Waiting and waiting...2016 mommies-to-be!

I agree that now is not the best time. I just need more of hubby's buy in now.

Its a little warmer here today at 12. I am hoping this cold snap lets up soon. I do not care for snow and cold.
Sorry to hear about AF krissie. I get a little disappointed every time I get AF, too even though I know it's best to wait. :hugs:

I'm not a big fan of the snow or cold either, but I'm from Wisconsin...it kinda comes with the territory. :haha:
Lol, yea I am in a high elevation desert so we get lots of cold and a good amount of snow.
Sorry for AF Krissie :hugs: it will happen when it is meant to

It is also cold here but warming up! I think it supposed to get into the 30s today and 50s by this weekend!

Has anyone talked with Keely lately? Its been a few days since we heard from her...hopefully all is well!
Hey sorry I've been MIA ladies! Liam has been the teething toddler from hell lately (poor baby has always popped many teeth all at once and now he's working on molars) and when I'm not caring for or comforting him I've been pretty addicted to Fable 3, haha. I hope that everyone is doing okay, I read a few posts as quickly as I could to try and catch up a bit.

Aidens I hope that your surgery goes well and that you either don't have endo or that it's the most mild possible form. :hugs:

Sorry that Isla has been sick lately! I hope that she got well soon or will if she hasn't already.

KK I can't wait to hear more news on the testing/AF status front! FXd still that you get the answer you really want. :happydance:

Hello and welcome to all of the new ladies! :wave: :flower:

I'm slightly jealous of all of the ladies whose OH's get broody when they have pregnancy scares that turn out to be not pregnant. When I have a pregnancy scare DF gets all freaked out and says "If you're pregnant now then we won't have a third". Not even a hint of broodiness from him on that front, quite the opposite. :p
Right now AF is "late" (I never know when to really expect it these days as breastfeeding screws up my cycles so much). Right now I'm on CD33 which is how long my last cycle lasted so if AF doesn't show up tomorrow I will officially be on my longest cycle since my original 38 day cycle that was my first PP cycle back in June. I always hate it when AF doesn't show up when I'm expecting it too because then there is always that tiny glimmer of hope that I might be pregnant even though logically I know that it's nearly impossible. I'm debating on whether or not to test tomorrow or wait a few more days as I suspected that I O'd later than expected this cycle. In other news I'm starting to get worried about my recent bought of weight loss. I stepped on the scale this morning and weighed 2 lbs less that I did just a couple of days ago. I'm not even trying to lose weight, I don't know how it's happening. At first it was great because my prepregnancy weight was way too much, so it felt good to be back down to my preferred weight again, I felt great. But now I'm still losing and I only have about 13 more lbs at most until I'm considered underweight. ):
Hey sorry I've been MIA ladies! Liam has been the teething toddler from hell lately (poor baby has always popped many teeth all at once and now he's working on molars) and when I'm not caring for or comforting him I've been pretty addicted to Fable 3, haha. I hope that everyone is doing okay, I read a few posts as quickly as I could to try and catch up a bit.

Aidens I hope that your surgery goes well and that you either don't have endo or that it's the most mild possible form. :hugs:

Sorry that Isla has been sick lately! I hope that she got well soon or will if she hasn't already.

KK I can't wait to hear more news on the testing/AF status front! FXd still that you get the answer you really want. :happydance:

Hello and welcome to all of the new ladies! :wave: :flower:

I'm slightly jealous of all of the ladies whose OH's get broody when they have pregnancy scares that turn out to be not pregnant. When I have a pregnancy scare DF gets all freaked out and says "If you're pregnant now then we won't have a third". Not even a hint of broodiness from him on that front, quite the opposite. :p
Right now AF is "late" (I never know when to really expect it these days as breastfeeding screws up my cycles so much). Right now I'm on CD33 which is how long my last cycle lasted so if AF doesn't show up tomorrow I will officially be on my longest cycle since my original 38 day cycle that was my first PP cycle back in June. I always hate it when AF doesn't show up when I'm expecting it too because then there is always that tiny glimmer of hope that I might be pregnant even though logically I know that it's nearly impossible. I'm debating on whether or not to test tomorrow or wait a few more days as I suspected that I O'd later than expected this cycle. In other news I'm starting to get worried about my recent bought of weight loss. I stepped on the scale this morning and weighed 2 lbs less that I did just a couple of days ago. I'm not even trying to lose weight, I don't know how it's happening. At first it was great because my prepregnancy weight was way too much, so it felt good to be back down to my preferred weight again, I felt great. But now I'm still losing and I only have about 13 more lbs at most until I'm considered underweight. ):

