Vitamin B6 - Lengthen luteal phase or increase progesterone

Hey girls, how is everyone today? I'm currently feeling miserable. Was really positive yesterday but woke up this morning and just thought it probably won't happen this month as it hasn't happened any of the previous months, now I'm just on a complete downer! Feel like forgetting about the whole thing now :cry:
xo Jen

im sorry you are feeling down today i felt like that the first month we started to try, i told my other half that that was it and i dont want to try. and that was the first month. this will be our 6 month ttc and it seems forever . i already have a 8 year old son and i cant remember it being this hard
Hey girls, how is everyone today? I'm currently feeling miserable. Was really positive yesterday but woke up this morning and just thought it probably won't happen this month as it hasn't happened any of the previous months, now I'm just on a complete downer! Feel like forgetting about the whole thing now :cry:
xo Jen

Oh Jen, I know exactly what you mean. Just this morning I've ordered agnus castus and EPO fo rthe next cycle and I'm only 5dpo.
Chin up! Let's help each other to be positive. :hugs:
Abi x
Thanks girls, just feeling really sorry for myself. Going to go home I think and have a cry that usually makes me feel better when I'm like this. Found out this morning another friend is pregnant. That's probably making me feel worse but sure what can you do. I'll be bright and breezy tomorrow....hopefully!
XO Jen
Thanks girls, just feeling really sorry for myself. Going to go home I think and have a cry that usually makes me feel better when I'm like this. Found out this morning another friend is pregnant. That's probably making me feel worse but sure what can you do. I'll be bright and breezy tomorrow....hopefully!
XO Jen

I know, it's horrible when someone else falls pregnant. You feel happy for them but it's coloured by your own needs and the fact that it just doesn't feel fair. I dread hearing the news from other people. Hope you feel better tomorrow xx It still might be our month! :hugs:
Well i started this mth off feeling really hopefully as its my first cycle of 50mg of now in the 2ww & i just have this awful feeling its not gonna help :( i still think the spotting i get is the blame to me not conceiving in the 16 mths we have been ttc....

although my fs doesnt seem concerned about the 3/4 days of spotting i get b4 my af arrives i think i will start taking the vit b complex neext cycle...can anyone give me advise on it please? what days do i take it? will it affect my cycle lengths?

thanks girlies xxx
Well i started this mth off feeling really hopefully as its my first cycle of 50mg of now in the 2ww & i just have this awful feeling its not gonna help :( i still think the spotting i get is the blame to me not conceiving in the 16 mths we have been ttc....

although my fs doesnt seem concerned about the 3/4 days of spotting i get b4 my af arrives i think i will start taking the vit b complex neext cycle...can anyone give me advise on it please? what days do i take it? will it affect my cycle lengths?

thanks girlies xxx

You can take it all the way through your cycle. It should lengthen your luteal phase and may make you ov earlier or later (if it's later, it's because the follicle needs more time to mature properly befoer it leave the corpus luteum.
I started taking it on cd4 and it's made me ovulate later; am waiting to see how much longer my luteal phase is. If I'm not pregnant, I'll be disappointed but having a longer lp will compensate a bit in that it'll give me more of a chance next time.
I'm taking B-100 Timed Release from Holland & Barratt (have you heard about the neon yellow wee?!) as my lp has been 8-11 days recently. Some girls are taking less because they don't want to lengthen it too much, but I'd like a good 13-14 days if possible.
Hope this helps!
I know what you mean about THAT feeling. I'm 5dpo and i have it too.
Abi x
thanks always reply with such lovely advise & seem to always be willing to help us girlies out...

im about the same as you, im 3dpo ....hope we both get our BFP's this mth...

thanks always reply with such lovely advise & seem to always be willing to help us girlies out...

im about the same as you, im 3dpo ....hope we both get our BFP's this mth...


