Vitamin B6 - Lengthen luteal phase or increase progesterone

Hi Snowdrops,
I took 150mg of B6 for a month or so and then spent 3 hours reading this entire thread and am now taking B-100 timed release capsules from Holland and Barratt - the B-vitamins need to be in balanced quantities to work properly (as I found out, when my luteal phase dropped to 8 days when I was taking just B6!). I can't advise on agnus castus, other than to say that from what I've read you only take it before ovulation, but you need to take B-50 or 100 all the time. If you look back to pages in the 30s/40s of this thread you'll find someone called Vestirse who gave all sorts of advice about this, having done tons of research - she advised taking B50 if your LP wasn't too short (ie 11-12 days) but B100 if it was shorter than that. It's normal to get fluorescent yellow wee when you're taking these - B-vits are water-soluble, so anything you don't need is just flushed out of your body. Try it and see what happens - and I recommend reading what Vestirse had to say!
thanks abster,

yeah i've seen a few of Vestire post, she sounds like a wonderful person full of knowledge and willing to help everyone
ok i have just seen this thread. what do i need to take to get pregnant or should i say keep little egg in there and not have a mc or a period?? i have heard so many different things. please help thanks xx

Hey Becci
Are you taking any prenatal vitamins currently? B50 or B100 complex is good at lengthening the luteal phase if you have a short one (it's meant to be 12-14 days ideally). Agnus castus helps promote a balanced cycle, I've also read that Zinc is very useful too. You'll be able to get a better idea of what to take if you read back through this thread. Also Zita West's Guide to getting pregnant is really good.
i'm taking my frolic acid and i have got these other tablets from sainsburys called mum and bump they do have some vitamin b in them but not sure if its enough. I have PCOS so not sure really how long cycles are or luteal phase is. When i do temp after Ovulation my temps never seem 2 stay high so i think its sumthing to do with the progesterone levels. can any tablet help with that?? xx
i'm taking my frolic acid and i have got these other tablets from sainsburys called mum and bump they do have some vitamin b in them but not sure if its enough. I have PCOS so not sure really how long cycles are or luteal phase is. When i do temp after Ovulation my temps never seem 2 stay high so i think its sumthing to do with the progesterone levels. can any tablet help with that?? xx

Hi Becci, Yes the B50 or B100 complex promotes a longer luteal phase. Most women who have a luteal phase defect (lasting less than 10 days, though like I said 12-14 is ideal) usually have low levels of progesterone, B50 or B100 complex as far I understand stimulate the pituitary gland which controls horomone production and promote balanced levels. I think you probably need to go to Holland & Barretts and get either the B50 (if your luteal phase is only a day or two short) or B100 if you need to add a lot of days. I'm taking B100 as my phase is only lasting 9 days. There have been loads of positive stories here on this thread from those that have got their BFP's using it!! I think you should maybe buy Zita West's guide to getting pregnant also. It really does provide so much more information and definitely helps with understanding what may be affecting your fertility such as foods etc. I've literally only started the B100 timed release complex and am hoping for a couple of days extra on my luteal phase this month...if not a BFP! FX'd :happydance:

