Waiting and waiting...2016 mommies-to-be!

Children are definitely a blessing no matter what their gender, we just wanted to sway the odds since it could potentially be our last and we wanted our best chance at a girl, but we still would have been completely happy and excited to have another boy. DS is a really pretty boy and gets mistaken for a girl when we go out a lot though. Like seriously, at least one person every time that we go to the store to buy groceries, it's crazy. At his 12 week scan I really thought that he was a girl because his skull looked so girly, but it turned out that he's just really pretty. :haha:

I'm hoping to try in 2016.

Hello and welcome! :wave: :flower:
Do you know which month you plan to TTC? Just let us know and KK will add you to the appropriate spot on the list in the second post on page one. :D
If I don't hear from my doctor next week I'm going to call and see if the results are in.
I talked to DF tonight and he said that we can start trying in July! I'm so excited! I don't think that our date is going to move up any further than that though, so go ahead and put me down for July 2015 KK. :happydance:

I'm hoping to try in 2016.

Hello and welcome! I've added you to our list (the second post). Let me know when you decide on a month and I'll move you to the right spot. This is a great group of gals and we all look forward to getting to know you!

Keely - yay!!!!:happydance::happydance: What great news! I'm so excited (and only slightly jealous lol) for you that it is coming up SO SOON! And I think it's a great attitude that you have on letting the gender be what it is without swaying. Girls are great, but so are boys. And if you did have another boy, then Liam will have a built in best friend as they get into teenage years and beyond (which is where I see a lot of brother/sister (including myself and my brothers) start to drift apart but same sex siblings seem to stay closer). I hope you get the girl that you are wanting, but as long as baby is healthy I'm sure in the end it won't matter :) I'll leave it swaying :pink: on the list for now but can change it later for you if you'd like :)

Tara- Hopefully no news is good news. Keep us updated and hope all is well :flower:
I talked to DF tonight and he said that we can start trying in July! I'm so excited! I don't think that our date is going to move up any further than that though, so go ahead and put me down for July 2015 KK. :happydance:

Yay we are ttc buddies!!
We'll probably end up doing a loose sway for the first three cycles (like stopping BD when the OPK turns positive but not really doing the diet or supplements) but if we don't get pregnant in the first three cycles we'll just start BDing straight through all of my fertile days. I hope that we eventually get a little girl whether it's this next baby or any child we decide to have after, but for now I'm not too worried about it. If I'm meant to have a girl one day then I will have one whether I sway or not. It would be great for Liam to have a little brother close to him in age though, so I'd almost rather have another boy this time just for that. I'm just so ready for another :bfp: and another bump, :pink: or :blue:. With Liam walking now it really reminds me that I don't have a baby anymore but a full fledged toddler.

And yay for being TTC buddies Krissie! :happydance:
Maybe we'll both get our girls this time since our first month trying we'll be under a girl sign (moon phase) and we both got pregnant in our first month (kind of sort of, I got pregnant from one night of unprotected sex and for you it was your first month using Clomid) last time. August will put us under a girl sign too, same with October and November. 4/5 months isn't bad. :haha:

Also KK your new picture of Charles is adorable! I miss the days when Liam was that little sometimes but at the same time I love my sweet little toddler that calls me "mama" and gives me kisses. :cloud9:
I think I'm going to love being a STM even more than I loved being a FTM because I will have both a fun, sweet little boy walking and talking and all kind of other things and a tiny bundle at the same time. <3
Welcome June 2012 :hi:

Tara, I really do hope that everything is alright. I'm sure the doctor would have called you already if there was anything to be worried about :hugs:
I talked to DF tonight and he said that we can start trying in July! I'm so excited! I don't think that our date is going to move up any further than that though, so go ahead and put me down for July 2015 KK. :happydance:

Yay we are ttc buddies!!

Yay, me too! Will be fun to all be trying at the same time!

It will be great to all be trying at the same time! :bunny:

I was looking at our list and noticed a few people that were active for a while but sort of disappeared. I think LaurenH2B actually convinced her OH to start trying right now or at the beginning of next year or something, but I wonder how everyone else is doing. Maybe they're keeping really busy or it's possible that they could be getting on less often because they feel less broody if they do. Either way I hope that they're all doing well and I wish them the best of luck. :thumbup:
I read and run a lot. Sorry!

