Vitamin B6 - Lengthen luteal phase or increase progesterone

Yes Cla, had a great night and just got drunk and forgot about everything! Was great after being so good for ages! Abi I've contacted a clinic over here which works with Origins Fertility Care. Hopefully I'll be able to get an appointment before Christmas. I'm convinced after reading that book that definitely the TCM makes complete sense! Reading through the questionnaires became so clear how all these unrelated symptoms are actually all related. I just feel so much calmer and positive after reading some of it. I still can't find any information on low prolactin levels but if I can get an appointment with this clinic then I'm sure they'll be able to shed some light on it. You never know Abi, you and I could end up with TCM babies! :hugs:If that happens I'm converted for life!:happydance:
XO Jen
Hey you,
I just want to remind you that if you have got at BFP with b-vits keep on taking them 'til at leats w 12. I just got a missed mc at w 11. I started b6 75 mg/day and got at bfp the same month. Kept eating 50-75 mg/day until w 9 when I registred at the midwife and she told med to stop (I don't know why I told her I ate B6 - stupid me).

One week later the featus' stopped developing. We had the same day as the midwife appointment seen a beating heart on the screen but two weeks later it was all still. I can't say it is due to stopping B6 but I have read even more about it now and some people say that if you quit cold turkey it will make you progesterone drop quickly whick will lead to a mc. :-(

I live in Sweden and they just stare at you when you say you have a LPD or spottings. It's like it doesn't exist.

Ah, well. I'm starting B6 again know and if we get pregnant again I won't stop! I won't tell anyone I'm on them! Good luck to you all!!!!
Hi ladies, hope it's OK to join your thread. I have low progesterone and recurrent miscarriage (am TTC no 2), so might give B-vitamins a try. Is it OK to take these on top of normal pregnacare vitamins (which presumably contain some B-vits anyway)?

What is TCM? Is it the Zita West book you're talking about? I have thought about getting that but am normally sceptical about alternative therapies - now, though, will give it a go!

Jojo - no clue about charting or temping, sorry.
Hey you,
I just want to remind you that if you have got at BFP with b-vits keep on taking them 'til at leats w 12. I just got a missed mc at w 11. I started b6 75 mg/day and got at bfp the same month. Kept eating 50-75 mg/day until w 9 when I registred at the midwife and she told med to stop (I don't know why I told her I ate B6 - stupid me).

One week later the featus' stopped developing. We had the same day as the midwife appointment seen a beating heart on the screen but two weeks later it was all still. I can't say it is due to stopping B6 but I have read even more about it now and some people say that if you quit cold turkey it will make you progesterone drop quickly whick will lead to a mc. :-(

I live in Sweden and they just stare at you when you say you have a LPD or spottings. It's like it doesn't exist.

Ah, well. I'm starting B6 again know and if we get pregnant again I won't stop! I won't tell anyone I'm on them! Good luck to you all!!!!

Oh no I'm so sorry for your loss :hugs: Hope your ok!
xo Jen
Hi ladies, hope it's OK to join your thread. I have low progesterone and recurrent miscarriage (am TTC no 2), so might give B-vitamins a try. Is it OK to take these on top of normal pregnacare vitamins (which presumably contain some B-vits anyway)?

What is TCM? Is it the Zita West book you're talking about? I have thought about getting that but am normally sceptical about alternative therapies - now, though, will give it a go!

Jojo - no clue about charting or temping, sorry.

