Vitamin B6 - Lengthen luteal phase or increase progesterone

We are both desperate to tell my parents, we are so close with my mum and dad its mad!! And my Mum actually asked me today if i was pregnant - how nuts is that!!

Thank you all for the congratulations!! As you all know it really gets you down this TTC malarky. I hope you all get yours soon too! xx

Congratulations! How long was your LP last cycle? Am I remembering correctly that it was 8 days like mine? I love a good 'real' LP defect success story. :D

I'm a big believer that there's nothing wrong with telling people early if you want to. It's good to have support of those close to you in the stressful early days of pregnancy. :)

Hi 254, my last cycle before this my LP was 6 days, the one before that was 8, and the 4 before that that i temped were all either 6 or 7. The three before that i didn't temp for.

I started taking B50 on CD17 of the cycle and it appears i may have ovulated earlier than my CD20 normal as well as i got a BFP on a CS Digi this morning and it says 2-3 weeks post conception, when i think i am only 12dpo!!

I did three things different this cycle to get my good LP and BFP:

1) I cut down my drinking to only 2 units of alcohal a day. I find there seems to be a link between my LP and drinking.

2) I didn't temp, i think this is a coincidence as i don't find it stressful to temp, so i am not suggesting that this helped really.

3) I took B50 from CD 17 to CD 21 and then B100 from CD 22 onwards.

We BD from day 14 every other day to day 18 so 14, 16 and 18, then not after this as i had to go away for work.

I always take Pregnacare each cycle, other than that i don't do anything.

I am sending all my baby dust over to you guys and i hope i see some more BFP's on here soon!! :) xx
DaisyQ sorry you had an argument with DH, but don't ever apologise for venting on here - this is the place to do it and keeps us all sane! I had a similar episode two nights ago, only I'm the neat freak (don't hate me!). I had spent the whole day cleaning up - changing and washing bed sheets, doing umpteen washings, hoovering, mopping, emptying bags of rubbish (that DH calls 'important stuff' but is realistically rubbish that will lie there forever and will never be put away anywhere). So, it got to bedtime and he threw his dirty socks at the laundry bin - not IN the laundry bin but AT the laundry bin. That was it. A complete temper tantrum ensued. I think I was just feeling a bit taken for granted and started to wonder if DH really does believe me when I tell him not to worry that the 'cleaning fairies' will sort everything out. Then, instead of a 'sorry' do you know what he said??? 'Don't worry honey, I know you're hormones are all over the place right now!'. That man is so lucky he still has breath in his body... Anyway, that started off as a way of saying 'don't worry, we all argue sometimes' but moved more into a 'men are *#!@*#!' type of story. Oh well, I'm glad you've made up now! :flower: And I'm glad the bleeding has stopped!

Bean66 Glad the blood tests are over and that you'll get your results back relatively soon. Fingers crossed they give you the all clear but if not, it's a problem that's easily remedied. Oh and I love your 'virgin' vodka soda idea! I must try that! :winkwink:

254 I know you're due AF today but I'm hoping beyond hope that it stays away. :af::af::af: :hugs:

Miss Broody your Clearblue Digi said 2-3 weeks? That sounds great and means your HCG must be relatively high already. Perhaps a case of miscalculation or perhaps there's more than one in there?!?! :winkwink: I'm so glad it's helped to put your mind at rest. And it's madness that your mum suspects already - mums are like superheroes with the super power of knowing exactly what is going on with us at all times. She'll be so excited with your news. Take it easy :hugs:
Happenstance, THANK YOU. :hugs: Loved your story! I understand your point of view completely, and I've been there, on the other side of it, not so much with DH, but with a former roommate who was messier than me. I spent hours cleaning our disgusting kitchen, and lots of elbow grease scouring our stove that had cooked on food all over it (YUCK! Cannot abide this) and what do I come home to later that day?? A disgusting stove top with cooked on tomato sauce all over it. From that point on, I just gave up, and barely ever used the kitchen! I am sure DH feels much like you do, that he does a lot to try to keep the apartment clean, and it drives him crazy when I'm not as vigilant as he is about things like crumbs, lint, clutter etc. I know he feels that I take him for granted in that way, and at the same time, I feel that he's taking me for granted. The reality is though, that we we both do things around the house, plus we have a cleaning lady that comes once a week (the whole point of having her, is so we fight less about the chores!). I do nearly all the cooking and nearly all the dishes, and he is the garbage and recycling person, and he does a lot of the laundry - but I do the folding. It just annoys me when the thing that he wants me to do is relatively small or easy (wipe the counter, put some dishes away) and instead of just doing it himself, he get's on my case about it. I think I'd feel a little differently if I didn't work - if I was home, then I think I'd take this stuff a little more seriously - then I could really see why he'd be annoyed if it took days for me to put dishes away, or clothes away. But the reality is that we both do work, and I'm out of the house for 9-11+ hours a day, and when I get home at 9pm, I'm just done for the day. The one thing that pushes him over the edge is if I put something I already have worn next to, or God forbid, on top of clean clothes. He is deathly afraid that "cooties" from my "dirty" clothes will contaminate the clean clothes. Apparently this sentiment is not uncommon, my colleague at work - her husband feels the same way, so I at least I have someone in my life who can relate to my plight! My husband's mom is even more of a neat freak than Craig - she comes over here and thinks the place is filthy, and I am just dumbfounded - I don't know how it could be cleaner! Apparently HER mom used to go around with white gloves looking for dust and grime. Sigh. Oh well!!

