Waiting and waiting...2016 mommies-to-be!

Congrats LockandKey! :happydance:

I had a great New Year's with my OH. We stayed in and watched the ball drop on tv, both the big New York one and a small local celebration. I love getting to sit home and be with my OH, especially after having so much family around and all the events we had to attend.

And in other big news, my OH has agreed to TTC instead of NTNP :happydance: I'm super excited and super nervous. I also think that means it's time for me to officially move over to the TTC boards. It's bittersweet. I am thrilled to be moving over but also a little sad. I've been in this section of the forum for two years - it's a sad thing to leave it. I've had a great time talking to all you ladies and look forward to you all moving over to TTC, although hopefully I'll have graduated to the pregnancy forums by then. :haha: I'll still check in every once in a while though. And I'll be keeping my journal for anyone who feels like stalking :flower:

Congrats Aidens on getting your date moved up!! I've moved you to the TTC in Jan 15 section but hope you are not there long!! Please stick aound and keep us updated (though i'll still be following your journal too!)
We are WTT, possibly for our second when our daughter is 2 or older (she will be 2 this October).

Hello and welcome! I have added you to our list (second post). Once you know your dates just comment on the thread and I will move you to that section!

Hi there...mind if I join?

The earliest we can TTC is January 2016, though realistically it'll probably be between September 2016 and February 2017 when we start...

I will be graduating college in either January or June 2016 (depending on how many credits I get this summer and next January term).

I can't TTC earlier than January 2016 due to medical reasons. I'm currently working on losing weight to have a healthy pregnancy (I've lost 102 officially so far...weigh in is tomorrow morning though, so that might change!)

I have four beautiful bonus children and a wonderful husband. We keep the topic of more siblings open so that it doesn't surprise them. We've gotten a lot of questions (mainly from DSD12, who has SPD) that we answer directly to help keep dialogue open. We are fortunate that their BM works with us (we all co-parent beautifully and she's one of my closest friends now). She's very supportive of us having little ones because she knows that they will just expand our family. (She's already offered to babysit for us ;) ).

So...hopefully I'm welcomed here. I look forward to meeting you lovely ladies and interacting more! Hopefully Father Time is kind to us and doesn't make the year drag too slowly!

Hello! I have added you to our list (second post). Let me know when you have your dates and i will move you. Congrats on all the weight loss and getting yourself healthy! And you are very welcome here- it is a great group of ladies :)
Goodluck aidensmummy!!! So happy for you bringing things forward.

Back to work on Monday, DS back to school and DD starting nursery. Looking forwards to getting back into the swing of normality with work, kids and routine. Christmas has thrown us all off, we've over indulged in sweets, food, sleep, late nights and films. It's time to get back to the real world.
We've had a few days playing around with our finances and have decided that this year we are going to be very frugal and careful with money including meal planning, cutting out most luxuries like eating out and takeaways and carefully planning expensive days out in advance to get the best deals instead of parting on a whim. Having gone through all our finances from the last year and looking at the money we could have saved, were hoping to have the rest of our house deposit saved by the end of this year.
It's going to be tough... We love shopping! Bit were both determined

Cass- you should look into (if you haven't already) using online budgeting tools to help with this. My DH and I use Mint.com and it's great because you can use it to track every dollar. You set different categories and it's linked to your bank account so you see very clearly where you spend. It's user friendly and allows you to set and reach goals etc. And it's free! There are a lot of other tools out there too, this is just the one we like :) Congrats on being determined though on getting your finances in order. It is very liberating when you don't have to stress about money!

Sorry I'm a little late and haven't been on for a long time, but Happy New Year everyone! It's been a busy holiday season here and my DF has had the last couple of weeks off of work for Christmas vacation (he's a high school teacher) so I've been spending virtually all of my time with him. I hope that you're all doing well. It's so exciting that 2015 is finally here, I can't believe that so many of us are finally going to be TTC. It's so hard to believe that it's so close though, I've been worried that when June or July gets here that DF is going to say that we aren't ready to TTC yet and push our date back another year. I'm trying to remain optimistic about it.

