Vitamin B6 - Lengthen luteal phase or increase progesterone


my first post!! I've just finished reading this entire thread! all 78 pages of it and it took me an entire day among housework and shopping.


I know this sounds ******** but i never bothered timing my cycle, i had no idea how long/short it was it came when in came, now we've been TTC i realised that it is totally irregular ranging from 26-31 days and last month was the first month i look at the length of the LP which seems to be only 9 days!!! i'm kicking myself for not picking this up sooner!

i know in my teens my cycle was 31days, meaning i SHOULD Ov on CD17 (31-14) last month my cycle was 26 days and i Ov on CD17 making LP only 9 days, so i'm guessing i'm Ov at the correct time but my AF is just coming to early.

So this morning after reading some of this thread i went out and bought B-Complex (or the equivalent) which contains 50mg of B6 and i also bought 50mg of B6 so i'll be on 100mg of B6 in total, as well as pre-natal vits Elevit and i'm also on Cranberry Tablets (to raise the chances of a girl)

I started the B vits today which is CD12 so not expecting it to make too much of an impact this month but we'll see. I'm hoping to post my journey along with you girls, this is the first month i'm on B vits so lets see if i'm one of the lucky ones and 1 month is all it takes (although i'm already 12days into this cycle so if it doesn't work i'm still claiming next month to be my first month)


my first post!! I've just finished reading this entire thread! all 78 pages of it and it took me an entire day among housework and shopping.


I know this sounds ******** but i never bothered timing my cycle, i had no idea how long/short it was it came when in came, now we've been TTC i realised that it is totally irregular ranging from 26-31 days and last month was the first month i look at the length of the LP which seems to be only 9 days!!! i'm kicking myself for not picking this up sooner!

i know in my teens my cycle was 31days, meaning i SHOULD Ov on CD17 (31-14) last month my cycle was 26 days and i Ov on CD17 making LP only 9 days, so i'm guessing i'm Ov at the correct time but my AF is just coming to early.

So this morning after reading some of this thread i went out and bought B-Complex (or the equivalent) which contains 50mg of B6 and i also bought 50mg of B6 so i'll be on 100mg of B6 in total, as well as pre-natal vits Elevit and i'm also on Cranberry Tablets (to raise the chances of a girl)

I started the B vits today which is CD12 so not expecting it to make too much of an impact this month but we'll see. I'm hoping to post my journey along with you girls, this is the first month i'm on B vits so lets see if i'm one of the lucky ones and 1 month is all it takes (although i'm already 12days into this cycle so if it doesn't work i'm still claiming next month to be my first month)


Hi Betheney
Welcome, It's lovely to have some else join the crowd!! Rather than buying the extra b6 tablets you could just have doubled the dose of the complex ones so just take two instead of the one. See how this month goes sure but I think you need to be careful that you are not getting too much of one type of b vit if that makes sense. Good luck!:thumbup:
xo Jen

my first post!! I've just finished reading this entire thread! all 78 pages of it and it took me an entire day among housework and shopping.


I know this sounds ******** but i never bothered timing my cycle, i had no idea how long/short it was it came when in came, now we've been TTC i realised that it is totally irregular ranging from 26-31 days and last month was the first month i look at the length of the LP which seems to be only 9 days!!! i'm kicking myself for not picking this up sooner!

i know in my teens my cycle was 31days, meaning i SHOULD Ov on CD17 (31-14) last month my cycle was 26 days and i Ov on CD17 making LP only 9 days, so i'm guessing i'm Ov at the correct time but my AF is just coming to early.

