Vitamin B6 - Lengthen luteal phase or increase progesterone

Girls just make sure you take a supplement with all the B vitamins in it and not just one on its own. its better that way. so look for Bcomplex I got mine in Tesco :flower:

Just wondering which ones you got from Tesco, is it their own brand, how many mg of the B6 are in that? Have you found them useful?
Curious as I was looking their vit range the other day and ended up confused so just wandered to the sweetie section lol x

Its Tesco own brand, Energy release Vitamin B complex contains 2.0mg, 100 % RDA

Its my second month trying some of the other girls have taken tesco ones for longer I think. you may have to read back through the posts LOL
I'm taking a B-100 complex which has 100mcg of the B vitamins.
My temps seemed to move a little slower - not hitting such dramatic peaks, as if my progesterone was being stretched out to last longer.
I've had some spotting today which is my usual day for spotting, 11dpo. However, this time it appears to look like implantation bleeding, NOT my usual spotting.

Still waiting to see how this all turns out. I don't think fate would be so cruel as to make my spotting suddenly look like implantation but still be regular pre-AF spotting, would it? :(
Hi folks
I've been following this thread for a while, since i started charting a couple of months ago and discovered my luteal phase is too short. So, towards then end of the last cycle i started the B50 complex from H & B and even though i was about 3 DPO my temperatures shot up and I managed to get to a ten day LP, (previously 8). So I'm in my 3rd month of charting (will start TTC in June) and am hoping to eek it out a bit longer. Would be even better if O happened earlier, currently not til day 20 which seems a bit lenghthy to me.

Anyway, just wanted to say a big thank you to all you knowledgeable women out there who are sharing their experiences. Am hoping it has solved my problem before it's had a chance to get in the way of a BFP. Fingers crossed!!

BTW, has anyone managed to bring the O fwd on the B-vits, or by any other methods??

Thanks very much

Hi Fairybabe

I know that clomid will bring your O earlier usually but you need a doc for that. Don't know if soy isoflavins would do the same but should.:shrug:

wish I could take them but they're not for me unfortunately.
I take 150mg of vitamin B6. and i've not had any side effects what so ever. xxxxxxxxxxxxx
soy isoflavones are very very admired for working like clomid, you take it from CD 3 until CD7.
Thanks CandyApple19!

If it's not a dumb question, how do you take soy isaflavones? Is it a separate supplement in itself? And is there a correct dose? :flower:


I'm taking a B-100 complex which has 100mcg of the B vitamins.
My temps seemed to move a little slower - not hitting such dramatic peaks, as if my progesterone was being stretched out to last longer.
I've had some spotting today which is my usual day for spotting, 11dpo. However, this time it appears to look like implantation bleeding, NOT my usual spotting.

Still waiting to see how this all turns out. I don't think fate would be so cruel as to make my spotting suddenly look like implantation but still be regular pre-AF spotting, would it? :(

I wanted to follow up here. My spotting continued to be odd and didn't seem normal until the evening when suddenly it looked like my familar pre-AF spotting. I got some weird cramping (not PMS cramping, but these sharp shooting pains all over). I called my doctor yesterday and got my blood results from the test they did at 5dpo and my progesterone was only 6.5!! I've clearly ovulated but my progesterone is WAY too low for a Clomid cycle! This morning, the spotting was heavier and looked like it does shortly before AF comes.
This is NOT progress though, spotting for fewer days seems great but not if my overall LP is shortening too! I don't think the B-complex made it worse, it just didn't help much this cycle.

Of course when I just went to the bathroom right now, there was no spotting, no AF. Which is just messing with my head further and is just getting cruel.

I'll take the B-complex for one more cycle and report back.
Just want to follow up that my spotting was super light yesterday until right before bed, AF came this morning. My LP stayed 12 days which is better than I was expecting after my spotting on the morning of 12dpo.
Thanks CandyApple19!

If it's not a dumb question, how do you take soy isaflavones? Is it a separate supplement in itself? And is there a correct dose? :flower:



hey fairybabe. you can get soy isoflavones in tablets. they come in 40mg and 60mg usually. i am about to take 40mg , 4 a day (160mg) as recommended by a lot that take them. you can take them several different times. CD1-5, CD3-7, CD4-8, and there are a few more I just depends on what your cycle is usually like. I'm taking mine CD3-7 since my cycle is pretty normal, 30 days, 14 day LP, CD16 ovulation. hope this helps a little. i'm not an expert on it, but have done some research :)
Thanks Nevertogether! That's useful. Will wait and see how my first full month on the B50 goes and then have a further think if nothing great happens. Hoping the acupuncture will also get things moving better, more balanced.

Good luck with your S Is this month, be interesting to hear how it goes for you. Fingers crossed!

Lisaf, sorry to hear AF arrived. Hope the Bvits do the trick this next month.

Fairybabe XX
Hey, ladies! I've been taking B100 Complex for a little while now. This month had a 10.5 day LP and only 1 day of spotting. Not bad... but wondering if I could up the dose? Maybe take one in the morning, one in the afternoon for more of a B200 a day dose?? Anyone doing that?

