Vitamin B6 - Lengthen luteal phase or increase progesterone

Ok Ladies........
I have a question. Do I continue to take the vitamin b100 complex? I am also taking a prenatal vitamin. I have waited so long for this and am afraid of anything happening........

It should be absolutely fine to keep taking it. Any excess leaves your body in you wee, in its bright, funny way, and it's prescribed to help with morning sickness as well apparently.
Congratulations on your pregnancy!! :happydance::happydance:
Abi x
Has anyone had heavier periods while taking Vitamin b complex??? I have been taking it since half way through my last cycle (am CD 3 today) and have noticed that this period is the heaviest I have had in a long while.
Hugs and baby dust to all XXX

i have only started them the last couple of days ,so i dont know. somebody will let you know :hugs:

I started the B-100 on cd4 last cycle and I'm on cd9 of the next one now. I didn't notice my period being any heavier. We're so finely tuned as women though that the tiniest thing can affect the length and heaviness of them - I had a couple of incredibly heavy ones at the beginning of the year, like less than half an hour between leaks and I'm used to heavy periods (sorry, TMI?!). :blush: Think my hormones were out of wack, because I'd not had reflexology for a few months, but I'm not certain at all.
It might the way that your body reacts to the B vits but because they have a balancing, regulating effect I'd be surprised. How heavy is your normal flow? Now many days? I suppose if you were very light you might expect to get a bit heavier. I suppose all you can do - if you don't get a BFP this cycle! - is see how heavy you are next time.
I'm so glad I found this forum (I stumbled acrossd it when I googled "short luteal phase" , funnily enough!).
Abi x

Thanx abi
I only stopped the BCP a year ago and was on it for 12yrs so not sure what is a 'normal' cycle for me. I always bled for 7 days (a moderate bleed for 5 days then stop for 1 then light brown for 1). Then I had the, BFP, M/C & D&C in May, everything has been haywire since. This time around I had been spotting since 3DPO then began 'real' period and bled heavy for 3 days, today not so heavy - we will see what happens. So with the spotting I am up to day 11 bleeding. Maybe its my body getting itself back into alignment???

I've never taken the pill or been through a miscarriage, but having spent a lot of time reading stuff on here, it seems that periods can be haywire for a while after these. Sorry for your loss :hugs:
Your cycle starts on the first day of proper, red, bleeding, rather than spotting. It sounds like B-100 is just what you need to be taking to help with the spotting! HAve you heard about agnus castus? It's a plant extract that helps regulate your cycle and also works on the short luteal phase as a result of this. I've recently started taking it. You only take it before ov though.
Abi x
Hi Abi
It's called Zita West's Guide to getting pregnant as far as I remember. I'm going to do a search for accupunturists and chinese medicine practitioners in my area. I don't think it could hurt to go and ask for their opinion as well as the fertility specialist. Plus you're right sometimes western medicine isn't the answer in the first place. Sounds strange but I actually feel less anxious already just knowing we're going to give it a break this month and forget about it until the hospital appointment. I know Cla, that's exactly how I'm feeling! Something which should be relatively straightforward has to be complicated! I def think looking for another GP might be the way forward then. If you really, really can't find anywhere else then be really forceful with your current gp! Maybe you should think about trying the accupunture and reflexology too? I'm definitely going to give it a go!!
xo Jen

i had accupunture a couple of months ago because i have got disc problems and it hurt so much i said i wouldnt have it again. i might as well go to the nackers yard:growlmad: in only 28 i feel like a bloody 50 year ol:dohh:

I don't know, becasue I'm totally new to it, but I think it might have been so painful because of the disc problems - when I was having my first session the other day, she kept checking with me when she put needles in whether it felt tender or not (pinching me a bit) and then put them in the tender areas. REflexology's a bit the same too - if you have something wrong, the corresponding area on the foot will feel tender.
Ouch, can only imagine how painful it was with disc problems! Has it really put you off trying it for anything else? I promise mine didn't hurt!
Abi x

just the thought of it puts me off. i was in that much pain after i had it done so she said to leave it and noto do anymore. just hope the vits kick in next month
Has anyone had heavier periods while taking Vitamin b complex??? I have been taking it since half way through my last cycle (am CD 3 today) and have noticed that this period is the heaviest I have had in a long while.
Hugs and baby dust to all XXX

i have only started them the last couple of days ,so i dont know. somebody will let you know :hugs:

