Vitamin B6 - Lengthen luteal phase or increase progesterone

:hugs:LOL, yes Cla I agree! Thank goodness for support networks like these forums! Have you had any tests at all done to make sure that everything is ok? I'm only asking because I was convinced I was ovulating (mid cycle pain every month and opk's though never got a 100% definitive yes just thought maybe I wasn't reading it properly!) If not it may be an idea to go the doctors and get some blood tests done. I'm glad I didn't leave it any longer wasn't going to go until after 12 months of trying which would have been April/May time next year. As you can imagine I'm very glad I didn't leave it that long! Good luck and try to stay positive :flower: Thanks Welshrose I'm definitely going to see if I can track down anyone with the same problem on the forums!
xo Jen
Has anyone had heavier periods while taking Vitamin b complex??? I have been taking it since half way through my last cycle (am CD 3 today) and have noticed that this period is the heaviest I have had in a long while.
Hugs and baby dust to all XXX
:hugs:LOL, yes Cla I agree! Thank goodness for support networks like these forums! Have you had any tests at all done to make sure that everything is ok? I'm only asking because I was convinced I was ovulating (mid cycle pain every month and opk's though never got a 100% definitive yes just thought maybe I wasn't reading it properly!) If not it may be an idea to go the doctors and get some blood tests done. I'm glad I didn't leave it any longer wasn't going to go until after 12 months of trying which would have been April/May time next year. As you can imagine I'm very glad I didn't leave it that long! Good luck and try to stay positive :flower: Thanks Welshrose I'm definitely going to see if I can track down anyone with the same problem on the forums!
xo Jen

yes i went to the doctors, told him about the spotting and he said it will sort it self out. but my doctor is a joke, took him 8 months to send me to have a mmr scan for my back. so its like im talking to myself when it comes to him. if i keep on doing this i will have to go and TELL him i want somthing done
:hugs:LOL, yes Cla I agree! Thank goodness for support networks like these forums! Have you had any tests at all done to make sure that everything is ok? I'm only asking because I was convinced I was ovulating (mid cycle pain every month and opk's though never got a 100% definitive yes just thought maybe I wasn't reading it properly!) If not it may be an idea to go the doctors and get some blood tests done. I'm glad I didn't leave it any longer wasn't going to go until after 12 months of trying which would have been April/May time next year. As you can imagine I'm very glad I didn't leave it that long! Good luck and try to stay positive :flower: Thanks Welshrose I'm definitely going to see if I can track down anyone with the same problem on the forums!
xo Jen

yes i went to the doctors, told him about the spotting and he said it will sort it self out. but my doctor is a joke, took him 8 months to send me to have a mmr scan for my back. so its like im talking to myself when it comes to him. if i keep on doing this i will have to go and TELL him i want somthing done

Argh some doctors :grr: Feel like giving him a smack! Can you not go to another gp? I'm quite lucky the practice I go to is really big and it only takes two days maximum to get an appointment. The doctors are all really nice as well and very understanding. I have to say I was a bit confused today as my GP said that if you haven't conceived within 6 months of trying you should be referred to an FS. I told him that I thought it was 12 months and he said no 6 months is the average and anything beyond that needs investigation. I think you should go back depending on how this cycle goes and if you can't see a different GP throw a hissy fit:hissy: That way they will have to listen to you! Good luck and :dust:
xo Jen
Thanks everyone, that's at least given me a bit of idea what to expect. Think I'll take a break this month. My manager is so lovely she just asked if I wanted to go home but I'll probably end up sitting feeling sorry for myself there. I don't understand why low prolactin levels would affect fertility. I always thought that high levels prevented ovulation. Oh well nothing more I can do about it except wait for my referral appointment and be grateful that at least I'm in the system now! Cla I know it's easier said than done but try and be positive (yeah right, like I'm one to talk!). The b vits will probably take awhile to work so don't be too downhearted! :hugs:
XO Jen

