Vitamin B6 - Lengthen luteal phase or increase progesterone

:-k Haven't the foggiest. I mean from there it looks like an ov-rise but without the +OPK it probably isn't... I haven't the foggiest but maybe it'll just be a long cycle for you and you'll ov late?

Mine's shot up today which I don't understand as I've had nothing even close to a +OPK and it's too early for me (CD26 last time and 3 days before AF the time before)... don't know what's going on :shrug:

I really hope something happens for you soon, it must be so frustrating with your chart all up and down like that but at least you're using OPKs and so aren't thinking you've ovved each time...?

buddabun - hope that rise for you was ovulation.. or maybe it will be random rise, fall, then ovulation. I get that sometimes on my charts... which is what I'm hoping for right now... temp stayed down a few days.. had that rise yesterday and day before, then plummeted today.. so maybe ovulation in the next few days? I know its wishful thinking since my temp is up and down and all over the place... then still not positive OPK and fertile CM has vanished.

Kind of sulking about it... its a long story but when DH was SOOOO happy last cycle that I had O'd on my own, it really worried/upset me since I knew I might not keep ovulating on my own... he was just so happy and kept going on and on about how it was 'better' to do it naturally etc etc... which of course makes me feel horrible now. *sigh* Just a bit of a mess here, thanks for listening.
Oh hon don't feel bad it's not like you have any control over it!!! It's great that you did but it might just be taking a little longer this cycle :(

I got a positive OPK yesterday, only just which isn't like me, mine were really strong for the last few cycles. It looks like it's fading already which is a less-than-24hr surge (again before it was over 2 days rather than just 24hrs) which is a bit odd.

I'm not getting overly excited though as I doubt my LP will be long enough to allow for implantation but we're getting lots of BDing in just in case.

I see your ewcm is back! Fingers crossed you get a nice OPK soon hon. It must be so disheartening for you :( :hug:
budda - thanks for all the support... it really helps! I was surprised to see the EWCM again... and it was MUCH better looking than it was before. My temp this morning was exactly what I normally get around ovulation.. a nice 97.08... so here's hoping. Saw my FS for the first time yesterday so the sooner we get the next cycle started, the sooner I can start his treatment plan. Still having some ovulatory-type cramping so something is trying to work. Since I'm not even trying this month, I'm tempted to just start the provera and give myself a period, lol... but I'll be patient and wait like a good little girl... too afraid to break the rules.
I'm out of OPK midstream sticks so I can't do my midday testing, GRR.... have to wait until after work.

Incidentally, my FS thinks the best way to increase my progesterone is to fix it on the front end with a nice strong ovulation with a big follicle. So he's putting me back on clomid at a higher dose and I'll be fully monitored. Not as expensive as I was afraid it was going to be. But this next cycle will cost the most since I need to do an HSG at this point. And of course this is all falling right in the midst of 2 trips out of town (one baby shower and one wedding) both of which I'm actively involved in (helping throw the baby shower and spending lots of $ already on it... and I'm the matron of honor in the wedding and have to buy my dress, hotel room and gifts etc). Then another baby shower just came up right in between those two. Just NOT a good time financially. When it rains it pours, right?

My FS wants to see my LP get longer too, lol.. not sure what he'd say about your short one!!! :)
If you were just temping, I'd wonder if you were even ovulating and that maybe you were having withdrawl bleeds... but there's no reason to get an LH surge if you're not ovulating.
Hey that's good news about the Clomid. I have read that people do it onoe of two ways - either artificially raise the progesterone after ov and hope you catch pregnant or boost the follicle (and hence corpus luteum) with Clomid in the beginning. The second seems the more sensible first option to me. Here's hoping it works for you!

I would say "ooh looks like ov on the way" but it has done a lot in your chart. But ewcm and a temp rise is a great sign!

As for ov sticks - I just use the cheapy "One Step" ones off amazon. And I pee directly on them (even though you're meant to collect the urine and dip!) yes I have awesome aim lol

I had a very weird OPK surge this time around. Not nearly as strong as my beautiful positives before but it's over now. I thought my temp would go up today but it hasn't. I'm hoping it will tomorrow otherwise maybe I haven't ovulated? Getting lots of nookie in though just in case by some miracle the B vits actually work. I'm chuffed that I'm getting +OPKs so much earlier than last month though.

