Waiting and waiting...2016 mommies-to-be!

I did hear about it, one of my friends (he's a musician) went out there to do a show tonight on his tour and posted about it on Facebook. I hope there weren't too many traffic accidents.
A bit off topic, but reading about tv shows made me think of walking dead and how I was watching it the other day with my OH and I looked around me and thought how nice it was to watch TV and not think about the absolute mess my house was in. Haha anyway to get to the point, I thought I'd ask since there was a lot of mummies here.. How often do u have to clean your place after a baby?
Do any of you have indoor pets and babies? My furbabies have full access to everywhere including my bed and except the kitchen counter. I dont know if I have to mop the floor everyday when we have kids. My inlaws were horrified when I put my crawling nephew on the floor even though I cleaned the floor the day before
Cleaning?? What's that ;) but seriously it is a struggle. I had a painful recovery and couldn't walk/stand for more than a few minutes at a time. Baby refused to be anywhere but with me. Looking back I wish I would have worn him more during that time, I could have gotten a lot more done!

Now, my DH and I alternate nights- one gives a bath, the other cleans the kitchen. If the kitchen stays clean the house feels cleaner. I run a few loads of laundry throughout the week to stay on top of it and we try to vacuum and clean bathrooms on weekends. Dusting has become nearly non existent (I was obsessed before baby). Mopping....has been longer than I care to admit( before baby was weekly).Also, every night after Charles goes down, I do a quick 5 minute walkthrough the house and put stuff away. It has taken us a long time to get settled into this. I spend very little time having to clean if we stay on schedule.

Its possible to keep up on it but some days you just have to make a choice (sleep or laundry? Mop the floors or sit and play with baby?). I figure one day my house will be back to super clean. But I will never get that moment back with baby so I tolerate the dirty floors and just ignore any rude comments (have never had any).

I say all this but we dont have animals. Our dog passed a month before Charles was born. If he was still here, I would have invested in a roomba or the like because his hair was a constant battle to keep cleaned up. Otherwise I Dont think my cleaning schedule would be any different. I'm sure it will change though once Charles is mobile. Right now I can just vacuum his playroom and he has a clean place to hang out :)
AF started. 5 days late but didn't have to use another test so that is nice. I'm a bit disappointed bit I really didn't think I was so that helps. Also I just keep telling myself that it really IS for the best
What about Xmas trees? Anyone put theirs up yet? DH leaves me to do it; hopefully next Xmas I'll be expecting and I can make him do all the work :happydance: hehe wishful thinking!

I don't think I'll be having a Christmas tree this year. :nope: It's currently just me and my OH and he's not too into celebrating the holidays, so I doubt we'll be putting up a tree. If I'm lucky, I might be able to convince him to get a little tree and some christmas lights. My mom loves to decorate and it's so weird for me to not decorate my own place. *sigh* Next year, I'll be going all out though because (as long as everything goes to plan) my babies will be back with me. :happydance:

Thanks ladies, I really appreciate it. This is probably the best WTT thread that I've ever been a part of, everyone is so active and supportive and nice. :hugs:

Definitely agree! I hope we can all stay together through TTC, pregnancy and baby!

I agree too! It would be great if we could all stick together! :)

Thanks KK I hope that the teething ends soon so that I can wean (right now is a bad time because he wants to nurse a lot more than usual when he's teething). I did test earlier today and as expected it was :bfn:. It was a relief and a disappointment at the same time, it always is. I realized for the first time tonight that I'm actually ready to start trying for a baby, like this next cycle. I've had plenty of :bfn: in the last 6 months but none that made me realize that I was ready to TTC until now. I know that now is not a good time and there is no way that DF is ready anyway but it feels so much different to actually be really ready to start trying than it did to simply feel excited to reach the point of readiness. I just wish that it had happened much closer to my date, lol. DF said that he wants to have :sex: more often though so I'm hopeful that's a sign that he's starting to get broody and that he won't change his mind when July gets here. He also didn't get freaked out when I told him that I was late so I tested today. He simply said that he's just accepted that we're going to need to keep pregnancy tests on hand, even agreed that we should just buy internet cheapies in bulk. He also didn't huff and puff when I bought up a name I liked and said that I was worried about my irregular cycles for when we TTC next year.

I've heard so many good things about How to Get Away With Murder, is it on Netflix? We're finally getting internet hooked up next Tuesday so after we get our wireless adapter for the Xbox back from SIL we can start watching Netflix again.