So this morning after reading some of this thread i went out and bought B-Complex (or the equivalent) which contains 50mg of B6 and i also bought 50mg of B6 so i'll be on 100mg of B6 in total, as well as pre-natal vits Elevit and i'm also on Cranberry Tablets (to raise the chances of a girl)

I started the B vits today which is CD12 so not expecting it to make too much of an impact this month but we'll see. I'm hoping to post my journey along with you girls, this is the first month i'm on B vits so lets see if i'm one of the lucky ones and 1 month is all it takes (although i'm already 12days into this cycle so if it doesn't work i'm still claiming next month to be my first month)


hi. i wish you the best of luck:hugs::flower:
just wanted to offer huge:hug: to everyone

This TTC journey can be so hard sometimes that it can be tiring trying to stay positive but we have to believe that whats for us won't pass us:kiss:

:dust::dust::dust::dust::dust::dust::dust: Christmas BFPS here we come, go Vitamin B:thumbup:
Hey everyone...:hugs:

Aww Piperhalliwel...sweet msg hun....sending PMA and :dust: right back:hugs:

I just wanted to say thankyou for the welcome girls:flow:

How's everyone doing this evening?
:shhh:...I think I've finally got to O day....only 17 days late after my foolish experiment with wild yam tablets:dohh:
I spotted from O to the :witch: last cycle and after a couple of days I read somewhere on here about wild yam being the building block for progesterone...thinking it would help stop the spotting off I trotted...took the higher dose regimen for 5 days...before the witch arrived.....and here we are cd33 after having ewcm for the last 15days...:shock:

:hugs: and :dust: to everyone xx
Welcome Betheney!

Hello everybody. Hope it goes well at the doctor's tomorrow Jen, sound slike you need a bit of a boost. Why the heck don't you go on a bit of a bender at the weekend... good for you! Just don't be hung over for work next week!

I've got to go to bed very soon, I'm sleepy so I'm off.
Abi x
Hey everyone
Hope your all keeping well! Was at the doctors this morning and got the results back of my tests. My prolactin levels are very low which would indicate that I may not be ovulating at all. :cry: They should be 30 and mine are only 13! The doctor was lovely though, he said that he's referring me to an infertility clinic and I'll have an appointment by January. He also advised me to not try this month as I'm suffering from high levels of anxiety (well duh who wouldn't be!) He said to leave it until January and then think about trying again. He also said more than likely I'll be prescribed clomiphene depending on what the fertility specialist says. My head is just up the left :wacko: At least I know now why we've not had any luck but I'm worried now that it'll take ages for all the tests and everything to be done, I couldn't bear the thought of it taking two or three years before being prescribed the clomiphene. Does anyone know anything about what happens at the infertility clinics, the doctor mentioned a laparoscopy but that was it.
xo Jen
Ah Jen, so sorry to hear your news :-(, but some answers can be nice as well, now you know what you're fighting against! I live in Italy and went private so don't know how Ireland does it, but I do know about some of the tests. We had the SA done first to make sure that was ok, then I had the hysterosalpingography to determine if my tubes were open (not), so then went for a lap during which he opened them, yeah! Due to my age he then put me on clomid, estrogen and progesterone which I tried for 6 months. There is a lot of monitoring involved with that, I had daily vag u/s to check the follicle before during and after ovulation, but I know that not all docs do this. some use progesterone levels instead. hope this helps, and best of luck to you!!! hugs
Hi Jen,:hugs:

Didn't want to read and not reply, try not to get too stressed about this hun, Its great that your doc is so efficient and an appointment in Jan is good news. From what i've read on low prolactin levels it is very rectifiable with drugs andit doesn't prevent you from getting pregnant. I would definitley take their advice and hold off trying for the month, have a blow out and let yourself go mad and try to relax and have a lovey dovey christmas