Hi Jen, ever so sorry you've had such bad news, but at least your doctor seems to know what he's doing.
Now might be a really good time to try acupuncture again - hormone levels can be affected by your kidneys and liver as theyr'e linked (apparently my kidneys are weak, which is affecting me). Can't tell you any more as I'm waiting for the book she recommended (The Infertility Cure, by Randine Lewis) to arrive. Go for it! The book also mentions that imbalances can be so small they're not always picked up on by western medicine. It might be that acu can sort you out, or at least help. It would certainly help you to relax and reduce your anxirty levels as well. My acupuncturist is also a Traditional Chinese Medicine practitioner and she told me she'll be able to give me some herbs to help lengthen my LP next time, once she's seen my charts.
Have a big hug from me! :hugs: and let us know what you decide to do. I've not got the Zita West book yet (what's it called?) but I'm dying to get my hands on the one I've ordered!
Abi xx
Abi x
:hugs:LOL, yes Cla I agree! Thank goodness for support networks like these forums! Have you had any tests at all done to make sure that everything is ok? I'm only asking because I was convinced I was ovulating (mid cycle pain every month and opk's though never got a 100% definitive yes just thought maybe I wasn't reading it properly!) If not it may be an idea to go the doctors and get some blood tests done. I'm glad I didn't leave it any longer wasn't going to go until after 12 months of trying which would have been April/May time next year. As you can imagine I'm very glad I didn't leave it that long! Good luck and try to stay positive :flower: Thanks Welshrose I'm definitely going to see if I can track down anyone with the same problem on the forums!
xo Jen

yes i went to the doctors, told him about the spotting and he said it will sort it self out. but my doctor is a joke, took him 8 months to send me to have a mmr scan for my back. so its like im talking to myself when it comes to him. if i keep on doing this i will have to go and TELL him i want somthing done

Argh some doctors :grr: Feel like giving him a smack! Can you not go to another gp? I'm quite lucky the practice I go to is really big and it only takes two days maximum to get an appointment. The doctors are all really nice as well and very understanding. I have to say I was a bit confused today as my GP said that if you haven't conceived within 6 months of trying you should be referred to an FS. I told him that I thought it was 12 months and he said no 6 months is the average and anything beyond that needs investigation. I think you should go back depending on how this cycle goes and if you can't see a different GP throw a hissy fit:hissy: That way they will have to listen to you! Good luck and :dust:
xo Jen

god you have got a good doctors. there is only one in our practice and it takes over a week to get an appointment so it isnt very good.i bet he thinks because i already have a child iam ok and that there is nothing to worry about. thats why i only go when i have to. i was the same as you i thought if you havent conceived after a year then you go to the doctors. how come everything as to be so hard:growlmad:
Has anyone had heavier periods while taking Vitamin b complex??? I have been taking it since half way through my last cycle (am CD 3 today) and have noticed that this period is the heaviest I have had in a long while.
Hugs and baby dust to all XXX

i have only started them the last couple of days ,so i dont know. somebody will let you know :hugs:
Hi Abi
It's called Zita West's Guide to getting pregnant as far as I remember. I'm going to do a search for accupunturists and chinese medicine practitioners in my area. I don't think it could hurt to go and ask for their opinion as well as the fertility specialist. Plus you're right sometimes western medicine isn't the answer in the first place. Sounds strange but I actually feel less anxious already just knowing we're going to give it a break this month and forget about it until the hospital appointment. I know Cla, that's exactly how I'm feeling! Something which should be relatively straightforward has to be complicated! I def think looking for another GP might be the way forward then. If you really, really can't find anywhere else then be really forceful with your current gp! Maybe you should think about trying the accupunture and reflexology too? I'm definitely going to give it a go!!
xo Jen
Hi Abi
It's called Zita West's Guide to getting pregnant as far as I remember. I'm going to do a search for accupunturists and chinese medicine practitioners in my area. I don't think it could hurt to go and ask for their opinion as well as the fertility specialist. Plus you're right sometimes western medicine isn't the answer in the first place. Sounds strange but I actually feel less anxious already just knowing we're going to give it a break this month and forget about it until the hospital appointment. I know Cla, that's exactly how I'm feeling! Something which should be relatively straightforward has to be complicated! I def think looking for another GP might be the way forward then. If you really, really can't find anywhere else then be really forceful with your current gp! Maybe you should think about trying the accupunture and reflexology too? I'm definitely going to give it a go!!
xo Jen

i had accupunture a couple of months ago because i have got disc problems and it hurt so much i said i wouldnt have it again. i might as well go to the nackers yard:growlmad: in only 28 i feel like a bloody 50 year ol:dohh:
Ah Jen, so sorry to hear your news :-(, but some answers can be nice as well, now you know what you're fighting against! I live in Italy and went private so don't know how Ireland does it, but I do know about some of the tests. We had the SA done first to make sure that was ok, then I had the hysterosalpingography to determine if my tubes were open (not), so then went for a lap during which he opened them, yeah! Due to my age he then put me on clomid, estrogen and progesterone which I tried for 6 months. There is a lot of monitoring involved with that, I had daily vag u/s to check the follicle before during and after ovulation, but I know that not all docs do this. some use progesterone levels instead. hope this helps, and best of luck to you!!! hugs

