Waiting and waiting...2016 mommies-to-be!

Sorry the first house didn't work out Krissie, but as you said I'm sure something better will come along :thumbup:

If you can get that other house for a cheaper price that would be great. If it's been on the market that long I'm sure they would be flexible and then you could use the extra money to fix the house up to your standards/taste. Hopefully you'll be able to go see it again this weekend.
Sorry about the house krissie :(

You can come by mine! Lol. But really, the right one will come along for you guys, hopefully soon!
Sorry about the house krissie :(

You can come by mine! Lol. But really, the right one will come along for you guys, hopefully soon!

Thanks! We put another offer on a house that came on the market today. It is two blocks from our current rental and we love our neighborhood. We offered over the list price since it was under priced so I am hoping it's enough.

There are two basement bedrooms with built in desks and a shared bathroom. I thought it would be perfect for our kids when they reach adolescents and want space.

Poor dh didn't even see the house before I put the offer on it. I am so glad he trusts me.
I'm going to have a niece in July. :happydance: Lindzy said the doctor wanted to get three pictures of the baby's heart but she was moving too much. The cupcake she made to tell us was so good. Can't wait to have another tomorrow.
I'm going to have a niece in July. :happydance: Lindzy said the doctor wanted to get three pictures of the baby's heart but she was moving too much. The cupcake she made to tell us was so good. Can't wait to have another tomorrow.

Congratulations!! Nieces are so much fun and you will have such a special bond with her!
Sorry about the house krissie :(

You can come by mine! Lol. But really, the right one will come along for you guys, hopefully soon!

Thanks! We put another offer on a house that came on the market today. It is two blocks from our current rental and we love our neighborhood. We offered over the list price since it was under priced so I am hoping it's enough.

There are two basement bedrooms with built in desks and a shared bathroom. I thought it would be perfect for our kids when they reach adolescents and want space.

Poor dh didn't even see the house before I put the offer on it. I am so glad he trusts me.

That is awesome!! All my fingers are crossed that you get it!
Congrats on your niece Tara. I agree, girls are lots of fun to shop for!

Good luck with your new offer Krissie, hope it works out. Did you get to show DH pictures of it at least before you put the offer in :haha:
I'll post a picture tomorrow of the cupcakes Lindzy made.
Congrats on finding out that you're having a neice, Tara! Neices and nephews are so much fun and I think that you'll make a great aunt. :D

Sorry I haven't been as active lately ladies! We've been pretty busy here, just got our tad returns in not too long ago (yay!) so we got our car sorted out and paid off a short term loan. We also have plans to get a washer and dryer set ASAP. I've been going a little nuts waiting lately. Like, I'm fine for the most part on any given day, but every time that DF and I DTD he always mentions how excited he is to start trying for our next baby and it makes me really broody for the rest of the night. I still can't believe that I only have a minimum of 4 more cycles to go before we start trying. It feels like this has taken forever, but at the same time it feels like it's flown so fast. It's hard for me to believe that DS is old enough now for it to be perfectly acceptable for us to start trying for another baby. I guess it just doesn't feel like it's been that long since he was a swaddled newborn in my arms, it feels like he should still be a baby to me. He's growing so fast, his new thing is that he'll open his mouth into a gasp expression and say "oh man".
Krissie - Good luck with the house you put an offer on! I hope you get it!

Tara - Congrats on finding out it's a little girl! :)

Keely - Sounds like you've been really busy! I'm glad you were able to do some productive things with your tax return. I'm still waiting on mine, but when I get it, it'll probably go to fixing up my car so I can actually drive it again. I hate being without a car...makes me feel like I've lost my independence.

I'm sure that the rest of your time waiting will fly by. I know that when I look back on my time waiting, it seemed like it lasted forever, but really, it went by pretty quickly. Some days are definitely harder than others, though.

What your DS does sounds so cute! :haha:

AFM - I'm back in the TWW; feeling more confident about this cycle than last cycle. :thumbup: I'm just hoping this TWW doesn't drag by.

