Waiting and waiting...2016 mommies-to-be!

Yep, I have heard a lot of bad things about them. My friend had a perforated uterus from hers. We are using condoms and cycle tracking as well. We both know we want a second and if it happened we can afford it, even if I would be a bit crazy for a few years!! I would rather wait until July but if we get a surprise it was obviously meant to be.
I really hope that I can make it to July without any surprises because I'm really looking forward to actually TTC this time and I really want to get married first, but any time starting as soon as July hits I will happily welcome a :bfp:!
I think I'm more the culprit to waiting than my DH. Until recently he was very much on the "one and done" train. But as my DS gets older Ben is open to a second. I don't think he would mid a smaller age gap, since it would get me back to work sooner, but I am the one pushing for a bigger gap. For one, I REALLY want to get moved ad settled before getting preggo. I was nauseous 24/7 for 7 weeks with Charles and the thought of having to move at the same time is so unappealing. But also, this will be our last biological one (if we have second boy we will look at adopting an older girl after the boys would both be in school) and I'm not ready to start my last pregnancy yet. I know it sounds silly, but I LOVED being pregnant and it's sad for me to think it will only happen one more time. I kind of want to push it off longer so that I can extend my "having babies" season of life for as long as possible
I totally understand not wanting to rush through what you know will be your last baby. It makes me really sad to think that this could be my last one as well which is why I originally wanted to wait until May or June of 2016 but then I realized that I'm going to be sad about my last pregnancy/baby and the fact that it will never happen for me again after that no matter when it happens, so why make myself wait an extra year when it won't change anything, I'd just be insanely broody for even longer? Definitely don't want smaller than a two year gap though and I really don't want any bigger than a four year gap either. My DF is the main pusher to wait, but only for financial reasons. He'd probably want to start trying right now if our finances were in order. If we have another boy this time then we will probably consider adopting a girl later as well for our third. If we have a girl this time though then we will be trying for another biological child. A fourth child is completely and totally up in the air, we won't know if it's going to happen or not until after our third. We're done after that though.
Did you have a good outing with your family? What was for dinner? It's always good to spend time with family now and then, I wish I got to see mine more often.

I had a good time. We went to a burger restaurant and one of my uncles was cut off from drinking because all he did was drink. Plus he was a bit loud and it was a bit embarrassing.
Yikes, I'm sorry about your uncle! I'm glad that you had a good time reguardless though.

So two of the ladies that were TTC in my Pumpkins group found out that they are pregnant like today or yesterday. One of them ended up asking me the most insensitive question that you can ask someone that you know for a fact is WTT for a while: "Or you could just start TTC right now??? Lol". She's always been kind of a passive aggressive bitch though, I know it's not nice to think ill of someone but she's just really not that nice a person. Sorry hun but not all of us have husbands that are willing to TTC just one year after we gave birth to our last baby and it's not nice to remind us of that. Sorry for the rant. I'm really happy for the other girl though, she's always been such a sweetheart and she's actually been TTC for the past 8 months with a thyroid issue.
:hugs: sorry she was so insensitive...rant away :) just remember that you are making the best decision for your family. It's going to be a hard wait but you will get your dream wedding and a planned baby at the end...it will be SO worth it! How are your wedding plans coming?

Tara- wow! sorry about your uncle...glad you were still able to have a nice time :flower:

I didn't realize IUDs were so terrible! Glad I never went that route. Other than a brief stint on the pill many years ago, we have always just used condoms/pull out. It's worked so far and will keep using it until hubby gets snipped probably a year or so after next baby (just to be sure we are done ;) )
That's was rude for that woman to say something like that. Aren't IUD implants?
Yes IUDs are implants, they are terrible faulty things and I would get back on the Depo before I would ever get one. The Depo was almost as bad as an IUD btw, it was great at preventing pregnancy, too great if you ask me. And you're right KK, I am doing what's best for me and my family and it will be worth the wait. And then when I'm POAS like a madwoman after they have all already given birth and most of their hubbies are like "Done!" they can all be slightly jealous of my :bfp: progression and wish that they hadn't rushed their next and possibly last baby. Wow that was actually really bitchy of me, I'm sorry. It's just getting to me lately. Here's to hoping that this cluster of TTC and :bfp: in the group is over with now and there won't be another one until it's much closer to my turn. Fortunately I've found that I'm really not alone though as there are still some of us that are not pregnant or TTC right now (granted a lot of them are done having babies, but still). And wedding plans are going well, we just haven't needed to do much on our end because we bought a wedding package to take care of pretty much everything for us.
This is going to be wayyyyy too information, but my mom called me the other day complaining that her vagina literally smelled like poop. She went to the gyno and her IUD had punctured through to her rectum. So. There's that.

