Vitamin B6 - Lengthen luteal phase or increase progesterone

Thanks for ur reply crissie. I am also 30, uk (westcountry) & feeling fed up but i am on cd 2 so emotional anyway!

Found this thread really useful & I have bought tesco vitamin b complex because i too have read how some on their own can not be beneficial. My dr done my bloods which were normal & o/h s/a fine bit low motility. I really think this may be the problem. I have kept track for 6 mths using cbfm. great little machine but my luteal phase must be 9 - 10 days.

I will let every1 know how i get on with vit b complex.

:dust: to all of u lovely ladies!
Hi Crissie thanks for your reply! :flower: We do sound similar, will be interesting to see how our Vit B experiments go! I just went back and read most of this thread and went out and bought Vit B Complex 100 to take instead of B6. My Vit B6 was running out anyway.

Let me know how you go this month and I will do the same. I'm on CD5 today, I'm really hoping I ov earlier and get a longer lueal phase. Fingers crossed for both of us!

Bex-star it does sound like a short luteal phase could be your problem. If you haven't already done so I would start temping so you know for certain if you are ovulating and also what your luteal phase is. And grab some VitB-Complex 100, it can't hurt and may well fix your problem. I've only been doing this for a few months though so I am definitely no expert! Sorry you are feeling so low. It might help you to read back over this thread as there were women who had been trying for over a year and then got BFP after using Vit B. Best of luck hun xxxx :hugs:
Oh gosh sorry star-bex just saw your latest thread. Hope the B complex helps you!
Forgot to say, I did take Vit B6 last month but from about day 10 or maybe later. So I did ovulate but I don't think I took it early enough for it to have full effect. So this will also be my first month to see if the Vit Bs work. Fingers crossed.
Thank u Mrs F. So I have started & it has 100% of ur daily recommended allowance for each vitamin number so hopefully I'll have some good news soon.

Feeling a bit more positive now as done loads of research. I allow myself 1 day to cry but now I feel renewed hope. The worse thing is "unexplained fertilty" coz u have no clue if it can be fixed or whats wrong. I really do feel I have LP defect so let's hope this is the fix. good luck & maybe we can keep in touch with how things go? I am CD 2 & started B complex on CD 1.
I hope it is a luteal phase problem for you star-bex because I hear they are quite easily fixable. Best of luck with the B Complex 100. Keep me informed on how you go this cycle. Are you temping? I will let you know if I see an improvement as well. :thumbup:
Hi ladies

I was reading through some of the posts and it seems to be ringing bells for me. I took B6 and extended my luteal phase from 8 to 12 and got preg pretty quickly after starting with it. Sadly I had an MC and I'm now waiting for the right time to try again.

I stopped taking B6 once I was preg my GP hadn't really heard of it and said he didn't know of a reason to take it during pregnancy.

Now I'm wondering if I should just carry on taking it if I'm lucky enough to get preg again.

Do you think it's safe to keep taking it during pregnancy? :shrug:

Hi beaniebob I'm not an expert but I read back over this thread and some girls said it was safe to take into pregnancy. I haven't really read anything to say it is unsafe, I mean it's just vitamins isn't it? Are you taking B6 on its own or as a complex? From what the girls were saying in this thread they should be taken altogether. Sorry to hear about your MC :hugs:
Hi beaniebob, hey Mrs F :hi:

I heard it's fine to take during pregnancy, not sure what dosage you are thinking of taking but they say to start low at 50mg and build it up if it's not working. I've started on the B50 Complex this cycle and I'm on 7DPO I normally start AF or spotting on 9 DPO so two more days to go to see if it's done anything.

So if it were me and I fell pregnant I'd just take B50, apparently it's often taken by pregnant woman to help with morning sickness so can't see a problem.

Sorry to hear about your MC beaniebob :-(, FXed you get another BFP soon! - :dust:
Hi ladies

Thanks for your advice :hugs: :thumbup:

I've already got some 50mg B6 tablets from Holland and Barratt, but after reading about taking everything together I've bought a Vit B complex multivit thing. I got these from asda and wonder if I should have bought better ones (?!!) as they only contain 2mg of B6 and 1ug of B12. (It's not "ug" it's a funny "u").

