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Waiting and waiting...2016 mommies-to-be!

I'm glad your baby is doing good Ashley! :)

Has anyone else heard about what happened in Brussels yesterday? It's so sad and it makes me think if I even want to bring a child into the world.At the same time I know I want children and can't see myself not having any.
I have no heard but I can only imagine. There are so many tragedies it makes you really question things!

So dh and I had a heart to heart last night. And we have both agreed to ntnp from May-August and then use clomid if it doesn't happen before then. I am still temping and eating low carb. So I am hoping to o on my own. I feel like I have more weight to lose and my health to get better before actively ttc. But if it happens in the mean time we would be over the moon.
Welcome back alliec. You are getting super close! Fx af cooperates for you.

I have about 59 days (+/- 2) before our next clomid round. Unless af decides to show up on her own some time in May.

Ff thinks I ovulated on cd 8 this cycle. Which I can see why based on my temps. But I think it's actually my cold giving me false high readings. I always have a 12 day lp so I guess we'll see in a little over a week.

Thank you, Krissie! I am excited but I'm definitely getting waves of "omg, are we really going for it?!" panic.

And good luck to you too! It sucks about your cold potentially messing your chart up. There should be a special award for those who stay sane while TTC during cold/flu season :flower:

alli- good to hear from you! Best of luck to you with your first clomid round!! Did you use clomid for your DS? how many rounds did it take if you did?

AFM, I have officially moved over to TTC! Ben spontaneously changed his mind and it happened to be on O day (at least, I'm hoping I actually ovulate this month!). Crossing my fingers that temps confirm it in the coming days and I can start my tww! I'm okay if it's negative this month since it was an early start. We will see! My feeling is that I won't be this month but I have a good feeling about April.

Thank you! We did use Clomid to get pregnant with DS and got lucky on the first round. It was a huge surprise because we truly went in with no expectations, and now we have so many expectations despite knowing that we shouldn't.

Congratulations on moving on to TTC! I'm sure it must be so nice to move past this first chunk of waiting and onto the next, more exciting, chunk of waiting!
Here is my sweet Harmony Rae at 4 days old.
We are settling in nicely but it is so hard to get into a routine with a baby and a toddler when the house is always full! You would think people (esp. my own family) would have the common decency to let us have a day or two to ourselves every now and then. It is driving me crazy!

My toddler loves her little sister but she has been acting out... dumping water all over the floor, biting, extra whiney... She wants to be anywhere but here. In fact she wants to be with the babysitter 24/7 - I refuse to let her go there everyday because I want to get her out of the habit.. (babysitter is also a family member.)

What a little doll! And her name is gorgeous. Congratulations!
I have no heard but I can only imagine. There are so many tragedies it makes you really question things!

So dh and I had a heart to heart last night. And we have both agreed to ntnp from May-August and then use clomid if it doesn't happen before then. I am still temping and eating low carb. So I am hoping to o on my own. I feel like I have more weight to lose and my health to get better before actively ttc. But if it happens in the mean time we would be over the moon.

That sounds like a good plan. It'll give you a summer to just relax and enjoy each other without any expectations :)
So relieved for you Ashley!! These little bubs sure know how to scare their mummy's!
Christian had his ENT appointment today. And afterwards we decided to go bowling since the weather isn't great. He had a lot of fun for the first 7 rounds then started laying on the floor and scooting. :haha: it may have been his naptime.

Anyways, his appointment went like I expected. He failed his hearing test and they said it is likely his adenoids causing the fluid build up in his ears and his chronic runny nose. So the end of April he is going to have them removed and tubes put in his ears. I'm relieved but scared.

I have a friend who had the same procedure with her son and she has been very reassuring. She also said almost instantly her son started talking. So I am really hopeful this will be what he needs.
That's too funny about Charles scooting at the bowling alley! :haha:

Hopefully he will start talking more after the procedure. :thumbup:

Anyone have special plans for Easter? Tomorrow we're going to see my grandma in the nursing home and on Sunday we're going to my uncles. I'm really excited to see everyone! :happydance:
I have off work today but for some reason I'm still up a 6am like I am for work everyday.. We are going to my in laws house for Easter dinner. I'm making brussel sprouts with bacon for a side and chocolate covered cookie dough eggs for dessert. Then we are heading over to our best friends house and celebrating another friend's birthday which was last week..

As far as TTC, Looks like I am going to have to wait one more day to see if I Od. Had a very restless night and tossed and turned a bunch. When I tested at 5:45 the reading didn't seem right to me so I'm squashing today's reading and will pick back up tomorrow. Hopefully the busy weekend will get my mind off of everything.
Christian had his ENT appointment today. And afterwards we decided to go bowling since the weather isn't great. He had a lot of fun for the first 7 rounds then started laying on the floor and scooting. :haha: it may have been his naptime.

Anyways, his appointment went like I expected. He failed his hearing test and they said it is likely his adenoids causing the fluid build up in his ears and his chronic runny nose. So the end of April he is going to have them removed and tubes put in his ears. I'm relieved but scared.

I have a friend who had the same procedure with her son and she has been very reassuring. She also said almost instantly her son started talking. So I am really hopeful this will be what he needs.

Bless his heart, he'll be ok though. It's just really scary thinking about them having procedures done but you'll cope fine! My sisters friends boy wasn't speaking and they found he had a problem with his ears too, things picked up rapidly after that so I'm sure Christian will too x
I'm not exactly trying to conceive but I'm not trying not to either.. But ok have a question for everyone.