Thank's Bellamamma, did the whole process take a long time or was it relatively quick? Just wondering how long in months I can expect it to take before a definitive diagnosis of what's wrong. It'll probably be different over here as it'll be through the NHS but my GP assured me that it would not be a long process possibly a year or so. I was hoping for less depending on what's wrong. The GP was telling me that it took him and his wife 3 years to have their first child and that she got to the stage of having a laparoscopy and ended up getting pregnant the very next month. I'm thinking that's partially the reason why he was so understanding as he obviously has first hand experience of what it can be like.
xo Jen
I finally got my AF today after being 2 days late!! Im sure its down to the B vits. Anyway at least I had no spotting. Im gonna start taking it again as soon as I stop bleeding.
Has anyone had heavier periods while taking Vitamin b complex??? I have been taking it since half way through my last cycle (am CD 3 today) and have noticed that this period is the heaviest I have had in a long while.
Hugs and baby dust to all XXX

i have only started them the last couple of days ,so i dont know. somebody will let you know :hugs:

I started the B-100 on cd4 last cycle and I'm on cd9 of the next one now. I didn't notice my period being any heavier. We're so finely tuned as women though that the tiniest thing can affect the length and heaviness of them - I had a couple of incredibly heavy ones at the beginning of the year, like less than half an hour between leaks and I'm used to heavy periods (sorry, TMI?!). :blush: Think my hormones were out of wack, because I'd not had reflexology for a few months, but I'm not certain at all.
It might the way that your body reacts to the B vits but because they have a balancing, regulating effect I'd be surprised. How heavy is your normal flow? Now many days? I suppose if you were very light you might expect to get a bit heavier. I suppose all you can do - if you don't get a BFP this cycle! - is see how heavy you are next time.
I'm so glad I found this forum (I stumbled acrossd it when I googled "short luteal phase" , funnily enough!).
Abi x
Hi Abi
It's called Zita West's Guide to getting pregnant as far as I remember. I'm going to do a search for accupunturists and chinese medicine practitioners in my area. I don't think it could hurt to go and ask for their opinion as well as the fertility specialist. Plus you're right sometimes western medicine isn't the answer in the first place. Sounds strange but I actually feel less anxious already just knowing we're going to give it a break this month and forget about it until the hospital appointment. I know Cla, that's exactly how I'm feeling! Something which should be relatively straightforward has to be complicated! I def think looking for another GP might be the way forward then. If you really, really can't find anywhere else then be really forceful with your current gp! Maybe you should think about trying the accupunture and reflexology too? I'm definitely going to give it a go!!
xo Jen

Yay! Go TCM!! I might have a look for that book, but I'll read the one I'm waiting for first. Zita West believes very strongly in TCM, acu etc. I've heard her centres charge about £68 per session though (mine was £45 including the registration fee. I suppose you're paying for the name a bit if you go to her places).
We do put ourselves under terrible pressure, don't we? It's not surprising you feel a little relief now that you have a little break from living your life to a schedule. Treat yourself this weekend and then get some needles stuck in you! :hugs:
Abi x
I finally got my AF today after being 2 days late!! Im sure its down to the B vits. Anyway at least I had no spotting. Im gonna start taking it again as soon as I stop bleeding.

Hi Char, all the info further back the thread stresses that the B-vits do their most important work before ov, whilst the follicles are developing, so the recommendation is that you take them whilst the hag's visiting.
Abi x
Hi Abi
It's called Zita West's Guide to getting pregnant as far as I remember. I'm going to do a search for accupunturists and chinese medicine practitioners in my area. I don't think it could hurt to go and ask for their opinion as well as the fertility specialist. Plus you're right sometimes western medicine isn't the answer in the first place. Sounds strange but I actually feel less anxious already just knowing we're going to give it a break this month and forget about it until the hospital appointment. I know Cla, that's exactly how I'm feeling! Something which should be relatively straightforward has to be complicated! I def think looking for another GP might be the way forward then. If you really, really can't find anywhere else then be really forceful with your current gp! Maybe you should think about trying the accupunture and reflexology too? I'm definitely going to give it a go!!
xo Jen

i had accupunture a couple of months ago because i have got disc problems and it hurt so much i said i wouldnt have it again. i might as well go to the nackers yard:growlmad: in only 28 i feel like a bloody 50 year ol:dohh:

