Vitamin B6 - Lengthen luteal phase or increase progesterone

That's really positive news Abster. Good luck! I had a doctors appointment yesterday and have to go back on day 21 (actually day 20 as day 21 is a Saturday this cycle) for blood tests and DH has to provide an SA. Glad he didn't tell me to come back when we had been trying for 12mths! Still hoping the Vit B-100's will sort out the short LP this cycle, only another 2 1/2 weeks to find out (due on 22nd November). I only realised after checking that the agnus castus is supposed to be stop once postive OPK. Will try that this month and keep on taking the b vits. I'm also taking EPO, think I'll stop that at the same time as the AC this cycle. Still hoping for a BFP before Christmas! Good luck!

I have my fingers crossed that it works for you this cycle. I'm due a few days before you so lets hope we both avoid AF! Oh yes, you have to stop the AC when you ovulate. I looked at it when I went to get my B-100, but it's only available in gelatine capsules (I'm veggie) and a tincture you drop into water (wasn't sure how much I'd need to use). Maybe I'll look into it again, as some people have sung its praises.

Hey Abster, Yes I used the tincture for awhile but decided to take the capsules instead when I ran out of the tincture. I was using 15 drops in water daily and used the A. Vogel Agnus Castus Tincture. You could maybe try it. I def noticed an improvement last month in terms of my skin as I usually break out prior to ovulation and my period. This month I didn't break out at all (minor miracle!) However I took it for the full cycle not realising I should have stopped when I ovulated. This month I'm on EPO, Agnus Castus (1000mg) 1 tablet daily, Vit B-100 Complex, as well as folic acid and a multi vitamin. I should be rattling when I walk! :haha: It'll be worth it for a BFP!!! :happydance:
xo Jen

If :witch: turns up (I love that smiley,I think it's really funny!) I'll try the agnus castus next month. Hopefully I won't need to!
It's CD 17 and I think I'm ovulating today (chart went down again today and I always have a pre-ovulation dip) - which is great as it's been CD 15 the last few cycles... B-100 is working! Have had noticeably more EWCM too (oooh, thanks for sharing, Abs!) x
hi abster... yes sorry i mean clomid....i would like to take b-complex & see if it heps.....should i see how it goes this mth with the clomid & if AF comes then ask my fs about it? or do u think i should just go on it now??? the only things im taking are clomid & evening primrose oil at the mo. I havent been told not to take anything, my fs just doesnt think the spotting is a just so confused by it all! Would the b-complex may my cycles longer?? I will have a read through the thread thank you so much. x

Have you gone for it with the B-complex? It seems to beworking for me... CD17 and ov hasn't shown on my chart yet... follicle must be developing properly. My temp went down again today and I think I've identified ov pain.
hi girlies, wanted to pick you brains, i on 9dpo today and have been have browny red cm a little today, not enought for a liner but defo when wip or put finger in to see...
anys i norm have 27days / 28 cycles, 3rd cycle off the pill, i came on on the 15th sept, had bleed, then spotted couple days be4 from the 10th, then had full bleed on the 13th, so excatly 4weeks 28days, just how cycles were before pill.
now in cd24, 9dpo, ov defo on the 27th, althou i think was during the evening monday so the 26th... so that would make me 10dpo... so is luteal phase counted as first full period or spotting?? cos if spotting then mine is short... if full then maybe on morro but period lot shorter???
should i take anything to help stop the spotting n length it?? if go to 28days which i think i will ill be 13/14dpo which is fine but spotting still a prob xx
hi girlies, wanted to pick you brains, i on 9dpo today and have been have browny red cm a little today, not enought for a liner but defo when wip or put finger in to see...
anys i norm have 27days / 28 cycles, 3rd cycle off the pill, i came on on the 15th sept, had bleed, then spotted couple days be4 from the 10th, then had full bleed on the 13th, so excatly 4weeks 28days, just how cycles were before pill.
now in cd24, 9dpo, ov defo on the 27th, althou i think was during the evening monday so the 26th... so that would make me 10dpo... so is luteal phase counted as first full period or spotting?? cos if spotting then mine is short... if full then maybe on morro but period lot shorter???
should i take anything to help stop the spotting n length it?? if go to 28days which i think i will ill be 13/14dpo which is fine but spotting still a prob xx