Sorry to hear that you and your LO are having a rough time with teething. :hugs:

If it makes it any better, my OH is not at all thrilled with the idea of me being pregnant yet. :nope: He seems pretty comfortable with TTC next year, but as it stands now he is not at all ready and would see me getting pregnant as a bad thing. :( I'm going through my second "scare" in a row and it's no better this time than it was last time with him. On one hand I really want to be pregnant; I've wanted nothing for for 2 1/2 years. But on the other hand I don't want to be because I want this baby to be something my OH and I are both happy about and excited for, which won't happen until he's ready to TTC *sigh*
I am sorry about your little guy teething. I am really scared for that to start with my lo. My dh does not do well with him being fussy.

So I have decided that next year I am going to work only half time. I want to stay at home but we cannot afford that at all. So I think it would be the best compromise for me to just work half time. Hubby seems supportive as long as we won't be struggling. It puts our buying a house on hold for now but I think it is totally worth it. Plus it gives us time to decide if we really do want to buy a house here or move back to a bigger city.
Nice to hear from you Keely!

It might be the breastfeeding that is causing you to continually lose weight. I know that it helped me lose all of the weight I gained during pregnancy. Might also be stress; maybe from the upcoming wedding???

Exciting that you will be testing as well! I'm sure if you did get a BFP your DF would be thrilled :hugs:
Thanks ladies, I really appreciate it. This is probably the best WTT thread that I've ever been a part of, everyone is so active and supportive and nice. :hugs:

It's reassuring to know that it could still be breastfeeding that is making me lose weight, I'm probably not getting enough to eat either I'll have to start making sure that I eat snacks between my meals since three meals a day doesn't seem to be enough (although some days I only manage to get two meals in, but never any less than that). I probably won't test at all until I reach CD38 but I'm sure that AF will arrive by then. I'm positive that I'm not pregnant and I as broody as I am I really don't want to be right now. I want the option of a third child and I don't want to have to reschedule my wedding again. I'm sure that even if I did get pregnant now there would still be a possibility of a third child but I don't want to risk it for just in case. :haha:
So has anyone started their Christmas shopping?
So has anyone started their Christmas shopping?

Not at all. :dohh:

Although I have talked to family to figure out what they're getting for my kids and I've looked around to see what I want to get them. I just haven't actually done any shopping yet. I'm hoping to be able to within the next two weeks. Of course, I am procrastinating and leaving it until the last minute :haha:
What about Xmas trees? Anyone put theirs up yet? DH leaves me to do it; hopefully next Xmas I'll be expecting and I can make him do all the work :happydance: hehe wishful thinking!