I don't know, becasue I'm totally new to it, but I think it might have been so painful because of the disc problems - when I was having my first session the other day, she kept checking with me when she put needles in whether it felt tender or not (pinching me a bit) and then put them in the tender areas. REflexology's a bit the same too - if you have something wrong, the corresponding area on the foot will feel tender.
Ouch, can only imagine how painful it was with disc problems! Has it really put you off trying it for anything else? I promise mine didn't hurt!
Abi x
Ah Jen, so sorry to hear your news :-(, but some answers can be nice as well, now you know what you're fighting against! I live in Italy and went private so don't know how Ireland does it, but I do know about some of the tests. We had the SA done first to make sure that was ok, then I had the hysterosalpingography to determine if my tubes were open (not), so then went for a lap during which he opened them, yeah! Due to my age he then put me on clomid, estrogen and progesterone which I tried for 6 months. There is a lot of monitoring involved with that, I had daily vag u/s to check the follicle before during and after ovulation, but I know that not all docs do this. some use progesterone levels instead. hope this helps, and best of luck to you!!! hugs

Thank's Bellamamma, did the whole process take a long time or was it relatively quick? Just wondering how long in months I can expect it to take before a definitive diagnosis of what's wrong. It'll probably be different over here as it'll be through the NHS but my GP assured me that it would not be a long process possibly a year or so. I was hoping for less depending on what's wrong. The GP was telling me that it took him and his wife 3 years to have their first child and that she got to the stage of having a laparoscopy and ended up getting pregnant the very next month. I'm thinking that's partially the reason why he was so understanding as he obviously has first hand experience of what it can be like.
xo Jen

Your welcome! Well, like I said, I went private, so the whole process was from September to November! Just had to wait for my cycle to be at the right time for each test. Started the clomid in December after one month of controlling how I ovulated. Unfortunately it didn't work for me but I know it does great with women who don't ovulate!! My doc also rushed everything thru because I was 40 at the time...think age is my problem more than anything else!:dohh:
Ok Ladies........
I have a question. Do I continue to take the vitamin b100 complex? I am also taking a prenatal vitamin. I have waited so long for this and am afraid of anything happening........
Has anyone had heavier periods while taking Vitamin b complex??? I have been taking it since half way through my last cycle (am CD 3 today) and have noticed that this period is the heaviest I have had in a long while.
Hugs and baby dust to all XXX

i have only started them the last couple of days ,so i dont know. somebody will let you know :hugs:

I started the B-100 on cd4 last cycle and I'm on cd9 of the next one now. I didn't notice my period being any heavier. We're so finely tuned as women though that the tiniest thing can affect the length and heaviness of them - I had a couple of incredibly heavy ones at the beginning of the year, like less than half an hour between leaks and I'm used to heavy periods (sorry, TMI?!). :blush: Think my hormones were out of wack, because I'd not had reflexology for a few months, but I'm not certain at all.
It might the way that your body reacts to the B vits but because they have a balancing, regulating effect I'd be surprised. How heavy is your normal flow? Now many days? I suppose if you were very light you might expect to get a bit heavier. I suppose all you can do - if you don't get a BFP this cycle! - is see how heavy you are next time.
I'm so glad I found this forum (I stumbled acrossd it when I googled "short luteal phase" , funnily enough!).
Abi x

Thanx abi
I only stopped the BCP a year ago and was on it for 12yrs so not sure what is a 'normal' cycle for me. I always bled for 7 days (a moderate bleed for 5 days then stop for 1 then light brown for 1). Then I had the, BFP, M/C & D&C in May, everything has been haywire since. This time around I had been spotting since 3DPO then began 'real' period and bled heavy for 3 days, today not so heavy - we will see what happens. So with the spotting I am up to day 11 bleeding. Maybe its my body getting itself back into alignment???
Ok Ladies........
I have a question. Do I continue to take the vitamin b100 complex? I am also taking a prenatal vitamin. I have waited so long for this and am afraid of anything happening........

You can take both B100 and Prenatal vits at the same time, you can take them both during your whole cycle and if you fall pregnant you can continue taking both, as B Vits can be used to treat PMS or morning sickness


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