Also maybe thinking of trying Maca and/or Soy Iso? so confused! I O'd on day 17 this month, would love for it to be sooner.
hey, i was wondering if anyone could help me :)
I've had 2 cycles of a 10 day LP so thought i could try some VIT B6?? I've bought some but the tablets are 10mg and say once a day?? i've heard varying things so was wondering how much other people are taking and if its helped etc,
any help would be greatly appreciated!
hey, i was wondering if anyone could help me :)
I've had 2 cycles of a 10 day LP so thought i could try some VIT B6?? I've bought some but the tablets are 10mg and say once a day?? i've heard varying things so was wondering how much other people are taking and if its helped etc,
any help would be greatly appreciated!

I took just ordinary tesco own brand vit B complex first months OV CD15 15 day LP second month I did not take it and OV late and had a 12 LP. so so far this cycle I am 100% positive I have ovulated today and back on the B complex.
Think its better if you take all the vit b group the work better, good luck :thumbup::flower:
hey thanks for the advice! i've just ot the tesco vitamin b6 at the moment but will get some of the complex! did you just take what it said on the bottle or another dose??
hey thanks for the advice! i've just ot the tesco vitamin b6 at the moment but will get some of the complex! did you just take what it said on the bottle or another dose??

I took what it said on the bottle for the first month, but for about 4 days this cycle I took 2 instead of one a day :haha: looks like I really have OV yesterday CD14 yay!
Hi all
this is my first post here but i have been reading this thread for a while. i have been charting since i came off the pill last july but have only recently ttc. i realised i had a short LP, and eventually started on B50 complex around january time.

in january my LP went to 10 days, then 11 days in february, then possibly 12 in march (but missed my temp on usual O day). i decided to up the dose to B100, with EPO as well then to my surprise my LP went right back to 9.

so i stopped the B100 and started on B50 again this month without EPO, but i didn't take them every day and it looks its going to be a 9 day LP again, i am 8dpo and i have spotting.

sorry for the long winded explanation, but now i am so confused - do i go back on the B100's without EPO, or stay with B50s?

not sure what to do! help!
Thanks :wacko:
hmmm, some women do seem to do better on the B50s than the B100s... You might want to even consider trying a B25 (just cut your B50 in half). or a B75 (one and a half B50). Someone back earlier was doing stuff like that.

It might take a couple months also to kick in... if you're willing to wait and see what 2 months in a row look like. If not, you might try the 50 for a second month and see if the 100 had still messed with you. Changing it up too much may keep you from figuring out whats working. Just my thoughts though.

If you're up for it you might want to see a doctor about Clomid.. it can lengthen a short LP. You can also try Vitex (aka Chaste Tree Berry aka Agnus Castus).
Hi ladies. Wow what a mammoth thread!

I'll admit right now I haven't read all of it but have looked at the last 10 pages or so.

So here's my situation. Still BFing DD, AF returned about a month ago. I've been taking BBT since Jan so saw when I oved (if you want a laugh check out my FF page and look at that beast of a chart! It only starts at CD30 - removed all the other temps - because it won't fit on the screen otherwise!) plus I got some fabulous strong OPKs.

3 day LP.

I thought I'd help things along by taking agnus castus which arrived in the post on CD13. I didn't expect it to do anything really and it could well be coincidence but ...

this month I've had an amazing 29 day cycle.

But only I oved on CD 26 (confirmed again by superstrong positive OPKs and a slight temp rise).

Another 3 day LP.

So today I bought some B6 (not a B complex, which you all seem to think would be better...)

My questions are this - is anyone in a similar situation to me, with a ridiculously short LP, BFing?

Has anyone used progesterone cream with any success as I am tempted to buy some online?

Has B6 affected milk supply? I obviously have a very well established milk supply as DD is 9 months old in 2 days (yay!) and I have read that it is only when trying to establish a supply that you need to worry but still, AC and B6 are two things that work to actively lower prolactin levels so it's possible it could interrupt my milk. Any news on this?

Also - if by some miracle I do manage to fall pregnant, how long should I continue to take the B6 for? I know with progesterone suppositories you are meant to continue until about 10w when the placenta takes over but is this the same with B6 and/or progesterone cream?

Sorry for all the questions on an already enormous thread but any help you could give me would be great.

Ooh, also, is 100mg too much? I figured I'd jump in at the middle (between a min of 50 and a max of 200) but am now worried about nerve damage etc as I am only taking B6, not a complex.

Thanks in advance ladies.

Edited to add chart:
I'm not expert on any of this. I bought the B6 too but once I read this thread, I switched to a B-100 complex. I've been on it for 3 full cycles now. My LP has not lengthened but the spotting has gotten a LOT better (not sure if its the B vit, the acupuncture, or the fact that I have 2 suspected chemical pregnancies on the last 2 cycles where there was no spotting).

I clearly have a progesterone problem. I've had bloodwork done on my last 3 cycles and my levels are not improving. My doctor will prescribe progesterone suppositories as soon as I get a positive pregnancy test and they have held off my period (took them on the first cycle when I had a suspected chemical pg). My understanding is that the cream has only a mild effect on your body... the oral tablet is better, but the best method is using the suppositories.

I couldn't see your chart anywhere so I'm not sure what you're seeing. I don't know much about how breastfeeding interferes with anything.

B vits are safe to take during pregnancy... I don't think you 'need' to keep taking them but its safe to and it shouldn't hurt anything if you stop taking them. Some docs say it reduces morning sickness so it might be beneficial to stay on them for that reason.

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