Waiting and waiting...2016 mommies-to-be!

Krissie, what a gorgeous little guy, love that picture.

It is perfectly normal to go back and forth re TTC. We've had a bit of a rough week here with Isla and teething and sometimes I question both our sanity re having another :haha: I know it will all work out in the end though!
Good morning everyone! Hope you all have a wonderful Friday!

We have been super busy all week getting everything ready to list the house and move. I am halfway through my list so making great progress! Charles cut his last tooth yesterday! Just waiting for the whole thing to come through and then we can (hopefully) get a nice long break!


I am a little late in doing this this month, but want to start posting each month as new ladies start TTC to help root them on!

1. That it's not over until AF comes.
2. That many ladies get false negatives
3. That implantation happens 6-12 dpo
4. That we are here for you no matter what

aidensxmomma (TTC #4)
That's a great idea Kaity! Good luck aidensxmomma, lots of luck and :dust:. :bunny: :thumbup:
It feels like my baby lust has vanished. :shrug: The last time I felt it was at least a month ago or more. I am excited about having a nephew or niece in July!!! :happydance:
Well I am back again ladies, unfortunately my pregnancy ended prematurely and I experienced a miscarriage early this morning :cry:

DH and I would still like another, but we are taking some time off to heal, and the fear of a repeat miscarriage is still there. DH took it especially hard. Maybe in a month or so when it's not so tender a subject we can start planning again.
Oh no LockandKey, I'm so sorry. :nope: :hugs:
We're all here for your and we'll all be hoping/praying that your next bean is a sticky one.
i am so so sorry lockandkey :hugs: :hugs: Praying that your forever baby will be here soon. When you are ready let me know when you will be TTC and I will update.
oh hun, i am so sorry. I will be thinking of you and hope that your forever baby comes soon :(
I've got to play catch-up a little. I've been MIA - focusing on my college classes and then visiting with family. :)

krissie - That picture is so cute. He's adorable! <3

I completely understand going back and forth re TTC, too. I'm committed to TTC and having my long-awaited rainbow, but there's some days where I ask myself if I'm crazy. :haha: I mean, it's been over three years since I've been pregnant/had a baby and my kids are now school-age so sometimes I wonder why in the world I would want to go through all the baby and toddler stages again. I worry about all the changes that having another baby will bring. But I know I still want one, even though I worry sometimes.

kk - Thanks for think of us that are no longer WTT :flow: The little tips you gave were exactly what I needed to hear at the moment. AF is 5 days late with no BFP yet. It's been a tad frustrating.
LockandKey - im so sorry to hear your sad news :( Your in my thoughts :hugs:

*sigh* i think my OH wants to push back out ttc date, im feeling very down about it :( And now, after that conversation occured i think iv messed up my charting (im new to it).
I've let my oh see my chart (to prevent - details in my journal) discussed it with him etc and iv forgotten how the conversation went now but he seems to think its all my responsibility and an 'accident' would be my fault. I had words with him about it and said im being completely honest, showed him my predicted fertile days and said we wont dtd around then, which we didnt and said theres nothing stopping him from wrapping his willy! (He doesnt like them). Now, to top it all off i think iv miscalculated and we actually dtd 2 days before ovulation instead of 6. Now im worried and cant be happy if we've conceived as i know he wont be happy and will feel like iv done it on purpose :( I never thought id say it but i hope i get af this month. I feel like i should either abstain from sex or go back on the pill which makes me miserable. I don't think i can cope with being blamed and made to feel guilty if we ended up conceiving.
Sorry, i just needed a rant :( What would you ladies do?
how do you feel about going on contraception again? Would it give you more peace of mind than your methods now? If you took the pill there is nothing stopping you TTC right away as soon as you are both ready?

Sorry hes pushed the date back :( Thats not what we want to hear but you are in good company here during the wait. Why does he want to push back the date if you dont mind me asking.
how do you feel about going on contraception again? Would it give you more peace of mind than your methods now? If you took the pill there is nothing stopping you TTC right away as soon as you are both ready?

Sorry hes pushed the date back :( Thats not what we want to hear but you are in good company here during the wait. Why does he want to push back the date if you dont mind me asking.

It does give me peace of mind yes, but due to my endometriosis, fibroids and daily migranes, I'm only allowed on one type of contraception now which is the mini pill and i absolutely hate it! I'v tried 3 different types and the side effects i get are just awful (panic attacks, depression, anxiety, daily nausea, palpatations, acne, weight gain). I loved the combined pill but they won't let me on it anymore and i can't have the coil, injection or implant either (due to the hormones which could 'feed the endometriosis, as the GP's say and also the location of the coil which is where some of my endo is = severe pain). So i really don't want to go back on the pill and neither does my OH. He has the option to pull out or use condoms but he chooses not too :shrug:

Thank you, it's nice to be able to talk to you ladies about it and know i'm not alone :hugs:

It's because he feels 2017 would be a better time for a LO, not only because he feels that is when he would feel ready and would like a child but also because he said that it would be hard for me to be pregnant in my last 6 months of university, which i agreed with. However he also agrees with me that it would be harder finding my graduate job when i graduate if im visibly pregnant! Plus having a LO for when we originally planned, would mean i would have it just as i finish uni and would give me 9 months with our baby before starting work as we are not allowed to practice until we are registered with a professional body (HCPC) which won't be until october 2017. So it wasn't a 'No' but i'v certainly taken his wish on board and would push it back a few months so that our LO would be born in the first few months of 2017 as opposed to the last few months of 2016, which is what he would prefer. I don't want to but i want to make him happy too!

I did just have a chat with him though about 'accidents' and asked if he would be angry with me if that happened and i also again asked if he wanted me to go back on the pill. He said he wouldn't be angry, he wouldn't leave me and no he thinks it's better for me to be off the pill. So i'm a bit confused now considering the last conversation, but a lot more relieved :)

I just don't know whether to go back on the pill anyway for peace of mind despite neither of us wanting me to, or to carry on with charting with my OH having the full knowledge that it's not 100% effective and im still learning, so accidents might happen!

Gosh, sorry for the essay! I hope i'v made sense :haha: I worry i'm sounding naive but i just want to do the right thing :( :wacko:
I tried charting/the rhythm method before DS and that's how I ended up pregnant. So this time we're using condoms and pulling out. Btw my DF hated using condoms the first time around and didn't pull out either but now that he's seen that it definitely leads to accidents if he doesn't he's been more than happy to do both this time around. Let your OH know that couples that don't use condoms/birth controll normally get pregnant within a year whether they mean to or not (DF and I made it to 7 months of technical NTNP even though we were preventing in our own minds when we got pregnant). So basicially if he thinks that it's better for you to be off the pill (and it sounds like that is really what's best for you) but refuses to pull out or wear a condom then it is actually his fault if an accident occurs, not yours. There is only so much you can do to try and predict which days are safe and which ones aren't and there are always factors (sometimes cycles can be unpredictable even if you normally have regular cycles).
Thank you KalonKiki, that was really helpful and something i really needed to hear :hugs: I'll definitely be relaying what you've said as you've summed it up so nicely! Hopefully I can get him to understand it's his responsibility too...he's certainly informed probably more than he wants to be about my charting :haha:
My dh hates condoms too but we tried a several different ones and found one we both can deal with. I think it's better than risking it before you are ready.
I'm so sorry LockandKey, my heart honestly breaks for you. Sending you tons of :hugs: and support.

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