Vitamin B6 - Lengthen luteal phase or increase progesterone

Vankiwi and Hemibr - Great news about your LP!

AFM - Arrrgghhhh I'm so confused. My CP keeps changing from soft to medium and my OPKs have got lighter again. I do have some EWCM. Temp was low today so I know I haven't O'd. Bd'd last 3 nights. Don't know whether to bd again tonight or to take a break and resume tomorrow! So frustrating. CD19 today. Normally O Cd18-20. Odd cycle has been later though. Didn't start OPKs until yesterday so maybe I missed my surge? But usually O day after + and I know I didn't O yesterday and don't think today is O day.

What to do? What to do?

I would take the night off and BD the next day as well but i do agree there is little impact in most research. Whatever you chose to do is fine! x
254 how are things hun? You must be around 9dpo. I hope the progesterone cream is making a difference for you this cycle and you end up with your BFP (or, at the very, very least, a longer LP). :hugs:

Bean66 hope you o in the next day or so. Chasing that egg is so frustrating! Just make sure there's lots of bd-ing!!!

DaisyQ how are you finding your first cycle with Clomid? When's your next doctor's appointment?

Joeys glad you enjoyed acupuncture. Are you planning to go again? Hope the foot's starting to heal

MissBroody hope all is going well with you and you've managed to stay away from Google. And I noticed you are now a raspberry, yay! :happydance:

Bean i agree defo BD lots before ovulation! Good luck for catching the egg this cycle!

Vankiwi and Hemibr - Excellent news about your increasing LP!

AFM: Still spotting, still driving me crazy. MS seems to have well and truly vanished. Still a little ball of worry. I wish I had a magic wand to stop the stopping! How can anyone spot for sooooooo long!

Good luck to all you ladies waiting on the o and to all those in the TWW. :hugs:
Any news bean?

Happenstance, Clomid is going fine so far. Felt a little tender yesterday in my left ovary, but feel fine today. I go in for a scan in one week. So the one week wait is in progress. :thumbup:
Hey ladies.

Happenstance - So sorry you are still spotting. I'm am sure everything will be ok.

Daisy - Hope the one week wait goes quickly.

AFM- nothing to report. Still no + opk. Will test again shortly. Have fertile CM still - changing between watery and EWCM. Last cycle I didn't feel I had much fertile CM left by O day so we bd'd last night hoping the swimmers can be ready and rested in my tooobs. Hope I get a + tonight. So bored of waiting. CD20 today!
Happenstance... sorry to hear you're still spotting. I forget... did you get any 'explanation' for it at your scans? Try not to read too much into morning sickness subsiding... 10 weeks is a classic time for it to stop as that's generally when the placenta starts to take over. Mine stopped at just over 10 weeks... and the result of that pregnancy turns 2 next week!

Bean... I reckon you'll cover bases if you go for every other day, but if you want to go for every day then I don't that should cause any 'issues'. I hope ovulation stops being confusing and comes soon!

I'm 9dpo today... big temp drop this morning, so a bit deflated as if my period arrives today it's back to my 'old' LP length (last cycle was 10/11 days). No sign of anything yet... but time will tell...
bean i hope you o soon. I am on cd16 and my temp was up today so don't expect my O to be till next week sometime. last month I oed on cd25. So hopefully it is earlier this month! Yes the waiting does suck for that part. we are bding every other day right now. hopefully that will help!:happydance:
Fingers crossed 254! Let's see that temp shoot back up!

Joeys - hope you don't have to wait too long!

Afm - sooooooo frustrated and annoyed by my body. It's betraying me. I thought my cycles were sorting them selves out. Had stabilised at 33 day cycles with O around 18-20. Now after 4 days of more EWCM I've ever had it seems to have disappeared and still no where near a positive OPK. My body just seems so out of synch. I'll prob O over the weekend with hostile mucous! Pee'd off!!

Sorry rant over!
bean i am sorry your body is acting up. I know my temp has gone up but I don't know if it is because i had a glass of wine last night. I am hoping for my temp to go down with in the next few days would be great. but who knows.:shrug:
Happenstance, Clomid is going fine so far. Felt a little tender yesterday in my left ovary, but feel fine today. I go in for a scan in one week. So the one week wait is in progress. :thumbup:

Glad you're finding the Clomid is okay. It'll feel like a long week till your doctor's appointment. Will they do the IUI that day or do you need to phone them when you're about to o? Or is the appointment planned for around your o? Sorry, lots of questions :blush: Hope you're doing well. How's DH doing with easing up on his super-cleanliness?! :winkwink:

Hey ladies.