Anxiety is not good, I'm so anxious all of the time that I've started clenching my jaw, I don't even realise I'm doing it, this is not good for me, your body should not be in a constant state of stress. So please take care of yourself and :dust:
Hey everyone
Hope your all keeping well! Was at the doctors this morning and got the results back of my tests. My prolactin levels are very low which would indicate that I may not be ovulating at all. :cry: They should be 30 and mine are only 13! The doctor was lovely though, he said that he's referring me to an infertility clinic and I'll have an appointment by January. He also advised me to not try this month as I'm suffering from high levels of anxiety (well duh who wouldn't be!) He said to leave it until January and then think about trying again. He also said more than likely I'll be prescribed clomiphene depending on what the fertility specialist says. My head is just up the left :wacko: At least I know now why we've not had any luck but I'm worried now that it'll take ages for all the tests and everything to be done, I couldn't bear the thought of it taking two or three years before being prescribed the clomiphene. Does anyone know anything about what happens at the infertility clinics, the doctor mentioned a laparoscopy but that was it.
xo Jen

hi there....i can share my experience if you would like?

i got referred in july to see a fs & got my date through for the 27th august....she went through our medical history & what my periods are like....i had already had day 3 & 21 bloods done in jan & aug by my doc so she went over those results, dh had alreday done a sperm test in june too so she went over those results...she explained that his sperm was not good at all!! she advised him to take vits & booked me in for a hycosy to check my only tube ( had an ovary & tube removed when i was 2 days old). Had the hycosy done in sept & dh re peated his sperm test just b4 our next fs appointment which was the 28th sept.....his sperm was much better thanks to the vits & my hycosy results were fab.....she prescribed me clomid for 3 mths & im due to see her again on jan 21st. We havent been entirely happy with the service from our hospital....few comments here & there made & the fact when ever i try & speak to my fs or get a msg to her, her secretary is never available to speak to!!! :( we will continue on the clomid but have an appointment on 14th dec at a isis center near us to discuss iui/ivf......hoping the clomid will get me a BFP by Christmas time tho!! xx

Hi Betheney
Welcome, It's lovely to have some else join the crowd!! Rather than buying the extra b6 tablets you could just have doubled the dose of the complex ones so just take two instead of the one. See how this month goes sure but I think you need to be careful that you are not getting too much of one type of b vit if that makes sense. Good luck!:thumbup:
xo Jen

i found that most of the complex B kinds of tablets had

50mg of B6
50mcg of B12
and 25mcg - 50mg of the other B vitamins

Exhibit A - Natures Own Super B Complex

Where as the B combo i'm on is VERY HIGH in all B vits except B6

50mg of B6
100mcg of B12
and 100mg of the other B vitamins

Exhibit B - Natures Own Maxi B 100

So because my combination tablets are high in all the B vits i thought it too be fine to take an extra 50mg of B6

of course i could of originally bought exhibit A and took 2 of those per day but my original plan was take my two tablets until ovulation and then take just the combo one from ov to AF but then when i got home i thought "ah fudge it, i'll just take em both now"

i'm guessing big time here but i think i should ovulate latest on the 28/11 which would be CD17 tpday my OPK test i thought the test line was getting darker but still not at dark as the control, anyway AF i'm guessing at BEST will come around CD30-CD31.... so that leaves me 16CDs until the big HPT and i am BDing like crazy!!! poor hubby is so sick of me.

16 days to go..... and counting
Hey everyone
Hope your all keeping well! Was at the doctors this morning and got the results back of my tests. My prolactin levels are very low which would indicate that I may not be ovulating at all. :cry: They should be 30 and mine are only 13! The doctor was lovely though, he said that he's referring me to an infertility clinic and I'll have an appointment by January. He also advised me to not try this month as I'm suffering from high levels of anxiety (well duh who wouldn't be!) He said to leave it until January and then think about trying again. He also said more than likely I'll be prescribed clomiphene depending on what the fertility specialist says. My head is just up the left :wacko: At least I know now why we've not had any luck but I'm worried now that it'll take ages for all the tests and everything to be done, I couldn't bear the thought of it taking two or three years before being prescribed the clomiphene. Does anyone know anything about what happens at the infertility clinics, the doctor mentioned a laparoscopy but that was it.
xo Jen

