Vitamin B6 - Lengthen luteal phase or increase progesterone

Thank you!!!

Just another quick point for you ladies, my cycles were generally 26 days and i ovulated on day 20.

The cycle i got pregnant and didnt temp i got 2-3 weeks on the CB digi at only 12 DPO and according to the sonographer i am bang on schedule for the size, which would suggest i must have ovulated almost a week early that one cycle!!!!!

Seriously wierd!!!

The only things i did differently was not temping and not drinking alcohal, and taking B100. I have no idea if these helped, i know we thought it was too early for the B100 to help as was first cycle. Maybe i just had a freak cycle, does seem very odd!!

I did make the mistake of going onto google and although the risks are increased high risk of miscarriage, pre term labour and breech baby, it also said its hereditery and i come from a big family with 19 pregnnacy's there has been one miscarriage and 18 healthy pregnancys, none of them breech and none of them prem. So i have decided not to think about it or get upset about a risk that seems pretty low to me.
Hey ladies!

Miss Broody - lovely scan pic!! Step away from google. It is the devil. I think you are right you're chances are low so just enjoy every minute

Daisy - How are you hun? Any sign of the witch?

Joeys - Glad the acupuncture os going well.

Happenstance - How are you hun?

AFM - CD18 today. Expect to O in the next few days. We were meant to bd EO day but we always panic and bd'd last two days and will for the next 3 days or until O is confirmed. I usually know. I think I'll get a positive OPK later today or tomorrow morning. Only using them as guidance, tested for the first time last night. I tend to believe that the few days pre O are best so fingers crossed.

Going for acupuncture in a bit to get my ovaries stimulated!
Awww, MissBroody that is so cute. I'm so happy that everything went well for you at the scan.

And, for what it's worth, I think staying away from Google is a good idea. It's just a one-way ticket to Worry-ville :ignore:

Hope you're taking it easy :hugs:

How's everyone else getting on?
Ah happenstance - you have a prune!! :happydance:

Crap I'm late............ Back later!

(for work - hopefully in just over two weeks I'll be saying YAY I'M LATE!!!!!)
Thanks Bean66, our posts must have crossed!

And yes, fingers crossed that in a couple of weeks you are late! Good luck with the acupuncture! :flower:
Hi everyone!
I'm sort of new here - hangs out in the Vasectomy reversal discussion group.

I'm 36 and I've just found out that I've got high FSH (16) and my OH has just had his reversal done and we're on TTC cycle 1 after that.

Now: I have noticed a different in my cycles last year or so. Haven't paid any attention to them until now. However I do believe that I ovulated around CD 11-14 before on a 26-27 day cycle.
This is my first cycle of charting and I took evening primrose oil CD1-12, then stopped as I think that might delayed my ovulation to cycle day 17. I'm now 9DPO and I think my AF is due today or tomorrow as I'm spotting since yesterday. Which would of course indicate a short luteal phase - not good :nope:

I'm not going to take the EPO anymore. However I'm thinking of taking B6 50mg, to improve egg quality (perhaps) and lengthen the luteal phase, just in case.
Also I'm going to take 200 mg of co-enzyme q10 a day.

Have any of you ladies, or anyone else experienced any side effects from the:
1. B6 (I do not want to delay ovulation again....or do anything else that might cause a problem)

2. Co-enzyme q10 (if you're taking it of course)

in addition I'm not taking any pregnacare conception as I heard a lot of women saying it delayed or inhibited their ovulation (!). I'm just taking ordinary pregnancy vitamins.

would appreciate your opinions on this. :winkwink:
Broody - great news on the scan! Strangely, my daughter is the result of a 'freak' cycle too... at the time I tended to ovulate early/mid CD20s... but on the cycle we conceived her (4 cycles after a MMC) I ovulated on CD14!!! Wasn't taking any supplements or doing anything differently that cycle. Strange how these things happen!