Happenstance - So sorry you are still spotting. I'm am sure everything will be ok.

Thanks Bean, I know I'm like a broken record with the whole spotting thing. It's just so FRUSTRATING :wacko:

Afm - sooooooo frustrated and annoyed by my body. It's betraying me. I thought my cycles were sorting them selves out. Had stabilised at 33 day cycles with O around 18-20. Now after 4 days of more EWCM I've ever had it seems to have disappeared and still no where near a positive OPK. My body just seems so out of synch. I'll prob O over the weekend with hostile mucous! Pee'd off!!

Sorry rant over!

I'm so sorry that your body isn't playing nicely. Hopefully your o will catch up with you over the next day or two. Also, don't worry too much about the hostile mucus, I've read that even though we don't always see it, there's normally plenty of friendly mucus up by your cervix ready to carry those swimmers to your egg. Have you ever tried EPO? I tried that the month I conceived and I got tons of EWCM. I always thought that was part of my problem as I never really had any. Who knows, but I thought it worked wonders for me. Hope you catch your egg soon. :hugs:

Happenstance... sorry to hear you're still spotting. I forget... did you get any 'explanation' for it at your scans? Try not to read too much into morning sickness subsiding... 10 weeks is a classic time for it to stop as that's generally when the placenta starts to take over. Mine stopped at just over 10 weeks... and the result of that pregnancy turns 2 next week!

Thanks 254, no they never did give me any explanation. With all the medical science in the world it appears that 'it's just one of those things' is a perfectly reasonable medical diagnosis! :wacko: Oh well, I'm never sure if it's better to have a reason or not - if you know what I mean? Anyway, thanks for your reassurance.

Now on to you, that's some temp spike you had today!!! I'm really hoping this is it for you 254. At the very least, it's great that your LP is lengthening but let's hope we don't find out how long this LP would have been. I think your chart is looking excellent - possible implantation dip yesterday? I'm keeping everything crossed for you and praying this is your month.

And congrats on your daughter turning two next week! :cake: What are you planning to do to celebrate? I hope you all have a wonderful day (hopefully made all the better with a BFP!) :hugs:

Joeys how are things with you? Hope all is going well.

Take care ladies, sending you all :hugs:
Happenstance, Clomid is going fine so far. Felt a little tender yesterday in my left ovary, but feel fine today. I go in for a scan in one week. So the one week wait is in progress. :thumbup:

Glad you're finding the Clomid is okay. It'll feel like a long week till your doctor's appointment. Will they do the IUI that day or do you need to phone them when you're about to o? Or is the appointment planned for around your o? Sorry, lots of questions :blush: Hope you're doing well. How's DH doing with easing up on his super-cleanliness?! :winkwink:

Happenstance, you are a doll - just a doll - I love how you remember so many details!!

When I go in on Wednesday, it's to check my follicle size and number. If they think I'm ready to trigger, they will give me the shot at that appointment, and then the IUI will be Thursday morning. If they think I'm not ready yet, I don't know what the next step will be - I guess it will depend on what's going on. If there are a few follicles there, but not yet quite mature, maybe they will have me come back in a day or two to take another look. If my follicle development is really lagging, I'm not sure but it's possible they might give me more meds at that point? No idea. My appointment next week falls on CD 11 - which is WAY before my normal O time (CD15-20). So no idea if I'll be ready to trigger or not, I guess it all depends on my reaction to clomid and if that speeds up the process or not.

And my hubs has been great - I had to ask him (a few times) to let the small stuff go because tension and arguing are really not good for me right now with the stress of everything else. He understands and really wants a baby too, and has been on his best behavior. Knock on wood, but we've not had a real argument in recent memory. At least a month! Which is good for us! Haha. We argue a fair amount normally but it doesn't mean much - its always about small stuff, and we get over it quickly. I think he gets this relational style from his parents who are ALWAYS bickering. It's normal to him. Trying to break this pattern, but it's not easy. And of course, I do my best to keep things picked up for him, but I will never be perfect.

254, happy to hear your temp has gone back up! FX!
DaisyQ said:
Happenstance, you are a doll - just a doll - I love how you remember so many details!!

When I go in on Wednesday, it's to check my follicle size and number. If they think I'm ready to trigger, they will give me the shot at that appointment, and then the IUI will be Thursday morning. If they think I'm not ready yet, I don't know what the next step will be - I guess it will depend on what's going on. If there are a few follicles there, but not yet quite mature, maybe they will have me come back in a day or two to take another look. If my follicle development is really lagging, I'm not sure but it's possible they might give me more meds at that point? No idea. My appointment next week falls on CD 11 - which is WAY before my normal O time (CD15-20). So no idea if I'll be ready to trigger or not, I guess it all depends on my reaction to clomid and if that speeds up the process or not.

