Vitamin B6 - Lengthen luteal phase or increase progesterone


Hello everyone! This is an odd one, and has never happened to me before! Am currently 4dpo and :sex: two days before ov, day before ov and day of ov (Confirmed with OPK) Since ov have been very wet down there :blush:and my B100 neon pee is no more! What can this mean? Anyone else experienced this? Hmmmm?
I had my neon pee disappear once around 7dpo... I got hopeful but it was a BFN for me that cycle.
I have no idea why it happens though! 4dpo is pretty early to get any pregnancy symptoms, you won't have implanted yet and your body won't know its pregnant until that happens, you know?
Thanks for the reply Lisa- don't really expect :bfp: this month but am curious as to why neon pee has vanished and CM is in abundance- anything to do with post ov progesterone levels perchance?
I kind of thought myself that maybe your body is using up all the Bvits to support the progesterone level.
I'm now trying to remember if that happened on the cycle where my blood level was the 'best' it had been yet or not... grrr... too long ago for me.

as for a BFP... we've been flooded with them here lately, so its a lucky thread.. you never know, right?
Congrats to all the latest BFPs in this thread! =D>

It's really lovely to read how ladies start out, taking the B vits, then a few pages later get that wonderful double pink line.
Makes me well up for you! :cry: (I'm a softy, I cry over Hallmark cards.)

Keep it up!:dust:
Hi guys, Ive skimmed through this thread but would appreciate your advice.

I've always had regular 28-29 day cycles. Mirena inserted for 4 years and no AF, removed last month. Temped and OPK'd last cycle, Ov'd CD18 and had a 10 day LP. I've been taking pregnacare vitamins.

This cycle, I've Ov'd again CD18 (I definately ovulate, I get quite painful ovulation pains)and really stressing in case it doesnt work this month. The only change I've noticed this cycle is that I've had faaaaar more EWCM.

If i'm not successful this cycle and have an LP of less than 12 days again, would you recommend trying B complex? I was thinking of trying at a small dose from CD1 up until Ovulation because Im terrified if taking it will hurt my chances of falling PG if I take it.

Please help, Im really stressed. I was considering going to my GP and requesting perhaps some progesterone to take during LP.
mrsPOP can you go get a day21 progesterone test done? I too ovulated day 18/19 of a 28 day cycle (due to breastfeeding). I took 200mg of vitb6 for 2 weeks leading up to ovulation and got positive opk a day earlier and caught. I also had low progesterone.

If you ovulate, you have a chance, but a 10 day luteal phase is borderline. Find out if its progesterone related:thumbup:
Hey MrsPOP, seen you around the boards and am happy to help any way I can.
If you want to start small on the Bvits, go with a B-50 complex. It will make your pee bright yellow, but there's no harm to it, promise! You have to take massive doses to cause any harm as the excess just comes out in your pee.
Also, there is no reason to worry about taking it during the 2ww... doctors recommend it to some women to help with their morning sickness... I'm still on my B-100 and I'm 7 weeks pregnant now, nothing wrong with it!
And your body may need the continued B vits as support for your progesterone during the 2ww.

Most GPs that I've seen won't give you progesterone to take during the 2ww unless you have a history of early miscarriage. My FS wouldn't let me take them until at least 5dpo because there is some data that suggests that taking the progesterone may reduce the contractions of the fallopian tubes and make an ectopic more likely to happen... so he made me wait until 5dpo when the egg is most likely out of the tube by then.
You can try an over-the-counter progesterone cream but its not very strong, might still help though.
If you're only on your 2nd cycle since Mirena though, I'd stick to just the Bvits and see what your body does. I had a really wacky first cycle (first 2 cycles actually) off Mirena.... granted, I went on clomid after that, lol.. since it was 4 months for those 2 cycles and the 2nd one wasn't ending any time soon etc...
Hi mummy3 thanks for your reply. Ive had 21 day progesterone done (I think it was last year) because I insisted, I thought I may have PCOS (I dont, I have Endo) and although I dont know the levels, they were normal apparently. I was considering asking my GP to do them again next cycle. Whether she will or not I dont know, we have a strange doctor-patient relationship. She did say years ago that if we had trouble to come and see her after 6 months but Im not asking for a FS referral... I just want to extend my stupid LP.

Hi Lisa, hope you're ok. I did wonder if it was just my body settling down from Mirena but I dont think it is. The Mirena wore off during the last 6 months and I had regular 28 day spotting so my cycle has completely gone back to normal.

I think I'll just go with the Bvits once this cycle finishes...unless I am *that* lucky but I genuinely dont think this is going to happen for me without further help.

Thanks girls xxx
They Mirena might have worn off a bit, but it probably still had some amounts in there. They are actually now saying that the device can be effective for 7 years now!

Unfortunately, GPs and even GYNs know almost nothing about LP or progesterone issues. FS's are MUCH better at it, so you might not get the help you need without the referral. I would call and ask for your lab result number.. I've heard quite a few women be told by GPs and GYNs that a number was 'fine' that an FS and even a google search will show is not 'fine'.
If you o'd cd18, and your bloodwork was done cd21, its probably low, even if you reached a normal level at 7dpo.
My FS says anything as low as a 3 indicates ovulation, some docs consider a 5 to be ovulatory... but that they really should see a 10 for a good progesterone level/healthy ovulation.

