 in a bit over a year, but I think that's more likely to be due to normal post-pregnancy gradual cycle changes changes (I have an almost 2 year old), rather than supplements...

I'm focusing more on improving fertility through diet... on Month 3 of eating organic whenever possible, lots of wholewheat foods, superfoods, seeds etc and hoping that perhaps that may help me get pregnant. I'm determined to do it as naturally as possible!

I hope that you get some answers as to what's going on with your cycle soon. x
Thanks 254, so do you still take B6 or something else? No I have not taken a HPT, as the likelihood. of me being pregnant is slim!

I still take B6... with the vain hope that perhaps it takes years to work for me rather than the usual months. ;) Ever hopeful! I have an 8 day LP... it has gone up from 6 in a bit over a year, but I think that's more likely to be due to normal post-pregnancy gradual cycle changes changes (I have an almost 2 year old), rather than supplements...

I'm focusing more on improving fertility through diet... on Month 3 of eating organic whenever possible, lots of wholewheat foods, superfoods, seeds etc and hoping that perhaps that may help me get pregnant. I'm determined to do it as naturally as possible!

I hope that you get some answers as to what's going on with your cycle soon. x

Thank you. I hope so too.

Healthy eating is always a good option for all round health. I don't know what part of the world you are in and if they sell a drink call Supermalt, that drink is real good, contains B vitamins.

An increase in LP by 2 days is good. Was your LP short when you conceived your lil one?
254 said:
DaisyQ - I hope you get good luck soon. I'm pretty shocked a doctor would label your situation as 'infertility' - surely after 6 months of ttc it's currently just a case of you 'not being pregnant yet' as everything seems in working order with both you and your husband?!

254, the doctor just said there is no obvious reason we have not conceived yet, and that we are a case of "unexplained fertility over six months". I don't think he meant to diagnose us as unequivocably and permanently infertile. The "rule" here for diagnosing infertility is 12 months of trying for couples under 35, and six months of trying over 35. As DH is 42, and I'll be 35 this year, I just think he is comfortable using the 6 month cut off in our case, to justify starting fertility treatments. He also knows that ideally, I'd like second child, so we don't want to waste too much time ttc #1. He left the decision to pursue treatment up to us, and seemed ok with us trying more natural cycles first. He left it up to us, and we decided to go for it at this point. That's not to say we wouldn't get pregnant naturally later this year or next, but we just don't want to wait too long as fertility and the success rates of these treatments takes a significant dip after 35.
Happenstance i was going to test tommorrow but having never ever made it anywhere near 10 dpo i was too excited and went and brought a test. So i did a test just now at 11dpo and there is definately a second line of some description!

I dont want to get my hopes up too much after 10 months, but it was a second line that came up after two minutes and i could clearly see it on the front of the test as could DH but it was faint!!

Going to go get a FRER today and retest tommorrow morning!! No idea how i am going to concentrate today!!

OMG Miss Broody! I just knew it!!! A second line is a second line! :bfp: Good luck with the FRER, I'm sure they'll confirm what you already know! I am SO EXCITED for you! :happydance::wohoo::yipee::headspin:

Get on here as soon as you can and let us know how you get on with the FRER! Sending you massive :hugs:

254 said:
Happenstance - haha, it's pretty wrong that I was able to say it sounded like an ovarian cyst but a doctor in a&e couldn't, it's it??!! I'm glad you've got a reason for the achiness. Are you still having pain? Corpus luteum cysts are very normal and tend to have gone by the end of the first trimester, if not earlier.

Me update... 8dpo today which means period's due tomorrow or maybe early the next day (I ovulated late on CD19). Feel like I usually do a few days before it comes... occasionally crampy... so not expecting anything out of the ordinary. Soon it'll be cycle 18 and a year and a half of trying... phew!

254, I always had complete faith in you! :hugs: I've now sacked my doctor and will be visiting the 254 Clinic of Health and Wellbeing in future! :haha: Stupid doctors, they really should listen to us more!

