Has anyone had heavier periods while taking Vitamin b complex??? I have been taking it since half way through my last cycle (am CD 3 today) and have noticed that this period is the heaviest I have had in a long while.
Hugs and baby dust to all XXX
i have only started them the last couple of days ,so i dont know. somebody will let you know
I started the B-100 on cd4 last cycle and I'm on cd9 of the next one now. I didn't notice my period being any heavier. We're so finely tuned as women though that the tiniest thing can affect the length and heaviness of them - I had a couple of incredibly heavy ones at the beginning of the year, like less than half an hour between leaks and I'm used to heavy periods (sorry, TMI?!).
Think my hormones were out of wack, because I'd not had reflexology for a few months, but I'm not certain at all.
It might the way that your body reacts to the B vits but because they have a balancing, regulating effect I'd be surprised. How heavy is your normal flow? Now many days? I suppose if you were very light you might expect to get a bit heavier. I suppose all you can do - if you don't get a BFP this cycle! - is see how heavy you are next time.
I'm so glad I found this forum (I stumbled acrossd it when I googled "short luteal phase" , funnily enough!).
Abi x