Broody, just so over the moon for you!!

254, hope that AF stays away! Encouraged for you that Broody got her BFP with such a short LP.
Wow, Miss Broody, that's fab to hear you got a bfp right after a 6 day LP. Must've been quite a surprise! B6/complex is supposed to take 3ish months to have an effect, so the odds are the B50 didn't have much of an impact (especially since you started taking it late) so it's especially lovely for me to hear your story as B6 does nothing for me. I've been trying (with charting) for 17 months now (with one early MC) including many cycles with B5/B6... so just keeping hoping that one day I'll be sharing a bfp here! Hope everything goes smoothly for you.

There have been several people getting pregnant on this thread with LPs that are 6-9 days long... it seems that although LPD (<10 days) can make conceiving more difficult, it doesn't make it impossible. :) :)

Well... I'm 10dpo today! I have a slightly ambiguous ovulation date (due to night waking affecting temps) so I could be only 9dpo today, but even so, I'm doing better than last cycle when my period arrived first thing on 9dpo. Looking back on my charts, I think I've now equalled my longest LP ever (well, since L was born)... 2 cycles ago when (taking into account time of day of ov and period) I got to 8.5 days. I've had a tiny bit of very light brown CM, but nothing more so far... having the occasional small ache so think period could still be imminent... but we shall see.... :)
DaisyQ I went through the exact same thing, the roommate from hell. She did absolutely nothing and I was forever running around after her. Plus, she seemed to live on pizza and banana (yes, that's one dish - banana on her pizza!). It's actually really funny that you guys have a cleaning lady but still argue about the cleaning!!! :haha: We tried getting a cleaner for a while too (for the exact same reason as you, to try and save on arguments) but I ended up cleaning up BEFORE she came as I didn't want her to think we lived in a hovel. Needless to say, that arrangement didn't work out! I think I probably got myself into this mess though, as DH and I lived together when I was a student so I did most of the housework as he was at work all day. Now that we both work full time it still falls to me. Not that he expects me to do it, it's just that he won't (or at least, not without a bit of nagging) and I can't live in a dirty house! Hey, we should do Wife Swap! Me and your DH can argue over who's the cleanest and you and my DH can sit and moan about us!!! :winkwink: PS my dad's mum used to do the 'white glove' technique when she went to visit my parents - drove my mum crazy!!! Perhaps you and I are related somewhere along the line...!

Broody how are you? Is the news starting to sink in? Hope you're doing really well :hugs:

254 I've got everything crossed that you're AF doesn't show today and you get your BFP. It's a great sign that it didn't arrive yesterday. I'll be stalking this thread to find out how you get on. Sending you :dust:
Happenstance - How are you doing? Hoping the spotting has still stopped.

MissBroody - Has it sunk in yet? Did you manage to get away with not drinking?

254 - FIngers crossed the witch doesn't show!

Daisy - Ignore you MIL. I believe in clean but it is a proven fact that people exposed to some bacteria etc have stronger immune systems.

