Vitamin B6 - Lengthen luteal phase or increase progesterone

No, I wouldn't go with the progesterone cream either, not until its a last resort.
Also, Ive been reading some success stories on FF, there are LOADS of ladies on there who have the same spotting problems as us, but have still managed to conceive so maybe its not TOO much of an obsticle!
Rasberry leaf is the way forward!!
Random question. How much of recommended daily intake is in the B complex? I drink LOADS of Fruit and Barley, so getting at least my RDA on top of my preconception vits. Will this be helping my cycles?

Hi fairygirl,
The Holland & Barratt B-100 complex I'm taking is 100mg of all the B-vits plus 400mcg of folic acid.
There isn't really a RDA for B-vits - 100mg is far above what would be in a normal supplement, but perfectly safe as it's water soluble and comes out in your wee.
I doubt your fruit and barley would make any difference to be honest.
Try a B-50 or 100 complex alongside your preconception vits - I use Pregnacare alongside the B-100 and that's fine.
Abi x
No, I wouldn't go with the progesterone cream either, not until its a last resort.
Also, Ive been reading some success stories on FF, there are LOADS of ladies on there who have the same spotting problems as us, but have still managed to conceive so maybe its not TOO much of an obsticle!
Rasberry leaf is the way forward!!

Thats sounds promising Char - spotting and getting a BFP. Hope it works for us - nightmare its taking so long.

Raspberry tea it is - must go shopping (online), need more B100 complex too.
Thanks Abster, feeling slightly better. CM has def picked up so must be CD19 this month again. Fingers crossed this month is our month, would be the best Christmas present ever!!! Did you get your temp rise? I was going to buy ov sticks and decided against it after reading more of the Zita West book. She advised against the ov tests and said that the CM is the best method of predicting ov as it gives 5 days notice. If that's the case mine started picking up alot on Saturday and yesterday which fits in with ov on Thursday. Then it will be in to the 2WW or in my case usually a week and a bit, really hope this month it'll be a 2WW with a BFP at the end!
xo Jen

Yep, I avoid the ov tests and just go for checking my cm and cervix position. I find it consistently gives me 5 days pf the babydance. Hope you've been babydancing! I've added a link to my ff chart now so you shoudl be able to look at my chart (if you can't, please tell me coz it means I've cocked it up!).
Really hope it's our month x
Abi x
Thanks for the advice about cuttin the Vit B tabs, have been doing so since CD 4, plus drinking raspberry tea each day, am now 3-5 dpo. Last month spotting started 7dpo! So, here's hoping the vits and tea helped out this month, will update! Good luck to everyone!
Thanks Abster, feeling slightly better. CM has def picked up so must be CD19 this month again. Fingers crossed this month is our month, would be the best Christmas present ever!!! Did you get your temp rise? I was going to buy ov sticks and decided against it after reading more of the Zita West book. She advised against the ov tests and said that the CM is the best method of predicting ov as it gives 5 days notice. If that's the case mine started picking up alot on Saturday and yesterday which fits in with ov on Thursday. Then it will be in to the 2WW or in my case usually a week and a bit, really hope this month it'll be a 2WW with a BFP at the end!
xo Jen

Yep, I avoid the ov tests and just go for checking my cm and cervix position. I find it consistently gives me 5 days pf the babydance. Hope you've been babydancing! I've added a link to my ff chart now so you shoudl be able to look at my chart (if you can't, please tell me coz it means I've cocked it up!).
Really hope it's our month x
Abi x

Ooohh that chart is looking promising Abi! Fingers crossed it's a BFP this month :happydance: Yes plenty of BD! Update; think I ovulated yesterday, started getting really bad mid cycle pain yesterday and lots of EWCM! That is two whole days earlier than last month, not sure if its the B Vit's or the Agnus Castus! So exciting! Didn't take any Agnus Castus this morning and no EPO either, just b vits, folic acid and multivit. Excited now to see if I get to 12 or 13 dpo or a BFP....have to get blood tests on Friday morning, so that will def confirm ovulation and what level my progesterone is. So exciting! :happydance:
xo Jen
i have been taking vit b6 for the last 3months. because i always seem to spot a week before my af is due, it worked abit at the begining but im back to square one again, i seem to be doing it again. does anybody think taking somthing else will help. i have tied to read as much as i can about this but it hasnt got me anywhere.:wacko: i need help. PLEASE
i have been taking vit b6 for the last 3months. because i always seem to spot a week before my af is due, it worked abit at the begining but im back to square one again, i seem to be doing it again. does anybody think taking somthing else will help. i have tied to read as much as i can about this but it hasnt got me anywhere.:wacko: i need help. PLEASE

Hi, sorry this is happening to you again, must so frusting..
Have you tried Agnus Cactus you take 2/3 tablets a day, up to ov which will help to regulate also stenghten your cervix muscles, and strengthen the eggs supply you can this from any health shop.