Forgot to say that you should try agnus castus if your cycle is irregular (this def promotes regularity!! Holland & Barretts also sell them, I'm currently taking 1000mg per day, you have to stop taking them once you've ovulated though so you should invest in some OPK's or check CM regularly!) Good luck!
hi...should i be concerned that i start spotting 9-10 days after i ovulate...but do not actually come on full flow til 13/14 days after i ovulate?.....this is my 1st clomid cycle & i am being monitored with follicular tracking this mth.....currently on 50mg days 2-6. i just wonder that altho my levels of progesterone are high after i ovulate ( have had tests in jan & aug to show this) im worried that the levels are dropping so quickly after & there is not enough time for the egg to implant.....i know this usually happens they say around 7-10 days after you conceive.....if my levels are dropping then could this cause prob conceiving?? my fs knows bout my spotting....but the nurse today seemed concerned by it!.....i never had spotting when i conceived my daughter 4 & a half years ago. Dont want to go through 3 cycles of clomid to then be told there is something wrong with progesterone as after these clomid cycles we will have to start paying privately for any other treatment such as iui as my hospital doesnt do it :( x
hi...should i be concerned that i start spotting 9-10 days after i ovulate...but do not actually come on full flow til 13/14 days after i ovulate?.....this is my 1st clomid cycle & i am being monitored with follicular tracking this mth.....currently on 50mg days 2-6. i just wonder that altho my levels of progesterone are high after i ovulate ( have had tests in jan & aug to show this) im worried that the levels are dropping so quickly after & there is not enough time for the egg to implant.....i know this usually happens they say around 7-10 days after you conceive.....if my levels are dropping then could this cause prob conceiving?? my fs knows bout my spotting....but the nurse today seemed concerned by it!.....i never had spotting when i conceived my daughter 4 & a half years ago. Dont want to go through 3 cycles of clomid to then be told there is something wrong with progesterone as after these clomid cycles we will have to start paying privately for any other treatment such as iui as my hospital doesnt do it :( x

As far as I'm aware spotting usually occurs due to a drop in progesterone levels so I can understand why she's concerned about it. You could maybe ask if increasing to B100 complex may help or a timed release complex possibly would give the vitamin longer in your system. Some of the older posts in this thread have information in relation to spotting and using B50 and B100. If you take a look back and check what dosage's others with the same problem have used with success that may help make up your mind what to do. Hope you get a BFP soon!!! :thumbup:
I started taking B-100 slow release (to combat an 8-11-day LP) on CD4 and am now on CD13 - my ewcm has arrived about 2 days later than normal, which I'm taking as a good sign! Good luck to every body!

Maybe I should add that my LP only went down to 8 days during my last cycle, because I'd been taking 150mg daily of B6 since the middle of my previous cycle... I take this as proof that B vitamins really do need to be taken together unless you want to risk sabotaging your conception attempts.... oops!
That's really positive news Abster. Good luck! I had a doctors appointment yesterday and have to go back on day 21 (actually day 20 as day 21 is a Saturday this cycle) for blood tests and DH has to provide an SA. Glad he didn't tell me to come back when we had been trying for 12mths! Still hoping the Vit B-100's will sort out the short LP this cycle, only another 2 1/2 weeks to find out (due on 22nd November). I only realised after checking that the agnus castus is supposed to be stop once postive OPK. Will try that this month and keep on taking the b vits. I'm also taking EPO, think I'll stop that at the same time as the AC this cycle. Still hoping for a BFP before Christmas! Good luck!
my fs just rang me back as i phoned her about my concerns about my spotting b4 AF arrives full flow....she didnt seem concerned at all.....she said the clomid could change things this mth so just to have the follicular tracking & see what happens this mth.....i asked about my luteal phase, its 13 days but because of the spotting & its only 9/10 days & she said that not to count the spotting as period....i asked if it could be possible that my progesterone level drops quickly after ovulation causing the spotting & she said no it wouldnt be 4 that reason.....she asked about my last follicular scan & if the nurse mentioned how thick my lining was & i said no.....

dont really feel any better after speaking to her to be honest.....surely if im spotting for 3/4 days b4 AF arrives somethings up hey!!

feeling really down today, started this mth off feeling so positive as it was my 1st clomid cycle & now im feeling it wont work coz i may have other issues....

part of me is starting to think i just wanna go bk opn the pill & stop ttc...its been 15 mths & im finding it so hard. :(