AFM- 9dpo and no sign of AF. Not sure how long my LP Is going to be. Had pink cm after bding on saturday but nothing since. Last cycle my LP was 14 days but had the chemical and the cycle before 13 days but was using the progesterone cream. Just have to wait and see.
Thanks so much everyone. It has started to sink in now!! Told my parents who are very happy!

I have had to go away for work to another country all this week, I come here a lot and I've just realised I am going to struggle with food!!! You don't seem to be allowed to eat anything pregnant - nuts!!

I know my HSG looks high, not sure if i somehow ovulated differently this cycle. But I am CD20 every month so I'd be amazed if it changed to being a week early!!! My mum is a twin, but I reckon my Sidter will have twins as I am the one who wants them!!

254 great news on the LP length! I hope AF does not show!!

Haha loving the cleaning stories!!! V jealous you guys have a cleaner! We have discussed it for a while, I may give in now I am preg, too tired to do housework in the eve!! CX
Where you off too Broody? Don't panic about food too much. Just no raw meat or fish and no soft cheeses or eggs.
Well, ladies, it seems that I'm on 11dpo... other than my MC cycle last October, this is the longest LP I've had since May 2009! :thumbup: Last cycle I only just reached 9dpo...

Had some cramping and a small amount of light brown CM, but it hasn't progressed into anything more, despite me being utterly convinced my period was starting yesterday afternoon.

The three possible things that I could 'credit' with this change would be... progesterone cream (also used it last cycle, but only from 5dpo - had to wait for delivery of a non-nutty one after realising the emerita one has almond oil in it! - and saw no increase in LP), L breastfeeding less (once every 2 or 3 days over the past couple of weeks) and the third month of us eating super healthy/organic. Oh, and obviously there's a 4th possibility, that I'm pregnant, but I'm not sure I dare to even consider that one yet.

Won't be testing unless I don't have a period for several more days as I know from experience that, for me, seeing a BFN is worse than continuing in blissful ignorance. Fingers crossed :)
Happenstance! Ahhaah! So funny. Next time DH gets on my case over some lint or crumbs, I'm packing him up and sending him off across the pond to your house! Yesterday, DH used the microwave and made a big mess (spattered BBQ chicken all over), and FORGOT to clean it up! I just noticed the mess again this morning, and you better believe he heard about it! I mean, I don't REALLY care - but it's just so AWESOME when he makes a mess and I get to yell at him about it. :sulk:

Broody, glad that you told your parents and so happy for you!

254, glad AF has not yet shown up! FX this there is a bean in there! When might you test?

Bean, AF stay away!! Hope you at least get a nice long LP, but more than that, hope you've got a sticky bean, Bean!
Thanks Daisy. How are you? Has the bleeding stopped?

254 - That is great news! I really hope it's your BFP!
YES! Woohoo! The bleeding has stopped. Finally. I think I am back at square 1 though. I should have ovulated yesterday, or definitely by Wednesday, but because of all that bleeding, I think I lost my lining, and I really think my ovulation will be very delayed. I guess the only upside is that it will have a chance to rebuild...?
The three possible things that I could 'credit' with this change would be... progesterone cream (also used it last cycle, but only from 5dpo - had to wait for delivery of a non-nutty one after realising the emerita one has almond oil in it! - and saw no increase in LP)

While youre waiting (and fingers crossed for you :)) could you tell me about progesterone cream - how to find a proper one, dosage, whether it works? Thinking about it!!
The three possible things that I could 'credit' with this change would be... progesterone cream (also used it last cycle, but only from 5dpo - had to wait for delivery of a non-nutty one after realising the emerita one has almond oil in it! - and saw no increase in LP)

While youre waiting (and fingers crossed for you :)) could you tell me about progesterone cream - how to find a proper one, dosage, whether it works? Thinking about it!!

I just did loads and loads of googling to find out as much as I could... there are quite a few articles on using it to help overcome LP defect (how long is your LP, btw)?

We've been trying almost a year and a half and it was one of those things that I didn't want to rush into using (wanted to go as 'non-supplementy' as possible, and then there's also the consideration of when to stop it in pregnancy if you do conceive) but after this long I figured it was worth a try, as my LP is still very short. B6 hasn't helped me at all. I found various articles mentioning the emerita pro-gest cream as being the 'best'... bought it, tried it out... and then realised that it has almond oil in it!!! Not an issue for most people... but I have a nut allergy. Whoops! ;) Thankfully I'd not put on much so just had to deal with very tickly/itchy skin for about an hour rather than the full on allergic reaction that I get from eating nuts. After that I ordered 'source naturals' natural progesterone cream, which is non-nutty. It arrived when I was 5dpo last cycle, so I used it until my period arrived... which was early on 9dpo, so I actually had a shorter LP than the previous cycle...!