I'm glad your OH seems more on board, Keely. I'm definitely keeping my fingers crossed for you that he won't change his mind. But from the sounds of it, he's becoming more broody and you should be good to go come July :)

Skycastles - I have no good answer about cleaning since I'm a horrible cleaner. :dohh: After I had my kids, I would vacuum a lot to make sure the floors they played on were clean, I would do my laundry once a week (I spent the whole day on it), and dishes/kitchen every night. I'd also go through at night to make sure toys were picked up and everything put away, but that's about it. :haha: Everything else (bathrooms, washing sheets, cleaning the bedrooms) was just done as needed. As long as my babies had a clean place to play and my kitchen wasn't a disaster, I was content with that. The only pet we had was a hamster, so that didn't require much cleaning up after. lol.

kk - sorry to hear about AF. :hugs: Even if it is for the best to wait, it can still be hard.
Could you update my date please? :flow:

I had a short little talk with the OH tonight and he agreed that October 31, 2015 could be our date :happydance: I'm so excited! Less than a year away! Hopefully it'll go by quickly. I've got a lot of plans for next year, at least for the summer, so that should definitely help. :thumbup:
Could you update my date please? :flow:

I had a short little talk with the OH tonight and he agreed that October 31, 2015 could be our date :happydance: I'm so excited! Less than a year away! Hopefully it'll go by quickly. I've got a lot of plans for next year, at least for the summer, so that should definitely help. :thumbup:

Moved! That is so exciting!!:happydance::happydance:
Yay aidensxmomma that is great news!!

:hugs: kk I can really understand. I can't believe how disappointed I was when af arrived even though I was so stressed about the possibility of being pregnant again so soon. I realized like Keely that I am getting closer to being ready to start ttc. I was thinking of moving it up some but I think next July is still for the best.
Thanks ladies. I think I am also starting to realize that I'm maybe more ready than I thought before. I'm thankful not to be so that I don't have to worry about losing my supply. But hopefully we can start trying sooner than the 18 months it is now. It will all just come down to how quickly we can get into our next home! Thanks for everyones support and encouragement... we have a wonderful group of gals here :)

Time for a new question! I've been trying to post these throughout the thread and will try to stay more consistent :) What is your favorite Christmas (or insert whatever you celebrate this time of year) tradition? For me, i LOVE driving around looking at decorated houses at night. Charles is fascinated with lights so I am really looking forward to it this year!
So my cousin whose son is closest in age to Liam (not even 3 months older) just posted on FB thwt he and his wife are pregnant again. I'm very happy for them, but at the same time I can't help but feel a pang of jealousy. It's like everyone that has a baby close in age to DS is already trying for another baby or already pregnant and I'm the only one left off of the band wagon. Am I the only one with a practical SO when it comes to finances or is everyone else just really that much better off financially than we are? I don't want to rush my next pregnancy and baby, but at the same time I just feel so ready to start trying or even NTNP even if it takes us months and months to actually get pregnant. Sorry for the rant, it's just been hitting me a little hard lately. It would help if I knew that our wedding was the only reason we were waiting, but DF places too much importance on finances, way more than what I think is reasonable. AF also just started today.

My favorite Christmas tradition was always going to grandma's as a kid. She'd make lots of Christmas candy and pies and cook up a huge feast for the whole family. It was also nice visiting eith everyone. My favorite tradition now that I have a little family of my own is to make sugar cookies and drink egg nog and watch Christmas movies.
We never had much for Christmas tradition. We are hoping to start some of our own for DS. This year we bought him his first Christmas ornament.
Thanks ladies. I think I am also starting to realize that I'm maybe more ready than I thought before. I'm thankful not to be so that I don't have to worry about losing my supply. But hopefully we can start trying sooner than the 18 months it is now. It will all just come down to how quickly we can get into our next home! Thanks for everyones support and encouragement... we have a wonderful group of gals here :)

Time for a new question! I've been trying to post these throughout the thread and will try to stay more consistent :) What is your favorite Christmas (or insert whatever you celebrate this time of year) tradition? For me, i LOVE driving around looking at decorated houses at night. Charles is fascinated with lights so I am really looking forward to it this year!

