Vitamin B6 - Lengthen luteal phase or increase progesterone

I know your body can only absorb too much. Never heard of that eye twitching thing though.
I have seen some of the girls here (I only got through 70 pages of reading or so, lol) mentioned they did better on the lower doses of B vit than on the higher ones.

I wouldn't try anything besides the B-vits until I started seeing an acupuncturist... she knows what is safe to take together and how much is safe, etc.
I've been ttc for nine months and charting temps for four, in that time ov once and it wasn't that convincing. A lp of 7 days. Went to the docs and he said as I wasn't that old yet or that fat I should just wait longer. Nice guy right? Any way I've been taking vit b's in a form called optivite as recommended in a fertility and nutrition book. Hoping it might help. Cycle day 21 today and had cramps though temp not changed this morning. So hope to ovulate this month! Months of varying cycles, 14-38 days in length and no sign of any fertile signs are really getting me down. Really praying vit b's will help.
I REALLY think you should see another doctor.
My first GYN had the same attitude. Told me to 'wait a few cycles'... I wasn't having a cycle at all. He said I was young enough to still have 10 kids (I'm 28... so am I supposed to have one kid every year/every two years? and thats assuming my cycles magically fix themselves?).
I saw another doctor who said 'yeah, you're not ovulating, here's some clomid'.
Even with getting help at only 4 months TTC, I'm still trying and its 11months now. If I had waited a year before getting help, I wouldn't be any better off.
The clomid got me ovulating, but my doc wouldn't up the dose and my progesterone was still too low.
I'm now seeing a specialist and about to try another few rounds of clomid at the higher dose.

Don't be afraid to see another doctor! (although I'm in the US so I dont' know if thats an option with the NHS)
i am 43 and have been taking B6 all of this cycle.we have been ttc for 2 years and have 7 m/c behind me and am now trying B6 to see if this helps. So far im not sure as i am not due on til tues next week, but have definately more wcm and so tired and more headaches so not sure if this is to do with the B6 but here's hoping, couldnt face another m/c but am gonna have to wait to find out and i also have an internal scan booked for monday so if anything is there im sure to find out then so am hoping that this is all good .
Good Luck to everyone
I will see another doc in oct if nothing has happened by then, it's easy to do as the clinic has 7 doctors to choose from. The one I'm actually registered with I don't think I've ever met. If they won't help I'll go private. Which is saying some thing as I work for the nhs!
Today I have had cramps and painful breasts, so hope that my temp goes up tomorrow!
Sorry to hear about your losses, I read vit b12 is important in trying to prevent that, are you taking any?
Thanks for the support, my prayers are with you both
OH thank you i didnt know about it at all and not even the hospital has mentioned it its as tho we have just been left to it and ignored because of my age, and i feel very lonely and i appreciate this information thank you i will try and get some tomorrow and take it from the first day of my next cycle , can i get it in tesco
OH thank you i didnt know about it at all and not even the hospital has mentioned it its as tho we have just been left to it and ignored because of my age, and i feel very lonely and i appreciate this information thank you i will try and get some tomorrow and take it from the first day of my next cycle , can i get it in tesco

Strange that I'm 28 and also feel ignored for my age, I'm too young to start worrying apparantly. Only if I'm in my mid- thirties should I be given help. I saw on previous posts that a vitamin b complex with both b6 and b12 is best with 50mg of both is recommend. The book I read says the same thing, it also said up to 200mg can be taken.
I'm sorry you feel lonely, I have been too which is why I joined this site. Every one I know who wants children has them. My husband has a child from a previous relationship and doesn't seem to understand what it's like to want a child and not have one. Fingers crossed vit b's work for us all.xx
Yes i agree. I have two teenage daughters by a previous marriage and my new hubby had NO children and i have ALWAYS wanted more and nowing that we have gone through so much and now we need the help and they wont help us with IVF because im too old and have had children before and we were told that he is being penalised for falling in love with someone who had children already - how is that poliically correct in this politically correct world we now live in - he is very upset and thats why we are not stressing out trying anymore and are hoping that the relaxing mother nature way wiill work for us.
I hope that the Vits work for us both and will defiantely be buying B6 and B12 together tomorrow and trying them if nothing has happened this month.
I sent you a private message did you get it ?
Tina x
inkdchick - do they know why you keep MCing? I agree that you should be taking a B-complex with equal amounts of all the vitamins. I hear its better.
Do they check your progesterone at all? I can't believe they won't help you with that many MCs! Usually 3-4 is enough to get you the red-carpet treatment.