Used it again this cycle from 1dpo (I've charted a long time, so from CM/CP I was sure I'd ovulated) and am now 11dpo.

I used roughly a little under 1/2 a teaspoon twice a day, starting as soon as I was sure I'd ovulated (so ideally you need to be charting temps to use it, as OPKs won't allow you to be sure it's happened, and you definitely don't want extra progesterone before ovulation!). A 2oz pot lasted me for 14 days.

Can't say for sure whether it has helped me as it's impossible to isolate specific contributory factors... but I'll report back in a few days! If I just have a longer LP (mine has been max 8 days for the last 17 months) and am not pregnant, it's likely the progesterone cream will be at least partially to thank (and I will certainly use it next cycle). If I'm pregnant then it might be, might not be (I conceived in October without it, but sadly miscarried). We shall see!!

Hope there's something vaguely useful in my waffling! Good luck!
Can't say for sure whether it has helped me as it's impossible to isolate specific contributory factors... but I'll report back in a few days! If I just have a longer LP (mine has been max 8 days for the last 17 months) and am not pregnant, it's likely the progesterone cream will be at least partially to thank (and I will certainly use it next cycle). If I'm pregnant then it might be, might not be (I conceived in October without it, but sadly miscarried). We shall see!!

Hope there's something vaguely useful in my waffling! Good luck!

Yup very very helpful. I have a max 9 day LP at this point and I'm very nervous about adding anything - progesterone seems much more "serious" than the 100BComplex that I started this month. I think I'm going to hold off this month on progesterone just so I can figure out if the BComplex had any effect (since thats the only thing I changed this month). I feel like I'm my own science experiment - only change one variable at a time.

Fingers crossed for you - hoping this month is lucky!!
Where you off too Broody? Don't panic about food too much. Just no raw meat or fish and no soft cheeses or eggs.

I'm in Germany this week.

It's hard with the cheese as it's only unpasturised you can't have but I can't very well ask in a restiarant is it pasturised!! Also there's lots of more fast food type places here and I worry about how clean they are!!!

Anyway sure it will be fine.

It's only uncooked eggs isn't it? I have books at home but I've always concentrated on the conception and birth parts- haha!

:) x
Bean and 254 I have my fingers crossed AF stats away!! Daisy glad the bleeding has stopped, cycles are so confusing!! X
Yeah you just can't have runny eggs!

Don't eat anywhere too dodgy but you should be absolutely fine. You can always say you have a dairy intolerance.
Yup very very helpful. I have a max 9 day LP at this point and I'm very nervous about adding anything - progesterone seems much more "serious" than the 100BComplex that I started this month. I think I'm going to hold off this month on progesterone just so I can figure out if the BComplex had any effect (since thats the only thing I changed this month). I feel like I'm my own science experiment - only change one variable at a time

I know how you feel!! I look back at my charts and try to cross reference what I changed with cycle changes... I'm such a geek. ;) I felt just the same re. progesterone... I wanted to try other things first, even though it's 'natural' progesterone, so not as invasive as artificial progesterone supplements... came to progesterone as a last resort after over a year of B6/B complex didn't helped. We're due to see a fertility specialist soon so wanted to give this 'one last thing' a go first...

Bean and 254 I have my fingers crossed AF stats away!! X

Thank you! Evening of 11dpo here so either way, it's good news... I will be gutted if my period arrives now, as the longer it's away, the more I think I might be pregnant... but even if it does, once the dust settles, I know that I'll realise a 10+ day LP is a vast improvement on an 8 day one. :)
Broody, yeah, it's raw eggs (like they use in caesar salad dressing and hollandaise sauce), unpasteurized cheeses (I think most of them are unpasteurized in Europe, at least the nice ones!), sushi, and meats in general that are not 100% cooked (like don't order a rare steak or burger). And stay away from "street meat" - those carts in big cities that sell hot dogs, sausages, shwarma - you know what I mean. You will manage!

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