Vitamin B6 - Lengthen luteal phase or increase progesterone

Bean66 I'm so sorry you got a BFN but like Broody says, it might just have been too early to test yet. Especially if it wasn't FMU. I had used FMU and my second line was super, super faint. Plus, it showed negative later as my pee wasn't diluted enough. How are you feeling today? Still no sign of the witch? Lots of people don't get a BFP till after their missed period and perhaps your just one of them. I'm hoping so and I'm still keeping everything crossed for you Bean. :hugs:

As for FRER, who do they think they are? It's us ladies that keep them in business! As a matter of goodwill they should have sent you a new test. They're going to get put straight onto my 'people I have a gripe with' list. 1

You are so sweet to check out my dates on your app (by the way, what is pregwheel? Is it a fertility monitoring app?). Today I am 7wks 3 days (from LMP) but gestational age of 5 wks. I reckon on the day of my first scan I was 6wks (from LMP) but about 5wk 4 days (from o day). So yes, I know I was probably a bit early for the scan. I do tell myself that all the time but it doesn't always help. However, my nausea is getting worse so I'm hoping that's a good sign. And I know I should stop temping - the thermometer just kind of finds its way into my mouth! I've given up my POAS addiction (okay, there's an ocassional stick that gets harmed here and there, but generally speaking 'I'm clean' now). So, my thermometer is my next crutch (sorry Joeys!) until my scan.

I think it's lovely that you're so focussed on your SIL. I'm thinking of trading in my SIL so if it's okay with you, I'll have you instead! :winkwink: I've heard that when people have IVF the best thing for them is to laugh a lot (apparently it helps with implantation) so I would recommend comedy DVDs. What about The Big Bang Theory? I can't watch that without wanting to pee my pants! You are a very lovely SIL so I'm sure she'll appreciate you thinking of her :flower:

Joeys sorry about your accident - and just before your birthday too! :dohh: Hope your DH is spoiling you rotten! Get well soon! :flower:

254 I'm so sorry you've had such a tough time this month. I hate the way our bodies play tricks on us. I'm hoping your longer LP stays too and that this is your month :hugs:

DaisyQ thanks for that, I just knew she'd have long flowing hair!!! :winkwink: I was thinking more about my business card idea with the sperm-shooting angel and I reckon that could get taken the wrong way?!?! I mean, you don't want to end up on a chat show with a 'who's the father' scenario! I now think it should be an angel with a wand that is putting little babies into the blankets for the storks to carry. :dust: :yellow: Perhaps I'm over-thinking this?! :haha: I bet she has really boring business cards in real life (no, don't tell me, I don't want to know... :ignore:)

Glad you got your peak - there was no feeling that quite compared to getting that little egg on the monitor. I always felt a real sense of achievement (even though my body was the one that had done all the work!). And I think DH was always excited too as it meant his 'work' was almost done!!! Happy BD-ing!

Miss Broody I've only told my mum too (1st grandchild too!). She's been a lifesaver as she's having to cover for me so that people don't realise why I'm going off lots of random food and drink! Especially tea! I mean, what excuse can I give that I went from drinking about 15 cups of tea a day to now not being able to be in the same room as the stuff?

I really hope you don't have major food aversions but my only advice would be to eat as much chocolate as you can (while you still can!)!!! :haha: I miss it sooooooooo much!!!

Good luck with not telling your best friend - that WILL be hard! :flower:
No time for proper reply but you made
Me smile whilst I'm feeling glum!

Thanks! Love big bang theory!
Quick question - do you gave to start cmfm on cd1? Guessing there is no point trying to get one now? Another bfn this am pretty sure today or tomorrow will be cd1
I'm not talking to you about cycle day 1. You're not out until the witch shows and I am being completely positive on your behalf. :friends:

For general reference purposes only: The CBFM can be started any day from cd1 to cd5.
good morning ladies so I made it to work with my bad foot and all here is a picture of my lovely foot. So I am on 10dpo and still have creamy cm, light cramps and feel nausous. I hoep those are good signs plus my temp was up also. :happydance:


  • ankle.jpg
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Happenstance thank you and hb has a little sympothy for me but thinks i should give up the sports because he wants me not to hurt or get hurt when I play. but hopefully this weekend he will give me a little special treat or maybe clean the house for me since my foot is bad and i am still on crutches!!!:happydance::thumbup:
Bean... looking at your charts, OPKs and CM seem to be giving you a pretty good idea of when ovulation is imminent... your BDing has been timed perfectly for ovulation every cycle, so my perspective is I think using a CBFM would just cost you lots of money and not actually give you any extra info!