I started the B-100 on cd4 last cycle and I'm on cd9 of the next one now. I didn't notice my period being any heavier. We're so finely tuned as women though that the tiniest thing can affect the length and heaviness of them - I had a couple of incredibly heavy ones at the beginning of the year, like less than half an hour between leaks and I'm used to heavy periods (sorry, TMI?!). :blush: Think my hormones were out of wack, because I'd not had reflexology for a few months, but I'm not certain at all.
It might the way that your body reacts to the B vits but because they have a balancing, regulating effect I'd be surprised. How heavy is your normal flow? Now many days? I suppose if you were very light you might expect to get a bit heavier. I suppose all you can do - if you don't get a BFP this cycle! - is see how heavy you are next time.
I'm so glad I found this forum (I stumbled acrossd it when I googled "short luteal phase" , funnily enough!).
Abi x

Thanx abi
I only stopped the BCP a year ago and was on it for 12yrs so not sure what is a 'normal' cycle for me. I always bled for 7 days (a moderate bleed for 5 days then stop for 1 then light brown for 1). Then I had the, BFP, M/C & D&C in May, everything has been haywire since. This time around I had been spotting since 3DPO then began 'real' period and bled heavy for 3 days, today not so heavy - we will see what happens. So with the spotting I am up to day 11 bleeding. Maybe its my body getting itself back into alignment???

I've never taken the pill or been through a miscarriage, but having spent a lot of time reading stuff on here, it seems that periods can be haywire for a while after these. Sorry for your loss :hugs:
Your cycle starts on the first day of proper, red, bleeding, rather than spotting. It sounds like B-100 is just what you need to be taking to help with the spotting! HAve you heard about agnus castus? It's a plant extract that helps regulate your cycle and also works on the short luteal phase as a result of this. I've recently started taking it. You only take it before ov though.
Abi x

i was just wonering i started spotting yesterday im only 15 days into my cycle i have started taking b-100 complex the other day, do you think it will help me if i take angus castus. hope someone can help:nope::nope:
hope everybody is ok. well im 16 days in to this cycle and im still spotting, but i seem to be spotting more then other cycles. im just dreading being like this for the next 2 weeks. :nope::nope:
Hi Cla,
You don't sound very happy at all at the moment. Wow, the acu must have gone badly if the practitioner advised you to stop. Have you considered reflexology?
I don't see why the agnus castus would be a bad idea, but when you're ttc you should only take it before ov.
See how you go with this cycle and the next one, the B-vits should kick in on your next cycle as they do all their good work at the beginning of your cycle.
Has your doctor given you any idea how long it might take for things to calm down?
Hope you feel better soon :hugs:
Abi x
Hey girls decided to take yesterday off to get my head showered! LOL! Oh Cla you don't sound too happy :hugs: You are probably too far into your cycle to try the agnus castus this month but you try it next cycle depending on how things go, it's supposed to encourage normal ovulatory function to return when your not ovulating but also helps the egg mature properly and keep your hormone levels in balance too. I've actually upped my dose this month to 2000mg per day, I'm hoping I've not been ovulating because I've not been taking a high enough dose! If I were you I would definitely change my gp as well and do some research to see if their are any reputable TCM practitioners near you and try the reflexology and accupuncture. I know you said you've had it before and it was very painful but I agree with Abi, the accupuncture was also very painful on my shoulder but that was because of the muscle in the shoulder and it did help. I don't think it would be as painful if it was being used to improve fertility! Good luck!! :winkwink:
xo Jen
Hey girls decided to take yesterday off to get my head showered! LOL! Oh Cla you don't sound too happy :hugs: You are probably too far into your cycle to try the agnus castus this month but you try it next cycle depending on how things go, it's supposed to encourage normal ovulatory function to return when your not ovulating but also helps the egg mature properly and keep your hormone levels in balance too. I've actually upped my dose this month to 2000mg per day, I'm hoping I've not been ovulating because I've not been taking a high enough dose! If I were you I would definitely change my gp as well and do some research to see if their are any reputable TCM practitioners near you and try the reflexology and accupuncture. I know you said you've had it before and it was very painful but I agree with Abi, the accupuncture was also very painful on my shoulder but that was because of the muscle in the shoulder and it did help. I don't think it would be as painful if it was being used to improve fertility! Good luck!! :winkwink:
xo Jen

hope you are ok i wondered where you was and if you was ok. i feel better today it just pisses me of when i start to spot. i would LOVE to go a whole cycle without doing it. i will get there in the end , plus it doesnt help if got loads of stress at home. oh a have a good drink tonite dont do anything i wouldnt do:happydance::happydance::happydance:
I'm heading out with 9 of my friends (5 of whom are currently pregnant) Two of the pregnant ones know about our trials and tribulations over the past 7 months so they've promised to keep the conversation of babies and pregnacy. I'm regretting having organised it now to be honest but oh well, I'll just have to get drunk and make a show of myself (that won't be hard after 7 months not drinking!) and :ignore: the baby and pregnancy talk! I'm glad you are feeling a bit better this month! I know the doctor on Wednesday just kept telling me that stress, anxiety and depression can all affect fertility, it's a nightmare though as how can you tell your head and body to stop reacting a certain way! :hugs: I understand completely!
xo Jen
Sorry a few of you aren't having such a good month, its a bit like that TTc isn't it? one minute feeling positive the next crying like a baby! hugs to you all hope you feeling better soon about things!

