Vitamin B6 - Lengthen luteal phase or increase progesterone

Merry You O-ed! :happydance::dance::headspin::wohoo: Wonderfull news! :hugs:

Sorry about the timing on BD, I know what you mean though about AF coming, then you can try again..... it's the waiting. Sigh. But I'm still XF that you get a BFP, you never know...

This morning I had a bit of a dip in temp :( Way below average for 5DPO for me. Not a good sign. Hope it goes up tomorrow again. I have 3 days before my spotting is due to start, en counting... :af::af::af::af::af::af::af:
Merry You O-ed! :happydance::dance::headspin::wohoo: Wonderfull news! :hugs:

Sorry about the timing on BD, I know what you mean though about AF coming, then you can try again..... it's the waiting. Sigh. But I'm still XF that you get a BFP, you never know...

This morning I had a bit of a dip in temp :( Way below average for 5DPO for me. Not a good sign. Hope it goes up tomorrow again. I have 3 days before my spotting is due to start, en counting... :af::af::af::af::af::af::af:

It's true that you never know, so am going to try to continue to eat healthily, not going to drink wine and prepare my body for the next round. I have heard of people getting pregnant when they ovulated 5 days after BD. I'm not holding out much hope but we will see.

Your temp did go down a little but I think as it's not as low as day 2 and no where near your cover line that it is just a normal variation. I think it will go back up tomorrow. I have my fingers crossed that your spotting never arrives :dance: :hugs:

As the day goes on i'm getting less concern about my timings and more happy about the fact that I did ovulate. If I can do it this month I'm sure I can do it next and that time the timings may be better:happydance: Also I can figure out what my LP is and use it in the future to know when to test for the :BFP: Thanks for all the PMA people, really has helped me today :hugs:

I know I will get that :BFP: at some point soon, I just have to wait. Shame I suck at that!
Crissie - it looks like you had a dip at 5dpo last month, might be normal for you?

Merry - I know the timing wasn't ideal, but it wasn't horrible either. Just think.. what if you had O'd before you got any BDing in? That would be much worse timing. Maybe his sperm will surprise you and live nice and long...
I can't remember what his SA issues were, but they might not have been a life-length issue. If they were slow swimmers, it might be perfect since it gives them more time to get up those tubes to meet the egg.
Try not to lose all hope completely! :hugs:
Crissie - it looks like you had a dip at 5dpo last month, might be normal for you?

Merry - I know the timing wasn't ideal, but it wasn't horrible either. Just think.. what if you had O'd before you got any BDing in? That would be much worse timing. Maybe his sperm will surprise you and live nice and long...
I can't remember what his SA issues were, but they might not have been a life-length issue. If they were slow swimmers, it might be perfect since it gives them more time to get up those tubes to meet the egg.
Try not to lose all hope completely! :hugs:

I know that it wasn't the worse timing ever but don't want to get my hopes up. I've been reading up about life spans and it says that in fertile CM, which it was as I has eggwhite for the few days leading up to ovulation, that the sperm can live up to 5 days. So three days has a possibilty of conception, but it's not as high as on the day of ovulation. Also interesting note if I do get a BFP this month it's more likely to be a girl, as girl sperm lives longer than boy making sperm. :awww: The problem with his SA wasthe shape of the sperm, the percentage of normal wasn't high enough. :nope:

Also read that there is still a chance that I could concieve tonight, due to random nature of ovulation, eggs lasting 24 hours and some times you produce two eggs within 24 hours etc. So will see if he is up for it tonight.:neutral: He said he really wanted to yesterday but just couldn't, which has never happened before. He went sparing for his martial art in the evening and got cracked twice, once on his jaw and once on his nose. He didn't break any thing but gave him a bit of a shock and thats maybe why he couldn't. Will ask him about tonight.

Not feeling down now, more neutral, when I was hoping to be buzzing with happiness today. Guess we will see in two weeks, fx any way. You guys are always so positive, :happydance:I love that. Normally I am, you wouldn't tell by my posts I know. I'm known for being chirpy. So will try to be more positive about the whole ttc thing in the future.

Now for some smileys as I'm at the computer
I'm known for being pessimistic, lol, so its strange that I'm so hopeful right now.
The 5 day lifespan is on the extreme end.. most sperm live about 3 days... just think, if you were trying to avoid pregnancy, you'd be pretty darned nervous now! :)
I know its too hard to work yourself into a frenzy of hope only to be disappointed, I truly truly understand that. And sometimes the overly positive thoughts can just hurt a little because you know better (when my friends give me a blanket assurance that I WILL be pregnant next month and won't listen to any doubts its almost mean at this point).