Congrats to all of the ladies that are moving over to TTC this month and all of the ladies that have already found out that they are pregnant! :hugs: :dust:

What is everyone doing to make the next few/several months/years go by more quickly? I've been pretty focused on wedding plans, spending time with DF and DS while I still only have DS. I've also been playing some video games that I probably won't have time for once I have two children and I've been learning how to sew (my MIL got me a sewing machine and lots of sewing supplies for Christmas.

How was everyone's holiday season and what did you do? :)

Hi Keely and welcome back!! This year is going to be so big for you with your wedding and baby (I will stay optimistic that you will be trying in only 6 months!!) Gad you were able to spend so much time with your DF. My hubby was the same way with the last 2 weeks off (his company closes the second half of Dec). He went back to work today and it was so hard not to have him here! Our holiday was great, just got back from st louis, packed up all the Christmas decorations and hoping to list our house next week!
I was using myfitness pal for awhile but it was all messed up with BF'ing. I started it to ose my pregnancy weight and I did that plus 10 lbs in a couple months. Once Charles is weaned and I can track my true calorie intake/exercise I will pick it back up. I'm hoping to lose about 20 more pounds before TTC next year (which may be this year depending on how quick we can get our house settled!!)

I sat down last night and made my to do list of all of my "urgent" items and there are 45!! I have gotten so behind with Christmas and going out of town. We have a goal to get the house listed by next Thursday (15th) and everything needs to be done by then. I nee to get 4.5 items done a day to stay on track. Today I finished 4 and halfway through 2 other items so I'm ahead! Not bad for a day when Charles was super clingy and we just sat and snuggled and rocked half the day (baby snuggles are the best!)
I wish that Liam was still snuggly! We weaned recently so now he hardly snuggles anymore and when he does it's only for a minute or two. It's making me even more impatient for another baby than I already am. Weaning was like the final straw in the realization that I no longer have a baby, waiting was so much easier when I knew that it was silly to want another baby because I already had one. I could also be broody because this is the month I got pregnant with him 2 years ago, it's just so hard to believe that it's already been this long since I got my first :bfp:. I really don't know what I'm going to do if Colin isn't ready this summer because I'm at that point that I know for sure that I'm truly ready for another baby, even if it happened this month (it won't because we aren't even NTNP, just wanted to express my point).
I am dreading the day when Charles doesn't want to snuggle anymore and just trying to soak it in and enjoy it now. I'm the same way- I'm not really all that broody now because I still have a baby (he's still only 8 months old). But I think when he is weaned and we move it is going to hit me really badly!

From what you've said it doesn't seem like he will change his mind but I know it can be stressful to think about. :hugs:ben still goes back and forth on even wanting a second at all but now that Charles is (finally!) starting to sleep better he seems to be open the majority of the time.
Kksy, I used to add Bfing as an activity on MyFitnessPal so I was still consuming enough calories...

Baby snuggles are the best, I started to get quite broody when Isla was around 8 months too, it's an awesome age!

Keely, I really hope time goes fast for you, I know how much you want to TTC :hugs:
Hi! I'm Kaity and I suppose I'm back to WTT :) I was here the beginning of last year until we started TTC in the spring. Thankfully it was a short journey and we got pregnant on the 3rd cycle. My son was born 9 days ago and is the light of my life. We are hoping to start TTC for #2 late spring/early summer 2016. We are waiting for a couple reasons- to have time to enjoy just our DS and we will either be moving into or building our new house next year. We want to get that process done and be settled for a bit before trying again. My pregnancy was so wonderful with my DS though and I'm looking forward to going through it again!

It sounds like you have a great goal in getting school finished up first. What are you studying? And I know it seems like its forever off... I was waiting for #1 for 5 1/2 years after we got married.... and it felt both like forever and gone in the blink of an eye. But its so worth the wait and you'll appreciate the time with just you and your SO :)

Here is our list! Please comment on the thread if you would like any information updated and I will do so! I can't wait until we can start rooting our members on in their TTC/Pregnancy journeys!