Hey Charmed
The B 50 complex would help delay the spotting (increases progesterone levels!) You could maybe see how you get on this month and if no BFP try taking the slow release B50 Complex from Holland & Barrett's. FX'd you won't need to though :thumbup:
That's really positive news Abster. Good luck! I had a doctors appointment yesterday and have to go back on day 21 (actually day 20 as day 21 is a Saturday this cycle) for blood tests and DH has to provide an SA. Glad he didn't tell me to come back when we had been trying for 12mths! Still hoping the Vit B-100's will sort out the short LP this cycle, only another 2 1/2 weeks to find out (due on 22nd November). I only realised after checking that the agnus castus is supposed to be stop once postive OPK. Will try that this month and keep on taking the b vits. I'm also taking EPO, think I'll stop that at the same time as the AC this cycle. Still hoping for a BFP before Christmas! Good luck!

I have my fingers crossed that it works for you this cycle. I'm due a few days before you so lets hope we both avoid AF! Oh yes, you have to stop the AC when you ovulate. I looked at it when I went to get my B-100, but it's only available in gelatine capsules (I'm veggie) and a tincture you drop into water (wasn't sure how much I'd need to use). Maybe I'll look into it again, as some people have sung its praises.

Hey Abster, Yes I used the tincture for awhile but decided to take the capsules instead when I ran out of the tincture. I was using 15 drops in water daily and used the A. Vogel Agnus Castus Tincture. You could maybe try it. I def noticed an improvement last month in terms of my skin as I usually break out prior to ovulation and my period. This month I didn't break out at all (minor miracle!) However I took it for the full cycle not realising I should have stopped when I ovulated. This month I'm on EPO, Agnus Castus (1000mg) 1 tablet daily, Vit B-100 Complex, as well as folic acid and a multi vitamin. I should be rattling when I walk! :haha: It'll be worth it for a BFP!!! :happydance:
xo Jen

If :witch: turns up (I love that smiley,I think it's really funny!) I'll try the agnus castus next month. Hopefully I won't need to!
It's CD 17 and I think I'm ovulating today (chart went down again today and I always have a pre-ovulation dip) - which is great as it's been CD 15 the last few cycles... B-100 is working! Have had noticeably more EWCM too (oooh, thanks for sharing, Abs!) x

Hey Abster
I'm on CD 13 today and still no sign of ovulation, it's usually around CD 19 so have until next Thursday to wait. Have to go buy more Ovulation tests today...they cost a fortune! I've noticed my CM is picking up since yesterday, so will have to keep an eye on it to see for EWCM! DH has received his SA kit but he can't do it until after I've ov don't want to miss any chances for BFP! Since it doesn't look like I'm going to Ov any earlier I'm really hoping for a longer luteal phase! I'll be delighted if it's 12 - 14 days (or a BFP!) How long have you been taking the Vit B complex before you noticed any differences in your cycle? Really hoping it works quickly for me! Feel like an emotional wreck from the past 6 months! No one ever tells you how stressful this TTC thing is! In the past month about 4 of my friends have all anounced pregnancies, really happy for them but it only took all of them a couple of months of trying. Just heartbreaking for me, although I'm delighted for them at the same time. It really doesn't help when everyone seems to be asking us when we're starting a family, if one more person tells me there is no point in waiting my head will explode!:growlmad: It's definitely been one of those weeks:cry:
xo Jen
hi i havent started with the b complex as my fs said that the clomid may change my cycle this mth & i may experience no spotting.....think if the spotting continues this mth & i get BFN then i will give the b 50 complex a try next mth...thank you...

hope ur ok xx
hi i havent started with the b complex as my fs said that the clomid may change my cycle this mth & i may experience no spotting.....think if the spotting continues this mth & i get BFN then i will give the b 50 complex a try next mth...thank you...

hope ur ok xx

Hi there - you seem to have the same problems as me with the spotting - usually 4/5 days before AF arrives. I get it roughly on 11DPO and then AF on 16DPO. This month after taking the B100 complex it was the exact same - and the spotting lasted a day or so longer too - so they havent worked for me - but im gonna keep taking them for another few months to see if that helps.