I know you said you were feeling the way you normally do before AF, but you're not out until the witch arrives. The only symptoms I had before my BFP was period-like pains and spotting - so, don't count yourself out yet. I'm keeping everything crossed that the witch stays away! :af::af::af:

DaisyQ how are you feeling today? Has the bleeding stopped? I hope so :hugs:

Bean66 where are you? How did the blood test go? :flower:

AFM: I don't really want to jinx it, but it looks like my spotting has stopped - at least for now!!! :thumbup:
Thank you!!! I am in floods i am so excited/petrified that something is going to go wrong and its not really a positive. Man this is going to be a really long day!!

Ohh no and i just remembered i am going out for drinks with my friends tonight.... urgh i need to come up with an excuse for not drinking, i assumed AF would have come by now so thought it would cheer me up! I havent been drinking properly for a while as doctor said not to as it can impaact fertility so perhaps i will stick with my i am dieting again so i am not drinking approach!!!

Fingers crossed your spotting has stopped!!

I hope if this is my BFP that this is the start of a run of them for everyone else!! fingers crossed xx
I'm sure everything will be absolutely fine. A :bfp: is a :bfp:! Now go and do what every newly preggo lady does and empty the chemist's shelves of every HPT they have so you can see the lines popping up on them all! :haha:

Tell your friends you've not been feeling too great and are on antibiotics - that's the line I've been using and everyone's been really good about it. I told them I had a UTI as that tends not to involve any further questioning!!! :haha:

I'm so excited for you! What did your DH say? Is he gobsmacked!!! And you're right, today will be a VERY long day for you! Just continue doing those somersaults in your head and you'll be absolutely fine :headspin:

And I agree, let's hope it's a new trend on this thread and the BFPs come rolling in!
Mrs. Broody!!! OMG - congratulations! This is wonderful news. There has been a FLOOD of BFPs this month all over this site. It's a lucky month! Lots of October babies on the way!

Happenstance, the bleeding seems to have tapered off for now. FX it stays that way. Was planning on DTD last night, but DH and I got into a fight. I'd actually not be surprised if this is the factor getting in the way. My husband and I are SO in love and most of the time we get along great, but he can be very irritable, which is made worse by sleep deprivation/stress - and there is a lot of that going on right now (he got let go 2 days after our wedding, and is now at a new job and has to "perform" - there is a lot of pressure). Anyway, he is a total neat freak, and I am not, and this is the only thing we fight about - the cleanliness of our house. He picks on me about this stuff about once a week or once every two weeks, and he is just completely unreasonable about it - he get's his panties in a bunch if there is lint on the carpet or crumbs on the counter, and it's just so stupid, in my opinion. Sigh. I was feeling so relaxed after acupuncture tonight, and it all went to waste because within an hour of getting home DH laid into me about the lint on the floor and the fact that there are dishes in the sink (HIS dishes!). I get so annoyed because it's not like I'm home all day twiddling my fingers - I work too - but he expects me to keep on top of everything domestic. Grr. Sorry for the vent. I am just frustrated and sick of fighting about this stupid, petty stuff.
OMG MissBroody!!! Yipee!! Congratulations!! Good luck with the FRER! What do you normally drink? My friend drank vodka soda without the vodka!

Happenstance - Great the spotting has stopped! I'm good thanks, trying to keep warm. Sooooo cold here. Bloods were fine, wont get the results until next week. Probably Wednesday.

254 - How are you hun? I think I 3 month plan is such a good idea.

Daisy - Sorry you're bickering. I'm glad I'm not the only one who's not crazily clean and tidy. I'm so disorganised. My husband is a little better than me but we're quite balanced. It only causes arguments when it gets too messy or when I've had the day off and DH comes home and I've done nothing but sit on BnB!! :blush:

AFM - A teeny bit of oink CM this morning but nothing since. Blood test was fine, thankfully only 1 vial this time rather than 5. Hopefully get results next wednesday.
Hi ladies... sorry for the middle of the night rant. :shy: We've made up, and everything is fine today. Of course it's only a matter of time before we have the fight AGAIN, but he's promised to try harder to be more tolerant and to approach me in a nicer, less confrontational way, so FX! Otherwise.. :trouble:
Hi ladies... sorry for the middle of the night rant. :shy: We've made up, and everything is fine today. Of course it's only a matter of time before we have the fight AGAIN, but he's promised to try harder to be more tolerant and to approach me in a nicer, less confrontational way, so FX! Otherwise.. :trouble:

Glad you've made up. :hugs:
254 - How are you hun? I think I 3 month plan is such a good idea.