What i think might be happening an slight implantation bleed to trying to implant but might need help to get in there to produce a baby...
Were u taking the b6 on it's own or a b vitamin complex?
I may be mistaken, but I've read somewhere that you should be taking it in conjunction with other B vits and could be quite bad for you taking it alone, be careful x
I may be mistaken, but I've read somewhere that you should be taking it in conjunction with other B vits and could be quite bad for you taking it alone, be careful x

what else should i take it with
I may be mistaken, but I've read somewhere that you should be taking it in conjunction with other B vits and could be quite bad for you taking it alone, be careful x

what else should i take it with

Hey Cla
Yes don't take it on it's own, you need to take a vitamin b complex. Holland & Barretts do two either Vit B50 complex or Vit B100 complex. Don't take the vitamin b6 on it's own as you need to take it with other vitamin b's to ensure it asborbs properly and it is also dangerous taking just the b6 as it can cause a deficiency in the other b vitamins. How long is it in to your luteal phase before you start spotting? I'm taking the B100 complex as I'm not spotting but my luteal phase is only 9 days long and I need to increase it by 4 or 5 days ideally. I would honestly recommend the Vit B100 complex, usually I ov round CD19 but this month I ovulated CD17 (that's a big improvement!) though not sure if it is soley from taking the vitamin b100 or whether its down to taking agnus castus (maybe both :shrug:) either way it appears to be working :happydance:
xo Jen
I may be mistaken, but I've read somewhere that you should be taking it in conjunction with other B vits and could be quite bad for you taking it alone, be careful x

what else should i take it with

Hey Cla
Yes don't take it on it's own, you need to take a vitamin b complex. Holland & Barretts do two either Vit B50 complex or Vit B100 complex. Don't take the vitamin b6 on it's own as you need to take it with other vitamin b's to ensure it asborbs properly and it is also dangerous taking just the b6 as it can cause a deficiency in the other b vitamins. How long is it in to your luteal phase before you start spotting? I'm taking the B100 complex as I'm not spotting but my luteal phase is only 9 days long and I need to increase it by 4 or 5 days ideally. I would honestly recommend the Vit B100 complex, usually I ov round CD19 but this month I ovulated CD17 (that's a big improvement!) though not sure if it is soley from taking the vitamin b100 or whether its down to taking agnus castus (maybe both :shrug:) either way it appears to be working :happydance:
xo Jen

i tried using opks but i never got a very strong line so i gave up which i know i shouldnt have. all i know is i start to spot anything from 7-9 days before af arrives. i will have to try taking b100 complex. how long have you been trying for. if you dont mind me asking
Thanks Abster, feeling slightly better. CM has def picked up so must be CD19 this month again. Fingers crossed this month is our month, would be the best Christmas present ever!!! Did you get your temp rise? I was going to buy ov sticks and decided against it after reading more of the Zita West book. She advised against the ov tests and said that the CM is the best method of predicting ov as it gives 5 days notice. If that's the case mine started picking up alot on Saturday and yesterday which fits in with ov on Thursday. Then it will be in to the 2WW or in my case usually a week and a bit, really hope this month it'll be a 2WW with a BFP at the end!
xo Jen

Yep, I avoid the ov tests and just go for checking my cm and cervix position. I find it consistently gives me 5 days pf the babydance. Hope you've been babydancing! I've added a link to my ff chart now so you shoudl be able to look at my chart (if you can't, please tell me coz it means I've cocked it up!).
Really hope it's our month x
Abi x