Im also taking EPO (2000mgs up to Ov) - think they are helping with my painful periods but havet noticed an increase in CM.

Im 23 months trying and still nothing - always think the spotting is the cause of all my problems but doctors never seem too interested in it. No one else I know spots as much as me (maybe a day at the most) and they had all fallen pregnant no problem - so thinking its the reason no BFP yet.

Is there anything out there to help with spotting? And why do we spot so much?
Rebel - I am spotting as much as you!! Last cycle it was 5 days before AF. At least you know your not alone!
I have started the b-50 slow release complex, gonna give it a few months, then I might progress onto progesterone cream, but I need to research it properly first as it can be a bit dodgy to self prescribe, but it worked for Megg, so it might be the way forward.
My Dr is sending me for a scan to check I dont have polyps, then if that comes back clear, will look into it further as have been spotting since I had my son 3 years ago.
I would love to hear of a success story involving someone spotting, but still getting pregnant.
Oh, and have read that if you spot brownish blood, its old blood and could be due to a sluggish uterus. I spot bright red, so dunno what that means other than low progesterone. Ive had a smear last year and that was fine.
This spotting is sending me over the edge.
Rebel - I am spotting as much as you!! Last cycle it was 5 days before AF. At least you know your not alone!
I have started the b-50 slow release complex, gonna give it a few months, then I might progress onto progesterone cream, but I need to research it properly first as it can be a bit dodgy to self prescribe, but it worked for Megg, so it might be the way forward.
My Dr is sending me for a scan to check I dont have polyps, then if that comes back clear, will look into it further as have been spotting since I had my son 3 years ago.
I would love to hear of a success story involving someone spotting, but still getting pregnant.
Oh, and have read that if you spot brownish blood, its old blood and could be due to a sluggish uterus. I spot bright red, so dunno what that means other than low progesterone. Ive had a smear last year and that was fine.
This spotting is sending me over the edge.

A sluggish uterus... that sounds bad. I spot brown - starts light then it goes dark brown and is blobby - like old blood thats been in there all month. Then I get a heavy AF for a day (clots and all) and then after 3 days back to brown for another 3 days or so - its a nightmare - makes my whole period about 12-13 days long - poor DH is starved by the time I finish with the witch....:winkwink:

I heard a D&C helps but I also heard they arent nice so would never go for one - but would love to get my uterus cleaned out and see if that would help. Ive been spotting since my early 20's - couldnt even tell you when cos it seems like forever - mind you only gotten longer in the past 6 years or so. nightmare.

Anyone out there know anything about spotting or had successful BFP's?
Rebel - I found this article on spotting and the use of progesterone cream

I found it quite useful x x
hi girlies, wanted to pick you brains, i on 9dpo today and have been have browny red cm a little today, not enought for a liner but defo when wip or put finger in to see...
anys i norm have 27days / 28 cycles, 3rd cycle off the pill, i came on on the 15th sept, had bleed, then spotted couple days be4 from the 10th, then had full bleed on the 13th, so excatly 4weeks 28days, just how cycles were before pill.
now in cd24, 9dpo, ov defo on the 27th, althou i think was during the evening monday so the 26th... so that would make me 10dpo... so is luteal phase counted as first full period or spotting?? cos if spotting then mine is short... if full then maybe on morro but period lot shorter???
should i take anything to help stop the spotting n length it?? if go to 28days which i think i will ill be 13/14dpo which is fine but spotting still a prob xx

