First of all I'd like to introduce myself: I am D&D, which stands for Dutch and desperate
. I stumbled upon this thread as I was doing research on vitamine B6 and lengthening luteal phase.
October 2007 I gave birth to a wonderful baby girl, and after 8 months we started to TTC for number 2 and in the 4th month I was pregnant, but unfortunately I miscarried (missed abortion). I had started using OPK in the last two months of TTC and found out that ovulation was on CD 16/17, a bit later than expected.
Both times when I got pregnant I was using prenatal vitamines with vitex agnus (the first time only for two weeks, as I was pregnant right away).
Since January this year we have started again, but I am getting more desperate by the month. My cycle is driving me nuts: 29, 40, 30, 28, 32, 29, 35, 35. I have been using OPK at times, sometimes BBT, and it turns out that I ovulate around day 17 up to 20. My luteal phase was about 11 days, but the last two cycles I have been using Vitamine B6 complex 50 mg and my luteal phase has definitely been lengthened by it.
I started taking the complex on CD 25 and my cyclus went up to 35 days (and had a much heavier period). This last cycle I think I ovulated on CD 14, but I got my period this morning (after being rather convinced I was pregnant, didn't take a test as I didn't want to jinx it. It actually took me quite by surprise), which would mean a 20 day luteal phase? Does that make sense?
I am a bit at my wits' end, I think I have tried everyting: acupuncture, yoga, fertility teas, TTC by using BBT/not BBT (to take my mind of things).
I went to see my OBGyn last month for a normal check-up and got rather frustrated as I asked about my short luteal phase: he claimed that there is only one "law" for OBGyns: the period between ovulation and menstruation is always 14 days... This guy has been doing this line of work for decades and he dismissed my worries with just this one line.
I do think that I have some hormonal imbalance. I have been having skin problems (acne) since I was in my early teens, which is probably also a hormonal issue. I was wondering if more ladies out there have the same.
Thanks for "listening" and of course for posting all your experiences with vitamine B6.
Greetings from Holland!