And my hubs has been great - I had to ask him (a few times) to let the small stuff go because tension and arguing are really not good for me right now with the stress of everything else. He understands and really wants a baby too, and has been on his best behavior. Knock on wood, but we've not had a real argument in recent memory. At least a month! Which is good for us! Haha. (we argue a fair amount normally but it doesn't mean much - its always about small stuff, and we get over it quickly). And of course, I do my best to keep things picked up for him, but I will never be perfect.

254, happy to hear your temp has gone back up! FX!

You made me blush :blush: Thanks DaisyQ!

Gosh, it gets really complicated trying to time the dates correctly doesn't it? It would be great if the Clomid reacted well with you and everything fell into place for your appointment on Wednesday. I'll keep my fingers crossed that will happen for you. Do you have to go back on the progesterone suppositories after your IUI?

I know this must be such a stressful time for you right now, so I'm glad that your DH is taking it easier. I hope my bringing it up doesn't tempt fate - I don't want to be blamed for the next argument!!! :haha: I've tried to go easier on my DH too. Although it still frustrates me when he empties the dishwasher and doesn't leave the forks and spoons pointing upwards (don't judge me! Yes, I know, it's weird and a little OCD. But it drives me crazy!). However, I've been trying to take a deep breath and then just sorting the drawer out myself. I suppose I should be grateful that he emptied the dishwasher in the first place!!! :dishes:

Just remember to take it easy this weekend and have as much fun and relaxation as you can handle (in that order!). You can save all your stressing for next week! Just remember that we're all here for you and will hold your (virtual!) hand throughout this whole process. :friends:
Awww, happenstance! You are the greatest! Thank you!

I LOVE that dishwashing icon! :rofl:

On one hand I hope that I'm ready to trigger on Wednesday, on the other hand, I hope it's a few days later (only because DH scheduled a business trip on Thursday, so if I trigger on Wednesday, he'll have to cancel the trip). Time will tell!

I have my own crazy pet peeves as far as the dishwasher goes - first, I can't stand it that I'm the only one in this house who ever unloads it! Secondly, there will be a pile of dishes in the sink (my brand new china - stacked haphazardly - hello??? chip hazard! ), when the dishwasher is empty, and can be loaded! How hard is it to put your dish in the dishwasher?? Finally - I am super anal in the way the dishwasher should be loaded. My husband puts things in there at weird angles, and all on top of each other which wastes space and increases chipping. So a lot of times I'm reloading the already loaded dishwasher! :haha: What's wrong with me??

So hubs did make a request last night - that I put the floss away after I use it. I told him, what's the point? You are going to take it out of that drawer in about 4 hours anyway and use it again! He said it doesn't want it getting wet on the counter. He has a phobia about things getting wet, and growing mold. :haha: :wacko: You should see the way he dries every dish before putting it away (I mean on the ONE occasion a year he puts dishes away!!) because he's afraid a damp dish will start growing mold in the cupboard. :saywhat:

It's crazytown over here!
Haha! I'm similar with hanging the washing. Generally DH is a better home keeper than me but he always hangs the washing to close together then he's like if you're gonna re do it why am I even bothering?

Soooo after my minor melt down I got my smiley!! Weirdly I barely got a second line on my IC OPK last night and this morning. Hence the minor melt down! Wish we'd bd'd last night now! So blooming frustrating.

Happenstance - I used EPO this cycle. I think that's what increased my EWCM but I think it also delays my O. So DH is ginna get worn out tonight!! He best hurry up and get home!!
Yay for smiley! Just think of it this way - by abstaining last night, DH will have an extra packed delivery for you tonight, which is the PERFECT time.


How much EPO did you take?
Evening primrose oil. Helps with cm

Happenstance, I forgot to answer your question about progesterone suppositories... Yes - ugh! Going to take them again. Both the nurse and my acupuncturist think it's a good idea.
what is Evening primrose oil used for and how is it used?
1000mg. I took it a few cycles back and O'd late and read similar experiences from other ladies so I stopped. Def think its helped with my EWCM.

I took a pic of my 10pm last night, 6.30 am this morning opk and then 4pm today. Did the digi at 12.45. No fade in. Usually I get a bit of a fade it. The OPKs kept getting a little darker then fading again, then bam!! Glad I test more than once a day.

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