Does that sound like enough B12 to be taking along side 52mg of B6?

It's all so confusing!

Do you use a different brand, and does it contain more B12?

I got the B6 from H&B too and then after reading these posts they say that you should take equal amounts of B6 & B12. So I got B50 from H&B. This has 50mg of all the Bs. Not sure if Asda has an equivalent?
I've seen complexs with those uneven amounts. They basically give you 100% of the daily requirements. However your body doesn't absorb 100% of the vitamins, so they usually give you more than you need (and with B vitamins, its safe because the excess that you can't absorb just comes out in your pee).
What you want is a B-50 complex. If it says B-50 or B-100 that means it has 50mg or 100mg of each B vitamin (though there is always extra for folic acid which is fine).
Thansk guys :thumbup:

I've just ordered some more from H&B. Only £2.30 wasted on the asda ones!

I think we're going to wait a bit before ttc so I'll pop back in and let you know how the B50 is working out.

Good luck with all your ttc'ing xx

:dust: :dust:
beaniebob - it will be good to give the B vits some time to work.
My pre-AF spotting has gotten better since I started taking the vits.. took a couple months though (I also suspect there are some other things going on but thats a different story).
Hi everyone

I woke up this morning and I'm spotting :(... Another short luteal phase. I was hoping the pre AF spotting would stop but it obviously didn't work. :growlmad:

Maybe I should up the dose? Or maybe it will take a while to work?:shrug:

Anyway bottom line AF is on her way.

Hope everyone else is doing ok.

Crissie - that stinks! I have heard that it can take a while to work for some women. I know I didn't see any results my first month.
I chose to take the B-100 complex since my actual luteal phase was long enough, I was just spotting for a few days before which isn't good. I'd read on here that girls had better luck with spotting on the higher dose.
Some girls also have better luck with an extended release vitamin. I know my pee is now bright yellow all day since I switched... where before my pee at 4 hours after taking the tablet was bright bright neon yellow and it slowly faded throughout the day.

Its also possible the spotting is implantation bleeding! :) FX'd for that!!!!
Sorry to hear that Crissie :(

If it were me I would try upping the dosage. I read that Angus Castus can help too, maybe give that a shot?

Candyapple also had a short luteal phase and B6 didn't help her, but when she tried maca it brought her ov date forward and gave her total regular cycle.

I guess the good news is there are a lot of different things to try. The sucky thing I guess is that it takes another month to figure out if it worked.

I hope next month your body gets fixed!

I'm on CD9 atm. Waiting waiting waiting. I'm hoping my ov date comes forward. I've been taking one tablet of Vit B 100 complex, and occasionally taking two pills a day. I figure it can't hurt and might help!

I've also decided not to temp on weekends (except around ov time). Having the alarm go off at 6.50am on Sat and Sun bites!
Thanks lisaf, Mr F!

I'm just frustrated cause I have a whole pack of the B50 and I'm not sure if it's good to double up on that cause then I'm getting 1200mg of Folic acid with my prenatal. Not sure if that's so good? Anyway I think I'll give it one more cycle with the B50s to see what happens.

I've also ordered Maca, taking it from tomorrow which I think will be CD1. Wonder what that will do?

Hope you ladies are all good.
I know its safe to take at least 1000mg. Above that I'm not sure, but as I understood it, all B vits that you can't absorb come out in your pee. Maybe ask your pharmacist (chemist?). Mine pointed out to me that the prenatals I was buying had all the same amounts of basic vitamins, just a little more Folic acid. They were expensive and made me sick/nauseous (which didn't help with all the 2ww symptoms, lol!). I switched to a regular woman's vitamin, its a fraction of the cost, I don't get sick, and I get the extra folic acid from my B-complex anyway.
I acctually heard that too much B6 could cause nerve damage? I remember reading that a woman got a twitching eye from too many B vits. And I heard that some woman's cycles are thrown from taking Bs in excess when they don't need them. Not sure how true all this stuff is though? But I thought I'd er on the side of caution and start low. I know that the excess that you don't absorb comes out in you pee so not sure?

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