Also... I was told at my 8 week scan that I almost certainly had a bicornuate uterus... cue lots of googling and a fair bit of worry... then at 12 weeks, I was told there was no indication I had one at all! Funnily, after starting off worrying about prematurity, L ended up being born at 42+3!

Happenstance - wow, 10 weeks! Doesn't it feel so much further on than 9 weeks 6 days?!

Bean... sounds like ovulation is imminent for you. Hope acupuncture goes well.

Daisy - I saw your period arrived. I'm sorry to hear that, but onwards and upwards! :hugs:

joeys3453 - ooh, another acupuncturer! How are you finding it?

Hi Heramys and welcome!

Have any of you ladies, or anyone else experienced any side effects from the:
1. B6 (I do not want to delay ovulation again....or do anything else that might cause a problem)

Personally, when I started taking it I got headaches... but they passed with time. There seem to be quite a few ladies who have had more spotting on B6/complex... I don't know if this is necessarily a 'bad thing', and it doesn't happen for everyone, but just thought I'd mention it. I haven't that issue, but equally, unfortunately B6 hasn't had an impact on my LP either.

Expect at least 3 months before you see 'changes' as it takes time to build up in your system.

in addition I'm not taking any pregnacare conception as I heard a lot of women saying it delayed or inhibited their ovulation (!). I'm just taking ordinary pregnancy vitamins.

I've been taking pregnacare for years, and the conceptiony one for the last 3 months... haven't noticed any issues so far... in fact, this cycle I ovulated a fair bit earlier than usual. But definitely go with what feels right for you.

Good luck!

Ooh, and me update... 7dpo today. Normally I don't chart in my LP, but decided to continue for a few extra days... I was actually wanting to see if my temps were lower than they used to be due to my thyroxine dose being lower... but for the last few days they've been higher! I'm hoping that means the progesterone cream is working its magic - the temps are in the same range (perhaps on average a little above) that they used to be post-ov before I had L. I'm under no illusions that they could be pregnancy-related as it's too early for that sort of thing to show up in charting, but of course I'm dreaming they stay high... still feeling pretty calm and happy.
254 acupuncture went pretty good didn't really know what to expect i think a few more treatments will have to be done before i can really say if i notice a difference!:shrug: but as i look at it it can't hurt!:dohh:
Hi ladies!

Broody - yes, stay away from google - it can do no good, only make you worry about something you can't control anyway.

Bean, FX for Oing soon! Yay!

254, happy to hear you are feeling good, and that your temps are up - that's awesome.

Heramys - I found that B complex (I started with B50, then moved to B100) did extend my LP and moved up ovulation, but only by a day or so. I went from an 11 day LP, with O on CD 17 or 18, to a 12 day LP, with O on CD 15 or 16. This did extend the number of days that I spotted, pre AF though. I would normally start spotting on 10 or 11 DPO, and get my AF at 12 DPO, so just 1-2 days of spotting. With AF arriving on 13 DPO, I spot for an additional day. Spotting, according to my doc, is not something to worry about, but of course I DO worry that it will affect implantation, so he has given me progesterone suppositories, which totally takes care of the spotting, but they make me feel SO tired and yucky. Now I have a 15 day LP! It would have been longer if I had taken them through 15 DPO, but I stopped at 14 DPO (bad girl.)

Happenstance - a prune!! yay!

Joeys - :hi: glad you are liking the accupuncture.

Yes, AF arrived - it came about 36 hours after I stopped the progesterone. I was happy she arrived so I can move onto this cycle (with gusto!). I was also happy that she arrived so soon after stopping the progesterone - I've heard it can take 3-4 days, or even a week, so I was relieved not to have to wait too long. Not too excited about using them again this month, but I discussed it with the nurse, and her opinion on it was that I should use them, to cover my bases so to speak. I would like to talk to the doctor about it, but I think I'll have to wait until the IUI - it seems you can never talk to the doctor unless you are there for a procedure or an office appointment. I also have the option of waiting until I do my CD 21 bloodwork, and deciding about the progesterone then. I don't know how much that helps me, because I think my progesterone is fine at 7 DPO, but my guess is that it falls quickly around 10-11 DPO. :shrug:

I also did my CD 3 blood work today - just waiting on the results. Hoping to start clomid today.
Yay Daisy, you are sounding very positive, love it! I am still taking prenatal & b6 my LP has stayed past 12 days so B6 does work. Lots of baby :dust: to all you ladies.
Hi ladies, I've been stalking this thread for a while now and thought I'd let you know my results!

