I think I'm more the culprit to waiting than my DH. Until recently he was very much on the "one and done" train. But as my DS gets older Ben is open to a second. I don't think he would mid a smaller age gap, since it would get me back to work sooner, but I am the one pushing for a bigger gap. For one, I REALLY want to get moved ad settled before getting preggo. I was nauseous 24/7 for 7 weeks with Charles and the thought of having to move at the same time is so unappealing. But also, this will be our last biological one (if we have second boy we will look at adopting an older girl after the boys would both be in school) and I'm not ready to start my last pregnancy yet. I know it sounds silly, but I LOVED being pregnant and it's sad for me to think it will only happen one more time. I kind of want to push it off longer so that I can extend my "having babies" season of life for as long as possible