:yellow: TTC 2015 :yellow:
aidensxmomma (TTC #4)

krissie328-Kristina (TTC #2)

KalonKiki- Keely- (TTC #2) Swaying :pink:
skycastles (TTC #1)

cupcake (TTC #1)

disneydarling (TTC #2)
Rachel89 (TTC #2)

babydustcass- Cass (TTC #3)

:yellow: TTC 2016 :yellow:
NovemberSnow (TTC #1)
Jessica28 (TTC #2)
Bakedbean (TTC #1)
spunky84 (TTC #1)
ssarahh (TTC #1)
jessicasmum (TTC #3) Swaying :blue:

geordie_gal- Sian- (TTC #2)
littlesteph (TTC #3)

WhiteKhocol8- Ang- (TTC #1)


xx Emily xx (TTC #2)

rsherwood - Rach -(TTC #1)
MamaByrd - Kaylee ( TTC #1)
littleone1993 (TTC #2)

kksy9b- Kaity- (TTC #2)

greats (TTC #2)
Tweak0605 (TTC #2)
KitteyKat2010 (TTC #3)

Symphony7- (TTC #1)
jren- Jen- (TTC #1)
eak0605 (TTC #1)


CaliDreaming - Cali- (TTC #3)

Kiki1993 (TTC #1)
Cilla (TTC #1)

:yellow: Unknown :yellow:
babydino (TTC #1)
bornthiswayxo (TTC #1)
callmepaola (TTC #1)
tverb84 - Tara- (TTC #1)
DazedConfused (TTC #2)
LucyLadyBug (TTC #1)
AdriansMama (TTC #3)
Samiam03 (TTC #3)
dodgegirl98 - Kenzie- (TTC #1)
tinkerbelle93 (TTC #2)
bakedbean (TTC #1)
ja14 (TTC #1)
Ganton (TTC #3)
Noodlebear (TTC #2)
Johnson1212 (TTC #1)
mrs n (TTC #2)
MoonMaiden (TTC #1)
ernie3 (TTC #6)
oboeverity- Verity (TTC #3)
Debbie_23 (TTC #3)
mmy11 (TTC #2)
teacup22 (TTC #3)
TwilightAgain (TTC #1)
LucyLadyBug (TTC #1)
startingout (TTC #2)
June2012 (TTC #2)
mummy2_1 (TTC #2)
MissN8 (TTC #1)
xLeeBeex (TTC #1)
c1403 (TTC #3)
hunni12 (TTC #2)
adrie (TTC #2)
Hermione394 (TTC #1 together...4 bonus children)

:bfp:Expecting :bfp:
Pandora0814 (#2) - Due Feb 15, 2015 :blue:
LaurenH2B (#1) - Due Aug 4, 2015
Mrs. Eddie (#2) - Due Aug 19, 2015
LockandKey (#3)- Due Sept 12, 2015

:baby:Babies Born:baby:

:angel:Angels Remembered :angel:
Radiance - :pink: Elena Rosalie December 1, 2014

TTC #1 December 2015 at 12.01 am.
Cass- you should look into (if you haven't already) using online budgeting tools to help with this. My DH and I use Mint.com and it's great because you can use it to track every dollar. You set different categories and it's linked to your bank account so you see very clearly where you spend. It's user friendly and allows you to set and reach goals etc. And it's free! There are a lot of other tools out there too, this is just the one we like :) Congrats on being determined though on getting your finances in order. It is very liberating when you don't have to stress about money!

Ah that sounds brilliant, i am not sure how it would work for us though as we dont bring home a monthly wage. Both of us are self employed and I am paid in lumps around 3 or 4 times a year at the end of productions, with payment plans sometimes completed at random times and OH is pretty much the time, albeit he does get to take a monthly wage. Hmm! Im going to have to take a look into this because it would be nice to see exactly what we are spending in the next year, though we hope it will be minimal. We want something bigger desperately so are super determined to save the pennies! This weeks meal planning has been going down a storm too! :happydance: feels good not spending money and making savings. We cancelled our experian, adobe, and some useless phone insurance too since our phones are already covered under contents insurance- which i also need to look into because im not sure we are getting the best deal with that and home insurance. We also called BT and had them explain why our bill was so high and managed to remove several unused packages and also some £10 charge which weve been paying monthly for god knows how long and THEY didnt even know what it was! PAYS to check on these things :dohh:
I am dreading the day when Charles doesn't want to snuggle anymore and just trying to soak it in and enjoy it now. I'm the same way- I'm not really all that broody now because I still have a baby (he's still only 8 months old). But I think when he is weaned and we move it is going to hit me really badly!