My LP was only 9 days, so I started B50 Complex about 4 days before ovulation this last cycle, and my LP was 11 days! Only a 2 day improvement but I'm really happy with that, especially given that I started taking it so late. YAY! :happydance:
Thanks everyone!!! I am trying to stay away, scaring myself to death wont change or help anything!! Told my Mum what they said though so you can garuntee she has scared herself with google - sigh!!

254 - i read that somewhere else too, so i am hoping that like you when i get to the 12 week scan they say there are no issues or that it is a very mild one so wont give me problems. Interesting about your "freak" pregnancy cycle too, makes me wonder if that is just how it will be for me always - odd.

Fingers crossed for your LP to continue and that you get a BFP this cycle.

Daisy good luck on the new cycle and lets hope the clomid does the trick!

Bean i agree defo BD lots before ovulation! Good luck for catching the egg this cycle!

Haramys - like 254 i take pregnacare (although i take original not conception) and i also thought it brought my cycles forwards slightly. Though i guess it varies from woman to woman.

Hi ladies, I've been stalking this thread for a while now and thought I'd let you know my results!

My LP was only 9 days, so I started B50 Complex about 4 days before ovulation this last cycle, and my LP was 11 days! Only a 2 day improvement but I'm really happy with that, especially given that I started taking it so late. YAY! :happydance:

Congratulations!! 11 days is a good length!! :hugs:
Ah happenstance - you have a prune!! :happydance:

Crap I'm late............ Back later!

(for work - hopefully in just over two weeks I'll be saying YAY I'M LATE!!!!!)

I was thinking the same thing yeah Happenstance is a prune!! Officially into double figures now!! How exciting!!
Just thought I would add to this thread. After having my DS my LP reduced down to 6 days.

I took 100mg of B6 - Pyridoxine and 1 Asda's own vit b complex tablet a day.

after the 1 month my LP increased to 10 days and the 2nd month it was 14 days. I stopeed taking it at the end of that cycle and have had a 14 day LP since. Unfortunately I never got to TTC as I broke up with my partner and being single I decided against contraception as I wasn't DTD.

Anyhow, that was I started taking the B6 in Feb 2011 and stopped taking it in April 2011 and have had a regular 13/14 day cycle since apart from once when I was 2 weeks late (couldn't have been pregnancy as hadn't DTD)

I met my new partner and we conceived straight away when we started TTC :)
Oh and side effects.. I was practically singing from the tree tops, was in a good mood and a mental high constantly and I had neon pee but I would say they were good side effects rather than bad ones :D
Vankiwi and Hemibr - Great news about your LP!

AFM - Arrrgghhhh I'm so confused. My CP keeps changing from soft to medium and my OPKs have got lighter again. I do have some EWCM. Temp was low today so I know I haven't O'd. Bd'd last 3 nights. Don't know whether to bd again tonight or to take a break and resume tomorrow! So frustrating. CD19 today. Normally O Cd18-20. Odd cycle has been later though. Didn't start OPKs until yesterday so maybe I missed my surge? But usually O day after + and I know I didn't O yesterday and don't think today is O day.

What to do? What to do?
Bean, sorry love! It's so frustrating when the signs conflict. When in doubt, BD. But, every other day should be sufficient, so if you want to take a night off, go for it!
Thanks Ladies. Did another OPK and the line is a little darker again. Going to check CP in a bit. If I have EWCM gonna bd. If not will have the night off. Read lots of EWCM days being best and sometimes it can dry up before O day. Most research shows that daily being up to a week shouldn't affect sperm too much. Less number but better motility.

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