Hmm, too late now, but if the circumstance comes up again, you might have tried a morning BD session since he wasn't up for it the night before? I read somewhere that counts are higher in the morning too...
Crissie - it looks like you had a dip at 5dpo last month, might be normal for you?

Merry - I know the timing wasn't ideal, but it wasn't horrible either. Just think.. what if you had O'd before you got any BDing in? That would be much worse timing. Maybe his sperm will surprise you and live nice and long...
I can't remember what his SA issues were, but they might not have been a life-length issue. If they were slow swimmers, it might be perfect since it gives them more time to get up those tubes to meet the egg.
Try not to lose all hope completely! :hugs:

You right! Last month I did have a dip at 5dpo! Phew :haha:

Don't you find my temps generally low? And not a big shift?
Your cycle doesn't seem to always repeat its pattern.. mine either by the way....
I only know what Farenheit is, lol so when I convert yours, your overal temp is higher than mine is... even your lows are higher than my lows etc...
maybe the weather is also contributing?

This cycle your shift hasn't been very dramatic, though your June cycle looked good and shifty. May was pretty good too.
They aren't very big shifts right now, but again.. maybe the weather? I know the low shift can indicate a progesterone problem and you already suspect that with the short LP...
hmm, Its fun but so frustrating to try to figure things out based on temps alone.
Got my progesterone results!!! 15.2!! :happydance: :happydance: :happydance: :happydance:
thank you clomid!!
I'm not too up on what the test score should be but as you seem happy with it I'm also very happy:) I have a positive feeling for you this month lisaf! Sending my good vibes your way:) good vibes to everyone to be exact!
I think all your tests on clomid this time round have been so good, that you bfp is coming soon. If not this cycle, which I hope it will be, then a cycle soon.

I have to be in threatre this morning, so had to get up earlier than normal. Have used the temperature corrector, gives me 36.6, which is a dip from yesterday and my actual temp was 35.5. Not too worried, will see what it is tomorrow, hopefully will go back up.

Have a great day people,
merry xx
I'm not too up on what the test score should be but as you seem happy with it I'm also very happy:) I have a positive feeling for you this month lisaf! Sending my good vibes your way:) good vibes to everyone to be exact!
I think all your tests on clomid this time round have been so good, that you bfp is coming soon. If not this cycle, which I hope it will be, then a cycle soon.

I have to be in threatre this morning, so had to get up earlier than normal. Have used the temperature corrector, gives me 36.6, which is a dip from yesterday and my actual temp was 35.5. Not too worried, will see what it is tomorrow, hopefully will go back up.

Have a great day people,
merry xx
Thanks guys, was so happy about the rise despite the timing. I think either the vit B's or the vitex is working for me so will keep up both next cycle. It would be lovely if my cycle became regular and to ov. on day 17 is great too, as that means my cycle won't be too long and will have more chances per year. Though not sure how long my LP will be. Am hoping for at least 10 days, fx that it will be.

It's so great to have you guys to chat to as I have no one else.:flower:

I have been on a rollacoster of emotions these last few weeks, will hopefully have 2 weeks of calmness now until I can start over on CD1. Sorta wish :witch: would hurry up and arrive for once! Just feel in limbo.

How are things coming along for you this cycle inkdchick? Have the headaches completly cleared?

I'm in this though for the long haul, whatever it takes.
:hugs: to all.

Aww even with all what you are going through you still ask if im ok xx, yea the headaches cleared after 3 weeks and the heart thing im being refered to a cardiologist to have it checked out and doc stuck me on asprin 75mg once a day and it helps so , but at the moment im about 2 or 3 dpo and am not thinking about it tbh just letting it happen if its going to and am too in it for the long haul even though 2 years and 8 early m.c is quite enough but hopefully we wont have anymore of those but so glad that you are looking forward to the :witch: arriving so that you can get on with it - so to speak lol. Good luck hun xx
Crissie - it looks like you had a dip at 5dpo last month, might be normal for you?

Merry - I know the timing wasn't ideal, but it wasn't horrible either. Just think.. what if you had O'd before you got any BDing in? That would be much worse timing. Maybe his sperm will surprise you and live nice and long...
I can't remember what his SA issues were, but they might not have been a life-length issue. If they were slow swimmers, it might be perfect since it gives them more time to get up those tubes to meet the egg.
Try not to lose all hope completely! :hugs:

I know that it wasn't the worse timing ever but don't want to get my hopes up. I've been reading up about life spans and it says that in fertile CM, which it was as I has eggwhite for the few days leading up to ovulation, that the sperm can live up to 5 days. So three days has a possibilty of conception, but it's not as high as on the day of ovulation. Also interesting note if I do get a BFP this month it's more likely to be a girl, as girl sperm lives longer than boy making sperm. :awww: The problem with his SA wasthe shape of the sperm, the percentage of normal wasn't high enough. :nope:

Also read that there is still a chance that I could concieve tonight, due to random nature of ovulation, eggs lasting 24 hours and some times you produce two eggs within 24 hours etc. So will see if he is up for it tonight.:neutral: He said he really wanted to yesterday but just couldn't, which has never happened before. He went sparing for his martial art in the evening and got cracked twice, once on his jaw and once on his nose. He didn't break any thing but gave him a bit of a shock and thats maybe why he couldn't. Will ask him about tonight.