I'm a big 'don't test til my period's late' person as I find BFNs upset me more than just my period starting... would definitely recommend that approach next cycle as your BFNs seem to be getting you down... yet as others have said, it could still be too early for a BFP anyway. Save your money for nice baby things! ;)

Also my SIL had two embryos inserted today. February is about her not me. I can't tell you how much I want them to get their BFP. I'd wait another year if it meant they'd get their BFP. She's taken 2 weeks off work. God it's going to be a long TWW for her. I'm thinking of sending her some magazines and maybe DVD's. What do you think?

That is such a lovely thought! I'm sure she'd appreciate magazines and DVDs... what a sweetie you are! How long have they been trying for? Is it their first IVF? I hope they get good news very soon. :hugs: And I bet you won't be far behind, either! You have a good LP, good progesterone... you will be pregnant soon.
Does anyone happen to know of what kind of pills i could take for my ankle? since i am on dpo10 and not symptoms of AF yet don't want to chance anything.:shrug:
ok that is what I thought i wasn't hinking yesterday and took 3 advil yesterday. i looked for tylenol but they were recalled they said. :shrug:

Thanks guys. Afraid I think the witch has arrived. Still trying to deny it by not using anything but I'm pretty sure she's here. Trying to be positive about Progesterone and the fact my LP now seems to be 13 days!! I am starting to wonder whether I actually had a chemical last month. Maybe I had evap lines and AF wasn't late, just longer. It seems like the B complex and vitex are working.

254 - I kinda though AF was late as until recently my LP was 10days. Also by testing I realise that I am probably out, if i hadn't the longer LP and dark brown spotting would have got my hopes up more. At least this way I was prepared. I agree re:CBFM. Part of the reason I'm so bummed this cycle is that I kept thinking well we hadn't timed well but we have recently and still nothing. Feel like I've lost my excuse.

Joeys - your ankle looks painful. Rest, Ice and Compression. Try and weight bear on it as soon as you can.

Happenstance - I LOVE big bang theory. Me and DH watch an episode most night in bed. It ace and always cheers me up. I think everything will be perfect at your scan. Try not to worry. Nausea is a great sign. Sorry!
Sorry missed the painkiller thing but yeah paracetamol. Use the ice will help with the inflam. Bag of peas will do but wrap a teatowel around when ever you use. Apply for 20minutes - try to do this at least 3 timess a day. Also do gentle ankle circles and pointing the toes and puling back up (good feet/bad feet). Helps drainage.
Bean66 yes it is painful but seems to be getting better since i have been wearing my brace it has pushed the fluid elsewhere and is slowly feeling better. my arms hurt from the crutches. I also love big bang theory! we watch it all the time it is on! :happydance:
Sorry missed the painkiller thing but yeah paracetamol. Use the ice will help with the inflam. Bag of peas will do but wrap a teatowel around when ever you use. Apply for 20minutes - try to do this at least 3 timess a day. Also do gentle ankle circles and pointing the toes and puling back up (good feet/bad feet). Helps drainage.

perfect yes i have already iced like 2 times here at work and i have had it on a stool most of the time here at work! :thumbup: I do have an ice pack at home too. i am able to move it more now than yesterday. SO i am hoping by monday i will be in a lot better shape! :happydance::happydance:
Big hugs Bean... and allow yourself to feel sad, those CD1 blues are pants. :(

Ah, I see what you mean about how you could have been 'late' already going by some earlier cycles. I was looking at your last couple, but I guess there could have been 'reasons' they were longer, that weren't present this cycle? (progesterone cream, chemical etc) Sorry :hugs:

I hope once you're feeling better and looking to the future, you can tell yourself that all the odds are in your favour, and not conceiving in 6 cycles really doesn't mean there's anything wrong at all. Just keep doing what you're doing and I bet you'll get there sooner rather than later. And I know I HATE people saying 'relax and it'll happen' etc, but do try to do whatever you possibly can to stay calm and positive... it's easy to get pulled into 'but what if there's an issue?' but it really doesn't sound like there's anything 'stopping' you getting pregnant... it's going to happen! :hugs:

Interesting to see that your LP when you used progesterone cream was the same as this cycle's looks like it's going to be... did you start taking vitex that cycle as well, then? I was wondering if it was the progesterone cream which raised mine by 2-3 days, but maybe not? But then I guess everyone is different. I've taken vitex for yonks and it did nothing for my LP!