Hiya charmed,
Had any more spotting today, or was it just the little bit yesterday? If you've not had any more then it could possibly be that it was implantation bleeding? If not then it will be spotting, which can be sorted out with some B-complex - your luteal phase lasts until your full bleed, so it's still on at the moment, but spotting is a sign of low progesterone which is why the B-complex (I'd try 50 as your LP is long).
Abi x
That's really positive news Abster. Good luck! I had a doctors appointment yesterday and have to go back on day 21 (actually day 20 as day 21 is a Saturday this cycle) for blood tests and DH has to provide an SA. Glad he didn't tell me to come back when we had been trying for 12mths! Still hoping the Vit B-100's will sort out the short LP this cycle, only another 2 1/2 weeks to find out (due on 22nd November). I only realised after checking that the agnus castus is supposed to be stop once postive OPK. Will try that this month and keep on taking the b vits. I'm also taking EPO, think I'll stop that at the same time as the AC this cycle. Still hoping for a BFP before Christmas! Good luck!

I have my fingers crossed that it works for you this cycle. I'm due a few days before you so lets hope we both avoid AF! Oh yes, you have to stop the AC when you ovulate. I looked at it when I went to get my B-100, but it's only available in gelatine capsules (I'm veggie) and a tincture you drop into water (wasn't sure how much I'd need to use). Maybe I'll look into it again, as some people have sung its praises.

Hey Abster, Yes I used the tincture for awhile but decided to take the capsules instead when I ran out of the tincture. I was using 15 drops in water daily and used the A. Vogel Agnus Castus Tincture. You could maybe try it. I def noticed an improvement last month in terms of my skin as I usually break out prior to ovulation and my period. This month I didn't break out at all (minor miracle!) However I took it for the full cycle not realising I should have stopped when I ovulated. This month I'm on EPO, Agnus Castus (1000mg) 1 tablet daily, Vit B-100 Complex, as well as folic acid and a multi vitamin. I should be rattling when I walk! :haha: It'll be worth it for a BFP!!! :happydance:
xo Jen

If :witch: turns up (I love that smiley,I think it's really funny!) I'll try the agnus castus next month. Hopefully I won't need to!
It's CD 17 and I think I'm ovulating today (chart went down again today and I always have a pre-ovulation dip) - which is great as it's been CD 15 the last few cycles... B-100 is working! Have had noticeably more EWCM too (oooh, thanks for sharing, Abs!) x

Hey Abster
I'm on CD 13 today and still no sign of ovulation, it's usually around CD 19 so have until next Thursday to wait. Have to go buy more Ovulation tests today...they cost a fortune! I've noticed my CM is picking up since yesterday, so will have to keep an eye on it to see for EWCM! DH has received his SA kit but he can't do it until after I've ov don't want to miss any chances for BFP! Since it doesn't look like I'm going to Ov any earlier I'm really hoping for a longer luteal phase! I'll be delighted if it's 12 - 14 days (or a BFP!) How long have you been taking the Vit B complex before you noticed any differences in your cycle? Really hoping it works quickly for me! Feel like an emotional wreck from the past 6 months! No one ever tells you how stressful this TTC thing is! In the past month about 4 of my friends have all anounced pregnancies, really happy for them but it only took all of them a couple of months of trying. Just heartbreaking for me, although I'm delighted for them at the same time. It really doesn't help when everyone seems to be asking us when we're starting a family, if one more person tells me there is no point in waiting my head will explode!:growlmad: It's definitely been one of those weeks:cry:
xo Jen

I know, it's really hard when all around you people are getting up the duff :cry: I started taking the B-100 on CD4 this month. I'm CD17 today (I know I said that yesterday but I'd obviously forgotten how to count, Today IS cd17) and think today's my ov date (temp went down again, 36.11) so I'm hoping it'll have risen sharply tomorrow morning, confirming that I'm right. The last 2 cycles I ov'd on cd 15, cd 18 the one previously, but I sabotaged my cycle in sept with the B6, so I'll just have to see what happens...hopefully a :bfp:!! Not sure when to expect the hag, as this is my first B-100 month. All I have to go on is the fact that my cycles the year before, and the year following, #1's birth were 25, 27 or 31 days and my ov day in august (the first cycle I temped and the last before I used the B6) was CD18.

