Vitamin B6 - Lengthen luteal phase or increase progesterone

Quail I never found Vit B complex to bring my ovulation date forward, only Agnus Castus. Looking at your previous charts you do seem to get EWCM early on anyway. Good luck this cycle.
Just wanted to say hello and update you on my progress with Vitamin B-Complex. I have very predictable cycles- 27 days, with two days of spotting (CD25), Ovulating on Day 13. I don't get EWCM, but I do get watery CM two days before the O. Hubby had to go out of town this month, but we BD'd on Day 10 in the AM (well and a lot before then too!).
I have been taking my prenatal vitamin and Vitamin B-Complex (50) since CD2. My O came one whole day earlier, CD 12! I am not sure if this is because of the prenatal or vitamin b, but is definitely helpful since OH wasn't around. It gives us a slightly better chance this month, but we are not expecting a BFP because our timing was too early.

I will update you 'if' the AF comes. I was worried that the two days of spotting before my AF were actually my AF- which would give me a LP of 10 days. I am hoping the spotting will stop and that perhaps my LP will be 13-14 days.

Thanks for this helpful thread!
hi ive brought the b-50 complex now and also agnus castus to see if it brings o, forward my pee is now a lovley neon yellow,lol.xx
well i thought i would update you ive had a pos opk today cd17 and by this evening they had gone light again so im hoping i will o, tonight or tommorow,last month ihad 4 days of pos and o, on cd23 so im hoping that the ac has brought my o, forward,now i have to wait and see if the b-vits do there
I'm taking Vit B-50 Complex this cycle and it brought my ovuation forward by a day to CD13 which is what it used to be before I fell pregnant. I'm not that worried about ov'ing on CD14 of a 27/28 day cycle, it's the spotting. I started spotting at 8dpo through til 13dpo before AF arrived so I'm hoping it'll help with that. Will update if I have any news x
hi well i didnt o, last night as my temp hasnt gone up this morning so just hoping i o, today gonna get busy later just to be safe,think hubby is getting a bit tired now,lol.xx
I just noticed this thread. I'm interested in all the stories.

Quick recap of my story:
Used to have textbook 28-day cycles, but after second miscarriage in February, cycles have never gone back to normal. They are now about 29 - 30 days long, but have spotting for over a week before AF arrives. Have seen a naturopath and am taking a super duper prenatal vitamin (much better than the Centrum Materna one I was taking) and a natural remedy called Progesto-mend. I'm also taking an additional 50mg of Vitamin B6 than what is already in the prenatal. Will see what effect it has had on my luteal phase this month.

If anyone would like to take a look at my chart and give me some recommendations, please do. Link is in my sig. :)

Just wanted to add- my LP is at least one day longer this month. I O'd a day early and LP of 11 days, so far! I am going on holiday tomorrow so I won't be able to update you, but hoping for my :bfp:!

I don't know if it is because of the b vitamins or combination of that with prenatal, but definitely can't hurt.
okay so I have been taking the B Complex for 2 cycles. I have found that my temps are more regulated rather than jump up and down. But it's cycle day 21 and still NO "O" I normally "O" late around day 17-19 and start AF on day 26(spotting 2 days before) so what can anyone suggest? Have read that Agnus Castus can move "O" earlier but not sure how much to take and do I take it daily throughout my cycle. Too, I haven't seen a change in luteal phase yet. Any comments would be appreciated.
Hi LAdies,

After my mmc back in november 2008 my cycles became very irregular with an 11day LP. I started taking B50 complex to lengthen the LP and also AC to help regulate my cycles. First month (may) my cycle came down from 36days (oving on CD23 ) to 27days (oving on CD11) . Junes cycle was 26days (oving on CD11 also) and Julys cycle i ov on CD11 and am awaiting the witch now at CD24.

The results here are basically saying that the AC helped bring my ov forward (i only take this from CD1 to +OPK) and the B50 complex has helped lengthen my LP (i take this all the time) . I take the Kira brand of AC from Boots.