Best of luck with all your commitments, and you're right, it never rains it pours. Crikey!
buddabun - thanks for the PMA... not looking so hot though.. fertile CM seems to be fading away and still no positive OPK.. temp started going up again a little... going to get less stable again perhaps?? Not sure. Big Bummer though.

Have you thought of trying MACA at all there is a thread here all about it, look in to my post's you will find a link to it, a few of the girls whom have been on clomid have taken MACA and one SBB is expecting :flower:
it works by blancing out your hormones more stable OV better LP and cycle all round!

buddabun Hi ya I just wanted to say hello as I see your BF :thumbup: Ive just weaned my DD but she is 1 year and 10 months now so she was ready. I was BF my DS when I concieved her but it did take a while, I think he was either 14 to 16 months old, I BF him till I was nearly 3 months and I had to stop I was so sick and I developed GD very early LOL many people can mange to contuniue all they way through !
Have you thought of trying MACA at all there is a thread here all about it, look in to my post's you will find a link to it, a few of the girls whom have been on clomid have taken MACA and one SBB is expecting :flower:
it works by blancing out your hormones more stable OV better LP and cycle all round!

My acupuncturist has me on some herbals to help my temps stabilize (the sawtooth pattern to my chart I guess means I have a liver Qi imbalance or something like that.... its also stress related). When I go on the Clomid, my FS doesn't want me on any other herbal remedies and I only get 3 tries on the plain clomid so I don't want to tinker with them too much without his ok, you know?
Thanks though, if I have to go all natural again, I may try adding Maca into the mix.
Hi everyone I have been reading through a lot of the posts on this thread and was wondering about whether to take vit B 6 for the whole cycle or just up to O? I have only just started taking vit B 6 50mg. Hope you can help x
Yes you can take it for the whole cycle :)

For the record I have no idea what MACA is lol

I think I ovved yesterday. 9 days earlier than last month. Here's hoping my LP is lengthened by the same amount!!!

Hi CelticNiamh - great to see another BFer! I bet you got a lot of comments to the tune of "STILL bfing?!". I have had them since she was 3 months old so I suppose I'm getting hardened to them by now (seriously, she was only little :( ) but it does annoy me when people won't just butt out and leave me to it. Well done for BFing for so long, what an achievement! I am hoping to wait until Clauds self-weans.

I will admit I did express all but one feed for 3 days to try and kick start my cycles but I don't think it did any good. Great to hear a success story of conceiving while BFing, congrats :D
Have you thought of trying MACA at all there is a thread here all about it, look in to my post's you will find a link to it, a few of the girls whom have been on clomid have taken MACA and one SBB is expecting :flower:
it works by blancing out your hormones more stable OV better LP and cycle all round!

My acupuncturist has me on some herbals to help my temps stabilize (the sawtooth pattern to my chart I guess means I have a liver Qi imbalance or something like that.... its also stress related). When I go on the Clomid, my FS doesn't want me on any other herbal remedies and I only get 3 tries on the plain clomid so I don't want to tinker with them too much without his ok, you know?
Thanks though, if I have to go all natural again, I may try adding Maca into the mix.

totally get what you are saying :hugs: some of the girls taking MACA are also on clomid as well, you should deff check it out! hopefully you wont need it though :flower:

buddabun not so much when my DD was very little I was living in Australia and more women breastfeed there than dont! when I came home my sister used to say it all the time, I used to say doctors recommend BF on till your baby is two, plus baby milk was very expensive so why buy it when I have it for free LOL also used my body my baby :flower:

It took a while to get pregnant but as they get older your cycles can level out more, my DS loved his boob and fed through the night even when he was a year old, I don't think he really needed it but wouldn't drink a bottle or use a soother! I got pregnant in December 07 and he was 2 in April 08 I started TCC when he was about 10 months, it took a while but I got there. which was a huge difference as normally I was one of those lucky cows who thought pregnant and I was!!! :dohh: now my DD is 2 in August and have been TCC on and off for a year no joy yet LOL but I took B complex and EPO for a few months to sort out my LP which helped, I then found out about MACA so have been taking it for 3 months as has DH. Im due AF tomorrow so who knows.