I'm not sure exactly what my body is doing, but I am hoping that you will be able to help me. Alright, I am on the birth control pill, but the first week I started a new pack I got side tracked and forgot to take a couple of pills. I had my last period March 9th it was my normal 4-5 days and it was completely normal. After my period my boyfriend and I had unprotected sex multiple times. Well on March 23rd I started spotting, it was not a lot of blood just a little spotting for a few days. And on the 23rd I had mild cramping but nothing like my period cramps also will dizziness, nausea, a couple headaches, and I have been moodier than usual. The cramping stopped after the first day of spotting. I had the spotting for 3 days. I have never experienced this before, even when i have missed a couple of my pills. Also, just last night my boyfriend and I had sex and we both noticed that I was wetter than I usually am. And i'm not sure when to take a test to see if I am pregnant.
So today at the nursing home my mom and I found out that this new guy has been coming into my grandma's room.He even came in when we were there so my aunt and mom told him to leave but he wouldn't.After telling him a few times my mom got mad at him and started yelling a bit then my aunt went to get someone who works at the home.I'm not sure what's wrong with the guy but I think my mom made it worse because my grandma started to get upset and cried. :nope: My mom said she's going back to the nursing home tomorrow but I don't know if I want to go mainly because I don't want to get in the middle of it.

What would you ladies do?
krissie- i understand all to well finally getting some traction on losing weight and not wanting to derail it with trying/getting pregnant. it was one of the things that helped me through the wait with seeing positive changes happening with my health. I think NTNP for a few months is a good compromise for you and your DH. Oh that must be so nerve-wracking with Christian having to have a surgery. It is a very common procedure and I hope that it is able to correct the fluid build up and that he will just explode in vocabulary afterwards. My nephew had the same issue and procedure done and almost immediately started talking.

allie- that is great that you were able to catch first round of clomid last time! FX it's the same this time!! not too much longer! And thank you- it does seem like an endless amount of waiting doesn't it?? Oh well..i'm discovering that the tww is not nearly as maddening as it was the first go around. most of the time i forget we are trying because i'm too busy chasing my ds around lol

tara- hope you are having a nice easter with your family! No big plans here. i threw my back out last night so we didn't make it to church this morning. heading to my BIL and SIL's house in a couple hours for dinner but otherwise just hanging out at the house. i'm sorry things got so heated while visiting your grandma. I would still go back to visit with her, just stay out of anything regarding this other situation. maybe take that time to console your grandma or try and distract her. it's very odd that someone (i'm assuming this was another resident and not a doctor or assistant?) was coming into her room.

Ren- i hope you are enjoying your easter dinner! the food you're making sounds amazing! i also hope your body figures out this ovulation business soon and you can get back on track with normal cycles! i don't recall- were your cycles regular pre BC?

merryann- hello! i don't think we've met you yet on here! how are you doing?

ttev- i replied to you on your other thread but most likely you are in the clear for pregnancy. hope you get your answers soon
Hello Ladies! Can I join in on the WTT in 2016? This looks like an active thread, which would be fun! I'm hoping to start trying (again) for #1 in August 2016.

A little about my journey so far: went off BCP after over 10 years in January 2015, NTNP for a couple months, then started charting, started temping in I think August. Cycles have been regular from the get go after BCP, but had no luck. I went back to school to get my nursing degree/license in January of this year, so stopped trying in November as I don't want to take any time off school until finishing up my ASN in May 2017. I'll continue on to get by Bachelors in nursing after that, but that will all be online, so hoping that I can handle that with a baby.

DH doesn't understand the need to wait, he's more interested in starting a family than I am I think (which is great).

Since we didn't get pregnant those first 11 months, I haven't been super careful with prevention these last several months, but am continuing to temp and chart so I know my cycles pretty well and just try to avoid the few days before and after predicted O date. So far so good! This month I wasn't as careful, as a December baby wouldn't be terrible as it would come during Winter break between semesters, but getting through my 3rd semester with a LO may be hard!

I'm a big believer in God having a plan for me, so as sad as I was to have difficulty conceiving for a year, now being in school I like to think that it just wasn't the right time for us, and getting through this nursing program is more important now. Our time to be parents will come, so now I just get to focus on school and myself and we'll be so excited when we get to grow our family! WTT has been such a relief after the stress of TTC!
My mom never did go to the nursing home yesterday since my uncle went to get the situation sorted and it sounded like he did.It is or was another resident coming into her room and hopefully he won't anymore.

I did have a good Easter! Roxy looked so cute in her Easter dress and I took a few pictures of her in it. :cloud9: When I was holding her my sil put one of Roxy's headbands on mine and my mom took a picture of us with her phone. :haha: The best part was when I took my sun glasses off while Roxy and I were looking at each other, she smiled at my and put her hand on my face. <3 :cloud9: She even touched my glasses because she saw herself in the lenses. :haha:

How was everyone else's Easter?
Tara that sounds so precious!

Kaity- everyone I've talked to has said once they did the procedure they started talking. I had mine removed too as a child because I was delayed and within a few months was exited from language services. So I'm very hopeful this will be what he needs.

So my mom took Christian overnight last night. It was my first time away and both of us did well. :haha: and dh and I got to spend some much needed time together.

Easter was okay. We had a bbq at my moms. But then it started raining so never got to the eggs. My nephew has a rash which I think is chicken pox. And Christian has been so whiney and miserable today. And he has a slight fever so I'm just waiting for his to start. We took a long drive through the country since he seemed happy in the car so that was nice.
Hope everyone had a nice Easter! I spent it with my hubby, parents, sister and her partner and my baby nephew, it was lovely :)

Tverb I'm glad things got sorted at the home, it's not nice worrying about what's going on while you aren't there :(

Krissie I hope they get to the bottom of Christian's hearing x

Hi MKaykes, I hope the wait is a quick and peaceful one :)

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