Vitamin B6 - Lengthen luteal phase or increase progesterone

Just a quick hi... been awol for a few days as my little girl has been very unwell... nasty viral infection with lots of throwing up, fever, refusing drink and food, which nearly resulted in a trip to a&e due to dehydration. Finally, after 3 trips to the doctor (doubling her total ever doctor trips!) she's a little better this morning. Such a relief. Thank goodness for breastfeeding... the only thing she'd take over the last 2 days. I'm sure if she didn't have breastmilk she'd've been on a drip in hospital.

Happenstance... great to read about your good scan! You must be over the moon!

Bean66... what a strange period for you. :( I hate it when our bodies do odd things like that. What supplements are you on? Is there anything that might be affecting your womb lining?

joeys3453 - my thought is that, based on temps and OPKs, you ovulated on CD25 which would make you 12dpo today. Did you used to have a short LP? Cos even if your period does arrive today, an 11 day LP is great! I hope it doesn't arrive, though.

DaisyQ - good luck this 2ww. :) Try to find things to distract you!

Me update... CD9 today. Period was much more 'normal' so given the fact that my LP and period have been much more like they used to be 3 years ago (when I had an 11 day LP) I'm hopefully that that means my fertility is improving. :thumbup:
Happenstance - congrats x

254 - sorry your little girl has been poorly, good to hear shes feeling better. my youngest has been up and down with fevers on and off and coughing for the past week.

I've started taking a b complex at the beginning of the month, I think its working because I've managed to get to 8dpo ( 2nd time in the last 6 months yay). I had a temp drop at 5dpo and thought af was on the way.. hopefully will stay away for another three days FX
well good morning ladies hope everyone had a great day yesterday. WEll my temp dropped this morning so I believe AF is coming. my lp was 11 last month. :shrug:
254 - sorry your little girl has been poorly. Yay to breast feeding though. Not changed anything. I don't remember what my period was like pre BCP. I don't remember at all so guessing they were pretty light.

Lindblum - that's great news. Hope the witch doesn't show at all!
Hi There Ladies

Hope no-one minds me barging in on this thread!

I've been posting on a different thread about spotting before AF every month, but have been reading up on this one when I was googling Vit B6,and lengthening the luteal phase.

Pretty sure I've been ovulating since coming off BCP in May'11,, and started TTC Sept'11-no joy yet,but not sure have timed it right the first few times.
Have only been charting and using OPK's past 2 cycles...... Dec O'd cd17 with 11 day LP and Jan O'd day 19 with a 12 day LP, cycles vary between 28-32 days.

Think I am currently about a week away from O-hurry up!!

I have issues with spotting before AF arrives normally about 4/5 days and usually starting 7dpo,
Have had a day 21 test (which was 4dpo) which was 44.9 and temps stay high until a couple of days before AF when they start to drop a bit.
GP referred me to a gynae who wasn't too bothered saying I was young, fit and healthy and most of my questions came back to the fact progesterone was normal so he didn't want to do any testing which is fair enough as haven't been trying a year yet (although was hoping he might send me for an ultrasound as am paranoid uterine lining isn't adequate)
Also with the spotting on top of AF am spotting/bleeding for 11 days which he said isn't abnormal. Hmm!!!

He said that the spotting is probably my period starting early-but I always thought day 1 counted as first day of full flow-what do you ladies count as day 1,? Am I right in thinking that AF counts as the first day of proper bleeding not spotting,therefore count spotting as part of the LP?

SO what I wanted to ask any ladies with spotting has B6 helped over time with this?
I have been taking 100mg and upped it to 200mg last month for 3months along with agnus castus, and not sure what my LP was before but doesn't seem mega short maybe on the cusp but worry the spotting counteracts it, think I will carry on with them, though was hoping the AC might help me O a bit earlier

One more question if anyone has spotting does it start at the same time each month?!

It's really encouraging to read some success stories on here and hope everyone gets a BFP ASAP!!

Sorry for the long post, thanks for reading =0)
Firstly - Joey sorry missed your post when I posted. Sorry about the temp drop. Fingers crossed it shoots back up tomorrow.

Lizc - welcome. Well your progesterone is good and from most of the research I've done spitting before AF isn't a major problem. If you get full flow on 9dpo or before I'd say it might cause a problem in that you can still conceive but it'll reduce your chances. Many FS don't believe in a LPD. Cd1 is always the first day of proper flow and generally if it starts after 6pm I'd count the next day as cd1.

I also get spotting and it varies. My progesterone is also good. I have also seen
ladies who have low progesterone and good length LP and no spotting. I don't think they correlate like we think.