It's just hard to come on here sometimes knowing that July 2016 is sooooo far away :cry:
Perfectly understandable hun, we've all been there at one point or another. :hugs:
It's a lot harder for me to get on Facebook than it is to get on here because so many women from my October Pumpkins 2013 group are either already pregnant again or TTC. Then on top of that I have to deal with people on my friends list and people on THEIR friends lists posting pregnancy and birth announcements. I could handle it back when it was just one or two people, but lately it's a lot of people all posting at once and doing it constantly with pictures and all and it's just too much for my poor little heart to take all at once. I always thought that it would be easier to wait for my second child back when I was WTT for my first, but it really doesn't get any easier to wait for a baby no matter how many you have had. If you're broody then you're broody and that's all there is to it and it sucks. This time I'm not going to assume that it will be any easier to wait for #3 than it was to wait for the other two.
Kaylee, July 2016 will get here before you know it :thumbup:

Keely, I'm the same. My first friend from our Mom and Baby group just announced that she's pregnant (due in May) and a couple of friends have just had their second.
Tonight I went out for supper with my family because my cousin came back after working this summer in a different province. I ate more than I usual do and still full now. I'll probably sleep pretty good tonight.

That's great kiki that your oh agreed on ttcing next July.
Did you have a good outing with your family? What was for dinner? It's always good to spend time with family now and then, I wish I got to see mine more often.
I talked to DF tonight and he said that we can start trying in July! I'm so excited! I don't think that our date is going to move up any further than that though, so go ahead and put me down for July 2015 KK. :happydance:

Yay we are ttc buddies!!

Yay, me too! Will be fun to all be trying at the same time!

It will be great to all be trying at the same time! :bunny:

I was looking at our list and noticed a few people that were active for a while but sort of disappeared. I think LaurenH2B actually convinced her OH to start trying right now or at the beginning of next year or something, but I wonder how everyone else is doing. Maybe they're keeping really busy or it's possible that they could be getting on less often because they feel less broody if they do. Either way I hope that they're all doing well and I wish them the best of luck. :thumbup:

I've been MIA from the forum lately. I get even more broody when I spend a lot of time on here, which got to be a little much. But I'm feeling a bit better now. Still not past the broodiness enough to not want to beg my OH to TTC now though. :haha:

I've been doing pretty good, though. I got to go visit family Tuesday and Wednesday and then did my college orientation yesterday. I start college on Monday :happydance: I'm really hoping it helps with the broodiness some. I'm going crazy waiting. It feels like 2016 is forever away. Fortunately, my facebook feed doesn't seem as full of pregnancy/birth announcements these days but there's still tons of babies. Plus my brother's girlfriend is due to have her baby January 15th, and I know that my nephew being born is going to send my broodiness into overdrive. :dohh:
Aidens I bet you will find college a great distraction and 2016 will be here before you know it. This forum also fuels my broodiness too. I am part of an FB group that consists of ladies from here (we were all due in August 2013) and three of those ladies are now pregnant....
I can understand how bnb fuels your broodiness. There have been periods where I disappear too. I think it helps now with ds because I visit the baby boards now.

In other news I passed my qualification exams yesterday so I can now apply for my full certificate.

I also made a decision that I was not going to get an iud. We thought about it and agree if I got pregnant before July it wouldn't be that bad. So we are going to keep using what we have been and go from there.
The reason that Facebook is so bad for me right now I think is because there are lots of women with babies that are younger than mine that either just had a baby, are pregnant again, or currebtly TTC. DS was born at 38 weeks on September 23rd when he was due October 7th so he was the fourth Pumpkin to be born in the whole group. There was one more September baby born after him but the other four September moms aren't active in the group anymore. We have two women with new babies (they got pregnant just a couple of months after giving birth and both were not tried for, one was actually an IUD oopsie), I think four that are currently pregnant again, and I believe that three more are currently TTC. It's about half of our active members and while I'm happy for them and know that they have their reasons for such a small age gap and we have our reasons for going for the "normal" two or three year gap it still seems somehow unfair and I feel a little left out. Like I'm the only one with an OH that is making me wait for another baby. I know that's probably not true as I know at least one other FTM in the group that is waiting to TTC #2 next year, it just really feels like it sometimes.

I don't recommend an IUD anyway Krissie, I've heard too many horror stories and too many stories about accidental pregnancy with those things. As mentioned above we had one mom that got pregnant with an IUD in just a couple of months after having her daughter (she already had 3 or 4 other kids and was ready to be done after her last DD) and we just had another mom that had her IUD fall out in the toilet recently. I'll never get one, condoms and cycle tracking for me thanks.

My broodiness gets worse the closer the date gets, I think it's because we then have less reasons to wait. We started out with a ton of reasons and now we only have about two left because we've completed everything else. Right now DF's only requirement is that we be able to save at least $500 a month (which we can definitely do even if I just get a part time job working evenings and weekends) and my only requirement is that we wait for our wedding in June. I can understand how BnB fuels broodiness though, I went MIA for a while back mostly because things got busy completing goals but it did make time pass faster and I felt less broody. I was mostly talking about older posters in the thread that were posting in here every day but then suddenly stopped (WhiteKhocolat for example).

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