Hope this helps some x
Hello B6 ladies! I have read this entire thread and ya'll are brilliant!! I'm hoping someone can help me!! We have been TTC for 6 cycles now and I just recently discovered that I have a very short luteal phase- 8-10 days. Today I am cd19 of a usual 28 day cycle and I am 1 or 2 dpo according to OPK. Would it be useful at all to start taking vitamins today?
Also, I am confused about what I should be looking for. I found a Vitamin B-50 Complex, Vitamin B-100 Complex and also found just a B6 100 mg tablet. Which one should I be looking for?! Help! Also, because I am now post ovulation is there anything else I could do for this cycle?
Thank you!!!!!!
hi texas wife, i started on the B50complex which seems to have done the trick for me.

I'm not sure if there is anything you can do for this cycle but i don't see any reason why you can't start on the B50complex now.

You do not want the B6 tablet on its own, the bcomplex tablets have the right combination of b vitamins in them to ensure proper absorbtion of the vitamins.

If you don't see any improvement over the next couple of cycles then you could always up it to B100complex... I like to start with less and up it if necessary

good luckx
Thank you Chanel!!
I got the B-50 Complex today and started taking it! Wow, ya'll weren't kidding about the neon pee!!! I know I asked this before, but it is for sure "ok" to take the B Complex vitamin after ovulation if conception possibly (hopefully!!) occurred?? And, IF I get a bfp, do I stop taking it?
I think you can continue with the B50 complex whilst pregnant, as i understand it... it can help with morning sickness.

I'm sure it is fine to take this throughout your cycle as that is what i do and i remember doing a lot of research before i started.

Good luck x
I am so glad I found this! Thank you so much everyone. SO much information and seeing awesome results makes me hopeful. I went and got me some b50 complex today since I was only taking the b6 and read I should be taking the complex, I'm so glad I found you all. HUGS!
Hi Ladies,

It took us 16 months to get pregnant with DD (DH has some mild motility issues and all was fine with me). Started trying for #2 as soon as cylces resumed when DD was 1 year. Pre-baby my LP was 13 days and now only 11. All BDing was perfectly timed but AF kept showing up at 12 dpo. Read this thread and started a B compound with 100 mg of b6 and 100 mcg of b12 at cycle day 3. Just got a BFP yesterday at 12 dpo and another today! It was the first month of taking B6 and our 5th month TTC this time around.

Conincidentally, saw my OB this past week for my annual and asked if I should continue with the B6 if I was in fact pregnant and she said yes. Is supposed to be good for nausea and won't do any harm to baby.

I know how hard TTC can be. Good luck to you all.
congrats noodle!!! Thanks for letting us know. That's wonderful news!
Hey ladies! I started taking my B Complex August 1st while on day 19 of my cycle. Well, my period was supposed to come yesterday (always in the morning!) and it didn't... now nothing today so far! I'm wondering if the B Complex actually helped in lengthening my luteal phase this month, or if I could be pregnant (test this morning was neg). Could the vitamin have actually started working that fast?
Hey ladies! I started taking my B Complex August 1st while on day 19 of my cycle. Well, my period was supposed to come yesterday (always in the morning!) and it didn't... now nothing today so far! I'm wondering if the B Complex actually helped in lengthening my luteal phase this month, or if I could be pregnant (test this morning was neg). Could the vitamin have actually started working that fast?

I've read most saying it takes a while for things to build up but everyone's body is different. I wouldn't say it's not possible. I am hoping for that myself since I just started taking them this month too.
keeping FX for us =) :dust:
Hey Texaswife,

One of the ways b6 works to lengthen the luteal phase is my improving the quality of the corpus luteum (which is what produces progesterone). Taking this into account, I think you probably need to take it during the follicular phase for it to really be effective.

It can also counter-effect prolactin which is helpful if you are TTC while still nursing which was my case. As far as you being pregnant, are you temping? If your temps are still elevated that's a good sign.

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