Hi kalonkiki.. My hubby's not broody at all either. Ever. Considering he's the one who insisted children are part of his expectations for marriage (in my younger days I was reluctant), you would think he wd be a little excited/disappointed during a couple of scares we had. Sigh. Are u taking calcium supplements if you're losing weight through bf? Read recently ladies need to be more careful about osteoporosis
Nope, no Christmas shopping on my end at all. We're still strapped for cash from the move so we won't be able to do much this year and it will probably be very last minute before we can do any Christmas shopping at all. We're making Christmas presents with DF's side of the family and I won't even get to see my side (again..*sigh*) for Christmas this year because our car needs new tags and to be relicensed. I think my brother is coming home for Christmas this year too, I'll see if he can swing a trip down here for a couple of days so that he can see DS. He hasn't seen his nephew since last Christmas, a lot of change goes on between 3 month and 15 months and I don't want him to have to go another year without seeing him. Family was always important to me, I grew up with my grandparents, aunts, uncles, cousins, ect all living close by and getting together often (we visited my grandparents at least once a week) and I really wanted the same for my children. We haven't put up our Christmas tree yet either, I told DF that we were waiting until at least the start of December to put it up because I don't want to have to deal with trying to keep DS out of it any longer than I have to. I didn't want to put one up this year at all because he's at the age where Christmas trees are a danger but DF pitched a fit. I'm still going to try to convince him to wait until next year, we'll see how it goes.
No Christmas going on here yet. I want to put up our tree after Thanksgiving. But since ds is only going to be 6 months we will probably only get him a few toys.
Keely- I'm sorry Liam is not feeling well .... hopefully he gets better soon! We are dealing with much the same over here...has made for some very sleepless nights...eventually it will pass :) Did you test today?!?! Sorry that you are not able to see your family this year. We just decided to change our plans and go over New Years instead of Christmas. It will be nice to be home but will miss all the family parties and gatherings. I hope your brother can make it down to see Liam! We opted to put a small tree on one of our tables as opposed to putting the big tree up. Charles is starting to pull up and even when I was putting the little one together (all 2 pieces lol) on the floor by him he was trying to grab it. Now it is out of reach but we still get a tree. Do you think your hubby would be open to something like that? We got ours last year on black friday at target for 20 (was half off) so very affordable.

I think we are going to do our shopping this year on black friday/cyber monday (not going out in the early AM but later in the day when the crowd is gone). I have always had to work the day after thanksgiving so really looking forward to having it off with my husband and get to go to the stores to shop instead of just online (which is more convenient but not as fun lol). We really don't have many people to buy for this year as we are trying to give "experiences" to our nieces and nephews instead of gifts. That just leaves my parents, Charles' godparents and each other.

And I totally put up all of our Christmas decorations yesterday lol. It has been a nightmare this week trying to get Charles to sleep in his crib. I was in a terrible mood and thought Christmas decorating would snap me out of it...and it did :)
Tonight How To Get Away with Murder's fall finale airs. I'm excited for it. :happydance:
Thanks ladies, I really appreciate it. This is probably the best WTT thread that I've ever been a part of, everyone is so active and supportive and nice. :hugs:

Definitely agree! I hope we can all stay together through TTC, pregnancy and baby!

Still no AF, 5 days late..2 more days and I'll test. I am still pretty sure it will be negative but part of me wants to hold off testing just so I can keep the "maybe I am?!" going. Even though it would be better not to be, I just can't help remembering all the great parts ...sigh
Thanks KK I hope that the teething ends soon so that I can wean (right now is a bad time because he wants to nurse a lot more than usual when he's teething). I did test earlier today and as expected it was :bfn:. It was a relief and a disappointment at the same time, it always is. I realized for the first time tonight that I'm actually ready to start trying for a baby, like this next cycle. I've had plenty of :bfn: in the last 6 months but none that made me realize that I was ready to TTC until now. I know that now is not a good time and there is no way that DF is ready anyway but it feels so much different to actually be really ready to start trying than it did to simply feel excited to reach the point of readiness. I just wish that it had happened much closer to my date, lol. DF said that he wants to have :sex: more often though so I'm hopeful that's a sign that he's starting to get broody and that he won't change his mind when July gets here. He also didn't get freaked out when I told him that I was late so I tested today. He simply said that he's just accepted that we're going to need to keep pregnancy tests on hand, even agreed that we should just buy internet cheapies in bulk. He also didn't huff and puff when I bought up a name I liked and said that I was worried about my irregular cycles for when we TTC next year.

I've heard so many good things about How to Get Away With Murder, is it on Netflix? We're finally getting internet hooked up next Tuesday so after we get our wireless adapter for the Xbox back from SIL we can start watching Netflix again.
I'm not sure if it's on netflix but you can probably catch up on episodes on ABC's website.

Did anyone hear about the huge snowfall in Buffalo? I wonder how many babies will be born next August considering there's not much else to do. :haha: I heard there were quite a few babies born last July after Hurricane Sandy.
My moms entire side of the family live 30 minutes outside of Buffalo. It is crazy the pictures they have been sending! I bet at least one cousin (I have a lot!) will announce next year LOL

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