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Waiting and waiting...2016 mommies-to-be!

The counselling appointment went better than I thought I would! :thumbup: She was really nice and understanding.I'm not sure if I'm going back because it felt good to get stuff off my chest and right now it doesn't feel like I need to see someone once a week. :shrug:

I'm not sure if I already posted this but Roxy can pull herself up as long as she's holding onto something.Now she can stand for a few seconds on her own until she falls over and she can walk if someone is holding her.Her hair is growing in like crazy too!

Good luck Kaity and Krissie with both Charles and Christian tomorrow! :thumbup:
Hi ladies! I've been so busy lately and haven't had time to update. Glad to see you are all doing well.
My pregnancy is flying by! We had a scan at 12 weeks and based on nub theory the tech was adamant were having another boy. I have a scan next Friday to confirm. I'm getting nervous. I will love another boy, but really wanted one of each.

We took away ds bottle last night. He started waking up 3 times a night demanding milk and stopped eating during the day. It HAS to go away. Last night was hell. He cried for two hours before he fell asleep and I felt so helpless. Nothing I did helped.
He woke up four hours later and it was hell again for about an hour. Then he slept until morning. I'm exhausted and really dreading bedtime tonight...
Ashley congrats on your scan! I'd feel the same, I'd love one of each but another boy would be great too. At least I've got all the clothes!

You might be surprised how quickly he gets the hang of no bottles and milk. With our ds the first night was bad, second night was a lot better, 3rd night just s bit of crying when he went to bed and in the night... Then he was sleeping through!

I know it's so tough to hear them cry but I'm sure he'll get the hang of it! Just don't give in at any point or you'll be back to square one. Good luck!
Kk - Thank you! It was quite a wonderful surprise! I think my son would do fine if he can just get past wanting to be snug in the crook of my arm. He's such a snuggler. I haven't started transitioning yet like I planned because he got sick then I was on a 3 day stretch of 12 hr work days. Hope the appointment goes well and you get some answers!

Krissie - Thoughts are with you today! I'm sure everything will go wonderfully! It will be interesting to see how he improves after!

Aidens - Thank you! Glad everything is going well!! Another boy is exciting! I have a feeling mine is going to be a boy, don't know why I just do. I do want a girl, but we plan on more!

Ashley - Glad things are going well! My son generally doesn't want his cup at night but every once in awhile he will wake up and I know he's thirsty so I'll get him something. It's not all the time, though.

Tara - Glad it went well! Maybe go back once and see if it helps more? If you feel it's redundant after another go, then maybe that's all you needed! Also, it's so fun to watch nieces and nephews grow! That's exciting!
Thanks ladies. His surgery went well and we are now home. He's been up playing a bit for a half hour or so.
Krissie - Awesome!! He's a little trooper!! Do you have to be careful about anything for awhile?
He really is doing well. He hardly cried at all when they brought him out.

He's just not suppose to get his ears wet for 2 days.
I'm so surprised! Last night I went to lay ds son down for bed. He didn't even ask for a bottle, went straight to bed on his own without me in the room and slept 7:30-7:25 without waking up once!
Wow that is great ashley. I am planning to take away the bottle this summer. I have 4 more weeks left this year and then it's time to conquer it!
The main thing I talked to the counselor about was my dad and by the way I described him she said it sounds like he's verbally abusing me.I never even thought about that until yesterday and now I realize it is verbal abuse since he talks to me as if I don't know what he means.

Glad that Christian is doing good after his operation Krissie!! :thumbup:
Tara - That's horrible, I wonder if he even realizes it? I think I should talk to a counselor about my mother. Everyone else around me (besides my Dad) thinks I should forgive and forget. Life is too short, blah blah blah. Honestly they don't understand and I don't expect them to. I respect that, but it can really make you feel like the bad guy when you fully know that you aren't.

After several warm days, I'm freezing over here in 45 degree weather! Had some storms roll through that were causing tornadoes, but thankfully those parts didn't hit us. We're getting hit again, but I love listening to the thunder! Nothing else is really going on right now. I've noticed I'm more emotional, that's about it.
Tonight went awesome as well. No mention of the bottle, and went to bed independently no issues. I'm sure we will have random tough nights but I'm so glad the initial shock only lasted one very terrible night.
That's wonderful Ashley!

It may be awhile before I can get my son to go to bed without the routine snuggling to sleep. I'm okay with that, though. I think he will only be semi difficult to get to his own bed.

Bottle wise, he hasn't had a bottle since shortly after he turned 1. He went from bottles/cups to cups in one day. I did have to change up his cups constantly because he would stop taking the type he was using. A new cup would grab his attention, then we just rotated till he didn't care. We have several versions of cups now, but he'll use them all.
Ashley- wahoo!! Glad bedtime went so smoothly...FX it keeps up! I hope you get the girl you want but brothers growing up is also wonderful!

krissie- so happy to hear that Christian's surgery went well and he is already playing! That's not too bad with just not getting his ears wet for 2 days.

tara- :hugs::hugs: I would encourage you to see her a few more times. There may be issues come out that you aren't even aware of yet and she can help you work through them

Ali- i'm glad you are feeling well so far! i've been emotional tonight and am hoping its an early preggo sign like it was was DS and not a :witch: sign... hormones are definitely a roller coaster!
Thanks Kaity. I am glad everything went well and today he is acting like his normal self. So feeling good about this all.

We could already tell right after his appointment he was hearing better. Now we just got to work on building vocabulary and pronunciation. Thankfully we have those services with infant and toddler so I'm hoping to see results this summer since I will have lots of time to implement their suggestions.

Tara- I think it would be a good idea to go for a couple more sessions. The great thing about therapy is as you get to know the therapist more and build trust the more you can focus on the big issues.
Alijo-getting stuff off your chest to someone who doesn't know your family feels really good! Last week my mom told me not to take it personally when my dad is negative but its hard not to when its your family.

I might go back to talk to her but I only get three free sessions covered by Ontario works. I was thinking of starting a journal to get my feelings out. Does anyone here keep a journal?
Krissie- so so happy surgery went well and you are already seeing improvements! I'm sure he will be a talking whiz by the end of the summer!

Tara- it sucks you only get three free sessions. I would still encourage you to go twice more. You never know how she will be able to help and you may find its worth going back every now and again

Any fun plans this weekend?? We are hopefully taking Charles to opening day if a train place in the morning. Its predicted rain so we may skip and go to an indoor play area instead. I've been really looking forward to it though so FX it holds off!
Honestly, I don't know what else she can help me with. :shrug: I also told her about how I used to self harm and it felt good to get that off my chest too.
Honestly, I don't know what else she can help me with. :shrug: I also told her about how I used to self harm and it felt good to get that off my chest too.

Maybe she could help with strategies for working with your dad? My dh learned a lot about his mother and creating boundaries and ways to communicate with her. It's honestly been so much better when we see them now.

Kaity- the train place sounds fun. I hope the weather stays nice and you can go.

No weekend plans here. Christian needs to rest and reduce infection exposure. So we will likely stay home all weekend. I have a couple new plants to plant and then we will probably work on my garden. I've decided to give Christian his own garden spot. I think we are going to plant a gourd plant in there for him to grow.

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