Waiting and waiting...2016 mommies-to-be!

I love bones. I also like house and criminal minds.

Looking forward to your update kk.

I went to my sister's baby shower today. I hate this rollercoaster of emotions of wanting another one but not sure if I am quite ready.

Sorry for my crazy rantings.

I'm Cilla and I am reluctantly WTT until the end of next year so will be 2016. I find this so hard as I have been with husband for six years. Recently married and all I have ever wanted to do is have a baby. I thought I would have one at 21 and I'm now 23 so looks like I will be 25 just for my first and that depresses me.

Husband has a big list to check off before he's ready. :(
I love bones. I also like house and criminal minds.

Looking forward to your update kk.

I went to my sister's baby shower today. I hate this rollercoaster of emotions of wanting another one but not sure if I am quite ready.

Sorry for my crazy rantings.

Rant away :hugs:

I am going to my brother's girlfriend's baby shower in two weeks and I'm looking forward to it, but I'm also worried about how I'm going to handle my own emotions after. I definitely experience a rollercoaster of emotions too and it sucks. :nope:


I'm Cilla and I am reluctantly WTT until the end of next year so will be 2016. I find this so hard as I have been with husband for six years. Recently married and all I have ever wanted to do is have a baby. I thought I would have one at 21 and I'm now 23 so looks like I will be 25 just for my first and that depresses me.

Husband has a big list to check off before he's ready. :(

Hi Cilla :flower:

You're the same age as me. :) I was hoping to be TTC already too, but life definitely got in the way of that. I'm not entirely sure when I'm going to be TTC now (OH said 1 1/2 years, then *possibly* 6 months, now 2015 sometime :dohh: ). I hope your wait goes by quickly for you. What kind of things does your husband have on the list?
He wants to do more fun things together because money has always been tight for us as we met online from different countries and have lived in both. Now mine. Between saving to move, not veing able to work and visas. We are finally in a good place.

Though my idea of fun is staying at home with him watching anime or playing video games so a baby fits in there!

He is logical though. He wants us to pay off all of our debt we can next year. Which is easy. Last bits of wedding and credit card really. I'm buying a family car! (MAZDA CX5 I think), he wants a better paying job and for us to have saved a little bit towards a house.

So I'm really pushing for these things and he gets upset saying I'm never happy with the now. I can't enjoy it. Which is true but I am just so ambitious. The future is what I am striving for! Ahhhh!
My OH and I have a lot of the same goals and he definitely has to keep me grounded and keep reminding me of them. I often tell him "let's just TTC now, we'll make everything work" even though I know he's right and we do need to wait. Waiting is just so frustrating!
My OH and I have a lot of the same goals and he definitely has to keep me grounded and keep reminding me of them. I often tell him "let's just TTC now, we'll make everything work" even though I know he's right and we do need to wait. Waiting is just so frustrating!

I could've written this; on one hand i want to throw everything to the wind and go for it and just make it work later. On the other hand, i dont want to be at fault for pressuring him and putting our lives in a disarray if we do have to struggle :(
Just last night I was trying to sweet talk him into NTNP hehe.

Cilla, I have been with my OH for 10yrs so I know how you feel about that checklist. Ppl have started families on less, so I so feel tempted to just wing it nowadays.

I'm Cilla and I am reluctantly WTT until the end of next year so will be 2016. I find this so hard as I have been with husband for six years. Recently married and all I have ever wanted to do is have a baby. I thought I would have one at 21 and I'm now 23 so looks like I will be 25 just for my first and that depresses me.

Husband has a big list to check off before he's ready. :(

Welcome! I've aded you to our list (the second post). Let me know if/when you have a specific month and I will move you to it (and can always update the list if it changes) Sorry that you have had such a long/hard wait. I was the same way- we were together at 16, married at 20 and our DS was born at 26. Sometimes it felt impossible to wait but as you achieve your goals and it gets closer it will become much easier. Also like you, I was always looking into the future and for awhile, I forgot that life was happening around me. There are wonderful and amazing things to come. Just don't forget about the here and now too :flower: I can also say, having been where you are and coming through, it is so much better to have your goals met than to have to stress through the pregnancy and after birth about them. I KNOW that it feels like forever away, but I promise you it will go faster than you think. Just think...in less than a month and a half you can say "we are trying this year!" In the meantime, we are all here to help encourage and root you on!

