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Waiting and waiting...2016 mommies-to-be!

Yeah I loved it when Roxy did that! :cloud9:

Curiosity you can call me Tara. :)
MKaykes- hello :hi: and welcome! i've added you to our list (second post). let me know if your dates change and i can get you updated! congratulations on starting nursing school! how long will it take to complete the program? i'm sorry that you struggled without success last year to get pregnant. as you said though, it just wasn't the right time and when your LO is here, it will make the wait so worth it :flower:

tara- hopefully the other resident doesn't bother your grandma anymore! how sweet of roxy! its those little moments that i just ADORE. our easter was good other than i threw my back out saturday night so spent most of it just trying to find a position that didn't hurt. charles had a super fun time with his cousins though and it was cute to see them all together.

krissie- glad the overnight went so well!! how is christian doing with STTN? last update i remember he had done it a couple nights but you weren't confident it would continue. sorry about christian having chicken pox too...poor baby..hope he feels better soon :hugs:

curiosity- glad you had a nice easter! this week will hopefully be a super exciting one for you!
Also, holy moly, we had a big boom of bfps on our list for november due dates!! 7 so far and possibly 8! Love it ladies...can't wait until we all get to move into ttc, pregnancy and then having those sweet little ones in our arms!
Fabulous there were so many bfp!

Yea, he stopped sttn shortly after that. I think it was 5 days total. He's back to up about 2-3 times a night again.

So I'm not so sure it's chicken pox. His cousin went to the doctor and he said it could be or it could be hand, foot and mouth. And considering where the spots are and the fact Christian's mouth is full of the blisters I'm leaning towards that. No matter what it is poor Christian is just miserable. :cry:
She took me by surprise when she did that and she's one of the happiest babies I know! <3 :cloud9:

Awww I hope Christian feels better soon Krissie. :flower:
Hoping your ds feels better soon! It sucks having a sick little one.

On Easter my boss called to let me know that one of my coworkers, who i was close to passed away. She was 60 years old and died from complications of pneumonia she has caught a couple days before. It was all very sudden and the past two days have been rough.
krissie- poor baby! hope he starts feeling better soon. charles had it at the end of last summer and it's just awful. love him through it and hope it passes quick.

ashley- i'm so so sorry hun :hugs:
Sorry to hear your news Ashley :(

Hope you're OK Krissie :)

Hehe Tara, it's nicer using your name :) hope you and your little niece are well.

Kaity great news about last month's bfps! Let's hope we carry on the trend :winkwink: got my fingers crossed that the signs are good for us all!
Roxy's doing good thanks curiosity. :) Her and Lindsay are actually started staying at our house because Lindsay and her mom had an argument yesterday.I'm not exactly sure what happened but I think her mom was drinking too much and things led to another. :shrug:

I have no clue how long they're staying here and Lindsay hasn't spoken to her mom since yesterday after their argument. Hopefully they'll be able to patch things up.
Sorry to hear about the arguments. I hope they patch things up soon. And in the meantime, you get to enjoy more time with your niece!

How is everyone doing? Any plans for the weekend?
tomorrow we have a birthday party to go to for my friends son. Then on Sunday we have my co workers funeral.
I think we are going to do a bbq tomorrow with some friends. Then Sunday probably work around the yard. We have a couple projects that need done.

I took today off so Christian could have another day to rest. I'm pretty sure he's got over his illness now. He's been playing a lot today and we've been enjoying the beautiful weather.
ashley- have fun at the birthday party! i'm so sorry again about your coworker :hugs: how are you feeling with the pregnancy?

krissie- oh, so happy to hear christian is feeling better! the bbq and outside time sound like an awesome weekend!

It's been cold and very windy here. we were able to get outside for about 45 minutes yesterday but that's been it most of the week. I'm really hoping tomorrow is a bit warmer so we can get out because we are going stir crazy! One week and counting until Charles' birthday party...I'm so excited to show off all the hard work that's gone into and celebrate my little boy turning two!
I was supper stir crazy over spring break. But the temps are suppose to be in thr 60s all weekend! We enjoyed about 2.5 hours outside this morning. It was very nice. I'm hoping to go back out this afternoon.
so jealous! it looks nice here but that wind is wicked cold and just stings your face.
Lindsay and Roxy went back to her mom's this morning because Lindsay wanted to bathe Roxy. I can't believe I miss them already I think it's because they stayed over the past two nights.They haven't come back and I doubt they will now because Roxy goes to bed around this time.Hopefully Lindsay and her mom patched things up.

Lindsay left quite a bit of her and Roxy's stuff here so hopefully they'll come back this weekend to visit.
Tara- your new profile picture is so cute! I'm glad she is getting on better with her mom.
Almost moved into the new house. Spent the night here camping out ad the mattresses are still on the truck. Have some offloading to do and the piano movers are coming today. I'll give you all the grand tour once everything is in its proper place. Feels super weird, I'm suRe it will feel like home soon enough though. :)
Congrats Symphony! Moving is so hard but you'll love it when it's done.

One year ago today we bought our house! It's crazy to think about all the things Christian has done here already.

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