I just wanted to ask you ladies about short luteal phase, I've just put all data into ff from my diary and my supposed 10 day LP is actually 9. How do you get Dr's to do something regarding that? I've just had 21 day bloods which came back 33.6 so they just said its normal. Don't know what to say to them, can anyone help?

Jo x
Sorry a few of you aren't having such a good month, its a bit like that TTc isn't it? one minute feeling positive the next crying like a baby! hugs to you all hope you feeling better soon about things!

I just wanted to ask you ladies about short luteal phase, I've just put all data into ff from my diary and my supposed 10 day LP is actually 9. How do you get Dr's to do something regarding that? I've just had 21 day bloods which came back 33.6 so they just said its normal. Don't know what to say to them, can anyone help?

Jo x

Hey Jo
I got my 21 day blood results on Wednesday and they showed low prolactin levels indicating that ovulation hadn't taken place. In relation to the LP you could start taking the B Vit's my LP is only 9 days too so I'm taking the b100 Vits as they increase progesterone levels and length your lp! Get down to holland and barretts if you can and start taking them as soon as you get them! Good luck!
xo Jen
I've been very interested reading thorugh this thread , about the Bvits....I started epo today but think i will go out on mon and get some Bvits from holland and barrat too.

I came off BCP in July and since then have had spotting 3-5 days before AF due, then 2-5 days AF then spotting a few days after. Plus sometimes an odd day of spotting mid cycle. With all the positive things i have read, i hope the vit B will maybe stop the spotting problem.

Babydust to
Hi angel_dust and jojo, welcome to the thread. Yep, Holland & Barrett B-100 or -50 complex are great. I take epo pre-ov as well angel_dust and have either of you tried agnus castus (also known as chaste berry/vitex)? I'm taking that pre-ov as well and it's supposed to help regulate your cycle. I've just started having acupuncture as well and hte book she recommended to me mentions both B-vits and agnus castus as being useful.

Jen, hop eyour night out was good and talk didn't revolve around pregnancy! I was out with 2 friends yesterday for lunch and ht eone I've not seen in 2 1/2 years is expecting her 2nd in jan. It was a lovely afternoon. I think the acu and everything I've read in the book have really helped lighten my mood. Hurrah! Hope you're feeling better than you were. :hugs:
Abi x
Hi Abi,

I tried AC for about 7 days last month then read some things about it messing up cycles so I got scared and stopped. I'll try Bvits for next cycle and if no change i'll maybe give it another go. on 7dpo now, been having 9 LP previously, I think i'm due AF on 3rd which will be 11 day LP this cycle, had a dip in temp this morning tho so trying to stay positive. Only started charting on day before ov so not sure how helpful it is without rest of data. Can anyone have a look at it for me please?

not sure how to make it a signature???

Jo x
Look in post 757 on this thread (Nov 23rd) - I wrote instructions for jen 1802 to help her add her ff charts to her signature.
My temps see-saw up and down like mad, although ovulation is always clearly evident. I'll have a look at yours once you've added it, although like you said it's difficult to get a proper idea of it without a whole cycle to look at.
Abi x
Hey Abi
My book arrived on Saturday so have been reading it when I've been getting time over the weekend. I'm going to contact a couple of tcm practitioners over here and see if I can get an appointment. I'm so glad I bought it! I feel hopeful for the first time in ages. It's really motivated me! I'll let you know how I get on finding somewhere that practices the TCM! Hope everyone else had a good weekend. I ended up getting horribly drunk and suffered well and truly on Saturday. Oh well was worth it to blow of steam! :thumbup:
XO Jen
Hi Jen,
Meant to ask how your night out was. Hope you had a good time as well as getting horribly drunk!
The book is wonderful isn't it? Doesn't it make very clear sense of things?I have my 2nd appt today and am currently trying desperately to find someone to have #1 for me coz the friend who was going to watch her is ill. I have a horrible feeling it's going to be one of those days when everybody's busy...
HAve a good day. The book's made me feel much more positive too. Hope you can start having treatments soon! :happydance:
Abi x
hope everybody is ok. so jen you had a good night friday, its nice to let your hair down when you feel crap

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