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Waiting and waiting...2016 mommies-to-be!

Congratulations symphony! I'm sure it will feel at home once you unpack

Krissie- its so crazy yo think how much has changed in a year. We just passed our 1 year mark in this house and already so many memories and milestones have been reached here. Do you all plan to stay where you are long term?
Thanks Krissie. :) My mom took it in my uncle's backyard on Easter Sunday.

In the two days that Lindsay and Roxy were here I've realized that I'm not ready for children just yet.Plus I like how I can do what I want when I want and I really like having time to myself. I love Roxy with all my heart and her being my niece is enough for me right now.She's so calm when I hold her and looks right into my eyes.It feels she can see into my soul and that sounds so cheesy. :haha:

How's everyone's weekend so far?
Kaity- yes, we plan to stay here awhile. I really see us staying in this house until our kids graduate high school. At that point we may look for a smaller and less yard maintenance house.

I'd like to move out of state but it probably won't happen. I have a good job with great retirement. And dh loves his job and was promoted within a year. Plus we have family and friends here. And to be honest we make well above the median wage and the area is pretty inexpensive so that allows us a variety of opportunities we might not have if we had to pay more for basics.
I'm excited for June because I'm doing Relay for Life again!!! :happydance: It was really fun last year!
krissie- we are the same way. i think we want to stay here until at least retirement, or at the point that the house gets to be too much. i loved having one home growing up and was fortunate to never move. i want to give our kids the same type of stability

tara- good luck with relay for life!

it's been so quiet on here lately! this week is so busy with charles' birthday preparations. And then right after the party we have his actual bday and bens. any ideas what to get a music loving, tech savvy, hates anything "knick-knacky" kind of guy?!
Kaity- same here. My parents moved into the house I grew up in when I was 3. So I went to the same school throughout and same for my husband. We both feel strongly about that for our kids. We rented for 10 years and moved 9 times so when we bought we wanted it to be a permanent house. It was our 10th move! So we have no desire to do it again.

As far as bday ideas I'm horrible at ideas. My dh bday falls in Oct and he always gets whatever video game he's been wanting as they all release right around then.
Does Ben like coffee? Maybe get him a gift card for Starbucks? :shrug:
Symphony - Congratulations on the move! I hope you are all settling in nicely.

Krissie - How is Christian feeling now? Is he all recovered from his illness?

Kaity - What are you planning for Charles' birthday?

Tara - Good luck with Relay for Life! I'm sure it will be fun.

Work has been so busy that I've found it impossible to get on here at all; most days I take my lunch on the go between programs.

I have an appointment with my doctor on Monday to get things going. I forgot that I have to do a blood test first so I'm hoping I can get the test done and the results in before AF starts. FF has it pegged to start on the 15th but I usually start a couple days after the FF date, which should be perfect timing provided nothing strange pops up in my blood test. Also, since I'd be starting Clomid on Day 3 or 5 of my next cycle, that gives me a bit more wiggle room.

I feel like I'm in such a different head space this time around. When we were trying for our first, getting pregnant was all I could think about. This time around, I'm still excited and anxious but my brain is so crowded with everything else in our lives that TTC is really taking a back seat.

That being said, I'm going to feel really stupid if we have to miss this cycle because I forgot about needing to take a blood test :blush::dohh:
Also, I am no help with birthday gifts for men. I always end up buying clothes for the important men in my life. My best friend is a fashion junkie so we take each other on shopping sprees for our birthdays, and then we generally go on a spree for my husband together because we love dressing him up like our personal doll :laugh2:

Does he like to do activities? This year, I'm sending my husband to go skydiving with one of his friends, and few years ago I got him sailing lessons.
Allie- completely understand being busy! I keep catching up in here, get busy and fall behind. Rinse and repeat. How exciting with your appointment coming up! FX nothing shows up on it and you're still able to start trying this month! Completely agree too about it being different with #2. When you're chasing a toddler, there just isn't extra time to focus on trying! I've heard a lot of people say with #2 and on that they forget they are pregnant a lot.

Thank you for the suggestions! I think I'm going to book him an hour long massage at the spa we like going to. He is so busy and stressed with work and I know he will love some relaxation. I'm also going to make up a little certificate or something and let him know that the rest of that day (sat after his bday) I will watch Charles so he can have a Lord of the rings movie marathon. He's been talking for a bit now wanting to watch all the movies again so seems like a fun, relaxing, responsibility free day would be perfect for him!
That sounds like a great birthday idea Kaity! I am sure he will love it.