Not feeling down now, more neutral, when I was hoping to be buzzing with happiness today. Guess we will see in two weeks, fx any way. You guys are always so positive, :happydance:I love that. Normally I am, you wouldn't tell by my posts I know. I'm known for being chirpy. So will try to be more positive about the whole ttc thing in the future.

Now for some smileys as I'm at the computer

I was told by the specialist that over 40 can produce anything up to ' 3 ' eggs per cycle , omg could you imagine that you think that the egg is caught and then going for a scan and finding out that you are expecting triplets !!!!! , well its a possibility girls !!!
Hey guys!
Good to see such positive vibes. Lisaf congrats on your test results! Like merry I'm not too sure what it means but it sounds good! Your chart is looking good fingers crossed for a BFP for you in a couple days!!
Crissie hope the spotting stays away! :af:

Nothing much happening with me, we went to vertigo bar last night in Bank - nice view! Shared a bottle of wine with DH, since AF is upon me thought I would have a drink. Good times! :drunk:
Hello ladies, i promised i would be back mid week for update. CD 26 so should expect witch face today. very scared!! nothing yet.

merry how r u & hows the cbfm going? good luck everyone & yes what a thought more than one egg released & get twins or triplets. That really would be a gift. :flower:

i love the positivity of this thread & i have missed reading it everyday.
Hi girls, was wondering if anyone could help me! I have taken 50mg of B6 for the last 4 months and got my LP from 10 to 11 days, which isnt much of a difference so i thought i'd have a break this cycle and not take anything and see what my LP is, i'm currently 6DPO, temps still high and looking good but i didnt ov until CD26!! i usually ov CD14-17, has this happened to anyone else?? is it normal, and what could it mean??
I'm just waiting now to see how long my LP is, if its less that 11 days i will either start the B6 again or is there anything else i could try??
Any help greatly appreciated!!!
it maybe that you have stopped taking the B6 the only thing i think you can do is stop taking it for a month or two and see if there is a difference it effects everyone different thats the problem , good luck hun x
Hello ladies, i promised i would be back mid week for update. CD 26 so should expect witch face today. very scared!! nothing yet.

merry how r u & hows the cbfm going? good luck everyone & yes what a thought more than one egg released & get twins or triplets. That really would be a gift. :flower:

i love the positivity of this thread & i have missed reading it everyday.

Hope the witch stays away! Keep us posted, have my fingers crossed for you. Such an exciting but nerve wracking day.

Have given up with cbfm, didn't seem to pick up my hormone surge or that I had ovulated. Maybe my surge was too weak or short. Might eBay it. I know others have great success with it. The tesco opk worked well fir me so might stick with them.

I have twin cousins and they are a handful, triplets scare me silly! On clomid the risk of twins is up to 10%, sorry to scare you lisaf!

Good luck every one:flower:
Jazzy - sorry, I don't know if stoppingthe B vits can do that, they are supposed to affect your LP more than your ovulation date.

Thanks everone, lol In the UK they measure progesterone differently than in the US (UK looks for a 20 on a natural cycle, a 30 on clomid). In the US we like to see a 10 on a natural and a 15 on clomid.... I have not even gotten to 10 before and am usually closer to 6, even on clomid (lower dose). So a 15 is just perfect! :)

My temps were so awesome this morning. I'm trying to convince myself its just the great progesterone levels, lol... trying not to get my heat too set on it.
I know the risk of multiples, lol, I'm trying not to think bout it too much! ;)
Hi everyone,

Feeling low in the mood dept, lazy and cravy today, just want sugar! Probably AF symptoms :(

Anyway, Lisaf your chart looks awsome, when will you test :shrug: POAS Addict?:haha:

Merry I was just looking at buying a CBFM on ebay, how much were you looking to get for it? I thought I don't want to spend too much money cause they are way too pricey new (plus the monthly sticks) but thought it might be interesting to test out.

Mrs F I stalked your chart, how much wine did you have? Did you forget to temp this morning? :wine::rofl:

Hey inkdchick, :hi:

Star-Bex :af::af::dust:
Crissie - I already tested :rofl: BFN, but thats to be expected this early.

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