Waiting and waiting...2016 mommies-to-be!

Mrs. Eddie- how exciting!! It really is so much better when your DH is on board. Hopefully you can move your dates up but if not, its really not very far away!

I kind of had to force the issue last year when we were trying and it was pretty stressful. Thankfully it didn't take long to get preggo . But my husband is already talking about the next one and is much more open to it the second time around. Its nice getting to openly talk about it and see him excited as well!
I agree, it's much better when you're both on the same page. I was a bit afraid when I was late, not that I thought DH would be mad or anything but that he might be stressed or that it was too early. Knowing that he was excited made me feel better that if it happens anytime he will be on board :thumbup:

And you're right, June is not really far away at all! This whole year seems to have gone by in a flash :wacko:
Congrats on all of your OHs being excited ladies, it's wonderful when your OH seems to be just as excited as you are. :D
I totally understand Aidensxmomma, right now I'm in a similar situation where finances are all that matters to my DF when TTC and they are completely out of my control at the moment because I'm a SAHM.
I just wanted to share my horrible experience this morning.. So I decided to go get my plant from outside since it was -14 outside. Well the stupid thing is frozen solid so I go to open my door and the switch popped up when I shut the door locking me out of the house. So here I am with wet hair in below freezing weather and my baby is laying on the floor. I had no cell phone either!! So I tried opening a window but just destroyed my screen and ended up going to the neighbors and using their phone, but I only know one number so I had to play phone tag trying to get a hold of my mom so she could come unlock my door. 30 minutes later I get inside and thankfully my baby was just laying on the floor talking. It was so stressful since he has been sick all night to top it off. :(
OMG Krissie that is awful. So glad that baby was OK, you must have been so stressed. What a terrible experience; relieved it all worked out well :hugs:
Oh my goodness! I'm so glad your LO was okay- I can't imagine how stressful that must have been :hugs:
OMG Krissie! That is so incredibly scary! This is my first winter...ever... and I had my first driving in the snow experience. I. WAS. TERRIFIED. First snow of the year too.. Don't know how I'm going to make it!!!!

I agree, this year seems to have really flown by! I can't believe my OH has been home from deployment for almost eight months now! It seems like he just got home! That means we're all soooo close, ladies!
Omg Krissie! I'm just glad that you and Christian were both okay. :hugs:

This year really has flown, it doesn't feel like I will have been back in WTT for a year when February starts.
Kaylee- I hope your mom is okay!

Keely- it sounds like a wonderful way to plan a wedding! It is going to save you SO much time and stress only having to call one place instead of 10!

Bakedbean- I hope your date can get moved up!

Tara- are you wanting to make your tickers smaller? If so, you want to go back to lilyslim, select the category that you want. Once you do that you will see two options pop up and you want to select the one on the left "mini ticker." That will give you ones that are the same size as in my signature. Hope that helped :flower:

Aidens- I really hope you are able to move your date up!! Do you have a link to your journal?

Thanks I'll do that now. Today I was so tempted to buy a onesie at Target but I didn't. I already have enough. :haha:

Does anyone know if Wal mart is a good company to work for? I've heard different stories about employees being treated poorly.
Aidens- I really hope you are able to move your date up!! Do you have a link to your journal?

Aidensxmomma's Journal

Hopefully I got this to work right. I should just put a link in my sig. lol

Thanks I'll do that now. Today I was so tempted to buy a onesie at Target but I didn't. I already have enough. :haha:

Does anyone know if Wal mart is a good company to work for? I've heard different stories about employees being treated poorly.

I've worked for Walmart twice. My experience wasn't horrible but I had a lot of issues with my schedule. The two I worked for never had me on a set schedule, it was just random shifts all the time. And they never let you go over 40 hours, so no overtime. Other than my issues with my schedule, I liked working for Walmart; I had great co-workers and an overall good experience. I never worked for them long-term though, so I'm not sure if my attitude would be different if I did. :flower:

Krissie - Wow. That sounds like such a horrible, stressful situation. I'm glad your LO and you were okay in the end :hugs:

MamaByrd - I've lived in Wisconsin my entire life so have dealt with snow and driving in it forever and I still hate it. If given the option, my OH drives because it gives me anxiety to have to drive in snow. :dohh: With lots of practice, it's not as bad though, promise :)

This year seems to have just disappeared. It's mind-blowing for me to realize that my wait is more than half over now. I've been waiting 2 1/2 years and have a max of a year and a half more to go. I can't believe it. I'm getting so excited now. :happydance: It'll be even better if my OH decides to move our date up. He told me that in about four months, we'll have another discussion about a date again and we can decide when we can TTC for sure :thumbup:
We are under a snow storm warning. I always hate the first snow of the year. I drive about 15 miles to work on the highway and people are crazy!!

I cannot believe how fast things are flying by, with the baby things just seem to going so quick!!
That's great news Aidensxmomma! I'm glad that your OH really seems to be coming around to the idea, sometimes all that they need is some time for the idea to soak in. I'm just hopeful that mine doesn't end up changing his mind when our date gets here. I know that I won't be able to convince him to start trying any sooner and I wouldn't want to anyway. July is perfect for me.

Having a LO already really does help time go by faster. This wait is going by so much more quickly for me than last time and this time I have longer to wait.
Ladies, im so excited! My OH has agreed to move the date forward to January 2016 :happydance: So sorry to mess you around, but could you update my date please? :)
Im going to need to change my ticker! :happydance::happydance::happydance:
Ladies, im so excited! My OH has agreed to move the date forward to January 2016 :happydance: So sorry to mess you around, but could you update my date please? :)
Im going to need to change my ticker! :happydance::happydance::happydance:

Congrats! :happydance:
Yay! It is great so many oh are coming around to ttc sooner!
Krissie, that's terrible that you're under a snow warning; our weather is really starting to get cold now, won't be long for us either.

Huge congrats bakedbean, very exciting :happydance:
For the most part our weather is surprisingly good for November, but I'm also still not quite used to living further south yet. Sorry about the snow warning and bad weather to those that are having it!

Congrats bakedbean! January is a great month, it's the month I fell pregnant with DS. :winkwink:

It really is wonderful that everyone seems to be pushing up dates, it makes me hopeful that DF won't change his mind about July no matter what. I think that when DS starts running, speaking in phases, eating with utinsils, and starts potty training that's what's going to make DF broody. Right now DS still feels very young for him, but he won't for long. I'm planning to introduce the idea of potty training at 18 months, which will be March. So with four months of that going on surely he will be at least somewhat potty trained before we start trying.
Ladies, im so excited! My OH has agreed to move the date forward to January 2016 :happydance: So sorry to mess you around, but could you update my date please? :)
Im going to need to change my ticker! :happydance::happydance::happydance:

Yay!!! You have been moved! How exciting!!
We are under a snow storm warning. I always hate the first snow of the year. I drive about 15 miles to work on the highway and people are crazy!!

I cannot believe how fast things are flying by, with the baby things just seem to going so quick!!

It snowed here today and it was pretty cold. :cold:
And here it's just warming up! 38 Celsius yesterday - and we haven't even hit summer yet!

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