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Waiting and waiting...2016 mommies-to-be!

Thanks ladies! Ds is doing much better. His eyes are all cleared up now and he is feeling so much better. He's been eating good and gaining some weight. I'm so happy with that since his surgery is a week from Wednesday so I want him healthy going into it.
Am I the only one not getting emails from b&b? I haven't gotten any since Thursday.
Tara - It never emails me, probably turned it off when I first got on here. So I can't help you with that! May be why I can't keep up at all with anything on here!

Krissie - I'm glad he's doing better!! Hopefully he recovers quickly from the surgery.

Nothing going on here. Just waiting around for the most part. I'll be busy these next 2 weeks so time should fly. Preceptor on Monday, Friday, Sunday, Monday then I work both Tuesdays. All 12 hour shifts.
Thanks Ali. He does seem to finally be doing good. I think we have been sick since November with one thing or another. He has his surgery a week from Wednesday so I am really anxious for that. I can tell he is in a speech explosion because he is saying a ton of new words. Unfortunately due to his lower hearing they are very difficult to understand. But I would say in the last two weeks he has gained 5-7 new words. :happydance: However, our kitty is now apparently a dog. :haha:

In other news I am so beyond done waiting. I am really just waiting on af to arrive and then its onto another round of clomid!! I am so so excited.
I have my notifications set to instant so I have no clue I'm not getting any emails. :shrug:

How was everyone's weekend? Mine was good!! I went for my walks every day since Thursday since it's been so nice and warm.Apparently I forgot how tiring being in the sun can be so I slept good too! :thumbup: Yesterday my mom and I got to see Roxy and Lindsay!! :happydance: Liam was also there too so it was nice seeing them together.I still can't believe they'll both be a year old in a few months!! :wacko:

Today I called the family services that the CMHA referred me to and the woman said Ontario Works (which I'm on) will cover the cost of seeing a counselor!! :happydance: I'm going tomorrow to see when I can talk to one.
Curiosity - Hope Friday (or earlier) brings you good news!

Katy - Glad Charles' birthday party went well! I hope the rest of birthday week does too. It's sounds so busy but so much fun!

Tara - I'm glad you've been able to find coverage so you can start working with a counselor. I hope you find someone who is a great fit for you :flower:

I don't know anything about the notifications. I'm pretty sure I have mine turned off.

Ali - That's a lot of 12 hr shifts! Stay hydrated! My godsister says that's the worst for her; she always forgets to drink enough water while she works because she's always running around the hospital.

Krissie - I'm glad to hear that Christian is doing better so that he can go into surgery next week with a clean bill of health. The newest word explosion is awesome and bodes well for his post-surgery development.

And yay for almost being able to start your first round of Clomid! Hope AF arrives soon.


AF arrived for me today and I've got a doctor's appointment this afternoon. I had bloodwork done last week and everything came back fine except my iron, which is super low. My doctor isn't super concerned but he does want to talk more in-depth about how it might affect TTC. He also wants to go over some of the paperwork he received from my previous doctor (that oversaw my first foray into TTC and infertility).

I'm pretty optimistic he'll give me the go ahead to start Clomid this cycle though, which means I'll get to pop that first pill on Thursday!

I've been so bad about taking my prenatal vitamins recently, and even worse now that I'm taking iron supplements as well. I keep thinking, "Well, I did take a pill! then I remember I should be taking a couple of pills. My brain these days...:blush:

Also, Cai turned two and a half yesterday, and predictably had a rough, super grump day. It seem like every "milestone" day is a bad one for him: 2 years, 18 months, 1 year, 9/6/3 months, 6/3 weeks. Poor kid. it was good for me though because he was asleep by 7:30, which meant I had a nice long evening to relax :happydance:
That sounds super promising alliec!! I hope your new doctor gives you the go ahead and you can start clomid.