I think another blood test is in order anyway if its been a year since you had one (though now I'm a teensy bit confused, lol since you said you got the mirena out last month after 4 years?)
Here's my experience with Vitamin B6:

I noticed last month that my LP was 9days long. So this cycle, just after ovulation, I started taking 70mgs of Vitamin B6/B1. An now I am 11dpo and still no AF. I'm sure it is the vitamins doing this, because I've had 26 day cycles as long as I can remember and I expected my period 3 days ago and nothing yet. If this continues for two more days I'll likely go off of the vitamins and see if I 'corrected' my cycle.

My pee was only neon for about 4days. I think what is happening is that your body senses the new, higher amount of B6 in the system and increases it's ability to process the vitamin. As a result, you'll have less being excreted. The body does this for a lot of other metabolic pathway. It's amazing, really.

MrsPOP-vitamin B6 won't hurt your pregnancy. Once you do fall pregnant there will be a lot of other hormones and pathways directing the growth of the embryo.
Well I've managed to get to 10dpo today no sign of af yet but the day is long so will see then again ff changed my ov date that's if I did realy ov!
Hey Shell - well done for getting to 10dpo :thumbup: I hope your lp is lengthed this month and maybe even a bfp (fxed for you)

Dr_ish - It does look like the Bvits have extended your lp - personally I would advise you to keep taking them - even though you think that it has done the job your levels may just drop if you cut them out completely

Mrs Pop - I think you may need a fs referral to get progesterone prescribed, I know my GP did mention a LP defect to me, but he didnt know much about it and I think they would want you to see a fs before prescribing anything . I took it into my own hands as he still was only just prepared to give me a referral and so I started on the bvits - 2 months later I was pregnant with my daughter! Back then I had borderline lp (10 days) and my lp is now 14 days. I also had O pains so was able to tell my GP and that was when he suggested LP defect.

Im now pregnant again (1st cycle with bvits) so they work a treat! As you can see from all the bfps recently on here :thumbup:
Thankyou so much for all your replies!

Lisa, yes I did have the Mirena in for 4 years. The reason I had bloods done was because I developed labial cysts and after bugging my GP for years to see if I had PCOS, she agreed to do hormone levels. I saw the blood form and it had 21 day progesterone on it. Obviously, because I had no AF I had no idea at what point in my cycle they were taken but they came back normal. Ive just called my GP surgery to see what the results were and they're going to phone me back.

I actually went to see a Gynae last year about the cysts and mentioned the Mirena. She said it seemed the hormone had worn out for me (though I know they are planning to license it for 8 years now) but it was still effective as contraception and advised my GP to put my on the mini-Pill to help control my period pains and spotting. But, because I knew I was going to be TTCing, I declined and she said that was fine.

So I know Im definately appears I have a shorter LP than I'd like. Im going to give it this cycle because yes, it still is a bit early, but I dont want to be hanging till after Christmas to get a referral. If Im not successful this cycle, I will definately take Bvits and make an appointment with my GP to get some bloods done. Hopefully she wont object, though I have a feeling she will.

Thanks for the advice ladies!
Interesting info about the mirena. Did any of you using it have any negative side effects? I was planning on using the mirena after #2, but then I heard some horror stories so was a bit put off. I'll probably just use the pill or something and make DH get the ol' snippy!

FF gave me crosshairs this morning, so I'm 3DPO. O occurred 8 days earlier this cycle than it did last cycle. My cycle is generally 35 days long but I have had 1 cycle which was 32 days and 1 which was 28. So, we'll see what happens this month.
I loved the Mirena, Ive had awful periods since aged 12 and it was brilliant! I had no side effects at all and intend to get it once I eventually have a baby!!!
Hey Guys

I have been off feeling sorry for myself the last few days, after 3 months of 6 day luteal phases. :dohh:
I had a read about VitB on the web and noticed some people have said the B Vits actually made their cycle worse. While I was having a bit of a sob the other day DH said I should just stop taking tablets (except folic acid) and see what my cycle does. I have been stuffing my body with tablets ever since I came off the pill 4 months ago so I decided this month to take his advice and have just been taking folic acid and nothing else. Its now CD6 for me, AF has just finished and I just went to the loo and noticed..... very definite EWCM!!! On CD6!! I have never had this before, so I am feeling a little encouraged, maybe I am one of those girls that BVits has the opposite effect for? I made an appointment with the doctor for tomorrow, but I might cancel it and see how I go this month.
I hope everyone is well, hey to all those trying and to the lucky BFP B Vit girls... sorry for having a mope a few days ago.. I had really given up hope before my EWCM today.. maybe I am not a lost cause after all... fingers crossed. :thumbup:
Thanks everyone for your replies re: neon pee vanishing at 4dpo. Dr_ish I have been taking vit B100 for 3 months now and it is only since ov this cycle that my distinct yellow pee has disappeared. I am now 5dpo and my CM is still in abundance too- hmmm? Why would the neon pee disappear now for the first time ever? Do you think that my progesterone levels are too low and my body is merely absorbing more vit Bs? Congrats tinks09 on your pregnancy! Think I am now too old to conceive- am 37 with a 14 year old DS and an 11 year old DD.
My Mirena experience- I loved it, no period for 5 years, lol! I did spot after sex (I think the strings got knocked around a bit or something). The only side effect I had that I hated that I've heard has happened to other women is that my libido completely died. I mean I didn't CARE but it was hard with my relationship because I had to convince myself to get in the mood.
I had other things going on that were probably making it worse (depression, traumatic grief etc)... but I've heard the same loss of libido has happened to other women.

Overall I really enjoyed the device, but I think I'll be staying away from any hormonal birth control until I'm done having kids.. just that with my cycle being so messed up and my hormone issues, I'd rather not mess with it if that makes sense.

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