How is the wedding planning going Keely? Is it going to b a big wedding? Crazy to say, but I'm totally not excited to plan my wedding. I have trouble making decisions and I know my family will have a million and a half opinions..
Omg Kaylee, I hope that your mom is okay! :hugs:

That's why we bought a wedding package, haha. We get to make the decisions we want and they do everything for us. It's pretty wonderful. I would say that it will be a "medium sized" wedding. The only reason it will be even that big is that I have a lot of family and DF has a lot of friends. We can have up to 80 people attend with the package we bought. I definitely recommend buying a wedding package somewhere if you can. It's so much easier and less stressful to be able to call one place for all of the details of your wedding.
Wow, MamaByrd. I hope your mom is okay. :hugs:

I haven't heard many nice things about IUDs. My brother's ex had one and she had non-stop spotting for the full six months she had it. It was ridiculous. I'm never going to get one. I don't even like being on the pill. When I first moved in with my OH in January, I was supposed to go back on the pill, but I decided against it. I hate having all the artificial hormones and would rather just use condoms, even though I hate those too. I try to keep track on my CM and then we use condoms around the time I start getting fertile CM until about 2 weeks later. So far so good. The only real scare I've had is when my OH decided not to use condoms when he knew he should have. :dohh:

I kind of wish I were planning a wedding. Three of my friends are now (with another one going to get engaged soon) and it makes me a little jealous. I'm not entirely sure if my OH will ever want to get married, though. He was already married once and it was a horrible experience for him, and I've also already been in a bad marriage, so we're both a little jaded when it comes to marriage. Although, I'd marry my OH in a heartbeat if he asked me to.

That sounds like a really nice, less stressful way to plan a wedding, Keely. :flower:
Last night I had a dream that it was windy outside my house and there was a fire truck outside. The wind was so fast that the truck broke our living room window but it was a different window than the one that's there. It was a weird dream.
Hello and welcome bakedbean! :wave: :flower:
Thank you! :)

Thank you very much and welcome! I've added you to our list (the second post). Congratulations on having a date planned! Let me know if your dates change and I'll update the list!
Thank you! I'm working on bringing it forward to january :haha:

The reason that Facebook is so bad for me right now I think is because there are lots of women with babies that are younger than mine that either just had a baby, are pregnant again, or currebtly TTC.
I find facebook a nightmare at the minute aswell! So many people on there showing off their pregnant bellies or photos of all the newborns. My step-dad has just had two baby girls with his new girlfriend (who's my age which makes it worse!) - lovely to hold them but it didn't half make my ovaries ache Lol! I have a 5th nephew on OH's side due in a month aswell.

MamaByrd - oh my god, that's awful! I hope your mums okay? I'v heard of a few ladies who have had their coils puncture through their womb and end up in various other organs/spaces in their bodies :wacko: It's things like that that make me stick to the pill!
Mamabyrd- I really hope your mom is doing alright! That is terribly scary. I am definitely happy I decided not to get it now.

I have got away with Facebook not being bad since all my friends had kids years ago. Just my sister's baby right now and that is not really bothering me.
Kaylee so sorry to hear about your Mom, hope she feels better soon!

I have no experience with IUDs but like others have said I have not heard good things about them.

Keely, sorry the girl in your group was so insensitive, some people should learn to keep their comments to themselves. :growlmad:
This morning before I woke up I had a dream that I had a baby but gave her/him up for adoption? :shrug: I don't remember if I saw the baby though.

Does anyone know how to re-size signatures?
tverb - I would probably cry after waking up from that dream. I'm so emotional when I have dreams about babies. :dohh:

So I got some good news from my OH. We had been talking about our definitions of "financially stable" and babies came up within this conversation. To make a long story short - he said that if everything works out as planned, we could be TTC in 9-12 months :happydance: I'm thrilled that he's considering it sooner, but I'm trying really hard to not get my hopes up for it to be that soon. That's why I'm keeping my ticker set to our original plan of a year and a half. I know it's best for us to wait and I do agree with waiting until we're more financially stable, but that doesn't stop me from wanting to beg my OH to start sooner. :haha:

It's very frustrating for me that all my plans for TTC and my future are so dependent on something that is completely beyond my control right now (I explained more in my journal).
Kaylee- I hope your mom is okay!

Keely- it sounds like a wonderful way to plan a wedding! It is going to save you SO much time and stress only having to call one place instead of 10!

Bakedbean- I hope your date can get moved up!

Tara- are you wanting to make your tickers smaller? If so, you want to go back to lilyslim, select the category that you want. Once you do that you will see two options pop up and you want to select the one on the left "mini ticker." That will give you ones that are the same size as in my signature. Hope that helped :flower:

Aidens- I really hope you are able to move your date up!! Do you have a link to your journal?
How exciting Aiden's, it's wonderful that your OH is at least talking about trying earlier.

This past cycle I was late for AF and DH got really excited thinking that I was pregnant. While we are still going to wait until next June to officially TTC, I think he is on board for trying a little bit harder now, which is exciting.

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