AFM, tested this morning and was a BFN. I'm officially late today with no sign of AF. Will test again later this week and if still negative (which I feel pretty confident it will be) then will write it off as due to bf'ing messing it up. A large part of me is very relieved- it would just be easier to have a bigger gap and not have to worry about weaning Charles earlier than we are ready for. However, another part of me is disappointed. It would have been so nice to have a new squish in the house. DH and I talked this morning after I tested and we have agreed- once we get our house sold and settled into our new place next year (hopefully) we will start trying!! So depending on how quickly that happens, our date could be moved up a whole year!!! :happydance::happydance: The latest that we would start trying is still summer 2016 so at most will be a year and a half.
My OH and I have a lot of the same goals and he definitely has to keep me grounded and keep reminding me of them. I often tell him "let's just TTC now, we'll make everything work" even though I know he's right and we do need to wait. Waiting is just so frustrating!

I could've written this; on one hand i want to throw everything to the wind and go for it and just make it work later. On the other hand, i dont want to be at fault for pressuring him and putting our lives in a disarray if we do have to struggle :(
Just last night I was trying to sweet talk him into NTNP hehe.

Cilla, I have been with my OH for 10yrs so I know how you feel about that checklist. Ppl have started families on less, so I so feel tempted to just wing it nowadays.

Hello! I wasn't sure if you would like to join us over here and I can add you to the list. We'd love to have you! I hope you can talk your DH into NTNP!

I'm Cilla and I am reluctantly WTT until the end of next year so will be 2016. I find this so hard as I have been with husband for six years. Recently married and all I have ever wanted to do is have a baby. I thought I would have one at 21 and I'm now 23 so looks like I will be 25 just for my first and that depresses me.

Husband has a big list to check off before he's ready. :(
Hello :flower:
I will be 25 when i have my first aswell - it's still young, don't worry!
Achieving all your goals first, or at least most of them, will allow you to focus on your LO when they arrive, rather than stress about things that need to be done. I know it can be frustrating sometimes, but it can only benefit us in the end :)

AFM, tested this morning and was a BFN. I'm officially late today with no sign of AF. Will test again later this week and if still negative (which I feel pretty confident it will be) then will write it off as due to bf'ing messing it up. A large part of me is very relieved- it would just be easier to have a bigger gap and not have to worry about weaning Charles earlier than we are ready for. However, another part of me is disappointed. It would have been so nice to have a new squish in the house. DH and I talked this morning after I tested and we have agreed- once we get our house sold and settled into our new place next year (hopefully) we will start trying!! So depending on how quickly that happens, our date could be moved up a whole year!!! :happydance::happydance: The latest that we would start trying is still summer 2016 so at most will be a year and a half.
Even though it may not be a bfp (yet!), It's great that it's helped your OH agree to bring the date forward! :happydance: I hope you manage to sell your house quickly! :)

I'll be 28 when I have my first if we wait as long as originally planned. 25 is still very young! :hugs:
I had my first at 28 and find it was a good age. Both hubby and I are finished with school and have good careers. We were able to do stuff together and really grow our relationship. While I wanted a baby much sooner it really did work out nicely in the end.
Thanks everyone. You're all so right and definitely make me feel better :).

Our month atm is December 2015 at the latest. I hope it gets pushed forward!
tara- i hope it shows up for you! It's always the worst just waiting :flower:

aidens- I will! still not here and no signs of her coming. I think I am warming up to the idea. I've fond stories of women who were able to successfully BF through pregnancy. By far that is my biggest concern. Could easily just be nursing messing it all up- we will see!

I love bones! I binged watched it earlier this year lol. Need to catch up on this season so I might do that!

Some of my favorite shows recently are Doctor Who, Sons of Anarchy (stockpiling this season so I can binge watch when it's done!), Once upon A Time, Nashville and I am watching The Voice this season for the first time

I am starting to get impatient. :haha: I used to love Once but now it's all over the place. I don't know how much longer I can watch it. :shrug:
My OH and I have a lot of the same goals and he definitely has to keep me grounded and keep reminding me of them. I often tell him "let's just TTC now, we'll make everything work" even though I know he's right and we do need to wait. Waiting is just so frustrating!

I could've written this; on one hand i want to throw everything to the wind and go for it and just make it work later. On the other hand, i dont want to be at fault for pressuring him and putting our lives in a disarray if we do have to struggle :(
Just last night I was trying to sweet talk him into NTNP hehe.

Cilla, I have been with my OH for 10yrs so I know how you feel about that checklist. Ppl have started families on less, so I so feel tempted to just wing it nowadays.

Hello! I wasn't sure if you would like to join us over here and I can add you to the list. We'd love to have you! I hope you can talk your DH into NTNP!

Hi! Thank you for asking! I wasn't sure whether this was a list just for those TTC in 2016, or those TTC end 2015 to aim for babies in 2016?
It is for babies born in or TTC in 2016 - you are more than welcome! If you know your month I will add you to it or will just put you on the "unknown" list and can update once you know!
Thanks everyone. You're all so right and definitely make me feel better :).