Hey Smiler

TCM is traditional chinese medicince. There is Zita West's guide to getting pregnant but Abi recommended another book to me called The Infertility Cure by Randine Lewis. Honestly it's amazing! It just makes so much sense! I've not been able to put it down all weekend. I would recommend that you get it. I wouldn't describe as alternative therapy but rather complimentary. I'm trying to organise an appointment with a TCM practitioner at the moment. Hopefully will get an appointment before Christmas. As for the Vit B's you can take them with your normal pregnacare vits. Are you taking the conception ones? I started using them this month in addition to EPO, Vit B100 complex and Agnus castus.
xo Jen
I am new to this site, but I stumbled across this thread while searching for information about progesterone, luteal phase, and B6. I have a 2.5 year old, and this is my 12th month ttc #2. I had a chemical pregnancy in May. I have been experiencing spotting before my period since he was born by c-section. My luteal phase is generally 13 to 14 days, but I am having about 4 days of spotting before I start. I don't know if this indicates a luteal phase defect or possibly a problem with progesterone. My ovulation generally occurs on day 15 or 16, but my temps are a bit erratic and often dip to my coverline during my luteal phase. My temps are pretty much near the same range most of the month and only get low for the few days before I ovulate. My rise after ovulation is also very gradual and my temps usually plummet around 6-7 dpo and then rise again only to drop again around 9 dpo. Often I have to omit on ore two of my pre-ovulation temps or fertility friend will say I didn't ovulate. However, I always get a positive opk. Also, I am vegan and was depending heavily on soy for protein (unfortunately mostly processed) so I cut that out a little over a month ago to see if that helped. I have read that soy is a phytoestrogen and some people think too much can disrupt the estrogen/progesterone balance leading to low progesterone symptoms. Last month (after that experiment) my spotting decreased to 1 day, but my luteal phase was only 11 days. I am currently on cd 10, but I started taking 100 mg of B6 on cd 5 this month. I have no idea what is going on with my cycles! I have an appointment today with my general practitioner, but I am not even sure what to ask/expect. I am sure I will just hear keep trying and it will happen. I made the appt. hoping to get my hormones tested, because I am so frustrated with the spotting and I don't know if the spotting could be preventing pregnancy. Here is a link to my fertility friend page I am sorry this is so long, but any advice would be greatly appreciated. I am beyond frustrated and don't really know where else to turn.
Hey girls,
Welcome smiler13 and LisaRH, you're very welcome to join the thread - it's not so long ago it was somebody else's thread entirely and I was just looking.
Bjornis and Smiler13, I'm ever so sorry for your losses.
It's definitely fine to take B-100 with Pregnacare, yes (it's also fine to take 1000mg EPO, Omega 3:6:9 oils and agnus castus, which is what I'm doing).
Lisa RH, your charts look a lot like mine. I recommend a TCM book called The Infertility Cure (Randine Lewis) and some acupuncture! At my 2nd appointment today, my practitioner looked at my charts and, apart from telling me I'm doing my temps wrong - I should just be taking my temp whenever I wake up in the morning, as long as it's straight after a block of 3 hours' sleep (not lying still for half an hour if I wake up at 6:30!), which would stop them being so erratic - said that the charts also tell her (high menstruation temps, slow post-ov rise and dips below the line post-ov, sub-11-day lp) that I have a progesterone deficiency. She said she can help me with this, with acu treatments and some herbal tablets. I know she can because she treated 2 of my friends for infertility and they both have their babies now.
I showed her everything I'm taking today and she said it's fine.
TCM is awesome! Jen's right about the book, it's written wonderfully and gives all sorts of answers.
Abi x
I take vitamin b6 (100mg) along with my multivitamin, everyday. It has extended my LP from 8 days to now being 11. I have been taking it for about 4 months. I still have not become pregnant but it did help relieve some pms symptoms. I also ovulate late (CD19) and it has not helped that, at all. Good luck to everyone TTC! Blessings to all those who have suffered a miscarriage!
Update with me, have my first consultation with a TCM practitioner on Thursday evening she said that she specialises in the Accupuncture and the Bowen technique. I'm honestly so excited! :happydance: Good luck everyone!
xo Jen
Yay!! That's fab news Jen :happydance::happydance::thumbup::hugs::hugs::happydance::thumbup: (you get the picture?)
..she'll be really impressed that you have such a good idea of what's up with you. Quing said that she recommended the boko to me because it explains things far better than she can (she's chinese and her english isn't wonderful) and seemed really pleased that I'm finding it useful.