I think your cycles sound fine. If no side effects continue with AC and B complex. I think we all have a tendency to what to find a reason and therefore a solution to why we aren't conceiving. I know I'm guilty of it. But I do think it's normal for it to take time. We are animals after all (no offence to anyone) and if reproducing was too easy our population would go crazy. Some ladies are lucky and hit the jackpot straight away, some of us aren't. Some do have problems that need addressing but most of us don't. We've just got to be patient and keep bding!!

Sorry for my ramblings. Been naughty and had a couple if glasses of vino.
Also recommend watching The Great Sperm Race and/or the first episode of Inside the Human Body Series.
Bean I am not sure what my crosshair should be so not sure if my temp is below that still some cramps no af feel nauseous every now and then I don't know
From your last chart I think you've put crosshairs in the right place. Even if the evil witch does get you at least your LP has been a good length.

Hope she doesn't show though.
Ok thanks that is what I thought. I hope she doesn't but who knows.
Hi ladies, thanks for all of your comments - it's greatly appreciated :hugs:

Joeys sorry for the BFN and the temp drop. Let's hope it was just too early and AF stays away. :af:

Bean66 yes, I got a pic, I'll try and post it at the bottom of this message (although it does just look like a blob!). And they reckon I'm somewhere around 7-8 weeks which is perfect. The only problem is that I've been attending a doctor outwith my area for a while as I liked my doctor and didn't want to move. I now have to register with another doctor before I can get referred for all of my appointments. Oh well, that'll keep me busy!

It's great that you've got your scan this cycle, hopefully they can shed some light on your strange AF this month? I too wonder if you have a cyst as you seem to have similar symptoms to me - pain in the ovary and some pre-AF spotting. You maybe haven't noticed, but do you know if the pain sometimes switches ovary? Mine did, and I think my symptoms were due to a corpus luteum cyst that formed after ovulation. My u/s tech told me that this kind of cyst can sometimes cause spotting too. She also said it's completely normal and disappears by itself but it does cause pain. Can I ask, is it a bladder ultrasound you're having or a transvaginal? In my bladder ultrasound they saw nothing at all wrong with me, it was the transvaginal that picked up the cyst.

Oh, and I'm glad you had a couple of wines last night, sounds like just what you needed. :hugs:

MissBroody thanks for your kind comments. How are you doing? Has the nausea kicked in yet?

DaisyQ how's the TWW going? I hope you're finding something to take your mind of it. And how are you finding the progesterone, is it causing any symptoms or are you finding it okay? Sending you lots of :dust:

254 I'm so sorry your little girl has been unwell, it sounds truly awful - poor little thing. I hope she continues to feel a bit better. It's great that the breastfeeding has kept her hydrated, sounds like that's the best medicine she could get right now.

I'm glad you found this period to be a bit more normal and I agree, I think this is a sure sign that your fertility is improving. I'm positive your BFP won't be far away. :hugs:

Lindblum thanks for your thoughts. I'm glad to hear that B complex seems to be having a positive effect on your LP. Fingers crossed AF stays away this month altogether :af: :flower:

Lizc123 sorry to hear you suffer from the dreaded spotting too. Can I ask, is it just B6 you take or is it a complex? I really don't know much about it, other than what I've learned from the lovely ladies on this thread, but most of us have tried a complex. If you don't want to try a complex and are happy with the B6 then I think you have to take it along with B12. One of the other ladies on this thread will keep you right as they are my B-vit gurus!

I had pre-AF spotting each cycle and it always started the same time each cycle (always cd22 for some reason) so I know how frustrating it is. My doctor wasn't overly concerned about me either, but did send me for scans (not so much for fertility problems, more to try and find out a cause for the pre-af spotting). My progesterone came back normal too and I had a bladder u/s which showed nothing - no polyps or fibroids which I think can sometimes cause spotting. However, just after that scan I found out I was pregnant and had a transvaginal scan (as I was still spotting) and they found that I had a corpus luteum cyst and, although they can't be sure, my u/s tech said this was a possible cause for pre-AF spotting. It might be worthwhile telling your doctor you're concerned it might be a cyst, polyp or fibroid and would like to be referred for a scan? Some doctors don't want to investigate pre-AF spotting and if yours is one of them then it may be worth checking with another doctor. Doctors just don't understand how frustrating pre-AF spotting can be and how much a scan can put our minds at rest.

Also, the one thing I have found is that most people never find out what causes their pre-AF spotting. But it also doesn't stop people getting their BFPs, so hopefully you will get yours soon. :hugs:


  • 14.02.12 eight week scan small.jpg
    14.02.12 eight week scan small.jpg
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Happenstance! Love your "blob!" Congrats!