It's my pleasure. I got tons of advice from this thread about B-Vits so I'm only really passing on information from other people.
Well feeling loads better today! Thanks girls, just had a really bad day yesterday.:hugs:Have to go for my day 21 (technically day 20!) tests this morning. Does anyone know how long it takes for the results to come back? Wondering how long I'll have to wait before I can expect to hear anything. Also does anyone know what happens after the test is done? Just wondering what to expect next.:wacko:
xo Jen
Morning girls,

Im on 4DPO, Im hoping I dont start spotting this cycle, that'll mean th Bvits-50 are working!
Im also convinced the spotting is the cause of not concieving, but Ive read lots of success stories where ladies have suffered with spotting but still managed to conceive, so PMA!!
Hey Char, I'm on 3 dpo. I'm hoping to get to 12-14 dpo this month. Only another 9/11 to go! Good luck to everyone!!
xo Jen
hope everybody is ok. just another stupid question from me . does the b vit have to be a 50 or 100. because i got some yesterday and they are just bvit complex
Where did you get them from Cla? Holland & Barretts do what are called B50 or B100 complex so that might just be their specific brand. The best thing to do is take a look at and see what levels are in the ones you have and do a search to see if you can compare. If they are the same then it should be grand. Have to wait 10 days before I find out the results from my blood tests. Not holding my breath for BFP this month but would be happy with an increased luteal phase!
XO Jen
Where did you get them from Cla? Holland & Barretts do what are called B50 or B100 complex so that might just be their specific brand. The best thing to do is take a look at and see what levels are in the ones you have and do a search to see if you can compare. If they are the same then it should be grand. Have to wait 10 days before I find out the results from my blood tests. Not holding my breath for BFP this month but would be happy with an increased luteal phase!
XO Jen

i got them from tescos, i will have to get them from holland and barretts. i will try the highest does to see if anything changes. i bet you are counting the days down for your blood tests, it not nice when you have to wait for somthing. thats how i feel as long as the vits sort my lp out then i will be happy and it will feel like im getting somwhere
I am Cla, if I got them done this morning then it will be around the 23rd this month to find out the results. AF is due on the 22nd if I'm going by my usual cycle but I ov'd earlier this month (CD17) so if it comes on the 22nd then I'll have gone up to 11DPO rather than my usual 9! That would be great. I just started taking the B100 straight away rather than the B50 because my LP is so short. I think I remember people further back through the forum who got their B Vit's from Tesco's I think they were just the same (not as big as the H&B ones, they look like horse tranquilisers!). I just realised in my previous post I was saying I've another 9/11 days to go to find out how long the luteal phase is but forgot I ov earlier this month so it won't be the same! Duh me!!!
xo Jen
Update, so I've been taking B complex 100mg since cd 3 and so far, I haven't had the spotting I usually get and I'm 9dpo! Last month it started on 6dpo so so far it's a great improvement!
Just a question for those taking it - anyone noticed side effects like breasts more sore than normal, nausea, etc?? I'm having more of this this month than before and don't know if it's related to the B6 improving my progesterone level thus giving me stronger PMS symptoms or if I should be hopeful...
Hi - I spent a couple of hours yesterday reading through this thread - and thought I had it sussed. I've just looked on my womens multi-vits and they have 35mg of B6, but only 25mcg of B12 (+10mg of B1 & B2), and combine Folic acid (with the folate pills) of 1.1mg. This seems like a really low amount of B12 in combo with the other B vits.

Any opinions? Should I biff my multi-vits and just get a B Complex?
Hi - I spent a couple of hours yesterday reading through this thread - and thought I had it sussed. I've just looked on my womens multi-vits and they have 35mg of B6, but only 25mcg of B12 (+10mg of B1 & B2), and combine Folic acid (with the folate pills) of 1.1mg. This seems like a really low amount of B12 in combo with the other B vits.

Any opinions? Should I biff my multi-vits and just get a B Complex?

Yeah, the multi vits are always low even tho yours isn't bad! You could just add to it taking a B complex of 25 or 50 depending on your LP. The B12 is always lower and in mcg so don't worry about that. They are water-soluble so come out if you get too much! Good luck!
Update, so I've been taking B complex 100mg since cd 3 and so far, I haven't had the spotting I usually get and I'm 9dpo! Last month it started on 6dpo so so far it's a great improvement!
Just a question for those taking it - anyone noticed side effects like breasts more sore than normal, nausea, etc?? I'm having more of this this month than before and don't know if it's related to the B6 improving my progesterone level thus giving me stronger PMS symptoms or if I should be hopeful...

Hey Bella
I'm on 6dpo and I've noticed I've been really moody. More so than usual, I think it's probably the higher levels of progesterone. My poor DH doesn't know whether he's coming or going with my mood swings! :wacko: Haven't noticed anything else other than feeling a bit crampy yesterday. Hate the 2WW trying to symptom spot, I'm just putting it all down to increase in progesterone levels, usually get my hopes up only to be let down every month so trying not to think about it! Good luck everyone!
xo Jen

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