Oooohhh, what's Bowen Technique?

Welcome Misha! It's good to hear another positive B-100 story! There have been many.... DOn't worry too much about the ov day - one of hte biggest contributors to this thread, who taught me everything I know about LP/b vits fell pregnant when she ov'd on cd19, later than ever before, and she'd thought she was having an anovulatory cycle.
Hope you get your BFP very soon.
Abi x
Update with me, have my first consultation with a TCM practitioner on Thursday evening she said that she specialises in the Accupuncture and the Bowen technique. I'm honestly so excited! :happydance: Good luck everyone!
xo Jen[/QUOTE

im glad you are lot happyer then you was the otherday.i bet its nice to feel you are getting somewhere:happydance:
Hey Abi
Here's the link she sent me regarding the bowen technique;
She said that she uses it in conjunction with acupuncture where appropriate. Can't wait for Thursday now!
Update with me, have my first consultation with a TCM practitioner on Thursday evening she said that she specialises in the Accupuncture and the Bowen technique. I'm honestly so excited! :happydance: Good luck everyone!
xo Jen[/QUOTE

im glad you are lot happyer then you was the otherday.i bet its nice to feel you are getting somewhere:happydance:

How are you feeling Cla? Thank goodness I'm in a better mood, was tired of being miserable! :haha: Hope everything is good with you!
xo Jen
Update with me, have my first consultation with a TCM practitioner on Thursday evening she said that she specialises in the Accupuncture and the Bowen technique. I'm honestly so excited! :happydance: Good luck everyone!
xo Jen[/QUOTE

im glad you are lot happyer then you was the otherday.i bet its nice to feel you are getting somewhere:happydance:

How are you feeling Cla? Thank goodness I'm in a better mood, was tired of being miserable! :haha: Hope everything is good with you!
xo Jen

im glad u feel better. im ok still waiting for the af to start, i cant see there being anything there with how much spotting im doing. i know in a past thread someone asked if the b-100 complex makes you more heavy, i was just wondering if anybody knows. i wish af would just hurry up so i can see if the vits have made a difference next cycle
Update with me, have my first consultation with a TCM practitioner on Thursday evening she said that she specialises in the Accupuncture and the Bowen technique. I'm honestly so excited! :happydance: Good luck everyone!
xo Jen[/QUOTE

im glad you are lot happyer then you was the otherday.i bet its nice to feel you are getting somewhere:happydance:

How are you feeling Cla? Thank goodness I'm in a better mood, was tired of being miserable! :haha: Hope everything is good with you!
xo Jen

im glad u feel better. im ok still waiting for the af to start, i cant see there being anything there with how much spotting im doing. i know in a past thread someone asked if the b-100 complex makes you more heavy, i was just wondering if anybody knows. i wish af would just hurry up so i can see if the vits have made a difference next cycle