I am asking my doctor for progesterone on the 2nd to get things going here. I suspect af will be here around the middle of May if that happens. :happydance:
I went today to family services and talked to a woman.She said someone will call by Friday and I have a good feeling about this!! :thumbup:

Good luck with ovulating Krissie! :thumbup:
Glad to hear it Tara! Sound like your making the right choice to go talk to someone.
My first counseling appointment is next Tuesday afternoon and right now I'm not too nervous.

Is it just me or has this thread been pretty quiet lately?
Been well! Just busy. Haven't had time to catch up in everything on BnB.
It does seem to be quieter than I remember from the first time I joined the thread. But I can kind of understand why. It can be hard to find a reason or need to post when all you are doing is waiting. I'm terrible at participating if something isn't imminent. I'm also aware of how obsessive I can become about things like TTC so I'm careful not to feed the obsession.

Tara - I hope your first appointment on Tuesday goes well! It's such a good step in self-care :flower:

Krissie - Yay for progesterone and all that follows!

So, I did get my prescription yesterday and picked up the pills right away. As soon as I got them, I was hit with a pretty big wave of "oh, I don't know about this..." And I've been feeling pretty anxious ever since.

I actually called my doctor today and asked if I could hold off for another month and he said the meds won't expire anytime soon and it was up to me when to take them. DH is fine either way but said he'd be pretty happy to hold off for another month.

It's so weird. We are still excited but also kind of not. Medical assistance really adds another layer to the whole TTC business. Like, I know that if we were just to find out I was pregnant, we'd be thrilled. But this added element of working to make my body receptive to conception makes us second guess so much. We were talking and I was saying that a February baby would work so much better for us, and it was just such a strange conversation to be having when there's just no guarantee that I can even get pregnant again.
Allie - It's understandable though! I've had doubts as well, but I went back and forth. A lot of my doubt was all the stress from school and now I'm not feeling that. Just do what feels best! There are things that make me reconsider as well.
I can completely understand the doubt!! We started ttc full on a year ago next month. But after I went back to work in August I just couldn't imagine how crazy it would be with two. It wasn't until January I felt ready again. I still feel nervous but I think ttc next month is a good choice for our family. I have kinda figured out that we will adjust and adapt when the new one arrives. Plus DS is finally FINALLY!!! sleeping at night. He wakes up probably 5 times a week only once and the other two days he sleeps through. It has been so so nice. I am finally feeling like I am functioning during the day and not just surviving it.
Krissie can Christian self soothe himself back to sleep?

Is anyone else as shocked as me that Prince passed away? It's very sad.

alliec I have a good feeling about it!
Krissie - My son is a troublesome little sleeper. He will sleep through the night, but I've been bad and he sleeps with me. If I'm not there and he wakes up he'll not go back to sleep without me generally. I've attempted several times to transition him over to his bed, but I always ruin it by 1) being too tired to fight it or 2) I got lonely (OH works overnights) I finally quit trying after several attempts and planned to put it off till I got done with classes. I'm about to start transitioning him again.

Tara - This is definitely not the year to be famous. I also saw Chyna (WWE wrestler) passed away as well. I never watched wrestling I just knew about her.
Tara- Christian usually wants a milk when he wakes up and then goes right back to sleep. So it is not long periods of time I am awake. Which has helped. But the broken sleep definitely is a struggle.

Ali- that is a rough situation. I am so thankful Christian transitioned from his bassinet (which he hated) to his crib at 6 weeks. I slept in the room with him until he was 3 months old. But since then he has slept in his own bed. I brought him to bed with me a couple times and all he does is poke at my eyes or try to sit on me. :haha:

Talked to DH and we are all set to start ttc next month. I am so excited!! He was just kinda like duh I have been ready to go this whole time.
Ladies....!!!!! I'm.. speechless! :happydance: So much for waiting till May! :blush:

I don't doubt it. It's a :bfp:!! I've never even had a shadow on those things and that one is pink! I have 2 FRERs, since I was stocking up for next month. I would have dipped one but I didn't think it would come back positive so I dumped the urine. I think I'll take one later!


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