Ooohh that chart is looking promising Abi! Fingers crossed it's a BFP this month :happydance: Yes plenty of BD! Update; think I ovulated yesterday, started getting really bad mid cycle pain yesterday and lots of EWCM! That is two whole days earlier than last month, not sure if its the B Vit's or the Agnus Castus! So exciting! Didn't take any Agnus Castus this morning and no EPO either, just b vits, folic acid and multivit. Excited now to see if I get to 12 or 13 dpo or a BFP....have to get blood tests on Friday morning, so that will def confirm ovulation and what level my progesterone is. So exciting! :happydance:
xo Jen

Go Jen!! I'm going to be really disappointed if it's not my (our!) month for a BFP, but a longer luteal phase would be a very welcome sign that something good is starting to happen. I've just written in my journal and I sound like some kind of awful depressive. Thinking I might put it in my signature.
Fingers crossed for us!!!!
I may be mistaken, but I've read somewhere that you should be taking it in conjunction with other B vits and could be quite bad for you taking it alone, be careful x

what else should i take it with

Hey Cla
Yes don't take it on it's own, you need to take a vitamin b complex. Holland & Barretts do two either Vit B50 complex or Vit B100 complex. Don't take the vitamin b6 on it's own as you need to take it with other vitamin b's to ensure it asborbs properly and it is also dangerous taking just the b6 as it can cause a deficiency in the other b vitamins. How long is it in to your luteal phase before you start spotting? I'm taking the B100 complex as I'm not spotting but my luteal phase is only 9 days long and I need to increase it by 4 or 5 days ideally. I would honestly recommend the Vit B100 complex, usually I ov round CD19 but this month I ovulated CD17 (that's a big improvement!) though not sure if it is soley from taking the vitamin b100 or whether its down to taking agnus castus (maybe both :shrug:) either way it appears to be working :happydance:
xo Jen

i tried using opks but i never got a very strong line so i gave up which i know i shouldnt have. all i know is i start to spot anything from 7-9 days before af arrives. i will have to try taking b100 complex. how long have you been trying for. if you dont mind me asking

Hi Cla,
Yep, def don't use B6 on its own - try the Holland & Barratt B-complex. The 50 if your luteal phase is about 10/11 days and or the 100 if it's shorter. I took 150mg of B6 for 6 weeks and my LP went from 9 days in august, up to 11 days the following cycle but down to 8 days (yikes) in my last cycle. You def need to whole complex to balance out absorption of the different B vits.
Agnus castus (pre-ov) is also supposed to be very useful at regulating your cycle. I'll be using it inext time round if the hag shows up this cycle.
Abi x
Hey Cla
My DH and I have been ttc for 6 months now, it really isn't that long when you look at some others on the forum but feels it! I used the OPK's for the previous 3 months, the lines on them where never as strong as what the pictures showed but there was a definite difference as the days went on specifically on CD19. I wouldn't rely on the OPK's though as I read Zita West's book and she places a lot more emphasis on checking CM, this gives 5 days notice compared to the OPK's. Keep checking this, also I'm lucky in that I have always had mid cycle pain so can always tell from this when I'm ov in conjunction with CM and usually feeling really bloated (almost like AF is going to arrive). I would def try and use the CM method for predicting ov. Def try the B complex, it helps with the spotting from what I've read in the other posts and it's usually as a result of low progesterone levels. B Complex promotes healthy levels of progesterone so this should definitely help. You could also try the agnus castus as it promotes a balanced cycle and for those who maybe aren't ovulating it promotes ovulation and healthy egg development. Be careful though I started taking agnus castus a couple of months back and I def noticed a difference in the first two months of using it as my skin didn't break out (usually does!) however I didn't know you were supposed to stop it after ov. Duh me! After using OPK's for 3 months I realised that my luteal phase wasn't long enough either so this is why I've started taking the B Vit's as I'm pretty sure my progesterone levels are low as it's 3-5 days short of what it should be. This is my first month on the B Vit's, started taking them on CD4 so I'm really hoping for good things this month! FX'd a BFP at the end just in time for the Christmas season!
Jen xo
I know Abi, I'm so delighted! Not looking forward to the 2 WW though....I turn into Jekyll and Hyde worrying about whether it's going to be a BFP or BFN!
Hey girls, how is everyone today? I'm currently feeling miserable. Was really positive yesterday but woke up this morning and just thought it probably won't happen this month as it hasn't happened any of the previous months, now I'm just on a complete downer! Feel like forgetting about the whole thing now :cry:
xo Jen

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