Still been searching for a place to move to. We're going to see a place on Sunday and then I have to call about another one today, so maybe we'll find one that we feel is the right place to call home. I have to keep reminding myself that we have time to figure it out, but I'm so impatient. :dohh:
FXed, lots of :dust: and good luck with house hunting! :thumbup:
I'm glad that you're feeling more confident this cycle. :D

I forgot to mention that apparently last month was a fluke, my cycle haven't regulated like I thought they had. :nope:
I'm currently on CD31 and getting really tired of irregular periods. I know my doctor said that it could take a few months after weaning for my cycles to become regular, but my last cycle really got my hopes up. :grr:
Eh! We got our offer declined and we offered 20k over list price and it was declined again. Something so fishy is going on with that situation.

We have decided to go have a second look at one we already looked at. Its in the right neighborhood and has a good amount of square feet but it needs some updating.
That's a bit odd that your offer of over 20k was turned down. You would think it would be taken.
What a fun gender reveal!

It is weird when you consider we don't live in an expensive area. But we keep coming back to this other house so hopefully tomorrow will help us decide if we will make an offer.
Krissie- so sorry about the house! The right one will definitely come along though! Let us know how it goes with the second look at the other house!

Tara- cute cupcakes! Does your brother and his GF live close by so that you will be able to spend a lot of time with Madison?

Keely- welcome back! No need to apologize...life happens! I can't believe you are down to only 4 more cycles! That time is going to FLY by...and there is a wedding too! How is the planning coming along? And sorry about the cycles...they WILL regulate, just give them time! You had 2 years with pregnancy and BF'ing that they were off...but I am sure by the time summer rolls around you will be good to go! The last 2 cycles for me have been on track and I am just crossing my fingers that they stay so. But we are still BF'ing at least 2 more months and probably closer to 6 so I'm not keeping much hope that they will stay on track.

Aidens-awesome news on the TWW!! I really really hope it is the last one for you before your rainbow :flower:

AFM- we are back under contract on our house! Hoping to make it through all of the inspection process this time and be able to reach a mutually beneficial agreement. We are set to close in less than a week on the new house and it will be such a relief to have this one settled by the time we actually move.

In other news, Charles and I are both sick. He has a double ear infection and a cold (which he shared with me). We are staying in as much as possible and doing lots of cuddles. He has practically zero interest in solid food and just wants to nurse. Really takes me back to his NB days when we would just spend so much time feeding and bonding. He also learned how to play peekaboo yesterday and how to drink from a straw (OMG...I hope I can stop having to use leaky sippy cups!). I just can't believe how big he is getting! Starting to plan his 1st birthday and will really get working on it once we are settled (and have a printer!)
They live about 15 mins away so not very far and she'll probably come here a lot. I'm not sure if her name will be Madison because Lindzy says it's too popular. Today my mom told me she wants to sell our dining room table so we'll have room when she (the baby) comes over. Our house isn't too big two floors, three bedrooms upstairs, one bathroom and no basement.
Krissie, sorry about the house, that really sucks. Hope the other one works out. House hunting really is stressful, I remember being so excited to start looking before we bought our house and then getting so sick of it after awhile...

Kksy, glad that your house is back under contract! Sorry that you and Charles are both sick; ear infections are the worst! Isla has had four this year, we actually have an appointment with a ENT doctor this week to see if they think she would benefit from having tubes put in :cry:

Aidens, yay for the TWW, have everything crossed for you!

Keely, nice to see you back here :hi: Wow, really not long at all until you are TTC again, that did go by quickly!

AFM, not much is new. Busy weekend as always, at least I'm feeling better now, which is nice. Currently working on weaning Isla right now, which is nice but also sucks; I loved BFing her but I think my supply is drying up and I don't want to tandem feed so figure it is best to start the process now so she doesn't blame the new baby for not being able to nurse anymore. And I can't believe that my baby is 18 months old, seriously, where has the time gone :cry:

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