Well my last cycle there was pretty heavy and that was my first time using the b 100 complex. Though I have to say my cycles seem a bit erratic at the best of times, sometimes they are shockingly heavy straight away (like this month) and others come on gradually. So I can say 100% sure whether it was a result of the B vits. The main difference I noticed last cycle was no bloating before AF and only had one day of cramps and that was it. Usually lasts at least 2-3. I think the vitamins must be working somehow. :shrug:
The Infertility Cure book I've been reading suggests that it can take anywhere up to 3 months before you'll fully see the benefits. :hugs:
XO Jen
Thanks so much for the welcome! This tread has been so informative. You are right... our charts are very similar. I have been feeling all along that I may have a progesterone deficiency. I am taking the 100 mg of B6 and I also take a vitamin E and a prenatal. What else is out there to improve progesterone. Have you had any luck improving your cycle? I have been thinking about ordering Zita West's book Fertility and Conception, but I wonder if the one you recommend might be better. I am not sure I am quite ready to do acupuncture yet. I think I would like to try to give the vitamins a chance to work first. Have you read Zita West's book? I went to my GP yesterday and she looked at me like I had lost my mind. I am on cd 10 and she tried to tell me I could be pregnant now, and that If I don't think about it it will happen. Thanks... I never thought of that! It was as if she had never heard of a short luteal phase, low progesterone, or even charting. I have an appointment in mid-January with my ob/gyn so I am hoping to have made some progress by then.
Hi LisaRH,
Glad to have helped a bit. Your GP story seems to be the standard one! My retired GP woudl probably have been great, because he practised acu as well, but alas he's retired. I'm placing my faith in TCM - I prefer the getting-it-right-naturally approach to hitting myself with synthetic chemicals or being told to just lie there and enjoy it. :dohh:
Jan1802 has both books so she may be able to tell you. I'd def recommend the Randine Lewis book though - the explanaitons of both eastern and western medicine are wonderful.
Abi x
Thanks so much for the welcome! This tread has been so informative. You are right... our charts are very similar. I have been feeling all along that I may have a progesterone deficiency. I am taking the 100 mg of B6 and I also take a vitamin E and a prenatal. What else is out there to improve progesterone. Have you had any luck improving your cycle? I have been thinking about ordering Zita West's book Fertility and Conception, but I wonder if the one you recommend might be better. I am not sure I am quite ready to do acupuncture yet. I think I would like to try to give the vitamins a chance to work first. Have you read Zita West's book? I went to my GP yesterday and she looked at me like I had lost my mind. I am on cd 10 and she tried to tell me I could be pregnant now, and that If I don't think about it it will happen. Thanks... I never thought of that! It was as if she had never heard of a short luteal phase, low progesterone, or even charting. I have an appointment in mid-January with my ob/gyn so I am hoping to have made some progress by then.

Hey LisaRH
I have both books. The Zita West one is useful but the Randine Lewis one goes into greater depth in relation to natural fertility herbs and diet and also acupuncture and how that can help. I agree with Abi you should buy that book instead. Even if your not prepared to go to acupuncture it gives more information on herbs etc you can take instead. Good luck!
xo Jen
Update with me, have my first consultation with a TCM practitioner on Thursday evening she said that she specialises in the Accupuncture and the Bowen technique. I'm honestly so excited! :happydance: Good luck everyone!
xo Jen[/QUOTE

im glad you are lot happyer then you was the otherday.i bet its nice to feel you are getting somewhere:happydance:

How are you feeling Cla? Thank goodness I'm in a better mood, was tired of being miserable! :haha: Hope everything is good with you!
xo Jen

im glad u feel better. im ok still waiting for the af to start, i cant see there being anything there with how much spotting im doing. i know in a past thread someone asked if the b-100 complex makes you more heavy, i was just wondering if anybody knows. i wish af would just hurry up so i can see if the vits have made a difference next cycle

Well my last cycle there was pretty heavy and that was my first time using the b 100 complex. Though I have to say my cycles seem a bit erratic at the best of times, sometimes they are shockingly heavy straight away (like this month) and others come on gradually. So I can say 100% sure whether it was a result of the B vits. The main difference I noticed last cycle was no bloating before AF and only had one day of cramps and that was it. Usually lasts at least 2-3. I think the vitamins must be working somehow. :shrug:
The Infertility Cure book I've been reading suggests that it can take anywhere up to 3 months before you'll fully see the benefits. :hugs:
XO Jen

how r u today. af still hasnt arrived but spotting is slowing down, another 6 days till af should be here:growlmad: it just feels that this cycle as been a LONG one. and it takes 3 months for the vits to work fully oh my god i hope they work a bit next cycle .
I'm spotting too 10 dpo, execting full flow sometime soon. Seriously getting fed up of not getting pg now! looks like might have gone from 9 - 10 day luteal phase on first month of vits, i'm toying with pulling out the AC again when af comes, only did 7 days last month so may have another go!

Jo x

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