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Waiting and waiting...2016 mommies-to-be!

Thank you Krissie!! I really didn't expect it at all! No symptoms yet! Trying to think of a little creative way to tell hubby! I'll tell him today.. I can't hold something like this back!
Thank you Ashley!

I told my OH. He was shocked! He's happy, but wasn't expecting it since we weren't going to start trying till next month.
My FRER with a 4 hour hold!


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Based on my LMP it would be January 3rd! My son got bumped up a week based on that. So we'll see!

I want to change where I go, but I think I'm going to start out at the last place I went. I'm not sure where I want to go. I know so many nurses in all the OBs near by that I feel a bit awkward!
Congrats on your :bfp: AliJo! H&H 9 months. :happydance: :flower:

I hope that everyone is okay.
Wow! Huge congratulations ! Sorry not been on for ages thought dh had changed his mind on me, but we've talked a lot and things are back on track for June July to start ttc!
Wow! Huge congratulations ! Sorry not been on for ages thought dh had changed his mind on me, but we've talked a lot and things are back on track for June July to start ttc!

Oh hun that is fabulous news! I'm so happy to hear that. <3
Ali - Congratulations!!! What a wonderful surprise! :happydance:

fxmummyduck - I'm glad your DH has come back around and you are still on track for the summer!


We are definitely out this cycle. I chickened out of taking my Clomid on both Day 3 and Day 5. :blush: DH has suggested that we just use OPKs this cycle to sort-of-but-not-really try, and that maybe that would warm us up to the idea of properly trying. We'll see.

I've been somewhat toying with the idea of waiting another year-ish, mostly because I want to take a couple more vacations with just DS and not with baby in tow. However, I am aware that it's kind of a silly reason. I've definitely hit my usual "find any excuse to not do something" block that happens when I think about something too much. :headspin:

Our pets were all great big piles of misbehaving poo this weekend as well, so maybe that's why I'm suddenly not keen to add another fluid-spewing creature to the family at the moment... :laugh2:
Hi ladies! :wave:

Sorry I've been missing. Life has been super busy and I normally come read posts, but never have time to reply. I cannot wait until my kids are done with school and boy scouts/girl scouts. Things will seem much less hectic then.

For updates - my pregnancy is still going well. I'm still on my morning sickness meds, but I'm hoping I can go off them soon. I've also got a sinus infection right now. But the baby is doing great, and that's what's important. We found out a few weeks ago that were having a little boy! :happydance: OH is so thrilled! It's adorable. We're starting to get things ready for little man because I feel like the rest of this pregnancy is going to fly by.

Also, my son turned 8 years old on April 12th. I can't believe my baby is already 8. We had a little party for him at a hotel so he could go swimming. We had invited 3 of his friends and until the day before, I felt so bad because I didn't think any of them could come. But in the end, 2 of his friends were able to come and everyone had a great time. :)

Beyond that, there's not much going on. I've been spending a lot of time reading, which I love. I'm going to miss having this kind of time. :haha:

Ali - Huge congrats on your bfp! :happydance:

Fxmummyduck - I'm glad your OH is back on track with the TTC plan. :)

And for anyone who is nervous/anxious about starting TTC - I was too. After we had decided to start TTC I got cold feet and then every couple months after. Once in a while I still wonder if we're ready :haha:

I hope you all are doing well! :flower:
So glad to hear everything is going well Aidens. Congrats on your little boy. How special for you and your oh.

It is funny you mentioned cold feet. Today I was driving to work and thinking to myself we should wait until after summer to start back on clomid. :haha: But I know in my heart we are ready and just need to go for it. Which will be in roughly two weeks!! :happydance:
Congrats aidens on finding out that you're having another boy! :)

Tomorrow is my first counselling appointment and I am a bit nervous about it.
Hi ladies! Going through now to catch up. I hope everyone is doing well!!

Tara- Best of luck with your appointment tomorrow Tara. I'm sure its very nerve-wracking but it will be so good for you to talk to someone about your thoughts and feelings. That's great that the cost will be fully covered! Its crazy that Roxy is 9 months old! how is she? what new tricks is she doing these days?

Krissie- glad christian was feeling better (i know it was awhile ago now!). His surgery is coming up in a couple days, isn't it? are you ready for it? it's an outpatient surgery right? That's great he is picking up so many new words! I bet once he can properly hear he will start talking like crazy. may is coming up so soon and i'm really excited to follow your TTC journey!! And YAY for sttn!!! it is AMAZING how much better you feel, and how proud of them (and yourself) you are when they start sleeping. Welcome to the wonderful world of rest :)

allie- sorry about AF hun :hugs: I think it's so different ttc your second compared to your first. We are full on trying and some days I ask myself "why are we trying now again?!" and feel a bit crazy. I think when its the first time everything is so new and different. with the second, you are more aware of the process and the changes it brings. I can't imagine how much heightened it all is when you add in assistance. How long were you trying for Cai? And there is no rush...when its the right time to start you will know it :flower:

Ali- Charles used to co sleep with me as well but we fully transitioned him to his own bed at the same time he weaned and started STTN at 16/17 months. So got all the transitions done in one go. It's hard to do and there isn't a rush- when you feel comfortable it will be the right time.

Ashley- how are you doing hun?

FX- good to hear from you! I'm glad you and your DH are back on the same page :thumbup:

aidens- so good to hear from you and congrats on being team :blue:!! Sounds like Aiden had a nice time at his party and I'm glad his friends were able to make it

AFM, all is going well. We have an appointment on Wednesday to be evaluated by a different speech therapist for Charles so just preparing for that. I'm 7dpo right now and waiting to test. this whole trying business is one big series of waiting- waiting to try, waiting to ovulate, waiting to test...i'll be glad when i'm preggo and can be done ....well, you know...until the waiting 9 months to meet baby :haha:
Ali- a HUGE congratulations!!!! What a great surprise! I've updated you on the front page and will pop over next to the April thread and get you updated there. H&H 9 months to you!!
Krissie- glad christian was feeling better (i know it was awhile ago now!). His surgery is coming up in a couple days, isn't it? are you ready for it? it's an outpatient surgery right? That's great he is picking up so many new words! I bet once he can properly hear he will start talking like crazy. may is coming up so soon and i'm really excited to follow your TTC journey!! And YAY for sttn!!! it is AMAZING how much better you feel, and how proud of them (and yourself) you are when they start sleeping. Welcome to the wonderful world of rest :)

Yes, his surgery is tomorrow morning. So that will be a busy day. Everything I read suggests it will be a pretty straight forward procedure and he should be able to resume normal activities pretty quickly.

It has been so nice with him sleeping better. I definitely have missed it. It is nice feeling like I am actually functioning during the day.

Hopefully Charles' appointment tomorrow will lead to some answers for you. :hugs:

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