A tradition that my mom started with me and my brother was buying us a special ornament every year, which has been continued with my kids. I really like it, although the tree is getting really full. :haha:

I'm hoping to start a "Christmas Eve" present tradition with my kids that will be a present they can open on Christmas Eve that has little gifts and Christmas pajamas. I saw the idea on Facebook and love it :) They're already 6 and 5 years old, but it's never too late to start a tradition right?

This year is going to be a little rough, though. My ex (FOB) is taking the kids for Christmas Eve and Christmas Day this year. We're celebrating with my family the weekend before, but it's sucky that the actual day I won't get to spend with my kids. :nope: But at least they get to spend time with their dad and all of his family.
Being a child with divorced parents I understand how you feel. It was always hard only getting to spend time with one parent each holiday on the actual day. It's still hard having to pick and choose who I spend time with each year as now I have the in laws to worry about as well. You'll have them on the actual days next Christmas right? My parents always switched holidays every year.

DF's family always allowed one open present on Christmas Eve and he wants to continue that tradition as well.
My parents are divorced too have been since I was 5 and my brother was 1. We usually had Christmas on my mom's side Christmas Day and my dad's Boxing Day the day after. Now, There's nothing on my dad's side mainly because my grandma went into a nursing home a few years ago but passed away this March. My grandma on my mom's side had a stroke in May and she's in a nursing home now and her house is up for sale. Next Saturday were going to have turkey at the nursing home she lives in but on Christmas my mom and I will probably stay home. It's the first year ever in my life we are not going to my grandma's. It's going to be weird.

There's also a dinner on New Years Day on my mom's side but I don't think we're going next year.
Christmas ornaments for each year sounds lovely! I havent thought of any christmas traditions i might like to have with my children, but just off the top of my head, I would love to bake christmas treats for my future kids.
Kk, i already have a roomba hahhaha... it helps a lot in managing the fur but we still have to clear all cables, paper, plastics off the floor, move away anything which can topple, or is light enough for the roomba to shift. So i wouldnt call it fully automated cleaning. I guess when the time comes, DH and i will have to discipline ourselves to keep to a schedule like yours =) we dont have space for an extra playroom so space is something we need to work out too.
aidensxmomma.. sorry to hear your kids wont be with you on the actual xmas day, but just think, next xmas FX your whole family will include the new one you're expecting! So make the most of the couple-time you'll have with your OH this xmas hehe
I'd like an update to my date too please.. i had a talk on timelines with DH, and he said he doesnt want to NTNP because he's not ready to have a baby if it happens immediately. But he proposed actively TTC July next year! I'm thrilled but anxious now that i have an earlier date. In case unforeseen circumstances happen, im trying not to plan too much around it though!
There are a lot of us planning on July 2015. That is very exciting!!
I had a long talk with DF last night and he has realized that he was thinking about another baby as if it would significantly effect our finances the moment that we got pregnant and that we can't base our family planning around what-ifs and that our finances are already improving since his new job and our move and that realistically we should be right on track for July by the time it arrives. So he has agreed that as long as we can easily pay our bills and be able to save at least a little bit of money each month then we will definitely start trying in July and he won't change his mind, so he has lowered his financial standards significantly and become a lot more reasonable about it. I feel a lot better and no longer constantly worry that he will say no when July gets here.

I'm really excited for next Christmas because we will probably be expecting #2 and DS will be old enough to get excited about Christmas and understand what it is.

It really is exciting that a lot of us are planning on July, it will be great to all move over to TTC at the same time and hopefully most of us will be pregnant at the same time as well. :D
Is anyone doing anything exciting this weekend? Tonight I'm going to watch something about ghosts online.
I'd like an update to my date too please.. i had a talk on timelines with DH, and he said he doesnt want to NTNP because he's not ready to have a baby if it happens immediately. But he proposed actively TTC July next year! I'm thrilled but anxious now that i have an earlier date. In case unforeseen circumstances happen, im trying not to plan too much around it though!

Updated! I hope all you July gals get preggo together and stick around here too so we can follow you through :)

There are some great traditions you all mentioned! I can't wait to start our own with Charles. He will be much more "into" it next year. But he loves patting the tree with all the lights on it. We are thinking of not doing ornaments this year so that he doesn't accidentally break one or hurt himself.
Is anyone doing anything exciting this weekend? Tonight I'm going to watch something about ghosts online.

Sounds like fun! We babysat my friends boys this morning. Tomorrow is church and a family dinner. Otherwise just relaxing at home!

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