254 - hope your LO is feeling better.

Bean - yay to vino!

Broody - how is it going?

Liz - couldn't say it better than happenstance and Bean

Joeys - what's going on??

AFM - progesterone is going fine. It's a tad messy - it tends to all come out in the middle of the afternoon, so I'm going to have to start wearing a liner or something, ick. Otherwise I'm OK. I'm a little frustrated/impatient, because usually I only have to wait ~12-13 DPO to test or get AF, and with the progesterone most women don't get AF until several days after they stop taking it. I'm to take it until 16 DPO when I test. If it takes a few days after that to get AF, this will be a 6 week long cycle! It just seems to go on and on and on. I'm not obsessing over symptoms at all - it's too early, and the progesterone gives you fake symptoms anyway, so I'm not even thinking about it. I just wish I could speed through all the waiting, and either be pregnant or get started on my clomid/IUI cycle. Just feeling impatient for something to happen.
good morning well my temp did go up a little bit this morning but last night i got af. i have weird cramping that normally i do get. it feels like it is all in my lower ab cramps and some on my left which i never get cramps on that side during af. :shrug:
Well at least you have a nice long LP. Some women have erratic or high temps during AF...
well af showed up last night! :cry: so i go in tomorrow for day 3 lab!:happydance:
Sorry the witch got you Joey.

Happenstance - Your blob is ace. Yep I'm having a transvaginal US thankfully.

Daisy - Fingers crossed for your BFP!
Hi Bean 66

Thanks for your reply and advice.
Think you are right in saying we look for a cause and a 'fix' when feeling worried something is wrong, but hopefully for the majority of spotters it is just the way our bodies are and it will happen in time for us all.Fingers,legs,eyes crossed!
It is reassuring to hear from other spotters especially as like you say Drs do seem to dismiss LPD even though there is so much info out there about it.
Good luck with your ultrasound, is it to check for anything in particular (sorry did go back a bit but couldn't see posts) will look out for how it went
Will try and check out those programmes you suggested too

Happenstance-Congratulations to you, what a cute picture, so nice to read BFP stories on this post. COME ON!!
Am currently taking 200mg of just B6, am taking a prenatal which has some other B vits in it but not every day have to confess, taking 4 AC tablets and 2 B6 sometimes can't face an extra one makes me heave!
But maybe will look at a complex as have also read its best to take with others to help absorbtion
Great to hear you got your BFP even with spotting, it's so mysterious, like you say may never get to the bottom of it!
Think I may wait and see what happens this month then possibly go back to to my GP, and try and see if I can get an ultrasound for anything fibroid,polyp related, had suggested it at my gynae appointment but he wasn't too bothered, but think I need to give myself and my GP a rest for a few weeks!
He probably thought he had got rid of me ha!

Thanks DaisyQ too =0)

Looking forward to hopefully reading lots more BFP stories in the near future

Oh one more question, did anyone ever spot on BCP's? I would sometimes get spotting before AF on that too, could go months and months without it, but then it would appear, I think that's what first alerted me to the joys of spotting, but never found out a reason for that either
I occasionally spotted on BCP, but usually if I was using a "low dose" one - like Orthotrycyclin Low... Or sometimes after sex...

I'd occasionally spot on BCP too. Though I'd completely forgotten. Weird what you forget. I think I mainly spotted if I missed a pill or naughtily joined a couple of packs together.

My US is for the spotting. Popped to see my GP cycle 5 when I had spotting from O until possible chemical. She was a very through doctor and decided I should have hormone gets and US. All blood tests have come back fine so now just waiting for the US.

I'd def take at least some more B12 as really you do need to take the B vitamins in proportion. Also 200mg is fine but you'd probably fine 100mg is enough. But it is personal choice.

Hope everyones having/had a nice day.
Hi Ladies and hello to all the new ladies :wave:

I hope that this is the magic cycle for you all!! I'd like to give you big words of advice but i still have no idea what changed the cycle i managed apart from the fact i really did chill out!! I even didnt temp for the month.

Happenstance - great picture hun - congratulations! I have a early scan booked in a week and a half and my official scan date came through yesterday 6 weeks to go - eek! Some nausea, a couple of days ago was pretty rough, and wondering if it is a coincidence that it was the day i didnt take my b complex? or if the b6 is holding MS away?!

Daisy, i am good thanks, feeling VERY run down and sore but it is so worth it i don't care!! How are you?

Coping ok with the 2 week wait? How many days did you get to last cycle? I cannot remember. Good luck!


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