I'm ok thanks, although think my period is about to start. Had a bit of light brown CM today (when wiping) which is usually a precursor to my period, and now getting occasionally very mild 'twinges' as I usually get too. 9dpo today so due today. Ah well. Onwards and upwards!

I haven't been CM/CP checking this LP which has helped me feel SO much better - now I don't chart at all after ovulation there's very little to 'read into' and it's really helped me not get too bogged down with wondering whether I'm pregnant/feeling sad I'm not. I feel much 'lighter' mentally!

Been in this game long enough to know that our bodies can throw all sorts of things at us after ovulation which make us thing we're pregnant... and I can do without things to overanalyse month after month. It was OK for about the first year of ttc, but now I know the odds on me getting pregnant are slim, it feels better to take an 'ignorance is bliss' approach!! :D

AFM - A teeny bit of oink CM this morning but nothing since. Blood test was fine, thankfully only 1 vial this time rather than 5. Hopefully get results next wednesday.

Eeek, 5 vials sounds no fun at all! Glad it was only 1 this time. I did giggle at your 'oink' CM... I know what you mean, though. ;) Fingers crossed x
Yeah I do a lot of typos! SOmetimes read back and cringe. I like Oink CM through!

I don't chart post O either. Def feel better for it.

I hope your BFP sneaks up on you!
I'm sure everything will be absolutely fine. A :bfp: is a :bfp:! Now go and do what every newly preggo lady does and empty the chemist's shelves of every HPT they have so you can see the lines popping up on them all! :haha:

Tell your friends you've not been feeling too great and are on antibiotics - that's the line I've been using and everyone's been really good about it. I told them I had a UTI as that tends not to involve any further questioning!!! :haha:

I'm so excited for you! What did your DH say? Is he gobsmacked!!! And you're right, today will be a VERY long day for you! Just continue doing those somersaults in your head and you'll be absolutely fine :headspin:

And I agree, let's hope it's a new trend on this thread and the BFPs come rolling in!

Haha this made me laught earlier!! I did go to chemist but ended up buying a clearblue digi instead of a FRER - i want to see the magic word!!

My DH is completely gobsmacked and so excited. He spent this morning telling me not to get my hopes up and then giggling but now i posted my tests on here and everyone said it looked like a BFP on the testing gallery he has accepted that i can get my hopes up!! :)

We are both desperate to tell my parents, we are so close with my mum and dad its mad!! And my Mum actually asked me today if i was pregnant - how nuts is that!!

Thank you all for the congratulations!! As you all know it really gets you down this TTC malarky. I hope you all get yours soon too! xx
Ohh and Daisy sorry to hear your arguing. Its so much more likely when you have more pressure on you both and then when you add the pressure off TTC on top, its no wonder things get tough!!

Chin up! :)

We are both desperate to tell my parents, we are so close with my mum and dad its mad!! And my Mum actually asked me today if i was pregnant - how nuts is that!!

Thank you all for the congratulations!! As you all know it really gets you down this TTC malarky. I hope you all get yours soon too! xx

Congratulations! How long was your LP last cycle? Am I remembering correctly that it was 8 days like mine? I love a good 'real' LP defect success story. :D

I'm a big believer that there's nothing wrong with telling people early if you want to. It's good to have support of those close to you in the stressful early days of pregnancy. :)
Agree with 254! It's great to have the support of those close to you.

So excited for you Mrs. Broody. And thank you for your encouraging words. It's true - I have a lot of stress on me too, so I'm apt to overreact when he's overreacting - not good! Everything is OK now.

Again, congrats!

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