I'm sorry to hear you're feeling so down! Did you read back through the older posts in the thread to see if anyone else has something similar? As far as I'm aware if you do spot you shouldn't count that as your AF, it should be from the first day of a proper bleed (tmi!) Have you been taking any B Vits? If not I'm sure it wouldn't hurt to try them as they will not affect any potential pregnancy even if you tried a lower dose. Try not to feel negative (easier said than done, I know!), I've my fingers crossed you'll get your BFP really soon!
xo Jen
Hi Dancingkaty1,
Hang on in there! I know how you feel - some months I've felt devastated when AF's reared her ugly head and stopping TTC can seem like the only to take some control. Don't lose heart!
From what I've read further back in this thread, the early spotting does seem to be something that should be helped by B-complex. I think sometimes the advice you get is really coloured by how open your doctor is to alternative medicine. Can you see any reason not to take B-complex - I mean have you been told not to take anything else whilst you're on the clomid? Maybe it's worth trying the b vitamins - they're water soluble (give you fluorescent yellow wee!) so you needn't worry about taking too much. Have a look back to about p40-ish of this thread and see whet Vestirse was saying (She did tons of research!). SHe recommended that for an lp of 9-10 days before spotting it was best to take 100mg - and I'd recommend the slow release stuff. I get the Holland & Barratt stuff.
In your post you said you're on 50mg on days 2-6 of your cycle - do you mean clomid or B-complex? The B-complex is fine to take throughout your cycle. If you don't have any reason not to take it, why not try? Might make you feel like you're taking control. Check out this enormous thread and see if anybody else using clomid has been taking a B-50 0r B-100 complex.
Best of luck!
That's really positive news Abster. Good luck! I had a doctors appointment yesterday and have to go back on day 21 (actually day 20 as day 21 is a Saturday this cycle) for blood tests and DH has to provide an SA. Glad he didn't tell me to come back when we had been trying for 12mths! Still hoping the Vit B-100's will sort out the short LP this cycle, only another 2 1/2 weeks to find out (due on 22nd November). I only realised after checking that the agnus castus is supposed to be stop once postive OPK. Will try that this month and keep on taking the b vits. I'm also taking EPO, think I'll stop that at the same time as the AC this cycle. Still hoping for a BFP before Christmas! Good luck!

I have my fingers crossed that it works for you this cycle. I'm due a few days before you so lets hope we both avoid AF! Oh yes, you have to stop the AC when you ovulate. I looked at it when I went to get my B-100, but it's only available in gelatine capsules (I'm veggie) and a tincture you drop into water (wasn't sure how much I'd need to use). Maybe I'll look into it again, as some people have sung its praises.
hi abster... yes sorry i mean clomid....i would like to take b-complex & see if it heps.....should i see how it goes this mth with the clomid & if AF comes then ask my fs about it? or do u think i should just go on it now??? the only things im taking are clomid & evening primrose oil at the mo. I havent been told not to take anything, my fs just doesnt think the spotting is a just so confused by it all! Would the b-complex may my cycles longer?? I will have a read through the thread thank you so much. x
Hey Dancingkaty
The B Complex helps balance progesterone levels and lengthen the luteal phase. I would agree with Abster sometimes doctors just are not interested in alternative medicine so unless you've been given some specific reason not to take anything else with the clomid then I would give it a shot. I don't have a problem with spotting but just a v short luteal phase, however I've read in previous posts on this thread that it did stop or delay spotting in others who have experienced the same thing. When I spoke to my doctor yesterday I told him I was taking the Vitamin B-100 Complex and he said that it couldn't hurt trying it and that it was widely used to ease morning sickness symptoms. Good luck!
xo Jen
That's really positive news Abster. Good luck! I had a doctors appointment yesterday and have to go back on day 21 (actually day 20 as day 21 is a Saturday this cycle) for blood tests and DH has to provide an SA. Glad he didn't tell me to come back when we had been trying for 12mths! Still hoping the Vit B-100's will sort out the short LP this cycle, only another 2 1/2 weeks to find out (due on 22nd November). I only realised after checking that the agnus castus is supposed to be stop once postive OPK. Will try that this month and keep on taking the b vits. I'm also taking EPO, think I'll stop that at the same time as the AC this cycle. Still hoping for a BFP before Christmas! Good luck!