Merry - 28 is not that young, lol! At least it doesn't feel that way. I'll be 29 in a couple weeks and this means that I may not be pregnant or giving birth til I'm 30 and I always thought/wanted kids before I was 30... if I want 2-3, that means probably having one after 35 which I didn't want. I'll take what I can get though, lol.
I'm in the US and my insurance doesn't pay a penny for infertility testing/treatment so I'm already paying 100% for my treatments.
I acctually heard that too much B6 could cause nerve damage? I remember reading that a woman got a twitching eye from too many B vits. And I heard that some woman's cycles are thrown from taking Bs in excess when they don't need them. Not sure how true all this stuff is though? But I thought I'd er on the side of caution and start low. I know that the excess that you don't absorb comes out in you pee so not sure?

Holy cow! I started having an eye twitch every few days about two months ago...right after I started taking 100 mg B6 and magnesium. I think I'll back off to taking the B6 every other day and see if my eye twitch goes away. I've also noticed that I'm ovulated late. My LPD is corrected so maybe taking less will maintain it.
inkdchick - do they know why you keep MCing? I agree that you should be taking a B-complex with equal amounts of all the vitamins. I hear its better.
Do they check your progesterone at all? I can't believe they won't help you with that many MCs! Usually 3-4 is enough to get you the red-carpet treatment.

Merry - 28 is not that young, lol! At least it doesn't feel that way. I'll be 29 in a couple weeks and this means that I may not be pregnant or giving birth til I'm 30 and I always thought/wanted kids before I was 30... if I want 2-3, that means probably having one after 35 which I didn't want. I'll take what I can get though, lol.
I'm in the US and my insurance doesn't pay a penny for infertility testing/treatment so I'm already paying 100% for my treatments.

28 doesn't feel that young to me either, I also wantmy first before I'm 30 too. Just get so down when I have no signs of any thing happening and have seen the doc twice and feel he just ignored me giving my age and the fact I have years ahead of me as an excuse.
Not too sure about how medical insurance works but nhs after a year should then give me meds, though it can depend on the docs. Going private would cost quite a bit but I'm willing to give up pretty much any thing to afford it. Hopefully won't need to though.
My husband is 10 years older than me, he doesn't want to be what he thinks is an old dad so wants 2 kids before he's 40. That's def not happening unless we get twins!
Good morning lovely ladies,

I'm currently on my 4th day of taking a B Complex supplement.

However, I'm a bit confused regarding the actual dosage in them.

B1 - 50mg
B2 - 50mg
B3 - 50mg
B5 - 50mg
B6 - 50mg
Vitamin C - 40mg
Choline - 30mg
Inositol - 30mg
L-Glycine - 40mg
PABA - 30mg
Magnesium - 9.5mg
Folic Acid - 400 (a funny little squiggle then a g?????:help:
Biotin - 200 (as above)
B 12 - 50 (as above)

Do you ladies think that the above dosages are ok??

I've also got a multi-vitamin which I've stopped taking as I did not want to overdose on any one B Vitamin.

These had the following in them:

Vitamin C - 243mg Calcium - 6mg
B5 - 100mg Vitamin A - 600 (funny squiggle)
B3 - 50mg Folic acid - 400 (funny squiggle)
Vitamin E - 50mg Manganese - 300 (as above)
B1 - 25mg Molybdenum - 98.7 (as above)
B2 - 25mg Selenium - 50 (as above)
B6 - 25mg Chromium - 50 (as above)
Magnesium - 22mg Iodine - 37.8 (as above)
PABA - 10mg Biotin - 35 (as above)
Potassium - 8.9mg B12 - 30 (as above)
Zinc - 8.5mg Vitamin D - 6.25 (as above)

I'm taking them as my LP is 11 days and I usually spot up to a week before my AF so I'm shoping they will sort me out.
mg is milligrams, the funny symbol is micrograms. A microgram is 1000 times smaller than a milligram. My science degree has finally found a use! I believe you can take up to 300mg of b bits safely but that can causecside effects in people. I take 200mg a day, but I'm veggie so don't get any in my diet and have been deficient in the past. Once I ov, please let it happen this cycle, may switch down to 100mg.
So I think you can safely take both but if you notice a side effect just take one, you could alternate them if you wanted. So hoping the vits help, read it can take 3 months to have an effect though. Fx for you.
Thanks really do know what your talking about. :thumbup:

With units I hope so, with b bits I'm just repeating what I've read in a book. It recommends b bits and 10g of flax seed oil. So giving both a go this month. I think it will be interesting for us to see if it does do any thing. I'm also going with a positive attitude as I hear that also helps? Husband has accused me of turning ttc into a science project. Lol:happydance:
Hi everyone, wow I missed alot! I'm 30 now and you guys are making me panic :) merry I wish TTC was all sience but then I guess we all wouldn't be here, we'd all be fixed and have BFPs! :haha:

I'm at a residential school for a course I'm studying this week. And started my Maca this morning, they say it's supposed to increase your Libido so when I get back home next Sat guess what we'll be doing. :winkwink:

I think I'll O around the 14th this month, I hope. Where is everyone else in their cycle?

Anyway, goodluck to everyone on Bs! :dust:
Hi everyone, wow I missed alot! I'm 30 now and you guys are making me panic :) merry I wish TTC was all sience but then I guess we all wouldn't be here, we'd all be fixed and have BFPs! :haha:

I'm at a residential school for a course I'm studying this week. And started my Maca this morning, they say it's supposed to increase your Libido so when I get back home next Sat guess what we'll be doing. :winkwink:

I think I'll O around the 14th this month, I hope. Where is everyone else in their cycle?

Anyway, goodluck to everyone on Bs! :dust:

Please don't panic! The docs told me I was too young to be worried about not getting pregnant, seemingly according to my doc if your under 35 and not been trying for 1-2 years you just need to wait!
I'm on day 22 and not ov yet:( last cycle didn't at all:( my temp went up a bit this morning from 36.2 to 36.5, so hoping it will go up again tomorrow and that I'll ov today.fx
indeed if only life was as simple as a science project! What course are you doing?
Hey Merry, it's an Open University course in understanding music. Not that keen in spending a week of my precious annual leave in Durham though :( but trying to get enough points for a general Batchelor of Arts.

Acctually on the train now. Long journey from London.

Hope you all have a great weekend and week, not sure how much time I'll have to post, but I'll definitly pop in to say hi.

Merry, hope you O and catch that eggie! Fx-ed Aug is our month girls!
Good morning lovely ladies,

I'm currently on my 4th day of taking a B Complex supplement.

However, I'm a bit confused regarding the actual dosage in them.

B1 - 50mg
B2 - 50mg
B3 - 50mg
B5 - 50mg
B6 - 50mg
Vitamin C - 40mg
Choline - 30mg
Inositol - 30mg
L-Glycine - 40mg
PABA - 30mg
Magnesium - 9.5mg
Folic Acid - 400 (a funny little squiggle then a g?????:help:
Biotin - 200 (as above)
B 12 - 50 (as above)

Do you ladies think that the above dosages are ok??

I've also got a multi-vitamin which I've stopped taking as I did not want to overdose on any one B Vitamin.

These had the following in them:

Vitamin C - 243mg Calcium - 6mg
B5 - 100mg Vitamin A - 600 (funny squiggle)
B3 - 50mg Folic acid - 400 (funny squiggle)
Vitamin E - 50mg Manganese - 300 (as above)
B1 - 25mg Molybdenum - 98.7 (as above)
B2 - 25mg Selenium - 50 (as above)
B6 - 25mg Chromium - 50 (as above)
Magnesium - 22mg Iodine - 37.8 (as above)
PABA - 10mg Biotin - 35 (as above)
Potassium - 8.9mg B12 - 30 (as above)
Zinc - 8.5mg Vitamin D - 6.25 (as above)

I'm taking them as my LP is 11 days and I usually spot up to a week before my AF so I'm shoping they will sort me out.

Hi Im glad you have asked this question as i am 43 and have been taking pregnacare healthy for 3 years now and wanted to take B6 and B12 to help with no more miscarriages and i was worried about over dosing so i havent got them so any information on if this would be ok to take as well as what im already taking would be great as i have a bitch of a doctor that has told me that i should just give up even tho all my tests have come back brilliant - go figure ! so thank you x

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