Our month atm is December 2015 at the latest. I hope it gets pushed forward!

Updated! I hope it can get pushed forward for you as well!
Cool, please add me for Nov 2015 TTC#1, then? Thanks for the welcome!
I hope to push that date forward, but I'm guessing not by much. Hope you get your dates worked out as you'd like it to too :D
My OH and I have a lot of the same goals and he definitely has to keep me grounded and keep reminding me of them. I often tell him "let's just TTC now, we'll make everything work" even though I know he's right and we do need to wait. Waiting is just so frustrating!

I could've written this; on one hand i want to throw everything to the wind and go for it and just make it work later. On the other hand, i dont want to be at fault for pressuring him and putting our lives in a disarray if we do have to struggle :(
Just last night I was trying to sweet talk him into NTNP hehe.

Cilla, I have been with my OH for 10yrs so I know how you feel about that checklist. Ppl have started families on less, so I so feel tempted to just wing it nowadays.

Welcome to the group skycastles! :flower: I've been trying to sweet talk my OH into NTNP but no luck. Although, he has moved the date up by at least 6 months, so I guess it wasn't a total failure :haha:


I'm Cilla and I am reluctantly WTT until the end of next year so will be 2016. I find this so hard as I have been with husband for six years. Recently married and all I have ever wanted to do is have a baby. I thought I would have one at 21 and I'm now 23 so looks like I will be 25 just for my first and that depresses me.

Husband has a big list to check off before he's ready. :(

Welcome! I've aded you to our list (the second post). Let me know if/when you have a specific month and I will move you to it (and can always update the list if it changes) Sorry that you have had such a long/hard wait. I was the same way- we were together at 16, married at 20 and our DS was born at 26. Sometimes it felt impossible to wait but as you achieve your goals and it gets closer it will become much easier. Also like you, I was always looking into the future and for awhile, I forgot that life was happening around me. There are wonderful and amazing things to come. Just don't forget about the here and now too :flower: I can also say, having been where you are and coming through, it is so much better to have your goals met than to have to stress through the pregnancy and after birth about them. I KNOW that it feels like forever away, but I promise you it will go faster than you think. Just think...in less than a month and a half you can say "we are trying this year!" In the meantime, we are all here to help encourage and root you on!

AFM, tested this morning and was a BFN. I'm officially late today with no sign of AF. Will test again later this week and if still negative (which I feel pretty confident it will be) then will write it off as due to bf'ing messing it up. A large part of me is very relieved- it would just be easier to have a bigger gap and not have to worry about weaning Charles earlier than we are ready for. However, another part of me is disappointed. It would have been so nice to have a new squish in the house. DH and I talked this morning after I tested and we have agreed- once we get our house sold and settled into our new place next year (hopefully) we will start trying!! So depending on how quickly that happens, our date could be moved up a whole year!!! :happydance::happydance: The latest that we would start trying is still summer 2016 so at most will be a year and a half.

I'm so happy for you that your OH has agreed to move your date up :happydance: Hopefully you can get your house sold quickly :)


Tomorrow morning I need to call my OBGYN and schedule my surgery for my laproscopy. My gyno suspects I have endometriosis (and so do I) and I need the surgery to confirm our suspicions. I'm really, really nervous about it. The surgery itself is really scary for me and I'm also scared of what they're going to find out and whether or not it's going to affect me having children. I've been putting it off, but I really need to just get it over with.
aidensxmomma - just to let you know, i have endometriosis aswell and have had a laparoscopy, so if you have any questions etc, feel free to ask :) The surgery is so minor and only caused me the smallest amount of discomfort in the first couple of days, so don't worry about pain :)
aidensxmomma - just to let you know, i have endometriosis aswell and have had a laparoscopy, so if you have any questions etc, feel free to ask :) The surgery is so minor and only caused me the smallest amount of discomfort in the first couple of days, so don't worry about pain :)

Thank you :flower:

Overall, I'm really worried about going under the anesthesia...I've never been put under anesthesia before, so I'm not sure what to expect or how my body will react to it.

Forgive me if this is too personal of a question, but were they able to tell you how bad your endo was and what your outlook for having children is based on the surgery?

That's what else I'm worried about is how the endo is going to affect me having children. I concieved my first two children easily (and accidentally :haha: ) but my third child I was TTC a year for. It's been over 3 years since I was last ttc, so I'm worried about what may have changed in that amount of time. I guess I won't really know until I get the surgery though.

I think I might wait until January to get the surgery, though. I have a lot of plans for November and December and don't want surgery to get in the way of those plans. I'd rather not be recovering when I've got so much going on.

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