I have my fingers crossed that it works for you this cycle. I'm due a few days before you so lets hope we both avoid AF! Oh yes, you have to stop the AC when you ovulate. I looked at it when I went to get my B-100, but it's only available in gelatine capsules (I'm veggie) and a tincture you drop into water (wasn't sure how much I'd need to use). Maybe I'll look into it again, as some people have sung its praises.

Hey Abster, Yes I used the tincture for awhile but decided to take the capsules instead when I ran out of the tincture. I was using 15 drops in water daily and used the A. Vogel Agnus Castus Tincture. You could maybe try it. I def noticed an improvement last month in terms of my skin as I usually break out prior to ovulation and my period. This month I didn't break out at all (minor miracle!) However I took it for the full cycle not realising I should have stopped when I ovulated. This month I'm on EPO, Agnus Castus (1000mg) 1 tablet daily, Vit B-100 Complex, as well as folic acid and a multi vitamin. I should be rattling when I walk! :haha: It'll be worth it for a BFP!!! :happydance:
xo Jen
I am 25 with a 12 month old daughter. I am still breastfeeding her and TTC at the same time. AF returned at 8 months PP and I have been charting since then. The last couple cycles I have definitely O'd and I just O'd a couple days ago on this cycle. The first cycle I charted, I saw that my LP was only 9 days so I decided to try 50 mg of B6 for the next cycle. It seemed to work great and made me O 2 days earlier and my LP was 15 days! I O'd even earlier this cycle and am waiting to see what happens. My question is,

1. Is anyone else TTC, taking B6, and still nursing?

2. Will B6 help me conceive if my problems are from nursing?

I know my eggs are probably fine, and I don't have a problem Oding. I know that BF can cause a LP defect, I am just wondering if it's the same problem for people with LP defect that are not nursing. I have read that my problem is due to too much prolactin, not enough projesterone, etc.

Anyone have more insight?

Here is my FF chart (not sure if it will post)

My Ovulation Chart
Hi Muggins,
I'm not still breastfeeding, but I do think that breastfeeding my daughter did something to me - we've just started our 13th ttc cycle (my 4th using ff). My toddler came along after only two months of trying and is now 27 months. When we started this time round, in Nov 08, I had no idea about charting or anything (wish I'd tried it earlier and discovered my LP defect!). My period didn't start again til last September, when the baby was almost 14 months old. I stopped bf during the day in July 08, the evening/overnight in August 08 and first thing in the morning in April 09 - because I was convinced I was pregnant, but it was a chemical.

Everything I've read on here says that B-complex is safe as any excess exits your body in your wee (and mighty fluorescent it is too!) but I don't remember if anybody using it and contributin to this thread is was still bf. Having said that, the fact that it's safe to take it throughout pregnancy (I'm taking 100 strength and will keep taking it once I'm pregnant, at least for a while) says to me that it would be fine to take it whilst bf. I'd be happy to do it, if that helps.

As for whether you can concieve whilst bf, all you can do is try. I checked it out on netmums/mumsnet or whatever it's called months ago and loads of women swore they'd fallen pregnant whilst bf and not even trying.

Good luck!
hi abster... yes sorry i mean clomid....i would like to take b-complex & see if it heps.....should i see how it goes this mth with the clomid & if AF comes then ask my fs about it? or do u think i should just go on it now??? the only things im taking are clomid & evening primrose oil at the mo. I havent been told not to take anything, my fs just doesnt think the spotting is a just so confused by it all! Would the b-complex may my cycles longer?? I will have a read through the thread thank you so much. x

Sorry it's taken me ages to get back to you... go for it! No harm in starting it now (be prepared for neon wee....!).:haha:
Hi there,
After going through this thread, I have decided to try the B-50 complex, slow release.
Im roughly 28 day cycle, but have spotting up to 5 days befor AF, so hoping that it will help with that. I am on CD8 today, so it is a bit late to start, but btter late than never!
I will report back with any news as and when.

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