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Waiting and waiting...2016 mommies-to-be!

krissie- hope you all had a nice day out together. Happy early birthday!! :cake: Any fun things planned with Christian on your spring break? Charles is becoming more aggressive and destructive. One thing we are working on is he has to help clean up messes he makes/put activities away. I've noticed since we've started doing that he is more careful (sometimes) while playing. So happy to hear Christian is starting to understand more!! It is amazing what they start picking up and you go "wait, you know how to do that?!"

FX- good to hear from you! How is it going getting settled into the new place? I hope the rest of your wait goes by quick!! I'm in the same boat of having NO IDEA how I will do what I did with Charles while also having a newborn (he would sit and nurse for an hour at a time! can't do that with a toddler running around!). But in the end it will all work out!

ashley- sorry your LO is being a handful...like everything it is a phase and will pass in time. Awesome news about feeling better and your LO STTN!! Getting a full nights sleep makes ALL the difference

Ren- you will do just fine hun :hugs: it is an indescribable adjustment but you somehow manage to get through it and find what works best for you! Charles and Ben's birthday as 6 days apart (along with my BIL and SIL in the same week...) and I love having them so close together...its a big birthday celebration for the whole week!

Tara- hope you feel better soon :flower:

alli- good to hear from you! Best of luck to you with your first clomid round!! Did you use clomid for your DS? how many rounds did it take if you did?

AFM, I have officially moved over to TTC! Ben spontaneously changed his mind and it happened to be on O day (at least, I'm hoping I actually ovulate this month!). Crossing my fingers that temps confirm it in the coming days and I can start my tww! I'm okay if it's negative this month since it was an early start. We will see! My feeling is that I won't be this month but I have a good feeling about April.

I hope you are right.. Anyone want to give me insight on my chart? Huge dip this morning.. I'm thinking O is not far away.


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Here is my sweet Harmony Rae at 4 days old.
We are settling in nicely but it is so hard to get into a routine with a baby and a toddler when the house is always full! You would think people (esp. my own family) would have the common decency to let us have a day or two to ourselves every now and then. It is driving me crazy!

My toddler loves her little sister but she has been acting out... dumping water all over the floor, biting, extra whiney... She wants to be anywhere but here. In fact she wants to be with the babysitter 24/7 - I refuse to let her go there everyday because I want to get her out of the habit.. (babysitter is also a family member.)


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Krissie- sounds like you have several fun activities planned!! What does planting an easter basket involve? If you're not able to get out to play, you could have a playdoh or sensory bin activity. I want to say Charles was around Christians age when he started liking the bins. We have a noodle bin (rotini, macorroni etc) with some scoops that C really loves. Or pom poms with an ice cube tray he can put in and out.
Jessica, she is beautiful. Congrats again hun. I hope you get some peace from visitors soon.

Kaity- what a great idea. I think I will do that today. (Put them together). Maybe that will help him through the next month of rainy weather.
Ren- looks like a good dip to me! FX you see a nice rise tomorrow!

Krissie- I like having it all ready to go so you can just grab and play!

Jessica- congratulations!!! She is so precious. I'm sure your DD will adjust in time but sending lots of hugs your way until she does :hugs:
I had some heavy bleeding and cramping this morning. I found baby on Doppler but I have an ob appt soon. Getting nervous for what she will say!
Ren- looks like a good dip to me! FX you see a nice rise tomorrow!

Krissie- I like having it all ready to go so you can just grab and play!

Jessica- congratulations!!! She is so precious. I'm sure your DD will adjust in time but sending lots of hugs your way until she does :hugs:
I hope so.. I've been a bit sore as I had no sex drive on the mirena and since it's been out we've BD more this month then the last four months combined...
Hope all goes well, I had a bleed with lo at 6 weeks, it's so scary. Hugs x
My ob couldn't find the heartbeat so she is sending me for an ultrasound at the hospital today. I am so scared
:hugs::hugs: praying all is well. You are still early for a Doppler and sometimes need the transvaginal to pick it up. Hope your bean is snuggled in tight
Thanks guys... I'm in the waiting room and should be called back shortly. I'm so nervous.. We couldn't find a babysitter for ds, and didn't want to drag him here as it isn't very kid friendly..
Here is our little one! Baby was doing flips everywhere! It was so cool too see. So far so good. Happy and healthy!


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oh thank goodness!! Already causing their momma worry :) SO SO happy to hear baby is doing great :):)
Congratulations on a beautiful scan Ashley!

Hope everyone is doing well :hugs:

Ren that looks like a great dip! I had one this month but I'm quite confused, I think I o'd 2 days after but have just had another positive opk!

Krissie we're getting ever closer to May! I hope you're doing OK :)

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