Waiting and waiting...2016 mommies-to-be!

Hi Ladies! Do you mind if I join? I have been married to DH for almost 8 years now! He is 26 and I 25. We have one son after a struggle to get pregnant which luckily only took one year. I never thought dh would want a second child after he told me he doubted he'd change his mind back to wanting two after having our first. But dreams do come.true and he told me.last night he wants another baby. We are waiting to try until November of 2016 and hoping our two frozen embryos can get the job done! :)
Aidens- I'm sorry you weren't able to get the duplex but I am sure something even better will come along soon :flower: And yay about cycle 2 finally starting! Are you going to be using OPK's this month to track ovulation?

We're keeping our fingers crossed that we find the perfect place. We checked out another duplex and that one was a bust, too. It was just way too small for a family of four, so the hunt continues. I know we'll find something eventually, but I'm so impatient. :haha:

I'm going to be using OPKs this cycle. I think it'll help ease my mind a little. I haven't started taking them yet but I think I'm going to start next week.

Can you update that I started ttc #2 jan resulted in chemical and back ttc again this month x

I'm very sorry to hear of your chemical. :hugs: Good luck TTC this month!

Ok Here's a picture of the two onesies I bought yesterday. There sooooo cute. <3


Those onesies are adorable, Tara! :) I want to get some like that for my nephew.

AFM - TTC is going by slowly it seems, but when I think about it, I realize I'm on month 3 already. That seems crazy to me!

Almost two weeks ago my apartment was broken into. :growlmad: Nothing major was stolen fortunately, however, my lock box with prescriptions was stolen. And even worse, my OH had bought me an engagement ring a couple weeks ago and that was in the lock box, too. :( I could care less about the prescriptions, but my future engagement ring being stolen makes me really upset. :nope:
That sucks about your apartment being broken into. Our house has been broken into once or twice in the past.

I'm watching The Notebook it's the only romantic movie that I really like.
I forgot to add to my post:

Welcome to the new members for the group! :flower:

And Happy Valentine's Day to everyone! :hugs:
Thank you for the welcome ladies. Hope all had a lovely valentines day...we celebrate tonight!
Thank you for the welcome ladies. Hope all had a lovely valentines day...we celebrate tonight!

What are you doing to celebrate?

My OH and I aren't celebrating until Thursday. We plan on going out for dinner and then coming home and cuddling and watching our favorite tv show - King of the Nerds. :haha:
Does anyone know where you can buy change tables that turn into dressers? My mom is going to buy one for Lindzy.
Does anyone know where you can buy change tables that turn into dressers? My mom is going to buy one for Lindzy.

I have seen them at stores that sell other baby items. I know for Target has them.
Hi Ladies! Do you mind if I join? I have been married to DH for almost 8 years now! He is 26 and I 25. We have one son after a struggle to get pregnant which luckily only took one year. I never thought dh would want a second child after he told me he doubted he'd change his mind back to wanting two after having our first. But dreams do come.true and he told me.last night he wants another baby. We are waiting to try until November of 2016 and hoping our two frozen embryos can get the job done! :)

Hello and welcome! I have added you to our list (second post). Let me know if your dates change and I will update!
krissie- congrats on getting an offer made!! Have you heard yet if it was accepted? Hope you all start feeling better soon!

aidens- so sorry to hear about your place being broken into! It is terrible that your ring was stolen but thankfully no one was hurt. I hope you are able to get it recovered :flower:

AFM, all is going well! The offer on our house fell through and is back on the market. Interest in it picked right back up and I am confident it will sell soon. Things are moving right along on the new house! We close next Friday, get possession in 3 weeks and move in 4!

In baby related news, I brought up a proposal with my DH tonight. I really want to try, at least one month, for a fall baby. I asked him to think on trying in January. If we aren't successful, then sticking with May or possibly even pushing it back a couple months so that the new baby wont have to share a bday month with so many other people (my family is all spring babies) AND HE DIDN'T SAY NO!! I asked him to think on it and to revisit once we get settled. I feel like there is a good chance of him going for it, but we will see. In any case, it may only be 10 months until we give it a go!
Only three more days until I know if I'm going to have a nephew or niece!!! :happydance: It feels like I'm moving into a new phase in my life if that makes sense.
We still haven't heard back on the house. I am hoping tomorrow we do.

Good luck Tara, it is exciting finding out the gender. I was almost as excited finding out my sister was having a boy as I was finding out the gender of my son.

In other news I am having a hard time waiting. I am on CD 2 and really thought we would start ttc this month. But due to buying a house and not making progress towards my own health goals I know we shouldn't. But the next 4 months or so should fly by given how the last 7 have!
Love the onesies Tara, very cute!

Sorry the offer on your house fell through Kksy, hope you get another one very soon! Exciting that you may be TTC soon too. :happydance:

Krissie, hope you get good news on the house. Awesome that your TTC date is coming up quickly too!

Aidens, I'm so sorry about the break in and your future engagement ring getting stolen, I hope that it was insured at least. :nope:

Things here are good, very cold, I'm so ready for Spring. I'm still feeling tired but not nearly as sick as I was feeling, which is nice.
Yeah I can't wait to give them to her. It's been very cold here too, there's even a cold advisory here until Saturday. :cold:
Just a couple more days Tara! I think someone may have asked, but are they doing a gender reveal of any kind or just letting you know?

How is everyone doing?
Less than 24 hours to go!!! She said she's going to make cupcakes with either blur or pink icing inside to let us know. I'm really excited!!!! :happydance:
kk - Sorry about your offer falling through. :( I'm glad that interest in it has picked right back up, though. Hopefully it'll sell quickly :flower:

That's great that your OH is considering TTC in January! :happydance:

Krissie - Have you heard back about the house yet? I really hope these next four months fly by for you!

Mrs. Eddie - Unfortunately, it wasn't insured. :nope: We're hoping it gets recovered, but I'm not counting on it. We're just going to cut our losses with it and get me a new one. We've got some time before OH will propose anyway.

I'm glad you're starting to feel better. :) I hear you about being ready for spring. We're going through an arctic blast at the moment and it's so cold that schools are closing down. I can't wait until this winter is over. On the bright side, the days are getting longer, which is nice.

Tara - That's such a sweet way to announce. :) I'm so excited for you! You'll have to come update us right away when you find out. :haha:

AFM - Nothing really new to update on. There's not a whole lot going on in my life. :haha: College and looking for a new rental is taking up a lot of my time. But being busy has had it's perks...I haven't been stressing about TTC every day which is so nice compared to last cycle.
Excited for you Tara, you'll have to tell us as soon as you know!

Thanks Aidens, I was feeling a bit better than crappy again yesterday and today, hope it passes soon. I'm so sorry to hear that your ring wasn't insured, exciting that you are looking at getting another one though! Also, good for you re not obsessing over TTC, that can be really tough while you're in the middle of it.

Hope everyone else is well :flower:
Well we did not get the house. So I am hopeful there is something even better out there for us!

We have one house we are liking but it needs some updating and would need new carpets before we moved into it. We were discussing last night offering them a lower price since its been on the market since July and seeing what happens. I am hoping to go for a second tour this weekend before we make a decision.

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