Allie- Christian is getting better from his sickness. However, now he has an eye infection. It doesn't appear to be pink eye. It could be allergies but the color makes me think infection. :nope:

Fx all your bloodwork comes back good and you are able to start ttc soon! I will be trying on my first cycle that starts after May 5th. Since I have irregular cycles I don't have an exact date yet.
Hope everyone has been doing well!! Just popping back in like I've always been here.. again..

Krissie - I'm sorry about Christian! I hate it when little ones don't feel well. You can't explain it to them at all. My son just got over some upper respiratory stuff that I tried so hard not to give him. He got pretty croupy with it so I'm afraid he's going to be like me and get croupy all the time with URIs. Then I turn around and get a viral infection of some sort, now I'm waiting to see if I managed to fail at not giving him that as well.

Tara - Relay for Life sounds fun! I'm hoping I find time to do things like that now that I'm almost done with classes!! I'm going to start working a little, but not a lot. I'm only scheduling for one day a week for now and picking up hours.

Allie - It's going to be different for us for our second due to the fact that we're going to be actually trying. My son was a wonderful surprise!

My cycles are surprisingly no different than before my son. I always hear people saying their cycles changed. Nope, not for me.. still generally a 25 day cycle. The way it's been running I'll have two chances to conceive in May! My plan is to NTNP the first time and actually TTC at the end of the month.

I'm getting excited! The first week of April went by quick for me as will the next week. After that things slow down a little bit. I'm also excited because I graduate in 29 days!! :happydance:
That sounds like a great gift Kaity! :thumbup: I myself have never had a massage before and it sounds very relaxing.

Krissie it seems like Christian can't get a break from being sick.Hopefully that eye infection goes away.

Today I helped my dad clean his apartment and now I don't even know if I want to go back. :shrug: His negative comments and attitude are starting to be too much for me.He has MS and is in pain which is understandable if he's in a bad mood or having a bad day.Almost every time I see him he says something negative or talks to me like I don't understand what he means and I have had enough.Not only that,he said something very offensive about the transgendered community and I didn't even know what to say after.

I love my dad but like I said I'm done and tired. :nope:
Tara - I completely understand being done and tired. I've went past that point with my mother. It's no fun feeling like you have to be away from a family member to better your life.
I'm sorry you're struggling with your dad Tara. It is so hard when they are your parents. :hugs:
The ultrasound tech told me at 12 and 4 I'm probably having another boy. I don't know how to feel about this!


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Kaity - A massage and movie marathon sounds like a fabulous and relaxing way to spend his birthday!

Krissie - Poor Christian! I hope that it's not pink eye; that can be such a beast if it gets everyone in the house.

May isn't so far away now! If I miss this cycle due to my absent mind, we'll be May Clomid buddies :p

Ali - So nice to have short cycles! Fx that one of your May shots does the trick :thumbup: My cycles did regulate somewhat after my son but they are still on the long side (32-36 days, whereas before it could be any where from 28-56).

And congratulations on being thisclose to graduating! What are you studying?

Tara - Sorry to hear about your struggles with your dad. Negative family interactions are so exhausting and emotionally draining. It is especially hard when there is illness involved. Keep yourself emotionally safe, even if it means putting some distance in your relationship :flower:

What are you all up to this weekend? The weather here has been amazing this week so I'm excited to actually get to be home and hang out with the kid instead of heading to work.

Last night we ate dinner outside on the trampoline while our dogs tore around the backyard below us. It was so idyllic and I had the slightly ridiculous thought that it's so much easier to be a good parent when the weather is nice. :winkwink:
Krissie - Poor Christian! I hope that it's not pink eye; that can be such a beast if it gets everyone in the house.

May isn't so far away now! If I miss this cycle due to my absent mind, we'll be May Clomid buddies :p

Well that good news is I don't think its pink eye. I am treating it though since I finally found his drops. It already had a lot less discharge this morning.

I am excited for a May buddy. I am so ready for May to get here actually!! Between summer break coming and starting Clomid. :happydance:

The weather has been so nice here the last two days. Today is also suppose to be 77!! Saturday the weather looks good with a slight chance of rain. So I am hoping to do some yard work and then we have a friend's bday party in the evening. I have no plans for Sunday. I am hoping to relax and do something laid back with DH and DS.
I'm so jealous about your weather Krissie!! :haha: It's supposed to snow tonight until tomorrow morning. :coffee: I just want spring to come!!

Right now I don't want to talk to my dad and it feels like I need a break from him for a while.

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