The negative comments on BF your little baby will taper off as he gets older as he will need less feeds may be 3 a day and then it will be morning and night time so no one will need to know:winkwink::flower: worked for me and sure some people thought I had weaned her long ago in fact its only a month HEHEHEE I was in no hurry I loved that closeness I had with her. I still have it now only she is happy with her bottle/beaker but we introduced it over a couple of months!
Good luck

here the link to the MACA thread if you all want to check it out!

good to have all our bases cover :flower:
buddabun, just ignore anybody who gives you the "still breastfeeding?" line or tries to tell you if you don't stop your child will feed forever. The only people I've known to have probs ending feeding are the ones who feed from a teeted bottle (water, formula, whatever) all the time and find their child doesn't want to give it up. I breastfed #1 during the day til just before her 1st bday, at bedtime and during the night for a couple more months and first thing in the morning wil she was about 20 months. The longer you're happy to breastfeed the better for your baby. Stick with it as long as you want to :flower:
Thanks abster. I fully plan to :) I just wish people would keep their snide remarks to themselves sometimes!
GAH! AF arrived today. So even though the B vits brought ov forward by a whole week, they lengthened my luteal phase from 3 days to 2 :(
Hi, just wanted to introduce myself, hope you don't mind me popping in, been lurking for a while and thought I'd join in.

I started taking B6 at the beginning of my cycle and after reading some of these posts have changed over to B50 complex. I have a 28ish day cycle with a 8/9 day Luteal Phase and since I've been charting have O-ed on CD 20, CD17 and this month after B6/50 CD16!

Here's hoping for a longer Luteal phase! DH and I are officially starting to TTC next cycle.

:dust: to you all!
Just read through this whole thing! Im trying out B6 this cycle, my luteal phase is around 10 days. Im also still breastfeeding, opk positive day 18 out of 28 day cycle. Had 2 chemical pregnancies out of the 4 months had af back.

Will get day 21 bloods this month:thumbup:

Buddabun I notice you are still feeding too, do you find your nipples get sooooo painful at ovulation? :flower::blush:
Not really tbh... The first 2 ovs I felt huge cramps/ov pains and like I was coming down with the flu but then nothing since really...

Sorry about your chemicals :(
Hi all

Can I join this thread please ? :flower:

I am now in my third month TTC after coming off the pill. My first month I didn't track anything, but I don't think I ov'd, I think I got an estrogen build up that brought on AF after 30 days. Second cycle I tracked using OPKs and temping and Ov'd on CD22, then got AF 6 days later. So luteal phase of 6 days :cry:

So I am trying vit B6 this month hoping it fixes me up. Also taking pre-natal vits that have the same ingredients as VitB complex in them.

Hoping it will bring Ov date forward and lengthen luteal phase.

I do have a questions - do you think I could possibly have a short luteal phase and ov'ing late because I just got off the pill and my body is messed up and it may correct itself anyway? Or do you think I have a problem? I guess taking vit B6 won't hurt anyway?

Any advice greatly appreciated!!

Thanks ladies xx
Hi Mrs F

You and I sound very similar, I'm also worrying about the length of my Luteal Phase. I've also been off BCP for 3 months and the first month I had an 8 day LP, second month a 10 day LP but 3 days of spotting before AF and I heard that is not good. I've been trying B50 complex for a month now to see if it would work. So this will be my first month to check if it worked. I did OV one day earlier than my earliest, so that's a good sign, no? But I heard that it could take a while for the Bs to build up.

Oh who knows! I wish someone had told me that BCP takes a while to work out of your system and for everything to go back to normal. I would have stopped ages ago. :shrug:

I'm 30, but already feel like times a ticking.

Anyway :dust: to you!

Let me know if you going to try Bs.

Can I join in pls?

After 20 months of NOTHING I have noticed using a cbfm:

1st positive lh surge peak is usually cd 15 - period starts on cd 25 with spotting on cd24.

IS THIS WHAT IS WRONG WITH ME? doc done bloods & said I'm fine & "go away & dtd when I feel like it". Then why am I still crying it's more than 1.5 yrs.

:nope: please help me.
Hi Star-bex, sorry to hear you're feeling low TTC :hugs:

Are you charting? It's always interesting to see what that looks like over a few cycles, although I've heard good things about the CBFM.

Where are you based? Strange that your Doc has not looked into things a bit more. Well, from all the posts I've read on this thread, B6 is water soluble so there is no harm in trying it. If you do have a short Luteal phase then maybe it will help, there are a few success stories on this thread. You should take a B complex though as B6 on it's own is not good. I've started on a B50 which is 50mg of all the B vits in a tablet, it's my fist month on it. We’ll wait and see what happens.

Have you tried any other supplements?

Anyway nice meeting you, sending you loads of :dust:!!!

Let us know if you going to give the Bs a go.


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