im so sorry at least you know wants wrong and they can help you to sort it, but i bet that doesnt make you feel anybetter. what can i say about myself iam only 15 days in this cycle, i checked my cm and there was a tinge of blood here we bloody go again. i just feel like shit and im never going to sort this out theres my rant:cry::cry::cry:
Jen I very much doubt it'll take 3 yrs for them to prescribe you clomid, chin up babe, you at least now have the ball rolling. x
Thanks everyone, that's at least given me a bit of idea what to expect. Think I'll take a break this month. My manager is so lovely she just asked if I wanted to go home but I'll probably end up sitting feeling sorry for myself there. I don't understand why low prolactin levels would affect fertility. I always thought that high levels prevented ovulation. Oh well nothing more I can do about it except wait for my referral appointment and be grateful that at least I'm in the system now! Cla I know it's easier said than done but try and be positive (yeah right, like I'm one to talk!). The b vits will probably take awhile to work so don't be too downhearted! :hugs:
XO Jen
Awww Jen BIG :hugs: I hope that appointment comes thru soon and then you can get some real answers:hugs: I think I've seen a post by MommyMichelle about high/low prolactin levels hun...she maybe worth having a natter to:hugs:

Cla~when do you normally ovulate hun? I usually get spotting/light bleeding before O and although not very common it does happen....just makes you feel like pants and if you're anything like me not in the mood for babydancing at all. Hope it doesn't get anymore hun:hugs:

Well I'm pretty sure I O yesterday...was grinning like a cheshire cat this morning when my bleary eyes settled on the thermometer reading and saw that it had risen. Got up and went to loo and had dark pink spotting on the loo paper....nothing now thou....I'm just hoping and praying it's not going to be a repeat of last cycle:dohh:

Ooh just thought does anybody know how to make your FF ticker link to your homepage?

Thanks everyone, that's at least given me a bit of idea what to expect. Think I'll take a break this month. My manager is so lovely she just asked if I wanted to go home but I'll probably end up sitting feeling sorry for myself there. I don't understand why low prolactin levels would affect fertility. I always thought that high levels prevented ovulation. Oh well nothing more I can do about it except wait for my referral appointment and be grateful that at least I'm in the system now! Cla I know it's easier said than done but try and be positive (yeah right, like I'm one to talk!). The b vits will probably take awhile to work so don't be too downhearted! :hugs:
XO Jen

you are so nice. just think if we didnt have this site we would be off our heads:wacko:
Awww Jen BIG :hugs: I hope that appointment comes thru soon and then you can get some real answers:hugs: I think I've seen a post by MommyMichelle about high/low prolactin levels hun...she maybe worth having a natter to:hugs:

Cla~when do you normally ovulate hun? I usually get spotting/light bleeding before O and although not very common it does happen....just makes you feel like pants and if you're anything like me not in the mood for babydancing at all. Hope it doesn't get anymore hun:hugs:

Well I'm pretty sure I O yesterday...was grinning like a cheshire cat this morning when my bleary eyes settled on the thermometer reading and saw that it had risen. Got up and went to loo and had dark pink spotting on the loo paper....nothing now thou....I'm just hoping and praying it's not going to be a repeat of last cycle:dohh:


i dont know i tried doing my temp that didnt get me anywhere and i have tried ovalation sticks and i never got a strong positive so i gave up. all iam thinking if iam like this now im never going to get pregnant again:nope:
Oh Cla:hugs:...don't think like that sweets:hugs:
You could actually just have a really short LH surge and may have just missed the peak hence not getting a strong positive. As for the spotting if it is happening just before O it is supposed to be a good sign of increased fertility....hang in there chick:hugs:
Oh Cla:hugs:...don't think like that sweets:hugs:
You could actually just have a really short LH surge and may have just missed the peak hence not getting a strong positive. As for the spotting if it is happening just before O it is supposed to be a good sign of increased fertility....hang in there chick:hugs:

thank ever so much, it just gets me down been, it feels like ive been like this 4ever. im that down ive raided my sons sweet tin. i will just have to wait for that wicked witch to come AGAIN. lots of :hugs:to everybody

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