Let's :gun: the :witch: !!!

If you don't ov any earlier, it's because your follicle isn't releasing the egg til it's fully developed, which is exactly what you need, so later ov serves a v important purpose. Just keep your fingers crossed! I'm thinking about you!
Abi x
Random question. How much of recommended daily intake is in the B complex? I drink LOADS of Fruit and Barley, so getting at least my RDA on top of my preconception vits. Will this be helping my cycles?
Question - does anyone cut their Vitamin B pill to reduce the dosage? I have only found a large dose in pharmacies here (250mg of B1, B6, plus B12), and thought it was way too high, so cut them in half. Am not having the neon yellow pee however and wondering if cutting them causes any change? Any advice? Also, I'm noticing that I'm quite moody lately, is it a side effect of too much Vit B6? Am 2dpo, btw, started the vits cd 3...
Thanks Abster, feeling slightly better. CM has def picked up so must be CD19 this month again. Fingers crossed this month is our month, would be the best Christmas present ever!!! Did you get your temp rise? I was going to buy ov sticks and decided against it after reading more of the Zita West book. She advised against the ov tests and said that the CM is the best method of predicting ov as it gives 5 days notice. If that's the case mine started picking up alot on Saturday and yesterday which fits in with ov on Thursday. Then it will be in to the 2WW or in my case usually a week and a bit, really hope this month it'll be a 2WW with a BFP at the end!
xo Jen
Question - does anyone cut their Vitamin B pill to reduce the dosage? I have only found a large dose in pharmacies here (250mg of B1, B6, plus B12), and thought it was way too high, so cut them in half. Am not having the neon yellow pee however and wondering if cutting them causes any change? Any advice? Also, I'm noticing that I'm quite moody lately, is it a side effect of too much Vit B6? Am 2dpo, btw, started the vits cd 3...

Hey Bellamamma
I would say it probably would have an effect halving the dose. If you look further back in the earlier posts I'm pretty sure I remember seeing one of the girls talking about the largest dose you can take of Vit B100 so you could double check this. As for the moodiness again I'm not sure, I started taking Vit B100 Complex on CD4 and have to say I've not noticed any moodiness (well no more than usual!) but I'm due to Ov on Thursday so it could be a post ovulation thing...
XO Jen
Hey Bellamamma just noticed on the first post that you shouldn't take any more than 200mg per day. Hope this helps! xo Jen
Question - does anyone cut their Vitamin B pill to reduce the dosage? I have only found a large dose in pharmacies here (250mg of B1, B6, plus B12), and thought it was way too high, so cut them in half. Am not having the neon yellow pee however and wondering if cutting them causes any change? Any advice? Also, I'm noticing that I'm quite moody lately, is it a side effect of too much Vit B6? Am 2dpo, btw, started the vits cd 3...

Yep, I would go with cutting them in half. Some do and some don't make your wee neon yellow - the Holland & BArratt 100-complex I'm taking are big, orangey tablets; other women on here have reported normal wee but their tablets are small, white things. Depends on the ingredients. I've not noticed a change in my mood (except when my OH's being a donkey :rofl:).
Let us know how it goes!
Rebel - I found this article on spotting and the use of progesterone cream

I found it quite useful x x

Hi Char

Thanks for that - I had heard about the raspberry leaf tea before so might get some of that now - order online at H&B. I dont know about taking the progesterone cream - im scared to mess with my cycle to much seen as Its normal enough (same lenght, same ov day etc). so Gonna do a raspberry leaf tea experiment and see the outcome.

Also i didnt spot for long after my AF finished - on Fri (3 days AF then 2 days of a few dots of spotting and a wee bit more 2day but I'd say tomorrow it will all be gone) so maybe the B100 complex has helped the spotting this side of AF and maybe next month it will be less again - and with the raspberry leaf tea too - i hope that solves my problems. :thumbup:

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