From what you've said it doesn't seem like he will change his mind but I know it can be stressful to think about. :hugs:ben still goes back and forth on even wanting a second at all but now that Charles is (finally!) starting to sleep better he seems to be open the majority of the time.

My snuggling days are becoming fewer and fewer, smelly George thinks i am a soppy mummy, and whilst i do still get a bedtime kiss and cuddle, he rarely comes for a snuggle with me anymore- smelly boy! Mouse is still very much a snuggle bug and as long as you're not getting in the way of the TV (Dora) you can hang on as long as you like :haha::hugs:
Nothing like holding a small baby though is there- the smellllll
We meal plan too and it's a life saver for us as well, we waste much less food and spend less money overall on groceries :thumbup:
Hi ladies and welcome to 2015! We have just got back from a road trip with friends (we camped our way across Australia from Melbourne to Busselton on the west coast and back). With three weeks of holidays left, I am looking forward to a MASSIVE year ahead where we start seriously working towards babies. I have study to finish, health to improve and money to save. Fingers crossed for all of us to achieve our goals before our magic year comes up!
Ok so I think my period started today eleven days before I'm supposed to get it. This has never happened before and the only difference is that I started drinking protein powder last week. Does anyone know if that can effect your cycle in anyway? I'm so confused. :shrug:
Munchkinn- hello and welcome! I have added you to our list (second post). If your dates change let me know and I will update!

Cass- honestly, Mint has saved our finances. We had so much wasteful spending and didn't realize it. Once we started tracking we could really hone in on categories that were out of control (ie- eating out) and trim it to a much more reasonable amount. It has a lot of charts you can use as well and see your net worth etc. I think for you guys, you could use it to track spending, set goals and then look at yearly financial performance since your income isn't consistent in coming month to month. Good luck! It can seem intimidating at first but knowing where your money is going (however you choose to track) is honestly life changing and eye opening to how you view money.

Whitekhocol- welcome back!! Your trip sounds amazing! How long did it take you to do that?

Tara- hmm..strange. I don't have any experience bit hope you get it figured out!
I have no idea about protein powder effecting your cycle. I kinda agree maybe ask your doctor about it.

Whitekhocol- that really does sound amazing.

kk- I might have to look at mint. We have set some pretty lofty goals this year to get some major debt paid off. I know we eat out way to much so I definitely want to meal plan. I am kinda thinking if DH stays on days having it where he does the cooking a couple times a week. I think that would help a lot with eating at home more.

I am still hoping we make enough of a dent in the debt to start trying this summer. If not we will probably have to wait an entire year.
Thanks Mrs. Eddie and congrats on your little bean! I'm so happy and excited for you. :hugs: :flower:

Tara - I have no idea as I've never really had protein powder before. :shrug:

So the other day DF jumped me for the 3rd night in a row (never happens!) and told me that he was excited to TTC and definitely emotionally ready and just wants to feel financially ready before we TTC so FXd that he feels financially ready by July! :cloud9: :happydance:
Thanks Mrs. Eddie and congrats on your little bean! I'm so happy and excited for you. :hugs: :flower:

Tara - I have no idea as I've never really had protein powder before. :shrug:

So the other day DF jumped me for the 3rd night in a row (never happens!) and told me that he was excited to TTC and definitely emotionally ready and just wants to feel financially ready before we TTC so FXd that he feels financially ready by July! :cloud9: :happydance:

Thanks Hun :hugs:

Exciting re your DF; July really isn't that far away.
I'm not sure either Tara, maybe ask your doctor :shrug:

I had an ultrasound done at the end of October and she told me everything is fine in my uterus. I'm going to take a break from having a protein powder everyday to gym days only.
I'm going nuts. I don't think we'll be waiting all the way to January 2017. I see my surgeon a week from tomorrow, I'm going to see if he can give me a realistic timeframe.

I'm also going to talk to my primary about prep stuff I could be doing while I wait, I have my annual on Saturday.

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