Anyway, looks like you have a stonking long LP now which correlates with your high progesterone. Yay!
I stupidly started B 100 complex and vitex AND progesterone cream all in one cycle! Put the longer LP done to that. Esp as my temp did do a drop at 10dpo. Then last cycle I had the faint positives/evaps and was 'late' so presumed a chemical but I'm now thinking that they were just evaps. Anyway something seems to have shifted in the last few cycles. I keep trying to O earlier even if I do end up Oing CD18/19 and I'm very happy with my progesterone results and LP length. AS DH said in the 6 months we've missed O on 3 occasions so really we haven't had may good tries! Think I'm generally a bit emotional. DH is also going away tomorrow until MOnday which isn't making me feel better when all I want to do is snuggle together and eat crap.

Anyway, enough about me. How are you feeling? Doing anything different this cycle?
I stupidly started B 100 complex and vitex AND progesterone cream all in one cycle! Put the longer LP done to that. Esp as my temp did do a drop at 10dpo. Then last cycle I had the faint positives/evaps and was 'late' so presumed a chemical but I'm now thinking that they were just evaps. Anyway something seems to have shifted in the last few cycles. I keep trying to O earlier even if I do end up Oing CD18/19 and I'm very happy with my progesterone results and LP length. AS DH said in the 6 months we've missed O on 3 occasions so really we haven't had may good tries! Think I'm generally a bit emotional. DH is also going away tomorrow until MOnday which isn't making me feel better when all I want to do is snuggle together and eat crap.

Awwww, big hugs! You're allowed to feel emotional when period's on its way... it's by far the worst time of the month! At least it's over quickly and then it's onwards and upwards. :hugs: Can you have a nice chilled 'you' weekend having long relaxing baths and watching DVDs?

Ooh, you're definitely right there... only 3 good tries, so keep the faith... a few more good tries and you'll be pregnant, I bet!

Anyway, enough about me. How are you feeling? Doing anything different this cycle?

I'm feeling lots better than I was a few days ago, thanks. :) Still feeling fragile when other people mention second pregnancies etc (kinda challenging as my best friend is 27 weeks pregnant with #2, conceived easily!) but otherwise, OK. Keeping things the same this cycle as whatever it was, something seemed to have 'worked' last cycle... so lots of nice organic food, no alcohol, same supplements (vits B6, B12, C and agnus castus) and will be back on the progesterone cream after ovulation. My period has been much more like it used to be 3 years ago (when my LP was 11 days) - medium/heavy, rather than lightish as it has been for the last 18 months, so I'm taking that as a good sign re. womb lining.

Still have moments when I re-realise we've been trying really quite a long time, and start doubting I'll ever be pregnant... but common sense tells me there's still a bit chance it'll happen one day. Trying to keep up the PMA!
Do you know, I really think that TTC women are underrated. Nobody, other than TTC ladies themselves, understand how high we build our hopes up each month and how disappointed and hurt we are when AF shows each month. I'm sure none of us are a stranger to having a good cry from time to time. Men don't understand because, although they want a baby too, the pressure lies very much with the woman and there's only so many times you can hear 'don't worry, there's always next month' before you want to punch someone. Well, I want you all to know that I appreciate you all very much and I'm so sorry Bean that AF showed. Like 254 said, it's natural to feel sad and best to try and invest in 'you' time as much as possible - anything that will make you feel better. I genuinely hope that whether it's B-vits, progesterone cream or something else, that both you and 254 have increased your LP and are both on your way to BFPs. Also, if you've missed your o three months out of six then that just shows you're getting better at tracking o and that you'll be pregnant really soon. Take it easy and look after yourself :hugs:

254 I know this cycle has been especially hard on you too. You're great at giving advice but I hope you take some of it too - make sure you take some time out this weekend to have 'you' time too. By the way, I speak to another girl on BnB who is concerned about her LP. She went to meet with an RE and he recommended she cut back on most carbohydrates (she can still eat whole wheat pasta and bread, brown rice, quinoa, oatmeal etc) and refined sugars (and to eat less sugary fruit like berries and green apples). I've never heard of the carb thing in order to improve your LP but her doc seems convinced. You're much more of an expert than me so you probably already know about it, but I just thought I would share it with you anyway :hugs:

Joeys sorry your foot's still causing you pain. Hopefully DH cleaning the house will make you feel better! You might want to make sure that foot hurts for a while, if you know what I mean...!!! :haha:

DaisyQ hope there's lots of bd-ing going on! :winkwink:

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